HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-09-16, Page 2541,
From the Principal's desk
$y Deb Hornufh
South Huron District High School
1 had an inquiry this week brunt a tamily a4tstul home schooling then son. They stated
drat thb!r womed about the values and morals_ that their son would be exposed to should hi
come to Schad!. The conversation was an interesting one itwolving.an examsnatlon of the
responsibilities schools have always been expected to carry to n►ctilhne value. and pnepar
' ing young people to he active and respoii uh k citizen Perhaps some would'geesttn
whether in todey't, circumstances those are reajekti.. expectations
Gerald Caplan. -of Royal Commtssion on Learning tante esti%s conte rea tins why. the
:task's more difficult than'it appears. in the first plan:. heargues that there is little agree-
ment amongst our country's citizen). on which values are the connect ones for Canadians
. Secondly. our children receive thea intomiation Iron a multitude ot sources each day, our
.all of Them giving the same messages as those conveyed by schools "Indeed. children •
atten see in the outside, world reality in stark contrast.to the one pictured in the classroom...lir any days news
cast a student is likely as not to see evidence of 0 World.cbaractenzed by dishonesty. incwihty,. soctal nt►usucc,
harsh, .ompeuhveness, widespread. violence. racism. sexism and a value system that almost invariably puts
:e.onomt: growth ahead tit environmental sustatnahility " Fortuity. with a business world agenda placed front
• and centre b% .st marry tit out leaders: maybe it's naive to thunk students will listen.senously to their teachers
. • witen the talk about democracy and social lusticc. 1 can't help but he shocked by tit• Toronto Star Article
about the Albert::::h arter school where young kids are drilled in the basics til corporate .America from the
nustnes> ' untttion' 0 the techniques of boardroom schmoozine in nodto ht '•reatf% t, compete
Yet s.houls like ours persist at the task. The education 'sr-,'. 1. union: • ptaccc. 1 think to instill some
sense of honesty truth. civility: si>Ltal susuce..ti-imert',nr: a. a ua tit c•vac dura 1i our kids We ntusl
seize the opportunity • •
At Stunt. • we teat. t tackled the challenge head on with -the introits. tion o1 a program called "Healthy
• 1.!1/1111: "in grade c'. Tits, year long course continues teaching about and tin physical fitness with issues and
Aiattenges that promote health% decision -trialing. in the end.- we believe kids will begin to see that the lessons
they learn at school can amt them with the tools they need to build a better worts. one person at a um
Deb Momuth
Playhouse raises funds
Huron Country Playhouse fund-raiser. Janet •Baird -Jackson
was one of many who participated in the Huron Countn
Pi wtioutie "'Fashions from 42nd Strrett fund-raiser on
;loot .12. The fashion show featured clothing from The
.F'urpfE• Turtle.. Designers.' RSD Authentic.: • •Randi's of .
(trona. Bend anc: Fisher and Company and Collins Forma
ikvuu' 'of London, Guild president Mary Burdon estimated
'thE show arid' the Playhouse's silent auction: E':,rhe' r the
evening raised. $5,000. She said the figure was "beyond
Our wildest dreams",and said the money raised wil, all be
• put towards 'the theatre
The Talbots' farewell eon-
, cert. Lucan musicians Da
vii (above). and Myrna Tal-
bot played their final
concert in Lucan on Sept.
13. before moving to Nash:
vine to take on new mu-
sical challenges. The con-
cert. held at the Lucan
Ausable Arts Cer)tre.
marked the centre's first
musical event
Save money - protect your pet
i-JUROty i'fllt?v T'y The Health
1'ratealm, l can (r. In. • Hurtn
County Heals 'soot, n ::(•
operation: wit lit: veterinarian. it
Fluron Comm .air 00.11111!
Amt-kahte . 'a a emotion ('hots . a•
,Septeltitrei •2..0 .able 2t. 'The cost to'
yacctnatlne your dile or Car for is
hie'- will he 5I(i incluthng'G.S.1..
• Please check for the advertisemen'
til this. paper• (r' the time that tilt
low, cost anti-kabte 1YaccmaUcit•
Clntics wili bt held •in your arc:.
The lnvt .cost clinics will- he hell:
over the .tVJ(+ (lays tar your convert .
ICnCt 0C. ensure vtla SC' volt per
keep 111 nu:1 nut inert
11110: oar is • kabie:. c.antll0►t.
only r•or mut: mliirmlltion. yon
mai call the Huron County 'Heald.
Lint. "at • 41/;::- 34 i( tin t-K(1(t-265
.5 1H4 and ash. lo• Ito• Health: Prom;
trot. 1 eail. t,' ::al' vulr itn a' veter•
lianas: 1't' uwocr tn. Fittror
Count arc rentin tic that 1; 0 the
law 'Oman( • •keguiatioi, 5(:'/4()
linat owner:. o' dogs anti cats three
Mould. til amt: in ovtr.. are requires:
L, Liu inlrrllilt:'/.'S(1 against ratites '
it addunii .0 tirgaittitti .,the.t
specaai %linte. annual,' tut !Wahl
ung also. provides Fiuinur Utpiut(
C.c1: Va ein: !UauugtI taiuu%. plot.
.. semi! � 1(0 person writ have. hat,
direr' suntan-- wills at.enmht: Our
develop> rabies, int oat tt. tivot;
huvnt� a laAe tilt seri% o' rabic.
rat:et:mho!: • suits 1: riot ti tiatldtc
•• an' animals suspected of Having ra-
bits, and niakt• sure -that ah cats lino
stud I!l! blest• ru the barn r 8110 clogs
are vaccinated unuualit :Haiti.'. ra-
m ti
• 1-858-310-1122 :
Zurich council helps doctor
recruitment committee with cash
By Scott Nixon
• 7-A Retiorrer
ZURICH • Atter a lengthy discussion Thursday
night council ha'. decided to pruvtde a grant of $8(1(7
and an interest-free loan of $1,000 to a local group try-
ing to recruu doctort. to Zurich.
- Council also decided to send a letter o/ support tot
File group to the Ministry of Health to help the group in
its attempts to have Zurich'declared -medically under.
serviced "
Robert Westlake. speaking on behalf of the group.
said such p declaration will allow the group to attend
reiauntnent lairs and pay travelling expenses for doc-
tors who cunle to look at the cuomnunity Also, if the
vunmwnity Hasn't attracted a doctor wilhsn a year 01
helot' detemuned medically. underservtced. the pro
gram will provide $15,00(1 1(1 use as an Incentive In
bringsng doctors to the area. •
Cum Brad Claustus, also it member of the re-
'erunnient committee: spoke out in favour ot helping
the recruitment group, adding n is something Zurich
Also discussed was the issue 01 whether to support
the:South H4run doctor recruitment committee another
committee trying to bring doctors to the area. Clausius,
a member of both recruitment committees, said Zurich
council must give its support to the Zurich committee
to show lis eumninment to the community. Westlake
added that a would be better fur the Zurich group if
• council only supported the Zurich committee, although
he udtkd. "We're nut saying anything negative about
anyone else."
Council decided to write a letter of support fur the
South Huron recruitment committee stating that it will
. continue to attend the meetings but us first.priurity is
the 'Lunch committee.
While council had no problem writing letters of sup-
port fur the Zurich and South kluron doctor recruitment
committees, the decision un whether to donate funds to
the Zurich committee was euniroversiul
Ina (ether (runt, committee member Steve Hate er.
the -committee requested a grant of $2,0(0 to cover the
$800rcharge to become an incorporated non-profit or-
gatitzauun and to help cover other expenses. Once the
committee is officially incorporated n can begin fund-
raising. Clausius said the connnrtter should know in
six to eight -weeks whether 'Zurich will be granted un- -
derserviced status.
Cuun. Marg • Hulloes wondered Why the committee
hasn't yet approached Hay Township, the Chambe► of
Commerce and Blue Water Rest Humc for financial
'support -
Clausius responded that the Chamber has dune all -of
the "leg work" for the committee so far and suggested
it is councils responsibility to help the committee
"What have we put lurward tri this. so far Y' Noth-
ing." Clausius said
He also said the village has inure to gain frons the re-
cruitment eunutuuee's than do Hay Township. the
Chamber and Blue Water
Clausius told council the recruitment has a tuugh
struggle ahead to attract doctors to Zurich.
"It s not easy because these doctors really dun't want
to cunle out here." he said..He also explained that other
medically undcrservtced areas such as Kitchener -
Waterloo and Windsor have much greater resources to
use to attract doctors to their municipalities.
An original suggestion by council to only give the
committee the 5800 grant was rebuffed by Clausius.
who said S800 is only "a drop in the bucket" for what
tfrc committee needs. although he added. "but we're
sure not going to look $800 in the mouth."
Council eventually agreed to grant the committee
S80O with an interest-free loan fur S 4000 with the rec-
ommendation that the committee approach other
groups tat money.
Council has given the committee one year to repay
the loan.
`Tn: ants -ratites shot-, (1'
. at tine
UDS:, 111 Huron -County. t, maltuatmrk
utlucr the Clntano.}leuhh Protecucn.
and Pramual. Act Mitten a doe at,
cat 1s ntvutyed in a haute- ace►Uen.
lite anima; rims: he quarantined to,
ten days todeternnne if 1 develops
;symptoms of rabies end dies If the
doe or cat's' anti -rabies vaccination
is current. the odds are itswillbe
healthy nt the :end of ten• days:
}'root ort vaccination • must be
shown -to the pubic health inspec-
tor why, -Is investlgutine the biting
incident and has quarunttned the
dog or cut. Failure to provide prima
muy result in a charge beam lard
and a fine of up to 55000 for thr:
pct owner.. •
Vacctnatlne your doe and/or cat
against. rabies Costs mucic less than
requiring rabies, vaccine fora loved
one So. please take advantage 01
the anti -rabies clinic near von .Pin
Mon information. comae- tit:. Hi
run County Heulth knit
Tines Adruieati. �+r-ptrmhr+ ln. 1Q
Drag aa.s
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k!, SuiuL' C. SC.:' 9 44- r't'! ti-
Mod Siren
kit Cutlass (. SKF 1% )7: u K.`
9z SuhtUha, f l It6' .. 1.' 4 is �: %t•
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914 Ski Inn, Mach .l . ' 1; 541 11 545 111 h:
Jr Draptter
N1: 97 LJ Chassis :J 6(16 II (V 54.11
• LJ Chaser 0 trill . 10 7') • 51 2C
Err: Sampson. L.nndot
(.eMe-Beath. happen •
Phil Girardm I (ngcviltt
Scott Hooper Orangeville
(:brie Haugh, Exeter
Scor Mact)onald. Hlvrh
Conor Yageh. Hnghtor.-
Marko Wamman Londm
King of the ttiesuch 04
• Enc Sampson. L.onaor. kn Cuttas, 0620 14.79' 7K kt
Phil Ciiradu,. I:,ngsvilli 95 Catnar, • 0 671' 14.'19 :9: 10
Grand Bend Micro Speedos► - kucr-results from September.=
An Spon Jr. Micro Sprints All Sport Jr. Micro Sprint •R' feature
Pus. Name Pa,. Name
1 Mat Shipway Darien McLenriar.
Fut Shipway Machell Stun
Shawn Thompsm Shaun Hams
Steven Stewar . - Jam. Fins,
Chis Heath • Leel km '
Aqua Fini Mini Sprint.. Pepsi Micro Sprints ,
Pus Name Pa. Name
• Lars. Mc.ennar . .Adnan i.emp;
: Shaun Jinni -lot. - . Shawn hemp:,
),vie Patna Jeff Compile!.
kvan [resat • • Darrell Limo'.
Josh Wood • Mark Hickson
Punta standittps as of September f
Alt Sports Jr. Micro Sprint. Aqua Pini Mini Sprints
Nagar • Pts. r !vamt Pti..
t Paul Slupwes 269, • Dares, MtLennar. 17t..:
Man Shtpwa% 16'1 Jasor Wilso, . 1tr(tt
Chns Heart 1632- Ryan Desai.• IS61
Steven Stews+ 1554 Josh woof: 155:
Shawn Thompson IJ75 Shaun Jenntsm 15;1 -
Pepsi Micro Spnni
Name Pit.
Unm 11 Limoi i "51
Shawl, hemp: 1685
Adnan I.emps 1674
Mak Hicksnr Iso"
Jeff C.amnnel' 158.
Hensall council denies request
HENSALL — Count;1 tier:
unanimously denied a rcques• •-an
the Public- (tinkles Cammtsslor
that remunerauon for 1991 replan
the same as 1997 leveiti -.
Under a hyluw.passed at Hen
still's Ault 10 meet,►ng.. members of
council and the PUC will recesvt
$ 1.(NI(r remuneration for their set
vices to the municipaitt The fig-
ure represents' a $100 decrease -
fmm 1997 -hi its letter to council.
tut_ PUC states. -We would Iik( o .
remain the same as the 1997 rem:
ncrat►an i f S1.100 per year -Coun Steve Towle — who -
charred the discussion after Reeve
- and PUC commissioner Cecil Pep,
.per expressed a conflict of interes1
- over the matter — sard.hr didn't
trunk council should change it'
mind about remunerauon and cavi
int) the• PUC s request
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