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Times Advocate, 1998-09-16, Page 15
(,0imitial= 1 ronwoor. Skilbalm Septemhrl 1 I Pint, lit. • Kavnt• Year. • Jtr• Ndu Al Much, Ler Wehh.' l tied lilt bat Ste.- • - Ikro kiss ktri Herrnan,. ▪ ,Jur keel. i Third itt. 110I. t uuehll lion lirowo. J0110 kept. • Moh Dom,.. .• 1 Third tut ,'1‘.,r• Mctcn, li'1n.rmow 1[1144,1 brov. 13,11 (011in., 174 4t.. *4 t )74 1 • 174.., 4 171. t hlst.l to pm: 1lor. firvw'txtd 4•. : JIt.. septemner >, • trout time blur ter A filth J1u bonny Iiabt tlolttlltai JCt•tt punt-. L:C ti naa. It lilt. ba:,,:' IG ru lt'Cur` ilur. LUUYnI:. i 1(t: ' knout !Vilna route •ntnl-Yulq:• ('11121 ell IJ.l ttt•YNU. Jtcu1, Lar' 4 noun' inn h 1 (114 ((II% . VOX Lw4d &masa (1 riot:. r11 . iAltt.e bursa. Ib - i n:: - 111.1 Jtt t• 4419 (.los-s1 to psi, •1 •- \U,.:bnnlu:'t•= .Cd•. -btu • /):::ll • . of Jlllll•; ) . I, ' )UC111111 s+. ../St \[',1111":r la• se nvnlpel 1 - - 'trapup 199 A 4 (l•tt. r1: 1 la!: i in la"'le J. tltt• nurl'. . 1 A 111gt "11 'ori 11 innntilt .....n - t111.10 111.11? I1(, 161: Lucsr tour JUnll 4Udt1•: tll:t' "1! ' 1111, t.luetlllt JI\' 1Jtf1. louRtll 11 Ilia re' - kion rluvt.. fir '0,1! t•Wllp i 1(c t3nl •n reline r-t,vr• kr, Yr: 1-111.:- ix..lmuu ±:\ 1'.11 Kill-. •"l: ao..t( rtmulnt» ±cwn.. into ..VwaP - i Ht. 4,,•[t bit., 1 1,01 1.1.'0.1 10' Y Til' 14 11 110th" '1.1' • 1ants:0:w: Il-llttit 1.0001 III' lilt ,,It'0.. 6' 1 Vu1' :_ hi 'HJ?t 110 f iglt : 1 1 nett 1't_tuunt': •._uc 1K.,n Daft I. 11111 - 1(1,.::) 1 1 OUI' /hit-. 1.11: i 44 nwurrI ±111' Nt-n 1 Mill& Llllerll 10 Ilio (111 (1 1114'[1', ±.' 11 t,1/11111:11 1 A l,r; it t.000Ctllal Ylall Iq 0.t•', 1leyllllal I4 1, .ut,lt Outwit 14 I.1» I . • lion/11141n' 17+'.1. 4 a. +1' ; 41 IJA/Ic ;Jla�t41 i>:.: ••• .. na11t16 [111110.01 44I 1 b11an iknuer 11('_. 71 1. left causer ;al i. MITI 1 414utl.0 141 Jul. lyuu.ltt 143 :. Juno hdy1:1 141'•, ' 1,11Mew - 1-111.0[ 16.& (r.,, •1- IJuu tatkutoll 14. L.my Bou)))t 14 ,. 41. VIa'p 1' al h....10 (4-• 1.4.1,1,6 1/4 -Outman 14 .1 .1..1. A►utl.a' YhuUpv 44'3. 41,.1. kv: 1 1 .0400([ r4 t. liar& 'v.uidclguusf 14' 1- 41. ,• 41711:m;c01• 1' ' 'luny i.1( ierhl' 141 -1. J1:1e14 141 i. 771 i Itludell.A 441' '()f, ^fir 111; AiIikeate. ‘.'Pp1Pn1IN'r ltt Mo. • Pay, 1: Mite -y mites • 1,. SCpiv11111er '/ • LUN gl W • •► lit. 4461: ic11y 1(6/47:. 10.14 •IWF.I . ..)lull 1 4141111. •I it tit. (471: 4,0,611.4; 5 5.10,[11. ' .1 1. 111 (sit. a.uuia kunst - Ahlsl'•arid mita - ,AIll 511U.44. i B Il' i(dICI itl:d,c • 1 ( II tJdy le' hunt. . Skirt , A tlt:'.1.1 C11.9,.1.1•1, I. }um) ht,..,..' • 14I -,. Jd0c-Hc11tr 1411 1-b.111.; lulrle 11,m/191.1. 411 1. ku..tu•.,. t aulael4Cr (.I -1. it -an kudUCtltdnt I4 I • I C Ill.: Lutna kuascil 1111 .. • 1',. 4.1 Anita Bidder( (it It i. JudlnlC 11:1111, I• 141. I Myucr) bus plug duualed it, 1 lluuwtwd: Jane Helie • ` Ladies K tndup •Septentlit-r I. I.trst•luw g$u.» -5 1 L.y1111C 1 .14017.7 M 1 .vine 1 W . Ann kt:Intglt; ' 1' Int low ine1 A I• L.rutya1.1110.dl t M 1' . 14a0 auudat r l 11' JUd1111C 1141,1 . Studd kw gius- J vain 11v1 out,. If ! iidtei 116:J,t" 9 ( 1: batt, Luughiu• Sound luw lit t 1 ,t t lull Ilya, 1 is lis Ruth i&kt.ar-kit.. M 1 1.- 11 Gall koudt i 1 •1 Climes( lu put•. balk Suuddy i14,. Mall. 1 Ndx)I11M .I. JAM l'iytk 1.1'7. len I bct41rc1•I` .1 Longest drive (051: A III. hum Hello 113 fli. Anne YIUUI. L lit. IIe1Ie bell Birdies: Jane Ptydc 1.1 +1. Lynne 1 uquhlu (• 1.11, Juan !Icy wood lilt, • I7i. Bei/tuition ; f1 • - f, Aline I'IUU t41(•,, (:arutyil 4.17 /, Ann t•7 ) The 'B' mites. Tne Hensa ' M, , •1 . ran • rn.- • kitten 11r' : cnammmn.snr. • r • -n- fec('r- - nF1! tournamer: t'rr k►rktn• fro. ,r:. "JnraJ ht:err:; 7�' n ' c. 'r irO Brva'1- Narae': rn:clt•1!•' .'e - • feline[ - . o 'r. '' tiac_rn.:-e.• _ilk ibar.4. t ;r3(1!; tL-' 7r, Vi;. Tnernso: tyre.- Mctilor!n,n ol:(' : kernel nn . cour' it tJa;- I• oor•• :ono: • ^nn'ntu?e GoffnMin&q' illrsamoverss • S.epfelnher fl . (Mw putts -A lbph' ' ktiahtln, I 1•• 1 1 - It S•appcl 14.1111,1,: 1• Veal (1 floret • C flirt.' It (•04fc •. 1) fllply I PAllltl,' 1 11pe(Ittllalt: Se- 1 c wrap up and dinar effiliktekin • September Ill -L00 nti • • .1 11. - i (-u khn. 14 11 L Mel 7I'11• 1••1011 Closest lupop '. knwe14+ 1' Sutherlan+ll•f- Winuing team. (Ursl (1511;: t: I tour:'.: t Dr arm, . Man.tlrLl I, knw Second (151-1: I' \ulherian.. 11UA u - K.' Wehr 1- M01Iwlbitatike Septemtu'r 9.41 tol(er• t 0v, ern. -\ I. • -.JoAnne Middletn: It 1. • 11th (4c - t: Nancy Mak, i ) 1. . sal knedenhet. . 6eplemh. r 1.1 ANth' J nt'.k ever:, 10, 1(t- Tart- Pin - 4 ?n-111 (:vnrp Trcn 7• Nil 1'- Mnln• G -.u• H 11It i 1 •n, ern. liy - 1( • • �. l:rc ('anwtM'' 1, ?1(.I I 1 len. FlitiotW` 711.t I 4-re.l :'aml,ht 1 t nidi[ 1 As,' ('rua '9nh• We.11ak ' i 0, n+' 4.r : 4:1:,1/41. • 1, 70.11 t - 1,, . kr4ar I) mph) ' 1h,'. {fa: Aaha 4 Int'. funs,: • ?:r l I n•., 1r10 1 nivM 2.6 1.( ( a.t•. tceh0,te::�' - • 7h:1 I '. Iva',[ LUlht- i-' 4.1n17ee11 lophr Timl • WiI.na tai Wt.dak-fib Spnninr:4Kran Au!. Nest week• Wraour• .tienreint• I 44,•, ( alz, R.1.6. PLUMBING & HEATING • Residenbal & Commercia • Gas and Propane License() RO11 BRAN[ J: Gidle. 5: Exete. Or.: NOK' 235-241E3 8 CHRYSLER'S 1998 CLEAR -OUT EVENT. x 3\j( i• I ,T!.l . 1 1991; .it fv - Greno Cherokee cared( 26E lnciuees - •. vt''• al•-.I.r;:il•11 Iiia e r ;)di, _ •-h,y'1 set' ttr' •411, .'i it : Skit •;.dya'1t.. 1Jliry ••-..ori(•(, • I1.. .,r--. to, " C' {U(., •_ i IY • ,.i .e •1-'U447 tNl! 1.1Ur. .- 'rr .•,.e •r :•f 011.. II U7an� •rt'I COI 01110( 510 -III I: COO' 11' •Fre.I KA.' nt;VlCb • t•ll•- 3.8(' FINANCING t :!' I t i' �• �1( )Ni 11S '27y 19913-Jf ep/ Cherokee 4 Door Spurt 26E includes: ••J.l'� t.•' 19. • 11;4 C'+Ii .$7- • ^ -ilt;r • ,7..l'l(ldit. jibs ia11tibS(U', • ivbAl (alleldtIUP UUclt all [Jag, •i -u,,, 1;01101 •i1' 1.UridItIUr111IF, •hu& I< •Lu71It iod-(I,W IJd!(-inn-'•#11:1•'-11;5tei<-•u•ctaSelit. Wit, I•+spednet-4•{lnleUgidS.•TIItstteni$U).(,tidies •i-0,••,Lem1,phIlel lidtvit+i.'.t UC SEL YOUR LOCAL_ CHRYSLILR R1_; IAILER FOR GREAT 48 AND 60 MON1•H . FI NANC1NCr OPTIONS.. STARTING FROM A LOW 3.8%.' - Cerlu`; iw11M•n 1000 114 M14(111 P')L 1: ()ii'. at \ttu• Ilt'I* libt1111.11Oo(1 ( h' 11-'1' ' 'I !'' 0,w• tllrpn•t:nI * t- • .11 Tog'liz9f:rWane, `.1 : 01 At 74' Sr• , * e- s' 644•'r.1.01•4.'.sole S:4194 ?p . • r .49' • o-, d C.4.,•4 t•1 t r; ^,r�•sv •,, tgyn 'therN•n Igor).. 4. . 1 1,•!- 1 1 aluclyl: 4JdQg' iru(l7S 11161 at,1.K Plymouth. Juup 1..4414