HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-09-16, Page 19BUCK ,Sc (T DE
,,,,Geoff Strang
Lesley Adams
9 p n1 to 1 an,
exisi{h11 wort Q!G Csesso
(Banquet Hall)
Srlonsorvel by Labatis -
• Ago of ).iator,ty requ.rod
• Luuchoo., provided
Queensway residents tour up to Threshers Reunion
HENSALL Queensway'•a
Volunteer Auxiliary met Tuesday
morning and discussed upcoming
events as well as plans tor the
annual Craft and Bake -Sale sched-
uled for:October 28. 2 to 4 p.m.
They also welcomed new Auxiliary
member Kay Wise.
In the afternoon 'Winnie Hutton,
Pastoral Care Volunteer. led wor-
ship service with a portion dedicat-
ed as a Memorial service for late
residents Isobel Sproat.•Mary•Ryan
and Marg Fremlin. Residents. staff
and volunteers shared their memo-
Twenty guests attended SeniorDiners group Thursday evening and
stayed to enjoy the music of Max &
The: Townliners. Anyone:interested
Cudmore.. Ross 121 Victoria W
Hodgins D&L 13 Snider . , .
"Huron County Library 322 Main St
Zachar Terry & Tracy 45 Huron E,:
• Zawalsky F. 54 Riverside Dr
Zeehuisen Case Jr. 176 Francis
Ziler,-ivlike 88 John W •
' 235-4928
41IP 141F•
A Point to Ponder
by Rev. Vernon Dean
:Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle
n September 16th at 7aan.. approximately three
• million or. more teenagers are expected 10 gather in a
spirit of'unity:to. pray on five.continents during the
'See Yotrat the Pok", an international -day of student prayer. -
Stulients meet at the flagpoles of schools. churches, and other
locations - not -to demonstrate or protest. but to pray for local -:
and.national concerns. In 19.97•.groups ranging.in size from one
to S(N) asked for God's help in overcoming alcohol and drug
abuse, sexual immorality, AIDS. depression and suicide: •
Many prayed for their teachers -and administrators. These
Meet You at the Pole•' meetings started in 1989 m Texas with a
tew students. _Today. SYATl' is recognized•as the largestyouth
prayergathering in history. • . .
With all the daily news of shootings, drugs. -immorality and
such. isn't it.retreshing to know there are those who haus the
-courage to standup and be•counted on the side of. righteousness.
My flat is off to those who dare to make a difference.
in trying the Dining Prop am may
ca11r262.2%M) for details.
• The 'Threshers'Reunion in Blyth
wax the destination friday as a
.group of 17 residents and vulun-
taersp'hoarded the mobility bus to
travel to Ihe.reunion. Everyone had
a tour of the grounds andthen took
in the grandstand shows while
enjoying a picnic lunch Several.
-residents and volunteer, ,also ven-.
lured inti, the arena to see all the
vendors displays and••gin,ds tui .
" 1i'ornu events
Se -Menthe, 17. Gott kit Heats auJ
Siroke at Sealortt) (jolt-Cuursc.
Septemhet. IS. l nendshq,
• w.ith `')iiia(: Insley -Aid Ha► cr
Smith:' ;
Septemhet 24. 2 t., 4..p m ('rotor..
Break for Huron County Aliheutitri
Society. 6 p Seinoi 1)mnets: 7
p.m• birthday party with Marie and
Huron Strings . .
Exeter Fair parade route.
EXETER.- The Exeter Fall Fair ,
parade is set to go at 11:0D a.m. on
Saturday. September26 with the
judging of entrants to take place at
10:30 m sharp: Enirtes will be -
judged accordingly to categon as
1: Best float depicting our foctii�
Cereal -Grains"
2: :Club ororgani.zation float
3. Business float "-
•• 4. Family decorated float
5. Coptic float -
. 6. Antique motor vehicle
7. Classic motor vehtc'c
8. - Aniiquc tractor, - .
9). . School - high school or other
10. School nursery/Elenicntan:
I: Decorated wagon or bicycle
(14 yrs.,andunder).
1...VO 1r
12 -Ciptuntcd •character 1 14 yrs. &. under)
13. Conical ctr•ttume (14 yrs. and under)
14. 'learn of horse and cart'u.r wagon .
1.5 Costumed horse and rider (western)
16 Costumed horse and rider (English) •
- Formation of all classes •will be at the Exeter United Church on Janie,
Street. '•runt there the parade will prbeeed-south along Andrew, Si. for
Huron St.. west on. Huron 10 Main Si. where it will continue north up
Main St!.to Victoria Si. ani!case to the -fairgrounds. -
Fur lurther,inforniation about the parade•call 235.2122 or 235-1474.
' Exeter Legion -
Ladies Auxiliary
September 17
tlackpot Guaranteed
Full card $500.
130-150 Persons $ 750
Over 150 $1000
"NEW" Air purifiers
No one under 18 admitted
Lic. #M405944
Exeter skaters had
busy summer
EX':-i•ER : Some l'.setei Skating
Club tnenihers have hccn.huss-osCI
the spring. -and sunintet mr,i►th;.
skating at l:thous skating schools
i❑'fie• area - -
Congratulaiions to the tolI(ving
who succysstulll_pajssed their
dance testi. Laura Noakes - Swing .
Dance:. Danae Krahn 'Fiesta
1 sago:• J:ison Roy" fen f•ux and
1-. urteen- Step.- Michelle !Loy
European Walt/. Jelialvi bake'
American Walt/. brenna:Anstcn
Rucker Foxtrot--
P;►ssing.11►eit Freeskaic test,
were. Kriltvlce.Varlc\ - Junio1•
bronco: Jenalyn bakdt Senior .
Bronze. -
If rerun' Anstettr het-
Skills #S and Laura Noakes passt:af
her Skills #6 _
• - Crrrurrimte rlln ;i: tohrernrr
1icurltl (711)•
Dance Hall
Spm tam
tin Orion wakome
Fri., i Sept. 18
Country Justice I
Sat., Sept. 19
Country Justice
kllfkWtlf $WVWW*N
The Zurich Minor
would like to say "thank
people. that helped the Z
Veri Trucking Inc.
Hayter Turkey's Inc.
Rick Masse
Phil Masse
Mike Masse (Mouse)
Seaforth Knights of
J & L Variety
Seylers Food Land -
Athletic Association
you" to the businesses and
MAA during the '98 Bean
Zurich Car Wash and
Laundry Mat
Barry Willert
Ken Durand
Randy Smale (Scobie)
1`98 Bean Festival
All the parents who
worked to make it a
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• •
• •
• -
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• -
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
Hensall Nlinot Flockey and
Hensall Sherwood,
Foul Ball Stag & Doe
Sat.! Sept. 26
8 p.m. -1 a.m.
Hensall Arena
2 Live Bands
"Roys Garage",
"Stu McCann and the
Blarin: Knuckleheads"
Kirkton United
Church Turkey+13.B.Q.
Sunday Septi 20:
Community Centre
Serving 4, p.m. - 7 p.m
Advance Tickets
Adults $10.00
Child $5.00
at the
Child $6.00
, t
Huron County
Sunday, September 27
1:-30 p.m. Registration
Robertson Public School
Phone tor pledge sheets
Person collecting the most
pledge dollars will receive a
Peter Etril Snyder
"Celebration of Lite"
Sleigh Ride Print valued at
approximately $250.00.
Murray and,Sharlm Blake.
-.C.-minor) an pleased to aclrtounce
the herdic ming marriage til 1
- their daughter -
Ian MelPA.*+ to -
' iwr<�i Ls ugkis.)ackhn
son of Wayne kat -Ishii.
- , lknintt• lackim
.n, Sati,niav Sepptmh r',4th, i
-at C►u( I.wic-of `li,uht Cannot
' C atlx,h. Church,.
Mount (amts•)
Cip ell tt'eceptiolt at 854(., •
C onimunity (.enm•.
95-us.ers -- t
ipitithi ttext,drl t*1,r
Craft Show (4 Sale
177' Helen St. 1
Dashwood, i
Sun., Sept. 27
We welcome you back to
decorating, and gift;'giving i
i n i' ideas of
V deed floral boslquets, . i
swags. arrangements i
V.hand painted shirts. bags . i
-and hats. 1 1
wooden. st•ielves.-cabinets. i
i rocking hoses, tables
M Tdddy bears, candles.
chocolate suckors, S
caramel corn + 1
V country accent$, billows.
•fptk art dolls "1.
V hand sewn country. hearts, i
cows: cats - .4
(mw. Alpo, ate, Seph•mber 16. 1998
1 -
Buck & Doe
for Linda Wallis
& David McK
Fri.; Sept. 18
Brodhagen Comm .• , Centre A4
a` majority' Fr • • ,nets cau
229-' :
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
0 A 0 S 0d , I, _u_r G
I .0N.E WA R E A�(, N E A
AL-AMC)'E.R'E. i,' A D_E
S T 0.0 P E 0 P H 0 D
YOKEL A141404
t. O� P E O H A ji EE M
1 0 E A T A 1_-0 T.S A R -1
1' ER_T A L S P E.:(3.11
L A S S_ I E 5': A R P S�
5 L
ISANE A ') T 1 S T S
NST t iP A S- 0 V A.R E ``-
.o.r.0 D R U.S_E I E_•N_E
? t0AK E Ns A S 1 1
''age 19
Forthcoming marriage
Peter and Carole -Peitz -and
Adrian and Viola Ansems -
wish to announce the mar- -
riage of their children. Kerry
and Jeff., The wedding will
take place September 19.
1998- at the Zurich United
Church: Open reception to.
follow._ at .the Hensall
Community Centre - 9:00
p.m.- .
$let 4 aim► eh '- - ,/
Sponsored bud
the Exeter
Agricultural -
1'0 .5 -
Rec Centre Arena
Sun. Sept: 27
2:00ito 4:00 p.m.
S )itI11 Huron Bit Brothers/Big Sister me'rit's Mot yolingsteI
to Skafebiiard or rollerblade along ,r<11• lire fe felony canis'.
llehu,it> and salehr e•rfurt,rnr•rtl required
Make a difference in a young person's life.
Be a trig Brother or a Big Sister...
It's Kid's Stuff! Call (519) 235-3307
Zit ZZZZZ=I==Z========XEf==N
The Royal Canadian Legion
R.E. Pooley Branch
(Ont. No. 167)
All interested persons are invited to attend the following activities
being put on by the R.E. Pooley Br. #167 along with Legion Week.
These are all FREE as part of our appreciation to the citizens and
neighbours we have in Exeter and Area., •
Monday, Sept. 21- Euchre - 8:00 p.m. -Members room
Tuesday, Sept. 22 - Cribbage - 8:00 p.m.- Members room -
Wednesday, Sept. 23 Shuffleboard - 1:00 p.,m. • Main Hall
-,Bridge • 8:00 p.m. • Members room
Thursday, Sept. 24 - Shuffleboard - 1:00 p.m. • Main Hall
• General meeting (Members) 8:00 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 25 - Mixed darts 7:00 p.m. - Canadian room
Happy. 1st Anniversary
(September 6) to Steve, and
Diane of Lindsey: Ontario.
Steve teaches at Sir Sanford.
Fleming College and Diane
teaches. French in a public
school in Lindsey.
Steve :lnd Dennis are sons of
Jim.and Shihey Wilkinson of
Parry Sound, formerly of
Exeter,and'Elimville area:
On June 27, Dennis and
Sheri'were married -in Barrie. •
where they will reside. Dennis
-works at Pratt.and Whitney
on Experimental Jet- Engines. "
At present. Sheri'is at home- ,-
raising,' their son Bryce born-
Uanuary 15.' 1998:
Children's, Aid, Society
th,r of •. of Huron County
is seeking applicaporls for, the following positions'
1. Occasional In -Horne Child Care Providers for High
Needs Children • - - 1 ' '
2( Access Supervisors
3. Foster Parents (resume not required) .
- Must -be 18 years of age or older to apply.
Please send resumes to: •
. Children's Aid Society of Huron County..
413 MacEwan Street " .
Goderich, Ontario '
• t17A4M1• ", ,-..
Only those applicants selected. for interviews' will be
contacted: .
Closing date for application is September 30. 1998
Country Dancing Lessons . '
• Line Dancing
Beginners -Level 1 --7:30 8;30 p.m
Levet 2- 8:30 9:30 -
All ages welcome
Starting: Monday Sept. 21
Location: Exeter at the,Ranch House
Beginner Level: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Inter /Advanced. 815 - 10:00 p.m. - .
Starting: Wednesday, Sept. 23 at 7:30 p,m.
Location: Dashwood Community Centre
1 Beginners level. 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
intermediate Level: Starts'at 8:30 p.m.
Starting Friday. Oct. 2 at 7:30 p.m. . i
Location: Dashwood Community Centre
For further tnl rmateon contact: Joe & Linda Arnold. D,1,-, 1)
!Ont. Tel:' 519 237-3,558. e-rrlail:Jlarribld@llay.net,lholis
Coming events
APPi.E PIE SOCIAL • Sunday. September 27. 199) at ` t.) p m Iatet 5111,1 Mus.
by "1 le Budacruus Jan Nand (tont S2.00/person . P+occcds 10 Jesse's !sinewy 1 (1,.1'11
"HARVEST. HOOPLA" celebrating Exeter's 125th Hythday and the i.ua•, 1'.111
Fates •144111' September 26. 1998 Dance 10 "Sunrise "-1tckets S7 51),
$ I OixWdtiur Available irum Fair Directors or Town Office 1.16 04 ) •
HURON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY - ,meeting a1 Dashwood.' nmed ('hors'
Thursday, September 24.199) at 8:00 p.m, Andrew Dickson ''-lain)(. til
Agriculture - The Way We Were'. (38) .
Al -Anon is holding its 12th annt,al Al•Anun Day ,n Strafford un Scpteinhei 1' It is
being held at the Knights of Columbus Hall al 151 Lorne Ave Spcake s Isom Al
Anon. Alateen and Alcoholics Anonymous will share their experience. strength and
hope. Everyone is welcome. Bung a carload' Registration begins at 9.00 tt.nt (lost is
S6 for adults &_13 for teens There will be a potluck lunch. (3)s)
"YOU ARE MORE THAN WHAT YOU SEE" - is the theme hu our Cottee Bleak
group chi season. All women. of every age are welcome to come and be encouraged in
who Gild treated you to be, and be challenged 10 grow in a closer relationship u oh (lhd
as we study Biblical truths. Coffee Break sons Tuesday. Sept. 22nd. 9.45.1 1 30 .1111
at the Exeter Christian Reformed Church Free nursery for children 0-2 yis , Little
Lambs & Story Hour programs for children 3.5 yrs. old. Fur more ink). call Cindy 235
1723 of Joy 235.2754 "For 1 know ibe plans 1 have for you ." declares the Lord.
"Plans to prosper you and nut to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future "
Jeremiah 29:11. (37-39)