HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-09-23, Page 2lritiN -AdVacate SilfteMiles 2 IN THF 111S 6111111111111111111111111115111., Regional wrap up Complex site approved nas 'been chost 1 Hi Art ••• 411•1111111•111EMMIIIIII•61•12•000.114111114% Ausable River petition does not caN for wholesale dredging The project .calls tor the removal of more than 60 obstructions from the Ausablc Rive it Ha', Swamp By Kate Monk 90 OW acre, 4,1 1:111i1 t), ;Is AregZICI • escctl th.• cum.. ()I the whir mid,- thi• pram:ivy' ; rivet . . H 1A4.11'. "I he Ausahle k come,. a municipal (kat,. . e; • (hamar, !Thin* I- not about • ilsion estimati•:. di.- mine. t dredrill ' 1Vt'i Jtiroigehotit Ha, tio•si 1c3,1 fl( (K WO Ail 1 fit`thaf, Swam: a. miter, S.C1 40 4111)4 in, • ;• ,t•tven • eel, prellimil.41• : the mow,' N.011911104 ellVillevf Pall( 110 1•4 pet.1111.• If.- • pose,! St, 1.1,1();4 .41 .,, ineetth.• i•r; t ' • kt:t1.• orPose,I v. if; . • • Il • • • C0111111C‘: 115 .!Ativam., - .1" 4111'1" • •• . . drainar notitn• • t,onveri, 5. • ,:; • t1,110.). 1t1.. uNe 115,..!-I 0%6, parcel 4,t• ' 1111 : ' Walt" --ill131111-. an • ounc•I has men aptiroval t Ftv'tt \zit, • immicip.ilihr ., ;in,'landownel• land nehind the nIal..41 Me south liur"" "" t\v"""th- !Ina,' a wet; (15end • ,:f Vvingtiati . ha nee cll2.4‘. 4 1 We MON', Lic eamnalcii leaciersrup coo•- :1,11";•' 1 1 4. ' "!' ' . • «14ere no! 1-1...1“41 it,- Ale; mittec has discussed tundraisio.t c°1111)1e' 11: looking tit n guAts and reaffirmed t1re neca Pincem4. 1` usfl, . binlil a comolc mat WOUI.l iCs•i wholesait. • dredging.'' came an !cc aquat::: centi- c‘lliCi 41(3)4)comnonent titne,s eentt--•. sutiasti s an I e : calk 41I In: 111110V. 5 . o • "n, i burr :On , munit: ICS01111, Witt Iishtne••• rccreationa7 attiteultitral-an.1 Itoo, erimmunn ! .number 4,1 meni()/-4_,; (4,44! lif?.1111C*41()Ii imnort:ii -lira: .1n: ti (tons hate been-re.ceivc I rut- Etre Ausan.1tIvr-r la I -hi\ an.: Stctitict - stressed. I ownsnivs. %Nam:51 ll'. .4 cause,' or .., While (minion... varic.1 •al-itn. ri • comoic.,.. li is anticipate.1 tn...5 i• ' . 4:.0moinatio; 4 - 1.rovernm,, 4 tilnel 1. 1 i0Odin.' . if . 111:,..:135. • 4- inineik,.onstruomi. . -Int)!: Diesel; rarti• and tunoraisine,- tarnhan, 1 11 • onsyuctioi• . 151.10(1ti • wet. o• .'(tilviticc tt• Imaitiat, .512., wi i t: crablunds ioritic prole.-' '- ralieJi tree nen:: • drinj , an,5 it: • _ Ai ..1 ati.• rre,'• ..i•nt: 4. tat.. 4 . - I. associated 51(11 .5 mu, 'mat nit\ ..,trui. ' (rm. ttL !ivy vi•conte : ni- 1 1,111 ne11114,1 WC (Jill): - . moo. mac. at: ,-iii., -4 • Mat. . -. 14': -. 4)el4111, Al:, W.. 1•C(.4,111C, . ICIIIIII: . 1)14. (14)4 If: :CSPOWthif.u.•. 1111111411, . '-'strnapLir!:1 rentesentin. 4 4 It: • mumcinaht : ..I ll.1 • pflefl! • :I lea ! 1...t nereeto , 5 tit: tan 1 1. -4-1 lit 1.1(1Strea1l la[1(101111flet It!ele' \ sa,n4.... -VA''. \ l'.*.: 'all 1 15: '-'11: . enty-if11..Ti . iia,, ' ti, . . i ' ' ter -mine i mil ', tnis iii,..100, : n, . 14, •-• S": MARV! - • 'III tea:, . Aintorivn tr • %%Mi.. Y., 5.i ()lilt lill• .''...•'••; : ••,- i•II0lIlt.3! • stren. I wet: itowin 2, ..!--....-. Mary. M. •., • + 1 iv:. limn( ty‘. 1.11.1 ," ‘.7..''-fl!l• ( 1115)11.1 HOSINI,41 .(4--.. Ser : - -,:, .. . . . . . . . . 4 II: : pristetrit..• deoartinent • la 1-. • - - . • . Hot debate over what 6-ouneil can distuss . .. oininued front tenni pegs. • . . - i shttt ute•A trO a eio: .. • l'.••,%..-. ' .i.rot -,„: ‘4.5i1,. - Obstetrics depattment closes 4(4'.'.'t .XCL ;1‘...SCS‘anci. • . Iti • • rt‘e r•••• ,41; ri 41.: • - tkusai,: !ten tr:care • : PlIctirn- repel++ +xi tr. - II• 4;1 . . . . • . • . . . . , . . Ili litu, •, , 1.111111:111.• ' 1,1,441 .51, ,,,, $ ,1, -, ,,, 4: 4 r. 1.111d/ lit `,I1 • 1', it:, I %xi - ii. : ,,t • otft. 1'1 l'• • i -i,':.• ••1.1!1'. ti, 1,•0.11' 1111 4:/11 :1 ittl!i 1,t 1,4,, ,t, J/1 111,11.1,tt ' ' 11...1111n. 111 13111/11 -.11, .111 4.' 104,11,11 1.151' tl, .\ tp4,4111 l< t'i • Is.t, 1$“111, 1••.il• . • . ;1.1111114M.Ilei .. . . •.,.. .0/. ‘1,1''. ;I••• •I• 1) 5) .1/.1 . . kkl."' ,t•Ill!Illo It WI( . 11 •1. . 1 \I'.' •'. •1%t 1 '1% 11' t• • (.411(111. `.11 . `i1/111 . 111 i• 1.1- . i 1, ‚441 ., ,i. ..... iti. ‘.ii,i .., , . ,i., :.. l• - !i: :' ....-, . ;,, ;• ' . - k, It 1.1114101' . . . 111.111/al. .45)14' '61•44.1•4: ,114‘.. I • •• el 11 . .. 4. ‘. ., .,51 fi,, 2 el .41)1111.'4 . 11.•: • .i. 4. . 1101111.111. ; . ........ •, 1 • ' ••• 4 -or r -,.r14,- • .114,4,4. „ ... ,i •, .414 11011 A111114411l4' 1.111,1 ludic t IA /b. ..242;111141 5144" ‘44•.' • lel '.he. Itionavem,,i Alit IA Kim,' 4 ' ‚.'sit, ill • 1)011111M 1244 .111( -111' pis .4.511 ' - dr.1111:le h .00 Im• III.. 1. .4-4:4 `4.4.2:11n• 414 . .44e.44 • 1.44)41.41‘4.1105 -1 ). ' i h.: Ali, • ‘4..4ti Ill:11111in .At, ..45 I II; N.4;1 icatth • ih..• t.tianiae, 4 14 410, i• 1;111211 • 11111.2.,44 ciCa('.1 0 certain scciton • _ 45 ..--t1ann4 1,,W411, If; n;vssat'' ealt • - 11414.2 Nil:awl,. A 11•,-/N. erinei,ii at'.' I tni• •i Mato, • thoue: •thi't provincia itt at tt .14' 14.... • • • •• Nis.c • .1,51141'.. "11 tlit it.ratilagi • , peijiltill tit,. c.; .4. ., ledroe ".!.""tic• • ,I.) ..114„„, 4.'' 5):.14. 4,1 . • tier 5.1) 411.1111:tv -• niutticipaiiite‘ • . 11`,0st ') (ell • laildi)$0/1 Pr.` • " • " a‘ailahi. 141 A -slam; 1551,1 44. 575.,,1 et4t11411113,1. ttr moles ant tanil ...in. Nei 1(1 Nrrivr titr." - •• 414.4.fiet 11111.11''' 4)1- 344'- ., ' prohlern 1 0.11S(') '4.14)0: . Atilfltifilit • . At ' - Phsel ‘..itlini+ .4 1(1 • ..,•4,... t ,,4;,, ' Ilt11.0UVd IllUnlellriill 10,1.. • 15 in • Mi. re,1 ei Its: colicc. .• • .. . . -v-.. ,.. .4,.. ‚444! 1.;sarionia -. arne.s. I , it: • rir Inc( - -: \ is .,:n4 on ' \ i' • • aneitoe.• '1/41 4-, . , 4,., , 4 •,, .... . .,i„ ,..c h • extnaine I to Ali „ , ,..01111 141.. 41.1 . 4-olle,S lili.si lin 1 , ir.viv.i, • -Ipti;n1.2,t, . al. ‘ ,. •_14;.....r \\ CO In tlit..,: . %YU: ,(.. TC111,'‘in . In- colic,' I I 1.14e', :: nam o it: r. 41:,4:1 4 ,p1 ', , i,I... ••• • I rI!,•.-;1••“.1'.' tree an. .neavet clan. an, the, - tmo: : • - - );15„ 44.0... t. .1.4“ 5', ft • ' it__I u;1444: • jai .• It, ;:0144:, - • A 4'. 44 sat, . 4- 45) - •111t. 4.1 1. ,44:;: :4:.• ..sti. -n.:•. l I it: iii.1111,11-.:,retino: hit: ',In - ((4 (4,. 114: • 1-.151,41.. i ota -- ie.:5 t.: 14: p: ,:‘ . • -+1. a.... ..-;ri r., . . • 111(11. ‚4) 4 : v..01/:111 \. 51' , 1..'0.0111 11‘ -A.:t". . 111.....- 0.. 11-11ile. ct .., , ii , • ., , . ' •11 ...11.1. 'MI 11111114:11M11114. an ranriownei - mi.'''. . -- .• ' - . 7 .•:-..1-..,-, •+ ,0-, --. -sr,.-4 1 r ....114. ' llt.! Plethlelll '. 111.41.4 •Sal, . H .- ea:if:twee '. ..4nr, -111: l'etition stilt ialt%t • nomin . ss.., doe, 1 ' • 4. ,.';'I '111 ' • •,•• ' . --, , 4: II,,! ‘'.3 Costs reduced Siren an Anti. Loy, I 11: _uepartinera _ta: denvin . na.,1 nein2 1 oat,: troi I hospital Ninix it openeo - . Jot: .1 nal page • • . • CL( lien i•adcin: *sat 5 met •• mar, ue. mole •.,14 1 01., 0414. 11 eille0X114 Nab 4104, ' Eltleigenc:\ uepartmet sta' 11/4eCTI lltcl• kesuscitatio: 1-1-ograll thump _•• .tip-to-ttat•i an,t,sinie2 emit) ment will ve Kept on nan.: • 'Oli - sew:. noise, . • 411(1'.' (4)44 051 10 offri finrs1112 Kir; I sorne-to other hospttal-4 others are iregintutiv_ erinsioe- ineliew caret., 1 horsemen continue fight for /kg Park " 11111 ,l14 41 1.- . - Contemn it(iseine•-• ;Nal - 4...l)L11111.;•1 et...1)1142all. eC1)-41. . • 1-, 1 ..)1g1.1•1; 5,4 pilshe neat +, month, _ se:. tin statue • a rti.y..ilet.tioit. Part, at1 tit• 114)1 Seille 11 - 44%1 1....011(111111. • 1 I I. 15. . Ceittr, (1111..1/12144' it•garaio. the' possitn dLweidlid(ei , Regular (lois'_ nigh- „it noirmgc:r neta (roma th,„ extepitin, .11 11./Cl.r.11 4.!1 Jul' 2', . 14-, is only 41:4444.5 WI 1444111111 L441.4411 111.41Neille'l •api.s.:00,. 1(5 Lot.int: I 1.. '210' Diocese tells St. Columban parish 'to put money elsewhere :‘ • lit -61\411A' - • 0611114 illkftlel all. 1 4 • 01. iettei 55, Lolunitia" ' them the mink . needed 1,, lepdt: the minding is oeyund the mean'. 01 tie pails), ,...M111111111111,- .1- tAbrdlll"• ttn• Mitchel' Ad.,. eiW Ht. resaniiiiiend.. the palish -pities with the adjacent 51I (554 ratite') than pouring money into its own buildint!.. The.St Coluni - him church 44,44 been 1,...40e41 since last Ss:pie-other lx:eausc of serious stiuctural problems .St Columban . parish date twin 1832 lis first small log churi..li was built in I)451 and the innIrltitg was tatustructed . 1.411,4.4411+; a lire 1909 1..141,11 IRO • 9)1 14111111es 55141. Ap511 and I.: .14 .111r,pillt'd .1 We(:1111g 111 . .414'4 .15' 1' 4,1 4' • il..41,14.111 tile • • •• •• )), 11.14 ft..e•I' A . . . . . . . . _ ()P' oak a5....-5 rni)4is4-Ie. : ii t. 0. na‘ (,c4:514•4:- : 0 t , cello • intatuliti..! to • introtrueinvi 4 :en:. 11 %sal. • tr5-.41.itirten7, Oa l'aut t :(.."(.11-, I (:), . - i ..mitio. 4 ify.i -',. ommanom ... _ ,grai 4 tti;"1 i. ctctitt..7 • (VW{ rerreein. Ite(' 4.1)1'_ 4%. it.ii la:. . a; . .:•: te - ... 144111:: 5'' iii,.- arc. - . , coi- .ttt (11.1114 .4 oetiat ti. port- III ..,..i.,•„,. . “V•4 ' 4 /15 21111111 • 0- 'on 01 4414' 1 )1'1' an i tli :. i',.i,„.„ ..444'1 I. 45'. • „., .,., „...... - Iliullit...• • 1 1.1(..11!••• s31. • . hi)ill ' SI•10411 Illi , Ill ant II '1; ' ' ' . 4.,•. ' 1 4 14 1; - .: •-••1 Milne - :::citye• stea(lia, 1' 441, proineli;. rE all 1)4111'' 4.14451;411 . .. isent ...touttithin at Ite I 01 • -.. LIT' ' ' 11) 111! • tiarrin ,; . . -. . ,. ..1 , . , ,. . . .,, 11 4 ... ! i.W .,z11,' ISS1,11: (4 4, NV 5' (101 111.. l'f."(;,":\o- 'al., W. Is'iil l)ii 4"" tii:.•.: ,i ..- ...):.•.. l• l' !-..,, Am.... - • 4.144: 4 t..4;111:::'1 1/1:4:111142. . el C'1. .. 1 •ove' -' Iw o'. 41 1 12.5.1‘4'4'0' • !' • •••• 4 4 ••• 40.- -• 4P,. "4. 4 1 t•!. i it 1 i r ... 1 fi Issu . vciii! iii j44414. 455' von111471,'. 1;tiii1 ("1We' I .414 - •1-6.,.144 4.i. ti. • :4:1 ( KC. 1111•31.; 1 .. J1{;110 : 514.4 4ll : -I 5' ••.'... • tiv Craig Bradtory -- /1.4keportr• - • - :it-111Oct tvc! • 11:. iii2 and -hum -1 ' .1 nu; : tarty Esetei sr! 11031 41.1:: tim- ana discri, 111 olv.- sr Nan , - '144: dehat, 111111' • lb 4.3>51,41".', train comet i+ arm, .,5 4 ..ini totolL1 liur couriciiirr , 1141.1 4:1 155•.• wont; . 4r-turn:Jo, Rohertsp: . • ''111414ii.;..ett Poitec 04(54,4111; note .1 t.t., (man)ice 44._„; opt mirk, parked illegal+ . - I" 111)! StIt•Intr: r, Ma- an i,. too 4 Mark., loircrto. iceer - 14.1+ •i 51C411i1'. zin 4 -sourieliu-- - Jr: hop:- Wet• i... • la .. -er:',. Omit. meertn.. wirei • ti,.• Morn INSI! • •V611. ',mug, I, • -111411. 44.11.14111'"atl llI.c.• 1004114,) 114)1 4.:;.4' '4.14m.:ty, tinV1411n.: me - 1.1100, " 431/1411 . 4412e." . e(Illile • --illeelltly 14 4,'100114,..- rralk+,: 01)4111eiti Imniertso - 'ainee, adult+ , (west) Matte. '.4.5(4.'! • 1. ('4)1414(4 - 114 ' ttritiogl - try l.... 45 45414 ..."• WI. 4' al.: atit.1!: sst. l)t,.; litirteelitnior 54,41- Irovm. ..• 1 argue] 1141tt 4110414,! 141 (Ini:..ct itills 1 4' 441141ll‘e :ill ' 'il). . il" -1.'4lsil( ,''7. ' 4 14 1 . 1)11511 I )4111.11.11 1 ha% •-ocel} --,_t,. . 1.1( 114 .aboti di: concern helot. !fall 1,14,1mt..i ,,,,,t %.,,,, • (11-' i-l-INNe 05.14 45i .1 .,11,15:100.1 li '4 14.41(1 1110••• :•' In : I. - .1 5i5i.,•11, -ellil'-. , 14' f•l•....'4' " '''• I 4.4 . . ...-"4. . 4 444t:%. ..14 4 '... ..t. - 4" ...14‘ 4t1 c 1.• 4 . i• al. • emit 5 ,i; 141 -...;111,••411111 5,....-,, ;),),ffl ' ; k • !• • ,, 1 -441`,4 li• ._ • ".Tiif! reasosi ,....14,• 1)' 40",4 l4l141t'1s.l.Il54.1lll.: 0.1 (P.' IS1(1... l I )111111121te' • . 144- • . ' -.1.: -1'1" lil 4 tj "4 • . I IV(' re here i,( ((Oa 4111.- ,4 /114,11 1211/lel 442)).) 4515:41 slime 1 in . rii.• t. -..,e', • 14 - ,i4, -;.a.4- 4'4' 444 • "i'••• - '.1,1 . i`l-•,, .` .1 . ' ; ..); 444' ricirai• ensue,. anot. tlial you tries' ,...not, (44'; :All, 41 ,11 ,.. l telt/refill,' 411- 4..41`,...1t1 • l'., . t 1....A1 t •:,. tt•!, 1, .. ..., I '••1 1 I11:1: ,s• 4 ..-.'1-' :At, ;IA '; 14,4,• le (''. 4 I St.41 2 14...': Ili- i . . izif tliallUil. . .. 01.1. t- i)i.' .. 00'1 I.A110,... A il:' i• 1101110N.II - le 'e••l• " 15.44.44•4-41 4.4 '''1-.1 i,putrtntiz.1,„tit!11.111liai ;11.,.. 'P. • ' ' 511: ' - 'H 1, :•: • (11'. 1111):1• 11 14'' 44.)'.'.' 5 '42 1141 04 liz.er 0/1, COW/Cil Linir_et 1, •. 1.1 • . (1E11111 stiour.1 Ma in- 1 irtinient It 1\ 111241 154, 11 Willie 1 ay • „ma 21/414 111C1111” II' • I 11_121 1 :Nat...111'4 1' 4' Sectacu Ia 11 r I gire cIesttiys uarn• Nal v4.0114 1 few t.4 -4t144,. 'I , Lel I `. IVO We 1,0.11'. I COM ' le Ill 410,11 • ••• 4.11.1114)14(5('(4 (fell .04)(1. 1/1411.4e LAMM. II/t /' ,' 411 It 41001 544,.- ./111.11 4.101.1112 /I 11b(1:1111) 111401414' l, -• (4.411111e11,1 1.1. • t1;.;, 1' • 11.11: 1' Ill/(1142/1e 1 ` 541. 1 414)14)5141)14. l)31 t1114. .,t11 1 art 111.1.• ' L4t1121 t 1411"4.4• .1.(4 1`.. 4I.4'.14 j (01'. .411 114 011111 (Ile •. )1)22 411 5t.11. la 141'1.' (11:' 4221 1.144 (4)45)5(5.' 4 4 44. „.. it. ' le1441..4 21Illelle. 41 41' 111111 •' dill 1. . ' 151 01115. 4.4)114 et. Ill; • 00,11..4 (1'' t.tri• ('4444.' 1' • i 1,1.1.114. 1.1` 115110 414 (4' _ atItie I 11 o4t/.51•i 15/-• Lebeau trial adjourned PI 41•1<'4 1.e.14‘4151 (.45 111,1 , 4411 14-' 14,115 ' "yeir. (lora s 11, li.NUtiNicil • 1., .1 DNA 4.1.11114)511 41)14' )44114'11/41- 41.41114 014- .11; • (44)4 4.01' 1' 'I1 01611141 44- 1114.11.44'.4 .44,12:111.4.• • • , , «s KR 1 basi:held 4a..1144: 4..11,11e.,.• I 4.( 44(541414114)1 With t;;NI\ I` 199".(...11 &Al 14l51' 52/l15 11(..4/1)1. .1i We 1/0111,1111. 11.4151114,1 C1110,151killefil 1510st. 11541 gc., (mantle tow each 5)1 +0111111W. itetzligeon..1U1.(ll51 t114511! - and inipalic .5 ,55 is ingcausing deat; rude, 1 anima . Grange+ pante HP. ii414)Ui Miler . Z4ilY il/"4„ IV- ill • 141.:114; 2 • '• 41C1,1 .2121101:11 14114 IJui p,i - tiatiogiq l'itylirs 1 ',cont. saki 44.4 • 4.4 lowei-extrernir‘ 114.4(11N 1.) Nt.•.,•• r`t • prisseitget s . 0( lak•.)el 614:11I1 Celle'. -; quesitoinw• . duttm• ex.!) .14ot that ,saggitiect Awl); sot. ;alight have WO liCy. W1141 4)4.:111i.; 41 4141. tI IL'I al tilt:Unit; I-l*4.4Id1 s.tld 4514 4.51' i..ettairf JIM) 5 tins, 4141( 111)11! 411441.1,5122 1.4111,2011 4)3 1.11' -lays 515.1n:stilt 1.;4 the 1-41n011ti 1 see • 1)ouil Ilun(1% • New floor needed in Zurich arena Continued from front paw. Cieollicy said a committee is tieing tinniest to help. plan lund-raising activities. A duor-(1.)-doln has •started in. the village and surrounding are.( • As' (11,. cundnion 01 the floor has deter 11,14114(1 and begin + rie 1,„ Geoiliey said- there have been sev. tial leaks Ili the Iluor's cooling sys. tem which have 4,.4,1ristantly had it, hi.; repaired Willi a new limn and Looling sys- tem. Iry said, not only will the qua! , 11'. 5-5 the 4,14 he improves% but. the ai1431,1 .will be able to•holif -summer activities such as roller hockey and' ball hockey winch will ins the areria'S revenues In its attempts to get a arena fluor. the village has becit the advice of a group front fa- . vistocis which raised over $1 ind lion kir a new arena • geollrey, who admitted Ite know what to expect trent last Week's .iitteett itg • said. he • was pleased With the turnout .4 • Siephen barn fire. Exeter firelighter 801 Cori( 3 irt Step/wit Iw By Kite Munk 1 -4/1 Reporter • Veridewurp SUdit.`• ye.sie 00.5ith ‘; .01 three kilometres soutliwest 0' Litrelw .3d(4410C11 • ..1011•11 1‘11.1,1g4i1 • tier., :to, 1:50 IIIc ss.eus• tateitglitet, ' 141110. Sa424: .4 Heal II( She(' anti 4114.4.4.11' Ilse lile 1114115 SpIc.ilt1111•.' 414+4/... 1 111 411414 b.PHLIN. I WI'. . A saisitdas . c has, destroyed a hai . 411.1..1,1 -1 Corn . 1 III S5(j)14d1) 1114,'- • ds..7 ‘tIVeied ill 5).:31 I 41.141 41 1)oug. flocking vilio sass •51 beside the barn and ilk:M:5i hOUbC tenant Dan Stanley • Stanley balled the Lrieter and AIC.( fire Department 'which re- spunded the call hie quickly spread lineup 'the empty wooden structuie which Was fully engulfed by the time.tlie hrelightet, arrived . The barn was (or &midi turn and conLaiiied •54 few items Stanley had assembled lot it yard sale. 1.4e1ei bre chief • 111. .110 , bi(l!) 1i,. 111114:11 you 4,1,4 • put tliciti you can do 1, p114 • tect . exposuies (nearby' • burnable Materials).- Moigan explained. "BeLause it was an empty ' shell. it -went. vox "With aily barn fire there's nut . . much yin, Gan do to put thew • nut." • . '415 • 4(55- 4-( 14(44.1), :AU.' lit' 1'411 2.45.14-...4 510414 • 441145 int;st 451)5 -.• Ita‘C °LW**, l/44111 ;U(1 • • lic Stet:411.31 44.14' hie ilk' • pattitictil ealtie Ike lire dievi stick:tato:, hunt 15.,.• the scene tr ir backup via 141141 51(4(1 hum IiighwriN #.1 ter supply wider. the mutual Aid -lye (levet seen 'so 11141)) pe4)pli.1 agreement crime out to .51 lift: We -had to call .1 441-plU4)vl1is o)4.414.:41 pubic n' 41it111‘• aid . Meisstiet t.Se•uguilimut I ann.: 1101.- Nita gait Said Ltd Meissnels not •the The • lire is consideted Is 11.14e- (14. .11 Mt, low • •