HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-09-23, Page 10Page 10 • Tithes -Advocate, September 23, 1998
Sunday school to cater Exeter Fall Fair's brunch
Plowing match preparations
Five transport truck loads of supplies from the •'98 International •Plowing Match near King-
ston have arrived in Huron County. On Monday morning, volunteers. unloaded items that .
will used at the 1999 IPM at Earl Becker's near Dashwood, Veri Trucking donated two
trucks and drivers. Harvey Holland donated one -and Wayne and•Helen Miller donated two
vehicles and dr; t ers. Items ranged from stakes to stages to sinks. ".
Theatre at Blyth for school children.
BLYTH \\1 ere.can you, find a root beer riser, a
roaring heap of paper, and .3 rainbow -coloured vi.rtn''
•OriI in s our dreams. that's for sure'
For Anv Sake b)• Colin Heatli•uses puppetry. songs
and slide tirulccnuns to Portray a comical•stnry ahoura
little boy. his unaginaugn and•the power of art. -
Fro- 4rts Sake i1 Theatre for Young Audiences pro
dosed h} Geordie Productions and wtl1 be presented by
Blyth Festival to school children October 26-30. Two
public tperformances un October 31. 1998 at 1 p.rn.-
and 3 p.rn: will delight all children over the age of live.
`tickets arc only $4 each: - •
On Art McArthur s eleventh birthday. his Mom
gives him a sketch pad and felt pen and drops hien tiff
.at the Art Museum before she rushes. off to w(irk. With
his new friend Franny. Art disc-osers more than -just Pi-
cassos as his journey into the world of are takes him on
a side trip.to his own imagination.
-Franny.'s hu-thday gilt to Art is a magical picture
frame. It becomes a bridge hetseen realms anddream.
•He..discoyers his. Own. creativity.- learns about the 'es -
of art, and finds out that dreams are worth be-
lieving in. •
.While visiting the theatre in October don't miss the
exhibition in the Bainton Gallery
Out of Tinte. Oro afPluc•c. a'uniquc exhibit created h)
Young Curators 1998.
This exhibit represents the efforts of a unique co-,
operative educational experience for an integrated Arts
Prograrnnie with the'Avon. Maitland District School
Board and the Huron Perth County Separate ,School
• Forms of media vary from watercolours. ink. graph-
ite. to more tecimical works like photographs. Canadi-
an artists like Ken Nutt. .Norval -Morrisseau. Christo-
pher Pratt, Ken Danby and Carol. Martin are included
in the 32 -piece exhibit. '
For more information and tickets.eall the Box Ofliee
at 519-523-9300. - .
- Submitted bvthe Blvtlr Festival
Brussels Livestock Sales
tr: ,.tk' .d tirussels 1-s: 1 ! the tteck cnJuig September 18. 1998
hrJ ('.titit. (...
\ r.J .un_! II. ;, ('ahrs i 1
Tic teat ,sten :u1J hetlrn sold .d .tras11 1,i s Cuxs also mtdeJ al steads pn.cs '. cal
sold S2 $1 babel 1-41)11,s sur s. tu,g un a tuft) sicau) market All thtssis 91 0, .cl.ils sold
09.a .lead, 11 ads:
1 uric «Cie 5116 acts, on oiler selling Irow 57 (Its 91 Ott to lht. 'ugh uI 99 15
l ist16 -sheer +torts c(n,lgncii b) Ji it 1199 an: 1-ondesbsioiigh averaging 13; 7 10. sold
for :w atcragc of 911 79 tush a limo sleet. 14elghuig 1425 .11,s ,clhng to Norturh Pa.keis
Itr.99 75
. Tweh:c steels consigned h) 13rt: n Hc.uss. St Marts aselaging-1353.Ihs sold for :in aset
age of 89 56 with sdcs to 96 tut -
"fwenh steers consigned b) Kada Faints. Bluesale avcrlguig 1397 lbs .gold tar all attragc
-nt 90 45 w nth sales to 95 (K1 -
Ten steels eonsiotcd h) K1eklend I•:untN Lid. Auburn averaging 1411 Ihs s td_ Iui all av-
rral viii 89 01-981i sales n, 94 (81
Sixteen steers consigned by Hugh Line. Ain trod averaging 1198 Ow sold lar an airrage
of 89 575 nub sales 6. 91 00 . -
rwrrn) -eight stern consigned by Cumm igham Faints. Lutan averaging 1412 IM sold tut
ananctage of88z1'Antis:desto917.5 •-
Tett stern consigned In Oscar liruhadler. Mount F-uirst averaging 1 124 Ips sold lor
atetagc (1 89 17 vtnh sales to 91 511. -
Six sieves consigned h) Piinl.ed feed Lob Lid. Wyoming averaging 11991bs sold for an
as crap: of 87 1 ;wnh s.,.. , to 911 75 :
foul sleet} cuusigned Ir) Uona1J'fborulun. Gunn. averaging 1228Tbs sold for an average
01 86 74 tutu sale. to 90 50 -
Tno steers tonSigntJ hs S1•uiai Johnston. Kiutvale averaging 1488 illti sold lot an aver=
.tee of 88 67 with sale. to 911 Ott . •- .
1 here veers21-'holo, oil thenswIIiii 11(49871)(11(91110 les Iliibleb of9275
twenty -nine hellos c09s11. nod by Slauirce ('ue. Shelburne a(errging 1274 lbs sold for an
.1seiage-t l 87 04 94th a gold hotel 14eiglung 1 320 lbs srllutg tui 92 75 10 Norwich Pack.
lei. heifers consigned Ir.. Ito, Taber Klppen att•iaging 129416> sold 101 all atviage of
8' 34 with sales h, 92
fw( ttctlei. 4;0161g1td I•s I'.wl .\Idtt inklc,. \'aur,' ateiagwg 11811.I1is NOW lur all avel.I(_
0189 77 u illi sales ro 91 lir
hlitt n heti:nt u igneJ M 'Al
BA1-I .unls.sa ('tai racer:itnng 12%11)S sold for an aver •
age 1887:wi11 alcst •,I5,,-
Fou 'ecu helicis •,n1,1 inJ h, \lest 1.ia 1-.nrts. 33& )stock'avrraging 1170 lbs Add for
.in asei.t e 18s a am11 sales i( 'it 141
%4:1111V116, wn,tgitcd M !kiwis Laitp ort. Crediton averaging 1165 Itis• sold sur an av-
ciage ul 89 02 141111 salt,. l0 89 75 :
Fon!, btu pekes s011.411eJ h) Kon Snnrh. Iknlield averaging 1227 Ips ;,ufd.fot an aver-
verage of 36 9 i with sak. tit 89 25.
'r.wo Briers v onstgiicd 1.) Lal 401111.4011, Iiluet.dc averaging 1267 Ips sold for 88 (8)
*lino heifers consigned h) 13111 Paulson. Dundalk•a,.eraging 1330 lbs sold.lor an average of
85 919ubsaleslu8775 -
Five !tellers tunsigned hp Glen Bickly:"Stratford lista ging 1219 168 sold for an average
of 85 01 with sales to 87 511
There welt 208 cow s um oiler selling 1)1 and 1)2 eiiu s 54,(10-58.00 to the high of 67.50;
1)1 cows 5111)0 5400. DJ cows 4S I0-5(1(81.
Two cows consigned 1.y LAG Parker Farms. Kmtariiine Liyeraping 1033 lbs. sold for an -
average of 59 44 with sales to 67 50 . '
two hol cows consigned bj Kon')tiungbiult. Palmerston averaging -1168 lbs. sold for an
average tit 55 71 with sales to 65 00 -
Two hal cotes eonstgurd by Brute Guhcher. Walkenon averaging 1248 lbs sold lir an
as CI age ul 56 70 nail sales to 65 ($l
l here were 17 hulls um oiler selling limn 57 50 - 68-50 to the high of 74.00.
One luau bull consigned h) 1Ltne) \\:Jinn. Hunner wcighing•(885lbs. sold fur -74.00.
One lino hull consigned by Lauder lea h4rins. Listowel neighing 2095 lbs sold for 68 51)
These were 2258 veal on tiller selling beef - 8000 133 50. hol • 80.00.98 W; plain Ind -
60 00.80 (8)
'three veal consigned b) Mona) Ho1si Alms averaging 670 lbs sold for an average of
127 45 nab sales to 133 50 -
Five teal consigned by Carl McLellan. Brussels averaging 622 lbs sold for an average of
114 16 w illi sales lo 131 00
Four seal t(nslgued6) Hens) 13os. Blyth averaging 696 Ibs sold fur an average of 106 79
with sales to 128 00 - -
-fhere were 128 lambs and sheep on eller
Lambs Under 50 lbs 92 50 rm122 50
50.64 M. 150(8)10 177 50
h5 79 11,, - 120.006)161 00
80-94 Ili, 105.00 l0 130 W
95'1 les lbs I05.00to 11400
to lbs and user - 8500 to 10250
.Sheep • 47.50 to 57 00
Goats. 535.0010 SI 15.00 per head
Steers Under 400 lbs 111.0010 142.00
400 499 lbs 114 00 to 154.00
501) - 599 lb. 106.00 to 130.00
600 - 699 lbs 111000to 128.0
700 799 lbs. 94.00 to 110.50
800 - 899 lbs: 92.25 10 107 50
900 and over 85.501°93.50
Helfer:: 300. 399 lbs: • 103.00 to 122.00
400. 499 lbs. 105.00 to 04.50
500.599 lbs. 97.50 to 116.00
600. 699 lbs 93.50 to 113.00
700. 799 lbs. 85.0010 108.00
800. 899 lbs. 85.73 to 99.50
900 lbs. and over 80.00 to 103.00
Plain slackers 48.0010 65 W.
Millennium an -
opportunity for
churches to change
EXETER - What will the
Church. look like in the. new. mil-
Lay people and pastors .from
[ruled .Churches in 'the Londoh
Cuntcrenct` met.at the Exeter -Unit-
ed Church Sunday afternoon and.
evening to discuss the topic,
Rev. Dr, l)urrnas Bandy, .of .the
United Church of Canada spoke to
the congregation- at the morning.
service and led'the sburkshop.
participants examined four areas
including the 'changing spiritual na-
ture of Canada.. changing lead-
ership expectations in the church.
options and long range planning.
Bandy travel. across Canada and
the U.S. to work with _churches.
around the phrase "transforming
the church." He said his job is to
help declining churches to lind out,
why and to•start thriving. -
After the workshop. participants
return to •their congregations 10
share. their ideas.. inspiration and
excitement . about change. Once
people are excited. they can experi-
ment with strategies where the op-
portunity is greatest and there is the
least , resistance. ace -circling to
Bandy. •
Rev. Dr. Thomas Bandy
Have a news tip?
Call the Times -Advocate
By Mary Peterson
• Centralia correspondent
- Thr Centralia
United Church Wooten sill hull
-the.1 C W Siulh•Huron Fall Rally
on Mond t . Septetnher 211 at the'
4huryh The theme tar the eyenmg
will he "Li%ing Stones-. Key
Hasps (Carter sill he the guel.t
speaker. Registration will begin at
6.30 p.m. at.,Cetitralia United
On September 27. lion West
%%01 t.etebrde tl>,e1r chin di:Jnii1 4r •._
ar) with guest speaker 13cth :1nh
Bern. A cimrhmed `)orship set slce
V, II he held ,tt 11 a.m. al Lion
Llan :tad C•entiali.t ittrrnheis :its
In ittJ to attend 1111, ,CIthr.itititi
\I't,t.hi Wide C'o1nntuniun wt11Jte .
efehr,ued Octuher -1 171 a lams ►v ur-
:hip seryfee tit C'enlralra Culled
Church. Special guests s ill he part-
ners in 'he SteJlh Huron Fuodgralns
I'I,ojedt front St Jtihn United
Church 1n Hamilton Guist speaker
s ill. be Das id !Oa) herr-. the
Ontario rtpresentatite fn'r-the ..
Canadian f=uudgram. 1'rufect.
Centralia United Church will
hold aFamily Night fur parentsand
children un Friday. Oetuher 2. A
potluck supper will he held al 6
p:m .
Lion West . will hold their
U.C.W. meeting Thur.tiiv October
I at•8 pn1 Centralia t C W sill
• met Thursday: October 15 at 7 tI)
The teacher. at Ccnlralla•8unda\
School ha%e volunteered res c:uer a
brunch for 1:%e'er lair t',=n
Septeittbet'27 Dunt I I an. to f p m
at the Kee Centre in 1;ielei
\'otuniCeis til a„est
ss (*RAW br•grrat-
I) rnpprreiated: Ai.0 needed ani
h14:11ders 4 .pee 1414,11rs and ren :
tarry -01a' .nock put, It ;in) rine c.ul.
help with their tune ,mit energy or a.
104 0CIai. dunatntr. pfi•.isc Clonl.ra.
"Heather -'Wells at .221-6-1.+6 of
Karen Windsor at 228.6975. • .
All art: ins ted Ilse grand -opening
of •the 's home Central School's,
library' un September 2'/.-f:or-inure
irtfortnarion-call Carolyn .st 129-
-6312 -
On Satuiilay.. Marion and Dan
's1;Curds--hn:(cd an ajternuun cath --
• Bring in.honour of Helen Klcmke.
' Klentke will soon he [nosing into
Lucas She way surprised to receive
a gilt certificate to purchase plants
Iur het Hess hunk v •
Centralia faith Tabernacle .
All utimeil are vselcume to
attend.a Itarsest Feats Dinner at 6
;pin on Septetnher 25 '1l)ere will -be
&guest speaker and much more
'planned for the esentng ,
On Saturday. September 27 at
7' 31) a in. 'theie`sill he .i Men's
Breakfast %nit special ministry h)
- Tide and-irlatthes Husse) 'there is
a suggeaed donation est S5
• :\ihother talent Night is pl4enned
fur September _27 during the
• 175enuig es angelical ,erslte at 7
p,rii h.wt shits 1. Welcome The
• nurses will he asailahie.:•.
Euchre results
Al Hey woods Restaurant. Lila
Speck and. Allan Hill sere high
hand to inners in the euchre games.
Lone hand winners sere 1:-Ihel
Berry and Mary Sclitt. The hidden
.cure ss as sun by Lila_i:Ilts
Special music planned at anniversary service
By Joan Bcierling
1.'u„ra(r,rri't),rincle,t/ -
\_ARN:\ - \'.Irna-Goshen.
Church Ser ices, were -held -in,
Goshen on Sunday %sill) las
Minister Ell) Van Bergen wills the.
Call To Worship_ Flow er' placed 11)
1:11111• 01 Wert! 111 1418 in9 nrrrnnry
ol. Gladys Coleman The -
community 's
hecoinnlunity's thoughts and prayers
:•o out to Ron -and Marion'
Then. will •he a Sunday. School
mce,urig '10 Varna Church un
Wednesday e8erting at 7:3i) p.m.
for anyone .interested in leaching Ur
volunteering -Ikea- time. One
Sunday a month or c yery tstt
months could he appreciated.
Church sen ice on Sunday. Sept 27
will he in Goshen.. . -
Sunday Oct. 4 church ser. Ice
will he in Varna eelehrating \':un.i
Anniversary with guest spc,ti.et 1,,
h� Tra.\ Cric4. There sill 'he
spe.l:(l muses by the 51.Kas Male
Quaitet troth the Cht'rtslers
ctrnsisung otf Boh Dasid't n Imre
Baylicltl. Fd \\"r.lk (14111 Point
Clark. Harry Lear' trout
Londe htontu_h.
Irony Varna -
SUnttay.. ()dither 4
is the 25th
\ritual 1=a11 Hike through
Bannt,.khurn Wildlife :\ria near
-Varna Thr. is hl,stetl by the
Au hi Bat cid Con cer\ation
Authonts and till be from 2- 4
r 141st!(.s are to ht 1(19 a11011,a
mug fur cider lolluwii99 the hike.
F Farm'sf
Te -em FIELD.
canning, freezing, chit' sauce, etc by the pound or by the bushel or
' '41s!i% anywhere in brtweenl )j4 PICK OR yQ4 PICK in your container
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A (,-r+reler?Br9 F'Ar.��r.•••-
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