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Time's -Advocate, September 21, 1998
Page 9
Autumn Splendor
Lawn are tips. More. than_ 70.0 people attended. the first ever Zurich Autumn Spendor.
Home and Garden Show sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce -on the weekend. Marj
Dobson of Clinton receives. some fawn care advice from Shawn and.Jordan Rutledge. of The
-Weed Man. Although attendance -numbers were less than .organizershad hoped for, busi-
rlesses-said the quality of contact with' the visitois"was high and anticipated it would trans-
late into more business. Thirty businesses had booths at the show. -
Formal installation,
EXETER -fire Pride tine'
Rebekah (.udgc opened in ID)ng
PIM. to practice for their .inaalla- - '
_ twit n.cxt 'Meeting Octoher"--7.
'Officers ;ire to wear long whiles•
and arric;e; at 7:30 for- pictures: Get.
,ccc"11. wishes "go to Sis. •Doris
DenhamJPNG -and Sis Miifie
Fulton. Sympathy goes out to thea.
falnily.of Sis. Gladys Colctnarl.
1 he.
Lodge is selling cheese
dese .
•Sis. Jean Holigcrl'PDl)P_ is
rccert;n g orders•until Noveruher. 1?t -
-for delivery Qecenlber-2.' ,
Year end reports. 'were. given by -
N(i Bei C'anrpbcl) zind VG Hodgcrt.
. and:Sis. Bernice" Ford. PDDP. gave
her report.on the
London magician
to make appearance
at Exeter Fall Fair,
, . F.XE TER — Among the aclivi-
tie.:u this, weekend; s.Eixcrer Fall'
' Fair will il)C two shows 1'rurn Letiil
,- dun magician Peter,tt4ennic. . .
Mcnnic,"whu ;{long with his wife,.
"Mills, Anir. has aPpeared in eight'..
tcleyis ion specials over the past 20
'_years and entertained acrus5l the..
country. will he perlonning.in the
main hall of the South Huron Rec-
rcationCcntre on Suhday at -1 p.rn
and 3:30 p.m: He will ,rlso act as
master oil ceremonies fol' all of the
afternoon's prograrns between,
no11n and 4 prm.
Mcnnic regularly perforins at res-
taurants, banquets, events and fairs
and combines Magic, illusitln, com-
edy and sleight, of hand
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Caven P.C.W. begins fall session
EXETER - Beryl lilgic hosted a potluck lunch on
September 14 to begin the fall season of Caven
P.C.W. President Jean Easton thanked everyone ivho
helped and attended the IOOth anniversary of Caven
W.M.S. in June.
The 'devotional based on the thence. ""I'he. Gift of
Friendship" was given by Dorothy Moffatt and Edna
Simmons. Scriptures were read 'by Simmons and Mof-
fattread the meditation.. -
Gucit speaker Kathy Prydc spoke -and showed vide
os of her work with PRANCE 'Pegasus Riding Asso-
!ation Nurturing •Challenged Equestrians" program,
located at Mirantichi Farms On Hwy. 21-nrth of Port
Elgin. People unahlc -to walk lin their own arc able to
go horseback riding as a therapeutic treatment. -
President Jean. Easton conducted thehusinesss .sec-
tion of the trleeting. The group will be hosting a' lea at
the Villa on March t5' A letter was read.frorn W.M.S.
Presidcnt.F.sther Powell to challenge the group to seek
new .ways; try new interests and to follow their hopes ..
and dreams. •.
All groups are asked to discuss a name change for,:
W.M.S. which will go to Council for a'final decision at
Council 1999. .
They decided to have a congregational supper on No.
vembcr 27. '
The -Presbyterial Exccutive.,tnecting will. be held.in
Seaforth ill October 2 at 1:30 p.tn. .
. The• fall Presbyterial Conference will be held .in
Monkion-Presbyterian Church on October 8.
' The Caveq P.C.W. Thankuffering meeting will he
hosting its twin group Mitchell P.C.W. and Caven Gor-
don' Auxiliary no October 5.
Caven P.E.W. will host a luncheoq for 48 people dur-
ing the quilt show in Exeter in April 1999. -
A craft sale -'is being on October 17. They arc also -
holding t Hobo Luncheonon Novcrnbcr11. '
Annual fall church cleaning this week
By H. Davis - celebrate their 138th Harvest Florence -Young as well as Teresa
Saintsbury correspondent- T •
hanksgiving Service at 10:30 a.m. . Young last Monday. ,
with.The Rev. Stanley Jay officiant , Starr Davis attended the Soccer
SAINTSE3..URY - Si. Patrick's
celebrated their Evening Prayer ser-
vice at 7'p.m. September 1.9 with
-Margaret Carroll leading the ser-
�`icc from the Gook of Alternative
- Scryices. The children's facto' was
"What is .a Prophet".. Rose
Cunningham assisted with .the
scnptole readings and Margaret
Carroll gave the" message entitled
"Building "('rust':. '
On September ,2b. Si. Patrick's '
will again celebrate their Evening
,Prayer Service at 7 p.m. • - .
. On October 4. Si. Patrick's will
for the Holy Eucharist. A time or Roundup in Exeter on 'Sunday
fellowship and refreshments. arc to' afternoon. Suzanne Davis, Crystal,
(otlow in ibel'arish Hall. - Travis and Starr were Sunday
ladies of the church will -evening .dinner guests at the home
nlect'.next week filr fall cleaning. :t .of Ken and Linda. Foran and family -
date to he decided. of Centralia at a family celebration -
- Katic-Scarlett. Caleb and.Corbin hopouring nxther and grandmother
MacGillivray p irticipated Sunday Dorothy Dietrich on her birthday.'
in the Terry Fox Run from 1-ucan' Ron and Margaret` Carroll visited
uu"sins Glad's Davis, Doris with Hugh and Hazel Davis.Sunday
Mullins,lnd Ruthanne Phillips were afternoon.
recent visitors with Mary Davis at Harley Davis raced at.Farrington-
the.Exeter Villa. Also visiting with" Raceway at Barrie on Sunday.:.
Mary- Davis on Friday.. were
Margaret' Carroll and .Jim and •
1.UPTO36 MONTIIS - ( )1t.
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