HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-09-16, Page 23• Your Views Letters to the Editor Toughen up on young o "These kids have to pay the conse- quences for their actions." Dear Editor: Well, isn't this wonderful. I have the opportunity .; .to have my car repaired yet once again because a Young Offender decided to break into it. Last year three youths stole my tsar from my driveway and took a ride into a corn field miles away. That was only $4,000 damage. After working a wedding last weekend at the Legion. my car was damaged to the tune of $300.1 guess 1 can be thankful I. didn't have the car stolen like my friend did. When is this going to stop? i can't afford to be - ftxing my car -on a bi-yearly basis so some kid can just wreck ii again. There are break and'enters, car enders thefts. home thefts and on and on and because the Young Offenders Act says nothing can be done. The federal government says they are finally going to do something about this mess, too little; too late. If you can't even go to a wedding in your own town with the thought that your car may or may not be there when you come out, there is a problem. • The laws have to be tougher. These kids have to pay the consequences for their -actions. Why am i being punished by having endless car repairs because the_government thinks these kids are too young to be punished.. I've had enough and I'm sure I don't stand alone. Esther Hillman, Exeter Speeders cause worries on Huron Street We are in deperate need of a stop sign, possible at the corner of Huron East and Pyde Blvd... Dear Editor: 1. am writing to you today to voice my concerns. • about the •abhorrent disregard of the speed limit on Huron Street East here in Excter..There is 'no one particular time of day that this is occurring, just a constant stream of traffic sailing- along without a -care in the world regardingthe50km/h.speed limit, ti)r the fact that -a small child- may hound out Into their pathway at any given time. In. fact, just last week my.hushand. and 1- obser%ed a drag: race be- tween two vehicles from .the lights on Main Street, .• past our house and out of view down the•strect! This was•in broad daylight, during a quite busy time 'Of day! Ldo not believe that they could have stopped in time if something hadjumped into their way. I understand that petitions have been•presented to. council regarding the issue of erecting a• stop sign somewhere along this road to stop these vehicles from speeding, but to no avail. I do believe that it is time for council to re -address this issue. They are. welcome to come -and stay at my house and see just how often this occurs. as well as the speed_ that vehi- cles travel. at is they head .out of town. We are in desperate need of a stop sign. possibly at Ihe.corner of Huron East and Pryde Blvd. for the safety of eve- ryone on the street. Must there be a tragedy befiire something is done? I hate to think so. • Sincerely, Lotri Morley Exeter Ad campaign with taxpayers dollars -"This is political propaganda of the big lie variety " .Dear Editor: - How much is the Tory "Big Lie" campaign cost- ing me? -_A full page ad in the weekly paper, an 1 1 inch by 35 inch four colour brochure in my mailbox; this stuff is not cheap, It is also not public informa- tion. This:is'political propaganda of the big lie vari-. ety, The reason I know is some months ago, after tir- ing of the ad campaign telling us how much money we were going to save in our taxes, 1 phoned the - number'given out for more information. Who - .- answered was a general information operator for one of the Ministries that didn't even know their number . was being given out. She did agree with mc that when government cutbacks and down loading were figured in 1'd be paying.more and getting less. No net savings for mc. - . . As aparent with two -children in our schools I have been watching the same shell game being played with their education. -We used to joke about politicianstrying t(vhuyus-with our own money but • the Tories have taken this to new extremes. It really galls me to -be lied to with my own money. to have them squandering it on politically motivated ads while they aro stealing it from my children's schools and my back pocket in user fees and slashed ser- . vices. So, how much did.their ads cost? I'd like to see them spending it on education. not gearing up for a politically motivated battle with parents and teach- ers this fall.' Sincerely, Tony McQuail Welcome home to our heros We, the residents of Dashwood and surrounding area are proud - of you... . Dear Editor: - - - On behalf -of the parents; grandparents, relatives and friends, we would like to congratulate [tie Blue - Water Tug -of -War teams, ladies and mens for going to . represent Canada in the. World Tug -of -War • Championship. -Even. though you didn't win the . world championship' you don't have to be ashamed and don't Put .your head down- but hold your head up high, because you were courageous and brave enough to take on the World Tug -of -War champion- ship without any assistance from the Federal or Pro- vincial Government, counties or townships, you.had to make it mostly on -your own. We, the -residents from Dashwood and surrounding area are proud of you;. because you won the Canadian -Tug -of -War • Championship in Fergus, both teams, the ladies and mens. - - - To the family members.and children that took on the farm chores while you were gone deservemany praises also and we all are proud of you as well. Don't give up, some day your hard. Work • is going - to pay off. In our eyes you are not only the heros from -Dashwood by the heros from Canada. We he= lieve. when youput the. Canadian jackets on which . were donated by Hamather Motors (Huron Motors)- . you must be really proud to be a Canadian. We should have more courageous people like you to . take on the world and not be afraid. "We, the residents of Dashwood and surrounding area would like to thank each and everyone that sup- ported the Blue Water Tug -of -War teams going to the World Championship to represent Canada in Rochester, Minnesota. Thanks again." God bless you all. - Yours truly: Kaethee•Freiterand the residents from Dashwood • and surrounding area. Sharing the tug-of-war experience "Although our club did not make it to the podium stand, we did give it all our best. - Dear Editor: On behalf of the Bluewater Tug -of -War Club, would like to take a minute to reflect on an experi- ence that and 22 others of this club had the oppor- tunity of sharing, it has been a long time since I've had the chance to quietly sit and reflect on the accomplishments of this year. it's been a year of - goal setting, hard work and tons of sacrifices for my wile and fatnily. To them I owe all my love for their support and understanding for something that 1 believein. Although our club did not make it to the podium stand, we did give it all our best. We came off the fields with our beans in our hoots, and our hopes were dashed. But it was made clear to each one of us that we should walk with our heads held high because we are representing the best country in the world, Canada. l personally would not want to live in another country other than Canada with the respect and admiration that we received from col- leagues from 21 other nations. All the work that went into the training and qualifying was well worth the right to be there representing our country and most importantly our own community. We will sure- ly not be forgotten by all those who we made new blends with and will surely open our doors when they come here to compete with us again. I would also like to'thank and commend the, efforts of Craig Bradford at Exeter Times -Advocate in covering our interests in the sport. i1 truly is spe- cial to live in a small community where people do care about one another's interests and deserve to be recognized for.their efforts. It was felt that Craig and the Times -Advocate staff were part of the team and that is what tug-of-war is all about...team work! it has always been in my best interests to promote the sport of tug-of-war and hopefully our efforts in attaining world championship status would instill more interests from other individuals from our com- munity. We will always lay the rope out for any indi- vidual who has an interest in expanding the sport. We need to continue building the sport and be ready for when the sport does attain Olympic status again. I would also like to personally thank and acknowl- edge Bob Hamather for his support in putting our national jerseys on our back that we all proudly wore. Also all the other supporters, both financially and well-wishers who made their way to Rochester, Minnesota. As for us, our regular season of competition ends in October followed by a short break to the new year. At that time we will once again begin to train for our next World Championships which will be held in Bristol, England in the year 2000. Once again, thank you. Erich Freitcr, Bluewater T.O.W. Club • !lilies-AdvOcaie, Septentbe'r 16, 1998 Pax,: 2 -1 COLDWELL BANKER ALL—POINTS REALTY SERVICES EXETER OFFICE - Pat O'Rourke (REs) 237-3762 e-matlt porourkeehay.net GRAND BEND & ZURICH AT 237.3182 (RES) 235-1077 147 MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. 23a-1449 CALL OUR EXETER OFFICE TOLL FREE FROM M.J. Chanyi VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www_mIs_cas TO VIEW ALL OP OUR LISTINGS AT YOUR LEISURE Jerry Zehr (RES) 236-4712 e-mail: zehr@hay.net direct line toll free u -soon -342-7217 Days or Evenings ZURICH OFFICE 16 VICTORIA ST. ZURICH, ONT. 236-4712 - = OPEN OUS $217,500 214 PRYDE BLVD. EXETER, ONT. Sat.,:Sept. 19 - 2-4 p.m. HOST PAT &)'ROURKE This beauty. has all the -must sought after feature, Cas heat. ceritril air, central ac huge main flour family room with gas fireplace. master her Kim manic, 3 m bathroos plus .i fan a.hf lit thopbv and take a look you won' he • disappointed STILL THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN Ti. *s t �►e 3 BEDROOMS,' maintenance -tree exterior, new windows, gas fireplace, fenced yard -and two bath.s-Only 589,900. 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Many updates including}, newer gas furnace, roof, windows, oak kitchen cupboards and fenced yard. Plenty of hardwood floors. Nicely decorated' and ready to move in. 5103,500. Pat O'Rourke Sales Re.. - With Plenty Of Community Spirit. Great Place To Raise Your Family. Only Minutes West Of Exeter And A short Drive To Lake Huron Beaches. They've Got Everything Including Municipal Water And Lower Taxes. For Info YOU WON'T BELIEVE ALL THE ROOM in this 4 bedroom -hone until you view it. 2 baths. Nice bright kitchen overlooking rear deck. Huge family ronin on. lower level. Great location backing onto -open - fields. 5112,900. - BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME . un tine of these huge lots. Great location on the edge of ttiwn. Backing onto open -fields. Municipal water, gas, T.V. cable. Almost 1/2 acre. in size. Starting at 529,900. PRIVACY PRiV.ACY PRIVACY itit-I I -r 1 I WITH Til(S.GREAT 3.89 ACRE country property. Gorge us- interior with gleaming hardwood - flans, 2 baths including master bedroxom ensuite. Gas heat Municipal 'water. Picturesque lot with ravine Only 2 years old. All this for 5144 900 Pat O'Rourke Sales Re . BEGINNERS OR RETIREES 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, hi efficient gas furnace, new kitchen and bath. all new floors, immaculate interior. Asking 5105,000. Call M.J. Chanyi Sales Rep. - THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO SELL YOUR FARM IS NOW If you have considered selling your farm, now might be the time. Why wait for land values to drop. We still have European & local buyers looking for land in your area. For more information on how we can sell your farm(s) call: JERRY ZEHR or RUTH ZIELMAN ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236-4712 or TOLL FREE (1-800) 342-7217 days or evenings THERE IS POWER iN PARTNERSHIP UST LISTED -. ST LiSTED UST LISTED COUNTRY HOME 569,000 • Three bedroom house with panoramic view of countryside. Approx 1.70 acres fronting on paved road. At This price 'you can t afford not to buy To view call JERRY ZEHR or RUTH ZIEI.MAN-ZEHR Direct l.tne 519 236.4712 da s or evenin s COUNTRY HOM11: - 599,9(0 - You have got to view this home. Five bedrooms, three washrooms, master bedroom w/jacuzzi ensuite, new addition a prox. 3 years old. A rex. 3 acres. Call JERRY ZEHR or RUTH ZiEI.MAN-ZEHR Direct Line 519 216-1712 da . or ev,-nin 's. COUNTRY HOME (-01. N i RY PROPI:1 I Y t. (./UNTKYto ill Oben' bed- room house features' Replacement win- dows & cxtcnor doors, newer furnace. main floor laundry, spacious country kitchen Appmx 40x60 shed w/concrete floor, situated on 3 acres. JERRY Z1:HK it Direct Line (519) 2.16-4712 days or eve nin (7N 5 ACRES - $99.000 - You can't see the house for the trees. Three bedroom house with some renovations. Super location, just a short walk to town on a paved road. Most of proper • treed. Cali JERRY ZEHR or RLR MAN-ZEHR Direct Line (519) 2.16- ys oitrenings ONLY 524,900 - Truly a rare ' .. i lock building/hobby shop with 2 garage doors and concrete floor. Natural gas and town water available. Good opportunity for boat or car storage. Call JERRY ZEHR Or RUTH ZIELMAN-ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236-4712 days or evenings ON SPACIOUS LOT - 6112,900 - Living at its level best. 3 bedroom house features 2 washrooms, separate dining room, eat -in kitchen. family mom and living room, gas firerepplace. Call IF.RRY ZEHR or RUTH ZIM.MAN-ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236- 4712 da orevenin;s 1\ ant to knoll what your home or farm is north! Call (1.800)341:21" for a complimoatan properl tlraluation. EACH OFFICE IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED'AND OPERATED MEMBER BROKER OF COLDWELL BANKER AFFILIATES OF CANADA 1