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Times Advocate, SoripmkerMi j
MacNaughton Park donations
EXETER - Donations to Mac- Rebekah Lodge , $200 Mrs. Wrnlxiv. SI(JO
Naughton Park are now going to- Larry Brown $100 Dorothy Taylor ... ;....,....5100
ward the maintenance of the Park. Ted Jones S "'0 Nancy Miller $100
The following individuals or fan- Peter McLeod $.:JO Luella Taylor ,S1(10
ihes have purchased stones in the • Howard Hodge $100 "..• Len Sutton • S1(X)
Park donne the• past year. Gord Prance . ' $100 . Tota! to Date $181.121,
Glenda Lewis •$100 • Larry Rodin S100 There are still 40 stones that can
Irene Harness $100 • Leo Witmer . $200 • he sold in MacNaughton Park (24
Peter McFalls • $100 lane Brown ..., $300 at S100. ten at $S(X) and six at
Gary Bean • • $100 Bob Geban $300 , S1(1(10h However,'donors now- -
Audrey Bentley ' $100 . Exeter Machine for Max Learn have.a choice of, buying a stone in
$100 • .MacNaughton Park or in the new
Geraldine Smith 5100 Park,being developed at 406 Main
Anne Prout $200 , Sueer on the site of the former mu -
Evelyn Johns S300 menial building. Fundraising is al -
Barb Tiedeman • $100 .ready underway and the target date
Marion Cornish $100 for completion.of the park and the
'Liz Bell $100. fundraising is November 30. Con -
Lucy Sedlak S200 -,: tact any Lions Club member for in -
Barb Miller $100 formation on this Exeter Beau- .
tilication Project on Main Street.
List of schools
targeted for
closure to be
CLINTON - The provincial -
gavcr'nment is tc►rcing the Avon
Maitland District School Board to
t ornpie a Its' of schools targeted
for closure -
Last Tuesday meht,in Clinton.
trustees reluctantly approved a
motion Iii submit a list of schools
tharcould.be•closed in the 1999-
(10i School year "
Board Superintendent Janet
BaIrusJackson. said the Ministry of
Education and Training requires a
,list front each hoard by Dec. 31
Trustees will see a list of -schools'
which could he closed at its next
meeting on Sept. 22
"Althoughi We don't have a taste
for closing school.. we have to do
• tins to comply -with the ministrn
regulauohp.' she told trustees
Duecinr Of Education Lorne
Rachlis. sailboards won't receive
funding to maintain any unused
space. in its schoiils. 11 the A''on
Maitland board kept that additional
space. Rachlis said it would have to -
take 'scarce resources" from other,
areas to cover the costs
"We are living in a rural area
where there' -are dozens of _
kilometres between schools. Busing
students further to. other schools is
regrettable.' said chairman. Rat
Ford. who opposed the motion.
The hoard also finalized a school
closure policy and a school
accommodation review pohc•y
which includes an annual school
accomodaticrn review
In an•efiort tri explain'why the -
board is considering.a list of
schools to be closdd. the -hoard
preparing an announcct tent to the, •
• It explains the provincial funding
thud& 1 _and how it affects the Avon
Mauland hoard: it also states the
hoard doesn i agree with a one
show fl IS all' approach to funding
educ shim
may be offered
by nextfall
CLINTON -rench l prnersion
could he oflere�ln the Avon •
Maitland District-Schoiol Board's b>
next fall - •
Last 7 uesday night in Clinton.
-trustees agrerd to go ahead with a
sursev asking pardnts it they would'
Tike to see the program in the
Ralph Milton. principal at
Sprucedale Public School in . -
Shakespeare. said the board has"
enough personnel to offer the
program which gives students a
chance to become bilingual. other
hoards are willing to share their
curriculum with the Avon'Maitland
The efforts to unplerhent will be
worthwhile for students. Milturi
said there are numerous career
opportunities tor people who speak
French and those opportunities are
The board will receive an ,
additional 5291 ih funding for each
student enrolled in a French •
ininiersion program, he said.
However. Trustee Wendy
Anderson wondered if the funding
lir French unmersion programs is ..
"If we don't have the money.
we've raised people's hopes
unnecessarily." she said.
Director of Education Lorne
Rachlis assured trustees that
parents would be made aware that
the program would be subject to
funding and interest.
The French immersion program
provides instruction to students in
most subject areas in F?ench and is
designed for children whose first
language is not French. The board
could choose between early,
middle. or late French immersion
programs where students would
begin taking classes in French in
senior kinderjuten, Grade 4 or
Grade 7.
Friends of Brian Talbot SI 00-.
Doug Sweet S 100
Ironwood's ladles wrap.up. The Ironwood. ladies golf league held its wrap-up dinner last
.Saturday night, handing out awards to its top golfers. Pictured from left are low net golfers •
Joanne Hardy. Barb Snoddy, Carolyn Gilfillan and low gross golfers Lynne Farquhar. Anne
Prout and Ann Revington.
They played math games with aliens,
learned about 'WHALE S,_and spoke with
grade 3 students in the ARCTIC.
Then' they didn't ,want to stop for recess...
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