HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-09-16, Page 14Page 14 - 7 en eN-AJvoc ate Se'ntrmller 1)), 199ti
• s.+rs-ww
Early puck play
Scramble. Exeter Jr. D Hawks prase:'- Rya'r Groo:, let:. trier; io' out-muscre .r-Mrtcne'• opponent -,
wnue ion hevSgoes lir the puck' outing al, exhibition gems: a# Hensarr Arend ras! weet. Exete-
los '- -L Crete' won .the'" s cone, preseason gam'• -eve: Esrgssel:: a: Sgatortr. 9treni)'•-
• oir Facia; . Sunday s -exhibitrorr garret' wersw, hu;carornt r wa:. qncellep weer int r'etere(
_trans!' snot., w... Hawks G.tl''. Bill broc) sena bete coachrnr: stat! na's Peen usrnr rookue_.'armos'.'
exc,usrve,' t() reer ou! waia: unknown: taienmay a:' Pe' trvrn�. of:: J1- ! Hawk . aron1 warr tier Li-
Ca/+'less' -wi Lair I!-Tnamesror(1 'on me weekend re it preseason; tournamen.:' ,LuCalr-wilt nos,
Mstcne ; ler err: exhibition contest toirigr: at :1c; u:r . ani. wi.r-rravei to. Mrtcnetr on, Montle); '
• e'er open'., ane season at nom' : versus • Trranrestoru on Fnoai. an E; -.3(.;.i: n;... start -
tpnotm.ihate, Mirk ,
l e ,
Call Sports Reporter Craig Bradford
_ , with your sports tips
(519)235-1 331- • Fax (519)235-0766
Spovts on hold AS0110 H.ron High'
Local- teachers regret making the choice to work -to -rule but
sad the province, through Bill 160; has left them no. choice
ttv `(:rat} Bradforld
7-, Repom,
EXF.TFI< - anon . have heel. indefinitely side-
- coned a: Sown Huron District High School as part el.
mt• teacher: nroie't against the provincial 'Jones
Al. `extracurricular activities at the school lit
cludfnr interschool and intramural sports. have beet
suspended n'. teacher, there a•. suggested :by their
Unita -
SHUHb teach(: and coach lerr' O'Rourke. -who
aisl • thi sear WOSSA vice-president' said
whth: man'. coach(. are ttcbrnt to get back on the
playing tidos anetcuurt...-the'.' must follow' thew uft
tort teat: 1 O'Itourk: recetvet` ,the word to shelve
steinh for no:-. atter las' week WOSSA meeting it,
"1n.' union-strongr_ aovise: that there be nt• vo.-
.untec" acu.viue til, at. agreemen' r dean(. Iwith
tn- i, vol: Maluant: Schou: Board, ' - ne said "No
'hoar- want; to do it but we -realty have nu choice '
(7(kourK: , •SHI?Hiti t senior boy an girl- bay
Ketoalt uactt a wet) a: the boy` rur:
h Rmact. sate ma ahhougn dal: "J don't think
s(,citi cdmpcuuor (girl- -basketball: things will ever
nog ..Vultevnal. eros .mune' ant'.
ttel.l nuc: e , t:' WOSSA Pori OFSAe1 get back to the
11 r! leopard. .:net: 'i- *sill 1 hop(•. a: wan' they were.''
deet \\ i:. conn- u, more Ute 'Sept. 2! -
salvaged O'kt?urkc. satd.the nrwes rount+-t+• unre.
»etween teachers they hoard • an,' tn. brae -Inc. w it
have a lingering eftee..
"I don't thinl, thing-. wilt 'vc.,ge ttata 1, tri." wa
they wen'." he said meanini there wil hacik ht
shortage ret volunteer coache-.
O'Rourke said -'ht_ +- drsapnnlntet lit Mi. had It
depnvc til. athlete. st • ta• ilii . seasoi. nu' th('. pros
ince'; changes to education thrnunt 7111 161 have
lett teacher- with little chose:;
thr.only thin, wit have iet' a . bargain".
tool.- O'kourkt sant-of the weer► -ti: -rut: protest
"hvervtbing else has heels takeiiawie.
He- added the puhh backcast it teacner protest•
show '.the disparit' betweet in: nercen110i `ot
school spores versus mmol snore association: • He
said the deliver\ 0' schoo snort n', teacher-, it,
their -tree time iia, beer taxer to' grant(( ove' the
years. whits mmol spon- association ant mei.
coache.ane organizer. art' appreciate( to- titer es
ton. evert when_ they decide: tit nasi. :leer.
"A_• semi a you withdrav sonictnin tna. ha
beer accepter. a 'par: o: tit: for am exnectet:
vol. re a Teri. ' (''kuurxt tart.
Anotne' aspect"' ot tnt teacner,
tight' agar's: Bit 16( barent dor',
unaerstanc O'kourK. salt, • i std
(tent, veil. no spent -ant - nior: ume
14 classroom wit: us: nros incl
manual: that teacner ar: tI tract
(Icahn : t huroit-l',nr :.onterence-musl,:tit whict. seven out or eight.teacntn Muck, . Yea.
j s:; iooi .:wi1, comeet:• is WOSSi by then.. He add- • SHDHS teacher/field hucxe'. coder )tn Vt orxntar
et' uta t tentattvt 'Thome.. .Tatler District School agree. .
boat, pea: Witt' teacner . could move Avoi. Mali • "I* people cal; prove 11 nit nit xiu . art snendti4
one mon. minute 11! clanl-e. at w'ililll_ a gt Not I
Centennials graduate to' - First _--Division
-- 1
-1.. The mer , socce'-.tean; clinched first place •in'the Second_Dyvisiori'ancr -,1;
wili stet;) .up w Mc. :neon cortrp 't:tiw 'arvrsior' to' teff '9P season
CHA'i'HAN: Io `rtielil Lentennlai.rist,. i.t•n;, may, Krell re(:; 1 tett "nidi. tat%r am
` Inr; (lit u{ . - -
ri --1r win over nm• -t C.Ilalhalseon _-1alurud',' Ha, ret
inn .pe(' :t tut v^ 01' 1 pial-: 14'1' til•: C t il(tauuau,, r.
+141-'-Scctni.1 I.)t]•IstU;._ 411=t na-. 4th'- t•,ule 11 it lett'
)tpaaUUatlte -ltll� ill'. . V ester : ' (Annt
• i -eager:• • L•tr•'t Division item slusv - . - -
•he C.ch1. grahoei til•' tea'.: on. k 1 Roilsne- nt.
file galls.: wile' -Merit; Lena 411115net; pie4I • tire,
wa4 passer; nisi-. between Lvn' . Davi [viatica, an:.
Shaw; Keifer.. Rotteat fin •'.f t::' ' 6.0» • Vitt
Lynn WI1.1 then (1UIIe-.: " Ire11111.1 ll!. 1_-Ilillllal
Exek' piayetf .wet, uiri11. • lir lrlftnulur' t•'. ur
Lrsl watt 0141 t uuldrt t uliutagte t l 4111 1 11!:'
Scott kaseitheig del Ute i.xett'' SCt•VII ! god, eatl -
_ .In lite seenifht halt Wlpetl 11.- ,t'! et+vier' i,it tRP
larl'slue.0I ill, than Plc.! .Wltert' lelUr'1111, •'clelatI
iuc• Marten . go'. In- rteat. tt. {muslin 11,'1
.UC1'0S itt114141;: tillttiir. 0.11 ,scant•,; :tY _(1vr,
the diving kee-pe' -
41...s tt 1 it- pultlIK'.t11•; oak Iunder flit" l:0 irglll•c• Keel.
tt iter alt, 1(11.•:1gin, . I •. +" I, i
- Exett'l heei,t•r t_Kirg...-rt'icbwattt-ieeorUe-a or-silo.:� ,
en: . fir: tier, . t Itis nitenke•-•-
ie minion au. ' utttlleunlr anoint- .ten u.
teatullll' statist,- It•' L.ielt'l , ue elisi 1• ce,rp•. 1:.e
1gOau'. alluwet
1st- Vv.!, 1411('. L/:etei . let or,:' 4: -t.t .'•-: IWIIi
Iils,c .lice am.,
J. point , sever,,i,ujnl", 111 110(111'
.- Ole:) Iliad'''- tlfllrl+etiotl:r \\'ll'. Vrll ,,1\t/Vlllt, ae,n, -
attl 1-m 1','gante,l 11-t4 . gallle te,1l -- 11
'file 1)10"5 Ulm l + teem r•tt 1 1).s ision 1-. .1 Lir}I Il•r
-_ctrl sUtte.t.I', ut•• V'tiS. bde'IIr CCntGtturat. tyt.nl
1+� tic on. r?iatuUaniiu'. :,ce.unt) 1)I \'isiun• tea1L
teailll ttla'l finnan::n,econci',rrtn{n1 Lxeter flit.
\et e1u1•ttut,t.. e(o-},t I rest l!nrvsltlu next seauitl
1y C�crit . Ana. ,c.:rani prat• (omen(:.' hie'ul'
1)l yore • Sunua -- ill Nallselm {•let„ fli 1. 1,,i!, i xett•r
td.` -t' lCt.•utat seas(4'. l!,aIIF.: 1•-454 Il0141: . vet,u., f1C11111:.
,1i opSer _ 'au 0 I,.n ' t ` ' ' -
Gozzard grabs ironwood Invitational title
By C,.rrug liradlurd
' 1-:1leeptii'u"
EXk'i'Ef = L.tnlutr: hdyu,
Gtrizard hrl-lire line. • r: , la,i. wet,
445.1 WgCi. Vrl 111, w4 e' tit• new,
wood Senn, hien, invitatlun1
uveral;' chaniplunsnn • u: V CUIIe -
`day - -
Cauca( • a, molly. tint'. 1110111 el
(4/1 -live year lie( .1 (1115
, uvr i par 72_
round: or, ,1 brume' \ dab\ H' rise;
notched tine age. b0-1)4 otic ,
(ioLLard saki 11 took iitoic. that,
good hen n:es: ua help hurt wlii the
"It wa\ tut lucky .green untie;
wear. GuiLard joked about ,w it,
put him over the tu{i "1 think
a combination ,,or being a member
of the club Lot se( 'tam years and
knowing tic'cuuise like the back nt
air hand " . '
Guuuard also won the recent L.:
(ter Golf Ciuh Men's Club_ chain•
Gozzard has held a lull member
ship at Exeter Golt Club in the past ,
and said he likes both cuurses. "
.1e. supply prefers hs play un an'
18 -hole course over a 'nine -hole
one. •
' Gutuud lives un 'f7►atnes Valley
Golf Club but chooses 40 make the '
drive 14' Exeter (though he owns .
Scorpio Yachts in Exeter) to golf.
He stud he likes the social. club
atmosphere at Ironwood and said
the Exeter club is' better maintained
than "I7uunes Valley.
Winning 'form. Haydn Gozzard-won the ironwood Senior Men's
invitational 'Fall Clossic'.last week. Gozzard. an .Exeter °u -sr -1
Hess owner who .lives in London, has been an Ironwood mem-
per for five years.' - •
(Am age (11vIs1011 winners at the event 'being held inWingliatir The
-irunwvtxl Sr. Men's •Invitatwnal.:.' 'Fall Classlic' is a change for the In -
age 50-54: Lucan's Lee Richards • vilauonai that has traditionally been
(77):.55-5y ` Sarnia's Bob lioler held In June since the first one in
(77). 65-69. Irunwu,tid member - :45. The event is planned to be held
Jack Johnston (132). 70+: Sun- twice a year from now un.
ningdale Golf Club member- Gal About 120 golfers from 28 clubs
Smith (79). ' • • across southern Ontario competed
Tournament organizer Run West- in -June's Invitational 10 set an /All-
man said 105 golfet-Sine a it uut to time attendance record. Westniaut
the Invitational despite a similar said.
iaMi wit:, atom -
''1 hmk 'ca+ ..of .. pu together rathe- quickly .' to coaching" Workman saw
t, t' kourK:•+sail.' 1' ..not rocket, science ' Workman said thong!, ht ant mile te;icucr ut '
t-i:-'saier they t..r siml chane:' -Hiroo-l'ertt: max • cision> tt W0rF.rttt-rut: 1 aftecdm . stuuent ,ie !
.gel dt sear. Kort ming exctudett Iron WOSSA con'. ativel) teacher I: euei. to iinali•, SLIM Ur '1'1 lin' --' '
111 Mowing -for nothing? While We grass on South Huron Distric' Hrgr Scnuu' : t re,C Heckel
1 - field is Demi nlarntarnea to- future use. high schoo sportO vet or here wine teacrrers
wort( -turd:(•
- i
' petition 11 an aegreerlienl 1, reaciteO short:\ atter int provincc - ,
der. _', ueadinie anti an abbreviated sctleyuIe i, ue ' "'Atte' givin 2-- year: o- 01' on:, It, ecaci1111g i '
gratetuli• • ofviuusl• tee, ver sat:•anuu tilt w1101
dung ' lvurkmar. salt- '': alsl tee in: ume iia'
conic to sat no (u• thi- province- 1111 governnterr •
r betnl' ver' vindictive ant toe'_ are teliuil ver'
simple things t%) the pubiii teniae- arer t brut . uur -
kmsµ it the teachers have explained ming well e
liur(1n-t•cru ,school- iiia eiteruc. tl 'ole' inter
scrlot'1 i port. Unit' Within hien own cunlcrence wltt.
n1•';;trattce a:-auvahcur- tl WUSSi% rte O1 SAi: i
tn4 ueadiine conte: ani gbe_'
but 'despite the hope that tall Sedum; sport. may tr.
Shuffleboard scares
4 gain'. W tlluel s
'tum W III I,III 1
LsICNr C IUIinlrl
Ul e Ls,et
Howard Johli-
'Maigc I'.IcCurd•
i garde wilruers
Send.Gusar - ,
- September 3
Slatge MrCurd.
lea Williaut• ' -
June FloJgsun
September IV
Allen Johns
Gil Nurthe\
Howard Johns
Estelle Clialnief:.
Hill Sullivan
Potluck lunch at 12 uuun.
shuffleboard 1:00 p.m. New
simsun starts October 7.
September K
Hazel McEwen
"torn Wilhwns
Theo Vandenbuum
Helen McKay ,
Lloyd Lovell
Edna Dien
Russell Ferguson
Doug Insley
South Huron Rec Centre gets
souped up new sound system.
1)X11l Lit • 11 ; yutl mitten. 'die
stat' heron: • on' of speakers i at
South Huron Ret Ceni. Sounds
(react than It ever. has ante: Sept .
25. you'll be ugh:.
• A partuerShil•. oI arena , useh
jolted up U1. research. situp .lur and
buy d drew sound system lir the. la
cilia - -
The. new - -state-of-the-art sound
system bum Lxeiers Sound Ad-
vice weighs 111 at SI 1.559.36
Sound Advice submitted tile win..
Ding and sole lural (putt , Exeter %It
U Hawks sceietaly Anne Sullivan
. Representatives train lie Hawks.•
Exeter Minor Hockey. Exeter Pre-
cision Skating. Sbuth Huron Rec
Centre and Exeter Figure Skating
Club. comprised a cummiuee that
was given the unenviable duty to.
find a sound system that would fit
every user group's Current andti,fu-
lure needs. :Representatives in-
, eluded Hawks president • Tan
McCann and Sullivan, EMHA past
president John Rascnberg. SHRC
teenager Ulm Stewards n and
UF2C's Lori Baker.
Ultgwa'.c5LUuatt. oda hit 'soma!
sysien. t.uslmlr• . Uetwenx S(r.UVU
a1(WO. - Uu. Ua wnunittet C1rdi1
tualil move( llvn: pnuvlJull a sv,
ten lee )u. (0' ', .t rumen.*, 414(1.
Wdlll, Ilf11t ((11115 CIlhlt' kirk (.:C1111t'"
ulciudutt le(. 101)4)+ 411('. 4.11111411X..
lie 1001 1)4101l'. 41111 fo, . b4nyued -
dance teal
'lit,. , .uusurtluu has ahead,
talset anon, S 4 -'.e()(1 01 file t0lal
'piit.t t..t' Wlll! seve(at Celipuiate
X01111(1ltltlertt,.yet 10.WI11C.I4i '.
, Sullivan said die .\,unlinutce still
needs (int public heir 11 brat utt
the .(odic svuu(t sysleltL tai' 41111 11
11101'' LJSI' 1441541(1 dwt: 11c1.1411:41.
(1)c bal411e c will 40 (uwdids 411y
`ulhe► ptu)ects abu4c and beyond
what's called lir In the Rec Cent • -
ire's budget edcll year. 'r
Anyone'Merdste(I itt donating to-
wards the cause can call Sullivan at •.
. Cltequa% are to be made uut to the
'town ul Exeter and tax receipts
will be issued; Those Who wain to
supply•mail it 'cheque. should- ad-:
dress it to 254 "Nantes Rd.. Exeter.
Ont.. NUM 153,