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Times Advocate, 1998-09-23, Page 12
Tnfh'� Athhltatt Selrt('ntlh:, ? 3 ' POP, (-)AlA.4LIN 1TV Sign of the sporting times it's back.•.Tne Exeter Community Par!, soli is back up a' tnt entranc( r: t4,.• S(htt. rrum' ilei: Centfe facilities: Exeter PUC stafr ate seen.nert' a* the enc' O! ir)stilllrn,' rm. sign Uacl r. nghttu' plact. i-lanultof' s Machine 'Stop.pla tot. won 4,I „tfE' nev :Slur. Uastnt-s: ovine •- ' i.averne! '1arpiltat' said the sign Has been sown ro' severa' year. Atte c4. two; and. irnCcKa: i• Ir QOWI. Toe QIC) Slur! sal negiectd:' "rr?' 1.1 couoif • o' vete", netarf u vii away t:' tri Sum;. Toe. net# 'snlf►l slgn`featiJres writ=' sourrrel:, n'! eltnt 'Sint Council defers decision on boat storage 414:) li)... - ..•UI(:11 44.•4 ..-I:.i'.- :rum:, I'11111-. (1: 'V 1: 114, 11' 1111) 1• ,:,lilt ....C...:-, 2.:_:.t 11.....I,t1:1'4,, ,.,.:Ir• i -/)11':. .1. .1.. . 4. ,::ii1' if.):..: ilia! ,. .. . .. ii C:1,- •tuniiiitunlit i',Ili -: urnITUl ,11. f : 1, •4411'-.- 44:.-4'.1.11'4'• 11011 ". ,.:.:'•,- u.' 27-:1':[711. ;:111.1' :4:144:7: a lit. lilt 174'.4 4. Cd' .12)41. ,:It,t,..:: • .,'Uln rxii11I It'" (17: _1 U(;.74 1.11:' .). ._L:!!•,. Cl.' 2.t:, 11.:0 111'. 4,1_.4:1111: :•1144 h.•` ',.. . • +I1.1HT..111 -14, 11,111:` : 1:144. 11rlal 1•:1111lt11. Is. . :112;. 4.wil:'•' 11' (:''.)iia 1:7..1.2 :1..L11'...•! .111„`: .)LITtel:"U <It)li'• .2•!IC.•t 41::1: •..I44s111l IT: . _u, 1, 4.1'..L.: 1'14a,,1111n_ 44',447 It 1)4111: 41' . 111.4.2 [1:- ,. v.•111.!.":v.•111.!.":.441114 (11. ' _)Illi el. " • ,'l)Ull 1':t -.V 11. :[4J11^: • pit)•::11.2 _.11:•-'I1.4'_•: • U,U.II ,L.1,1:(7.( ;Ky. 1:- .,iYl"-.: ti1,.:2J1111C' 4_1111)•.111: 1n): -.42-. '"44:1 • 4.3' 4'2.• int , 4.,1:11112 41.14• 41, rill':-. it U,• . . in. neat. 4) ..•111.1g.'tri!I! .)1 .. iial?llr 14 141• 1+),,7 ,ug;.11:•11C( ..,AIL:.:I- 1.-4 l!.. .)4:44::1 14! •.11 111.1O. ..'U)1:11 I,• j1'Tlt. C. 11 1'- 111.1114.2,.. ri. a_- I"'. -1 .CI1 1• 114; ::,I,i•li.L 412... 1%ian;; .)...U.1 4)4.211 :)urrt11' • :41.-:..12 4'•11,:1 1.114444 1,•2.-)11. (4ll 1, . • VpCI 1., 4. _ \.:u:'411 ' 111: 422::1 . . ;In1a ; 1C: ':U: '4,144:' •11;ura/. sal. . .n 41•. 41x1 ,_,.t.1:-.... : 1 -'14 motion, 2.1.1 Ue1C.14Ct. Et .4'U1(.1 1(C,Ue( 1111)1' 11• - Ill: .ft1.144t•> •.,_ _t' 4'2 J441' . 4'411)::1 I41:(IL-3._C - (111111111 2. .I,:rt1IJ11'') ;4114th 141 prom's'-'' 1'14 argutt. Irl: .Iii,ly_ . '..r• .1.14:'. (11 '414,2 -.mum:- 1111,-I!illrl7: ;inti.t-.1001.• 41.1. .Jr,: afoul nos, mu:t. _ 1... '2:121. •404:4'-. _.l.' '):... I . :.1)11711:1 1)t ':)C: . :i• '4 \2.1. 41;t' Y_11(UJ11' 1114 ., 1-1i51411r.17' 141 1110 2.111!•••:', :1111 (g)2.•rdt: ! 11 In: Su(?21St•:. ' '. - Snowmobiles might be banned in Exeter ►Sea was Drougri- up a - last weep s Poiic€ Services Boar° as.& possir_ le scltjtlor to concerns ove'- public.safet\ - h'. Craig bradtor4' 7,-22 kei)r,rle• )4X1 1:1 - •1u4vi. _1111!:4 ?!,2.2'. 1, tial . wuwnlunllt '.Ynul2 l..2. 1121114: oeillr: 414:4 >IIU4 (lit'. • 4 4. . 4.>L': I l~ '11uwtllinllt•. UpC •- 4441 4uW4. %141 »ruUglti UI! J1 4V1.. I',;IIC:-5'Lri'1CC� 1:111(4'4 Mee. . 1)4341 '.It't'•CIWIr4)Jr)VI 1•ll»v:4(: 'Jia' its) e(: 44(41( 4 it • 1)t. 111'4:. 1114 4.1Uc Ilei Ut'. ::Vniti1Jlnt - ath)UsJICI' (x•11. ..,424111 -Vllll)1J1111 tUV_U111C111Ct 11- .Iu44eC UC>pal.slll� (11121114' ,.-I. >lU: • 42.',81.:• 4124.' 0311!1!4. INC'l4.111 UD _ hlol1Jt 1..314 snuwnlubue 1 w1)., • IUhu, 2.1! sam. • I4.w UIIU ' lin rt. J. J11,. -0111..." • e111.1e 1.'4. 4,l: war. •.44,44 lilt" 01'1• CJI' llt.K•.' 111001llt.. lilt CJ' 4411 llut.) (1444.14 • Sl11wr44U4)11t:> 11.42: 1. CGnt:r? 4nti•te!l>Ir411011 41111: 44(414.1:! C41: lydy► uU 011Ct1Ue1. -ISU FWUw'ugellnuo11' .414Uth: int 014' 114. it' ' Stul ((1 OIICIiti444 >)4uWll101)141.' first >t tilt'- d1 1•V1:. 111). 11•.:::•.•:..S11 11 111: 024:11C• U •, 111. 1'2. .-411 111. •:11JIgtx. -.• "4%•.. all. Kuuv. 4: w14) (4..411:1.111 (ii, 111•. 11,14,2 . 2' 4;44•.4 snuv - 1);t)1i11• KIM. Il..1 .IUI.1• 114 1.411 .IUUIII: 0111..CI, SIIVul( ('t -Cyull)Ir:l- w1111 sl,;52i11V1111e' • ' ' 1%1011x lJtt' " .Jli (4441411. tsar Irac.n. cowl, ollendel 1, that loin out lit' 'int I4.4lS(e1e4 uwi1C 1)l lin snuwl11OI►1i• 224th sonic iegwurK kohen.uri sant 44utvtx hitvinv 1)i•. Ileer. o. 411-1ttfJID veliitie. could be lilt •4il.w4' t244 )41.41' �Jlt: sl ll 2VUI(: 11.444 It 4.'1, ,• 1, lilt 'JIT Illa.t9U.11(CI 111,11 .111:2 u•:14:311neni 44121:1.1• 111.1( IMP. 111 e({U14)n1e11_ . 1(41.44,14' A1 1 412' 1440414' ueplu)ec 13411, 11 lilt, 4d' 111)1111 WIICIt !heli art (L. UI ballnteti'alea, .Inc 111414, widc-u(11'n spaces ..•fht• chances 01 ming able to ge' • that tetquipinent arc. gum slun.- slic sats: 11iebne; sant n ulav 4.)t? lout• 1114 1114• Iuwll 12, loon at other uptli/ns 1)i l uding 41(4,114,14 snowmobiles wllli In town limits 41i together Huugenbuonl didn't wan( to label r4,-wwn snowulublit owners as of- 1endeisaddlig trust utlendels W I1*C 41011, 13014.4(121 1410 IOW 4, . Uuw111t• said sunlethl11g should be dune to address the problem "No person should alraid al ietlulg tnclr grandchildren outdoors ill tills town ' 414 Bald Collier notes hunt the tiKelut4! 4 I'VhI%' atticer for "Lau ter' ;2141.1 2.l. U1._( 1111 ":11, .,'tt'(UC! 4,1:. 112,. -) I)'. 1.1'.' .':1144':•:111`:I;.-1141,. 1; 2.(2' .11.11Urr I.. 2.:,K:11.I!1:•:1 :12,0.142: 1.,144 Wel!. 44,4' hC•:; 141 0,21.AW1 - ,w1)' i) 11-•111. 1(11: 41%44. )ti' t rf 4.414 4,1: 4.144'Ul, (,i 11 1 JIIII/ef :1111 " • I 1.2 :111\'.11:: ..4411 1.111.11 Itq• :11:" 41)1:1- 1t Jptl:.' til' ,1444.4 1; 111,1, .4011( 111'- -'4114 14x1:t 111111 ,4411 411_'1: 1 - V1:-- )111)111: t114114111!121114. 11411• d' 4241...,41 111111! ,1(121.1 Cite. J.• 4IL4t1.11-Jul,: 011:_e 1'.14:1- 'IUI{tiC (J(4: 1:: KuWl. 1.11. 1.I(: 10W14,1411 1 :11.• 144.:1( 1, 1dK: -of Ill'- ll 1.111/1 ,14!1 - U' l!: 1.44.ttr ))K' :IIIUICCIlle4.1 0111Le' ,,W4. ,:'.• 4 111111. ,14!1 111441 1'.1 e11 ' 1`1111)1,1): tl-_IUo11l: .d51v.41)' •ligge•t1l Off )llt7 . •4'. i41/1 1,111'' 4:... `..1(1,1) C)oJan4 4111,411. ,1.11'rl•. .12•_•:l 111111 -414!) tn. sato 12.):• trtnui(' 1)i •) tllllll-61., i.. 4.('.1 .'\,' I - , 1):1.1>•. CII II :.:l1Ctl, 0111':•..• :' '.,•:1 l„1.414 1{::14,1Y_'! 1.0'.• :4414 MCI .1 - 414C4(0: 414!1: 44)2. .11'1'1:4.:':11•:4 "1, I'2:i)_In• .4uuu (u- LOUIC 144'. 1,'r f(2. I - - 1121 I. '' 4.,.u' -2•• J ;,(ill 1111- "W111 1)'Ull(_,pJ1111.. (!14,41.. I(- - "u, 4. ',111•. 1'.,I/ICl1 14.2 . 1./421: JO; , 124.447:. 7":111'x-_ 4(' „42.•. 11 (4(1.•11:1• 1,;11'-2'..4 .,4))1 1)l V2.,J1•' 4•.•:4 • 21'U(( (114K• _''ll:• 1, , f Ili, 1 It ! f 111)4 ' ., It Uf Y_'1iWl. call. (i.1111)1)4i 11 1 ). '2.O 11„ . I1t:l rl:fnt'1 >d:1i u'. 1'•:11C2.t 41: ',WI 111)11_1...• , i111/0:C11. ,1)11 0141: 11) 4).1112114 Jut 0111C1 4)IUb)Cl1. hu Ill'. .11 11(1.111 IIf(.:1111n:1 KCI•. 11 10%1 2'.1;4414 )': 1111)1: ':2.l• e; .711 1,12.1): U .14,1(4444' 1141)4? 4011:-V'.d It'•:ln't (1434:. Ir, 1.444 Ulit:_ ,lot 1111V!se111(11, h 11): WN.1- I4ulx:(t>VI .14414..4. 1.4,111 -1 4 . ))44C' U)4l: ;Il(. 4)144 11.1.41114.' Jr: 2.)144 111 rice' wolf 01 14(44' Uut'- h . Lx11 e: .111114.- 111131141'. 21.4)U4(. 471112144: 4)2151111'4. 1; • suit. M011J❑ .1.41(4. mull. 12(1 4.1'.2,44 01414.• o.oun4 1): ann. 11' pit. 1144: setVICC- h- .111•. (UWl. 1112 .UI'!' sunlit, 4.411 1.011 a, Ieguld4 Dat!: "II Ilit.1(42111 warns t:ullthlelli: 44 1(14' cont i can 1 gu41ianter ilia: sin- sJic "Vv c h.wc (0 be where (hi p4. larl(IC. 7 rutin cancer(\' DOJO., ill.. U „Cil pll.)I44: 44. IUI1,4I1'I ..1 it 5, 11.1111. 1111114)1:_ 411)l 44 ((4224 (44.4(10ln! 1(411111(4 14:1' .2 1'Iunu11JU12 • i(Jr.4 - 4)4. ILN'4 nit saint- 4)1UnHT44 J ,11)1 Horton,- Uu22441'_ 2-411 '"1: - , 22043Ue1 4.111111:14(44. qil 1 1.)11411 Unt sug2esllu1) wJs. n. 1114,114,.41: some Mann S'. parnul4: spot. 114 (!'. 4te2t 0' ill It 1/114)1052 41)11)liln A110111e1 suggesuvn was wltke11u14. Mani St It. nla4,4,.lvun1 lot J (44: 'u11: 1JIIl • 12u)t4414 Said t:i1t11111a1(lt:4 1444. pati. Ino` spun 221(• J belle) Rico 4.1444.12 wlslbiIit a lbc 111411, Inublein Lett -turn lana, 411 124aln Si. ilea) the I(..iA and ulhez aleti. ulcludu14' 41 S.tildels St.. 11:44 valutuart where 14(4. new Canadian '11)c _sluts will Ix• bull and '11111 Flu11011S will Ix stud ied by rile town neat year . • A letter to the eduol 1n last week's. 'Tiles -Advocate :putted discussion un speeders along Hutun Sc`L "At, person should bE' a/rued v4. letting their, grundchildrei! outdoon in L own. '• 10U1•224- •104. It:- 111•. t•)IU1),IU2)2 4)a[Jlt:, :22iv. nr salt Fit Nal( 111a111", 1111. toils(, (1.1.'. (I(t(44.uu. slUpplll}• a• 4uu)-2J' slop`• 44. 'IIIc- Wllltc Ulfl 11141 122 condition- ! ondit1(411.41', .1(1444•( Min -v..1 slop-- .1, )111111 t0111C1. putt:' :1 4)12)124.41. 144 eIlll;l4,ell4. :1nc -4.e1V1CC 211144.12.'- .1110 :544:4:22 111111` c01114)iI4iIICC 1..2 141:114') .NI)hllloll Mol141t said 1444,4 naps culi4tl 4)2. . 's44 u4.' 11): noir, 114(4. O Fiulu! til ' VNelllil4iul 5: alit: !1)12 end-. 01 141.111' S' 1 11411114' ,•1144:114!11 'u4. int 4.441. 11111111' (11ah1C11• .1)' -1111)1111111`• 4(1(4 111! .411) ,14!1 ill )ltg4(C 1101`. .11 Ui') 4)41' n '_.11'.2.1( sn)1/ 14gI4 mime/ (:rn(c Staab 4;11(114. s(a11Sllt'- iltlll' Au' 4111.4. (tout' worm:0-00' /" ,1(U.I • nom' worked -706.f, 1)vertu11l i 5. tfd:L's-.. dun, thefts -i, flier 111111 441.-('. 4)42'.1:44: (hells- 5. tout Melts- 2i' (_1111111 Ludt chaise:. 1.1. Ell 1.1r charges ' . Liquur-Llccn4t Act ell:netts-5. -Municipal bylaw charges• 1 . assaults -4. dUIIIesl►t (u C•1(1etlls• I sUspiciou' 4x1su111 rC parted -2. lily Aunt, I missing. 4xlsuns under age 1: 4:purts- 1 ac :Idents Causlu4' 111)n1 lc:, .'. 11011- Icpottabkc accidents -1. lepurtablc acladcnts•7. c4111. IC(4uesting police assistance -10. illi I4yuitlrig tc- purls- IU. lost and Mum! p)upr:dies 9. flank complaints -15,, touil I cutrences-8I 'Bend council hears complaints that snow fence erected too early C4K.ANf) Itf-' I ( uunel ha- :u'tl't•, 1, !1)W (44. 4411 ere.:nn!• 01:w. I4n,•e, Heal 111.• he.4.'1 nun 1 1• 4,4: The. 21111(}�: Iq.1, t :4,1)w 41.14.:• a 11). 11c4,1 4C:1' 1.. Of t',.0111 .1r014 .wllitl Iron, bit lwU1,' ht: t: .Iv 4\ 1111' I'nus,4,la. twiny, ir 14,:44,: 4211(1114 1111- '1 (it' •Ite.t.'1, .'111114J:IIUC44 14 •,.'n44Il 44. :1' n.• ..CI). :. 441(•4' 1444. 114.41•nL1.:nr_• III; 14n.x allul;• 101-hcat1...11. nclneu• 112•! Ital::• • 111. h .(2.•h 111111 441•0'r42... 1111,4, Ill : N; , al _'14441 1. net' (2 4, rt hll)Cfllalll(: 1Y' '\:W. .41441411:• 111:1 h: rt+..IIIIC:' .1444141 4. Ucln • 4)lI4I414 '• lit 111." it'll. e • 141: .1442• ? hall(. -.!'•t•I1'1 1 0.111. I'hl til:2:4111: V I, 1..44)2:. ?.1.)4,44.' 4414141 111.'010 1; 11. \ 1:''.: .141 .1.! •,:'1;.'. :lr•r ttitl 1441 4,1(41 matt: lt2 • ,111, 1 t1:. li'11.:1'. 424.. Pa-'' • 41(4(411p:llug4J(_ 1 i l ,u la•. 4. h :1141!': 1r:41 1( 44,41 . stn f :4(n10uiIritlrl 4'11,, ! 1i'41hur. t! • 4,124: wn41 int ,11(4,4;•- '.. 414;._ 11-1111411; 4).r.1,:. u: • 1.. 1)'1ti'ht 4144 11'4 the 1:44'4 1 ' halaU,': 11 44 prylli. !, 2, S ,n..:.:• a•rv111t 1110 '.4444. .1 '4!. 1142.'1 v. 2 1. 24- :!: ,.4.41 Itlal.(11(• 1' )1:14 IIA; 111: h(•lt:'r 1 4,44;•4• ' ' . 'l1)rithuI ,. 414..- 21.24 44.1,;,:• 4':''_ ,t" (111(1 :1: 14111:'r:all4hi:� ;111,. 1)4;14,til:• r;••.4:4; -r ! , a(1,41l(1 Iha pc•:gl1. 4 21 -:' )1111412„ .' 1114,1:0, rt•I''r•1l4•.-..4-'Ve11:1 111, 11.1,.'-:• ,I 1 MaY(41ri ;unit-:' ttul 4'4:11it:' , (t'-111411(11' 1A'11c1 411. 11-14.4(4 ' :4 11111:1 1. •':!:.1'11.1 414. :,..1 la 41. .4, Lucan still waiting tom. growth study It c rtttr! I radfortl henn"!r' • - ,'141111::1 2'44111:' :In.,k' v ill. .. :1(1:'' 144:4 4411 4):' .': 411. 1111111: ui'•.1:II)pr11l•Il! 112 _41.:1(4.•• • 11111;.:t t 21.414(41::1. 111141 2.44.4- IU • 11 ''2 ((111::1. Ill: V"11( C?' 11)' 2.11114'' :1 .4U1,W24441,:112.::: ;411:1` 11' : ut:un:IP:. mat. ".`n: .A1;5aint • 1424''fli:h1 _.121- .. .::•"..:111)1: •.tlltpltrl4' nil, -411114 Ill: 1'1114 41 t' 11 intr.:, (::in - 1144 1: • 04,4,1: 4(141' Hill wil .41.1111,C,- -1144:41.- 14(4111'' 41142 1111 111: ,III .ateruuc(..tr(lll 144111 T: (1_ ...C)!• Melt. -!: `.0. :k:... Nally w(N(. _.U11411 V'14 (4 1(1111' 111!11)4:' 111: u:•'.Ctol)C• :404,4:• 1:412' L oueut- 4'111 -(-11111' 41111(1'!'),11)1. a.-111: inrinW11(' come- U 111: 112.4': '[r: •'I(4.t2--: V'll 1):in" 'untie- , .4tlt'.waft1ane, 4111'' n' .. nlil.ac' ur:11nal2: null Uu 2' It•'u_+t'elui• (1(141:.:;1131'2:• [4,t:'::. :%1It11iU7!I' 111:' re,crt':• Ila.- :,2.'2'" S•-1"i:,.lH1') ii`. (..:)4,l' anon S:'.,.011!, .:u. I): .;rn:n 1)t 11ununl:ar:1:'` 4) • IC::1 wilt!: lit: 4C.• 1l1U_;• 9:- (0war0 (1(11e- art:4 • - Illllpnet 1111. l\.. (41:- "111a�`: titvr.tibnniell 114ar41'. '1Vlil4• Ttl:' l4•lUV 2 • a" '!'c`IIt(l h' .irk'. 111"1'111:;14 lte'.L'1t1n441Ctll '-: nilT'_'C.• .`2.C:.` ' . . .114I4�t 12.• (u:' p4.:)vt44t , art I1)T 1111' til. '/ilia:!: 1' n41vt. (inu4nct 1:.24: k1(;. u.av u: itev- r1. '41(2`- in- :t i!.4.)(}: 'T nal cos illus. ins:, 0:_ inn:: iron til: .S..-7..•.00; n. "44(441(: ,2111':Itu: 4,a. - (012--- 1.431122:1. 4114 - . 4:141::1. 1 ilnnll.. ,ftllt Il •.(1tweitnrlltt[n' 111x'-21: 11 4141'.'. 111411(" ! • 4)assen :amt. -tut 111:41(1' 11..' Ill`" 4)•.- ante [; Ir.- 11:,4:) :.11.'" •, t:p4!nler' roc: .1 1)!t ha:. 14)4.11 t:utluGl, . "4144• t atC: ,1424 ;ll1U' 11; (LL( COS 41yw11C1: • 1):' 4.1(:V. 2.444)2:=': 4.1)::,UO: ue4nlntiln1 4,:)V tftautt . 1 - t' (!11• - Illa•i1C• draining: prat 111)1:11 1121 :::14:.1.- .::.11" 1.• `t: .11(42. 41(: "141444: 1114' •3:14!1:' .,•Ii_ 4'411 ' 1"4':1:. .'12'. .,;U.•. 444 - . „S._ 7 .•1- Ir:!'. ill 1.:11 '4111. -'I. -2f,. 11UTlIfll1I(? 4• 11livile• 12':1111:11':.:11111. 1.'1:'1:` d ......J!:1 i•2.•:' , -1':ali L:, 41( i tit a 4:1'• 4: C)7 'I: . 1:: ....., �tantl :: 4,(:1: t:' :7':111::i•: ::1: - 44(47).4\ 1(4144': a:)ill'!:'•'-.1' 1.; v i',. .:-n:•' 'r::; r: ;11:1' ,::11. 44: •4.Y:_ i:' 1) , , . ' • 411:. p':,IL':', SII:'It:" 1 III: 11:4 1) 2144 gi11(1CL 1 1:11nt:•'.lar.,:: 1,4:11;):4.'4x1111 .-:IIID.':'(:,' .;-•••!!-: - .1.4.illi 11c 4 LLI4:: 4 44 4. -.11"N 4.I 12..: 2.L:• .' .1-:1.14:14 4•J'. 1:.14,1.-41,4,11 2214' 2. `11 t•: 1 _I \ .4.)1:':-•4_• :4144:1'-. 11: ,,:11.. •'.V': U'. :14.:lri.-n _1 . .. (112.4 .W41' 4!2.11 4': 4.4 CC:.:2.Y S !t:• _I: - , .' 4' IIIICTCSIC.. t) 1:1)1!_ 41111:41?'._ ...1::11•- }•�(•:'l^, i...1("C- - 4::1141:' : :2 17:. _.:1J ,_. 1- 1,2.1; -4) '2• 71044:' 4.":.' •:'1 4)114141: 42414{1! 4 44) ' 44: .24(. 1(_1:I:T : 411 \1:1 .:1•. :l(lpa11(t1: i'altli:u'' :1::::1;14..1 .i_4.: `2.1: r:lt1' : . 1)2'lllli" 1141)::. 21.21;) :+' p1211" 2.l . 2.•':. • •- \•":'1: 2..•'2, 1111 :)- , 12`:41_ :•lL<�'.'.: 111(. • 111t711it 1110:_ •.. 1111):111 1 1 41441:24. 2.21;! )S:;`•,::`.;2.:f ...f 4411 n' `pear 1...• 2':1111. 1 • .,," 1.4.•1(- U1I::4IC. Il TCC a,4.t:_ 44144L: '.ail.:411: ll: 1111:.::Illtt:'41:, _ :'2.,"'': Ila' 1. 4:!71:.1 1-1217-•-• 2. '2 ' 10.7111 ft" :.444. 711: 4411:)?1 )1 '.:01 t:a11114i Il 1: lC'lli r.a111:.21' J4,. ••'t. ._.. - -1,-: Yank: It: ii 1.• 1.• 74,: 1141•:'.:''. Mir": .: :1 4101,1:!' .2,11- ., " - .- One Life ends... ANOTHER BEGINS Everyone is Warmly Welcome to attend'a DEDICATION SERVICE Sunday, September 27, 1998 at 2 p.m. At The Morrison Dam Conservation Area (East of Exeter) Rev. Cordell Parsons of .Exeter United Church officiating 411th•: i•taherit' Motile lid Exete• !: • 1.414 ar,ect4.t' dlt1It1(frICt• ttit- 42.• D .t2. 0l.lcl- llifnt(rlcl' trek ;_!2,1•1'."•1; , 4)1:1;;! c141.. i. ;14ltttllttt.'C, 14. ' t71'. ittt. 11, c..0uperat4 1:-- 42. 474 til' .'",4414*t)lt' bovtletd (_.cni5erv(tttUt i t1turl�itltnr %v2.'• art- plantiti . trees 011. memory 02. 4111114 141144{ tur►erah. t1 't' feet) Ilelct a: Ott*" turteiill burnt= frees ii be planted 1114th cit the (4 cultservatlur' (►114(1:.. Uur trey pianttngt, ;ct(pert'Itiec1 1)% the t?tuSabIt' bc)ytleio L.unsert dhoti Authurrtt, Al: tree:` dI4 _ • ..-'1417 1• -%11/11:•: 0 bavtit'ld.(_un1111t•ilit!!'c't14! 12•4,''-• B 2V_ C2.2.l2.t ( 11(1111' !1iebtot2:i O.%(1;11.it' 14..'44 ,1,.- ,- a:-:1414'! �u r 1(2 (1 4441, ,•:,: tettl't'Itlellt Cut:tP_It•!ttV1 ci(i,'. 1\0uu: lucatec a' h'1c'rr4S1iT L)c411, 1111( i Cies . i'c0n1l11 . Gurlci • 44(C r_!tttul 44.41(11(44'. ,1414': Area. '•Tilt' C011Ser\ atltl. hutituri1l ilct`• +_-t )('4._ 411' Oai. teat Crr iltCri ret.'Iesent'- 1444 lilt\ ;tail :.., ctitC1 streitgtt•' (t•.vtllt)u1144 VU` .CUI1111lIt111tifl(:• t2.• till. .1gnittectrit. t.'it_14&-: • native to the r'epo4, dttd tiiCluclf vttrtette! Urex tilt'. pds' veer CiullatlUil. V24'tt• IeLk'2: A'G of (J1•ir.. titaptr; ash. dud other ::peep:: 11 1.u'. 11»; 11ten1url u4 tilt luliuw 1114,. the pctst_1'edi we have cltiticlted tree. 47 Lut'n»;; IMetilrlrc .cit • loam, Culurr•• Urri. Cuutrlu i. Bruin 'trilbu' . 4rttul' Elr._aaet►.: h) ),s: Mu)tlirl L'i#Aev►ui►. Liuvur irlet)►ft" !lura 4.s! fore Ueipuzi l.tuc'Mllrur, I ru►Ice:, A'lrtru►r _(rur('ttrl t,)usdfliii liebetu; `tl•4!.►rt(•tfs0r. j ea 1.7 1' ►ur ,, i retie i-141►IC.: tor. LH2.,'Ur►1(1 l(riir: Guddurtt 41/111r1►eri Mt -bowel. Wtlituu. Hu-rivuu0 Mildred 01:ie4yf 5riceirdyii 471 Main Street- Lxeter, 235.35(1.) UII Lt RAI, Wllham Ulnney - • 1111114:)1 IJ11m1:5 • luhn Uendrlct 1 ?eii ails: (.,eurgrris, 1. - .11:'41 '. (!)4444•' ' i4e (JrECA.ie'trt'' i-illtt'► (,'1burlll. - r• •. 1j414. t. Ht•rin'.. 7 Ii<'Ie i .I-1uaNe•r- AUSABLF BAY FIELD WNW -KW -I FUUNLAI -I IU 31:xeter, U1►tdt ,:. i"JUM I S`.' 235-2614 Board of Uitectuts: •'13:.11 Uuuley • Teter Uarbislurt• • Fred Uubbs • foe Gibbon • 'led Jones .13i1I Linhetd • "10417 luntt'."