HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-09-23, Page 7FAMILY • Ti►►te's-At1i'orah', September 23, 1998 PIN 1' * �s \ *Frcll the Principal's dc'skl By Del) Hound!! South 1 tuna+ District High SC11001 South Huron and. in tact. III corm lou% ince is approtiohtrig the education o1 m, eacepuuu.Il stu- dents u► some new anti +;excuse wa\s'Allis se:u. •floe 140 students 11 south Huron h.oe heeu identified as ha%uig speidal needs When a ,tint. rt, lemming tit scl)ttttl• Jlti te• (":•xists quite .1 it I. (IIIN% a Reed, 111.tudin,• the lollow erg: Imellrcur.d. physical. beha%ourai.:ttnuuwmcatr0ns 0r a „.000,111,11101 uI these • - Yuwl� Iteolilr w nth Ie:nrnmz di.:-0111es Iwai the • Lu _'esI single group of exCepu}mal students. " 11►1, learning disability is.usu:dly Identified early' in a Deb Homuth student'; education. :\lila' _'h "learning disahil- • ui" d, a getlerii lernl: lit' lath suuleul lht t1ruhltnt • can be quite unique. Stilwell Mese-student. have trouble mentor -I/ - int!. some have tiouble copyutg intimi:ulun accurately, some sou-• dents 111.1 batt tenable pita e' ing',dorm:Mow •A learning disability. :.ui lie dillicuh tit (ripe t% all tial a Is certculdy not a iethctron of a student`s intelligence. With a few key nti diltc.Itions most learning desalted students cope sen well iit regular classrooms. hi order tit detcruurte w Melt un dd 1 ;ittOn. -ur hest. auuual nlcemu •,.:ue.held :\ siuderils situation is calefull'-e\;(mnud by .u1 memo Placement and Ilctlew (urtnnutee 111'RC'Lnl tit tip ca St.ulh Huron l) the student's carious. leachers cultlaeprese;•ntaute.: or the • Adimnn.tration. Last year we hiItt o,ir 150ll'IZ('-s at South Huron -:\s welt. for the first tine this ..•:1' .dl ulenutie.l specialeducau�tn stridents it iII hast"cud lain ldu:11 liduc:uutn I'Lui ‘‘'role using .i goad >cuing process. The detail', oi.thr L1 1s will. he quote Pcctlic cold will reflect parental -mom- - - . Teachitlg assist:urns are 1.10st anached it) stili tide studt•ni. ur t lasses, •I•he•lundnt,_• tur'tliese ptismltins.Is driven by ilii• nerds of thesestudents In the hast, e"a. s were assigned 10 classes and asked ht helpanyone in the class who might need it . Now. the e..1 unicla the reflects particular student, each p riot+. • . • \\"e are also quite fortunate to -have ,unit students at Slil)hs who unit ,t:adeno( learning quite. ea y. 11 is lust as important to provide appropriate.challenges tai them: Students as any tillers. •R1t'ht noir. the grade t) &- 10 enrichment students :Ire preparing for -a special ernichntent protect called 1ie\ttmd WO( es w loch Will lake them It, the. Hadiburtonlpurest. Special Ethic:mon-has come a long way, in our schools. \\'c know so much pore shout how to help exceptional kids than_ once did. -:\t South Huron we de-euiphastie labels and re-rnttihasvc !he need • work together ;IN Fano+-. stridents and teachers on a regular basis. Wednesday. September 23 at 1 • 30. aur lust A\laudsAssembly •w ell lit• held in order t6 iee-O ul,c academic .i:lneveinenl.titn)-tile- - I.ist sellout dear. Academic ex:ellence should he celebrated and the special awards a.stntbly will do lust -that. • • : .:\n coaly rrnundct.th:d the•:\ntiu:tl Cantiuencendent and • - Graduatiints Exercise w III he held rat - riday. Octcther 9 at 7:30 p.m. On hehalt of the graduates. please acccpit 1hiS ntvttatiun to attend the etenionies on that Friday .evening.- Have venin Have a news tip? Call the Times -Advocate 235-1331 Celebrations held for 50th wedding anniversary Rhoda Rohde Thames Road correspondent THAMES •ROAD - 'fhe•ncigh- : hours and former neighbo-urs of 13+11 and Rhoda Kuhde gathered at Osborne Central School un Tuesday...evening to honour them un the-occam-on of their 50th wed- drng anniver"s;try.-Euchre was played and prlies were awarded to Ladies high- Betty Borland. Ladies low -.Mai ion Snow; Lone hands • ladies - 1u -Anne Rowe. Men's high .- Lee Webber. Mens low - Wayne Rowe. Lune hands .men.- Glenn Rohde. . The Rohde s were -called forward and Jean. Hodgert read an address. renliitiscing ober the past fitay years. Kay- Hodgert presented Bill and Rhoda Rohde with a mirrored iewellery.•httx with 50 vicars on the: trip. - Bath replied and everyone - saute :'For they are Jolly good -fel- low s'. -Lunch and Ielhaw,hip. I01- 14.tw•cd. . . A noisy chi\ ari took place at the honor of Boll arid, Rhoda Rohde On • Thursday e‘ ening alter choir prat- . tree, Thr choir brought sandwiches, _ .quarts. rclreshments and Sharon 1.. -nm presented the couple with a huge nturn and card. Both•rephed and cnloced the t rs:t Church service Rev Marilyn Carter was in' charge til the regular church service on Sunday at 1 (iIit the• Rev. Carter ease the greetings and CaII to Worship. She told the youth story " \\'hat's:1w A Name." The chum sang "Do You 1\I1iw My Jesus'"- accompanied by- the pianist Marilyn \',tndenbussclie. Joyce Pullen icad the scrlptuee. The ,cnntrn was (moiled. "Confident Living". Helen Kadey and Joan Morgan rccci t ed the offering: as well as being the greeted, • • Coming events Sunday. September 27. church - he at Thames Road at 91:x5 . .11n.- October.4 al Elim+Idle, World Wide Commotion. ` - . October -I I at Thanes Road, Thanksgiving- --viii our Sunday School's "Sukkah October Ili. Etimville, morning worship. At •Thames Road Rev. Carter.'s Covenanting evening. ser- vice will he held at 7:300.m. • ' September 27, Combined' choir practice will begin at Thanks Road church at 7:3Op.m: tiro the commu- nity of area +churches evening ser - i ice to he held November 1 at Thames Road. Decadent Ice Cream Dens 2 Layer - 9" Round Ice Cream CAKES MADE -TO - 01 DER! September 21i. South Humin Regional Rally; al Centralia United C'hurc11 Rcgrstra(ron ai 6: 30' p m. Theme ..Living Static,'. Guest speaker Rev. Manlyn Gaiter' Septelnher 29. tishonie Central Sehool' s ,grand openings 6t'the new library. FcrytIne. Is tvelconie I•or more fulmination .call Carolyn "Johns at 2_2t)-6112 : ":fin et:ening •ut Gt,pel Music tin October 25 Will heideld at 7 p'nL .1t -I-hanies Road, United•Church tea. luring Harmony Four: 131;unpion • Quartet: -Roy 1)reantng•, Mount Forest: ':end Sharon Parker. pianist and ,olorst the et ettt w ill he soon- - Manufacturer of the finest Quality Ice Cream!\ - TASTES LIKE HOMEMADE! - ICE CREAM PIES & FROZEN YOGURT PIES AVAILABLE AT: • Grand Bend - Tenderspot • Zurich - Jerry Rader's Market • Hensall - KnechteloeC•bNe • Exeter - Darlings Foodland, Pv�a•,a Hearts Desire, valu-mart • Huron Park - Foodtown 228-6640 or 1-888-820-7775 hanksgiving & Hallowe'en Desserts Arriving ROYAL BANK Brad Maddigan, cur, r1r Ma►iaser Personal Banking - Pt fears Formula! Trois r> Carole Preece Assistant Manager Personal Banking • 30 liters Fteradit'ial Seri et . • Doug Lamond RBC DOMINION SECURITIES Kris Thompson Dawn McKillop Assi.sta►it Manag'e'r Assistant Manager Seniors Banking • Personal Banking • 20 Year. ! urie, red Service:. Darren Scrimgeour RBC DOMINION SECURITIES s.tietl h\ Exeter Bible Fellowship. and Ihcre is It Ce adnIrsslott • Personals - - 13i1{ and Rhoda Rohdj. s iyited .. w11 h •J1111 .rid Gwen. Rohde and :\l David of itlull recently. • The Usht tt ne Guild played at Exeter V on Monday afternoon arid also Wednesday :it rxtun lar the - Zurich 'seniors at -Zurich arena - liarl aridi...tura Mac t3eniewres.. Muchcll tis-Iled with their -wick '• and aunt Bill ,int! Rhttda Rtthde-on - Wednesday et ening. • - Kav and Gerald Cuntlineron took • the •Khtttle'. to Sc. -Mary -s- on . 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