Times Advocate, 1998-09-16, Page 41 rine, ,4 li'o i:h Seitti'llrl)t'1 ft' 1`)e)s Publisher & Editor: Jun Beckett • Business Manager: Den Smith Production Manager: Deb Lord" *Aaterr,s,na. Harb Cansit, • NIA, Kate Mori,,. (:ralg Bradford. Scott Nur,'1. Ross Haugh . r'ro 1 ctrQ Alma Hallantvne. Mary McMurray. Barn Robensot Brenda Hem. Joyce Weber. LBWS Nimv . iransportauorl'.PI Wingert: fro: Qttjce 4 Ac;pltnt,ln,,;•-Stu' Hollings. Carol Winds(" Marianne rllr'1" .Anita Mc0onal.i. Casslt: Oalrvm)tr Ruth Slaght. The Exeter Times -Advocate is a member of a family of community newsnapi•r• providing news. advertising and Informatio(' Ieadershit' h 9) 1 ' ' /L1 '( (a) L o r M., {7f- - .. SUflikilCN*PTION RATES. One year rate Mr Canada subscribers S3S.00 + GST Two rate for Canada subscribers • 1163.00 QST OTHER RATES Outside Canada - S102,00 Pahlished tach Wednesday Morning at 424 M+In St F■atn:. Ornate, NOM 1SG by.l N Fedy Publlcettoav ►ta 1elephone- 1.51.92351331 • Ca. 519.2350786 Pm,drMgeoey CMI. • G S.1 eR10621081,. EDITOR Just 101 thrills. just for laughs. he problem with teaching' lit ire kit: • safely rules is not that the keep toreetun . it is that they heltevL they are ins lnclhlc he will be the: one; who drink. an entire bottle)ot whisky -on a dare. and then hap hehtnit th' wheel of'hi•dad., car. t�) drive -home. He tells his .friends h. 1 1. the only possible explanaudif .know, every place the: cops set up RIM . for til • '11,..11/41„.„0.•11,) \'. Iite1J at the corner in, checks. and wilt b, ilnl•. Justin cast. ht -bic \ l to Ieanin,_.aratnst the light start- keeps a giant bottle of Listerine itt hi, darAJ. while the light remained preen .backpack - a quick gargle and spt.and 1 be moment the light mined red. oil . .no one will be the wiser „So what it h "\yens child and•b1C1 cL.-. right across •l w lanes ot••tral-ti : Tires ss retched. hilt titer: w“'s".ni1 crunch of metal on metal not this 111I1 • allV'.til% - cannot walk straight'That 1: why h: brought the: car t yoke i; - He will be the one who skateboard, niidnlght right down the:noddle ot lh: , What could, i1.r\ e•becn �nolny tiu-ottoi, in un street. no hclrnet. no wrist or kne: plc i?l�\ 444411.%.' Jttrei\' h.' i\a• till{• pad. Ht\, ht, know; what-"h'e is dolly,' enoughLt $ ha\ , tc:lriieti that tit:. gels 011 :t skateboard - leare the dorkv sale i iitcan1, "-stor t)l course rte kne\a. • styl=i for The beginncr�, not pro•boarder. In fact: he probably c.01 a ociod laugh .1: like lint :all the ttotiktri turns and expression, ut :terror on the 1.tct_'s ('1 drivels and_ pt' desuuu►-•. Perhaps he lett iilOillentat-• exhilaration at having lii,ade.tlie old Is' tit's lih4fir,: brake - •i i1 stunt cuul (h'Ivt killed huh. but �li)ih[1 1.01';,I moment. because- like he continue, taking, stupid tis}. ll lt)-ir \l)llnt_`slt.l. his he WAN Ila. -Ili "kesl assureli,.tht(1 kle : and nine' , 1!e e'xperR .IIL.' 1y1(11 tfeath'and serious dims will 6'7. 0111 tiler t'\•s. 11"3'110111' nilur . i 0kit ,like' him, dt.alh i, sonic Ills bike down ane. wrong -stile 01 the onto tail happen, t., st t t i„ of .t •k peopl road. truing iu'lnrsuadt the varier, slorc:. How di) we -get It through the-heau. o' - kids like thlti that.aceidents ars the 'lead '.: in•cause 01 death for hi age grout` The answc:; of course. ti that we cal' np.t:All we can ci;t is %lope that Mime` invincible hyc..iutl_, enough toreariL'_• ;�rt)tiahl'� never considered, Rio;it. po,„ he canindeed t). Allured or even killed if. t e- . not t, * liralth\ ,curt youngster- clerk the cooler -that( -cool i'a 1 ea; -uhi tt: 1'sits' r:at.&9t1 YOUIIIzstt'ri takeso thL LOUntt•1 li olv'eiiutgh to UUy cigar- ruali�-UII1ILrrsaar': risk 1 he boy\v'h4 •, cites, diving into the shallow end 01 (11: ilial Cel, hu' .)all 1OUlt l`� 'whit rush 1,10(1.1.pool, and poking the nerglitiout •sllar'.1_ (Lt11t . 1v'&)UI.I prOOahk. not hesitate t,:•• ' ing guard dog• with Sl1CK•• - 'u t !tt' iaul►h�, fust for tliri}I' 4 �Iiitlr__•la 1);tt.t.ar•.•,t'1 t;lrarenr' . Vii, \\eta 1\'.e have to take extra care dl"Iving'tic.ir �It_.UC,ItCs arJ liu)r, addictive Mat sthS)ul• Li, t must -keels up the t_dtictluut llertilh ri . `tl) typal t:lgartlte, al � khclwr - (4, cath;i: Lancer! He does nest Know ah\ : ' Programs about t}le clangers of suiuktut: VV. cannot ease up un li►Ipalre,d dt ry'ul, 1.'.-N'eai-olds with luld`, cancel, 'and }ie .uet"tanir, does not -,know much about prevention prut;rcitn annoying tllougil lit' i' ill a 1 Mitt 'hrruitl addictluit.. He tirurrs he can gull- r �`� \\ tit n the sinol:rnt, gets to 't1'�' et lar)blenl ' child c-uuld One day be the duetor" w1i lot-JuniN lien lie 1 + oiue; •treats Ut1r artllrltl`, the (cachet wilt helps :t Ie\% year-'- a»t1IIIuIa, Ut11 grandchildren- iear11 ltltlth: ter Cued olds " - awarei winning anlilor' . 0 we can kel , r t _ (14,c,..1101 got l:' 1) leis by one c11' thusr - „i 1 lu!1� dr%crM lie lIas (un.LUIIIIIII • 111111 ItilVt ItiU,'ent)til;tt What's on your mind? �ne T11,It:5-Auvocate continues to welcome iett.elo to the editor as a forum for open discussion of local issues, concerns, complaints and lcudos. The Tinies-Advocate reserves the right to edit letters for brevity. Piease'send your letters to P.,0. Box 850 Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S6. Sign your letter with both name,and address. Anonymous letters will not be published. A View from Queen's :'ark By Eric Dowd 'I ()RON:I t) :\ candidin 1' N 1 Unlit; 0)' 1 runrluIg sei_und 111 the lac Q. 1• r letter:II 1'lugle • ,1%1 (. oliscI%atlt-• icadet, blit ICV. IICr•.. would tccugnlie 1,114 l )ugh. Segal has Mc saute ramie but little,othcr resembi 141. ' to rbc b.tcktuuln suategl.t who has veil; ulu•t 01 h,. political :.etch In Ontano gtl4eluuient and politics • Segal is geneolly considered running not tar bchind'turrneI prime minister Joe Clark. . Ontar- mils (hulk they know him best because of his decade as a chtel adviser to the former lung± ser irig.prenuer William Davis, longer than his involvement at the federal level. but the are beginning to' wonder Among other dramatic conversions, Segal has come out in tai 01 proportional representa- tion, allocating seat& to parties according to the number of votes they attract, which appeals to federal Tories who have little chance of win- ning many ridulg contests soon. Ontario New Uemoerats, who have similarly bleak prospects for the immediate future, also Kate's takes /sir kw, /Viol . . Ah,' September 1I)c'•, •..t)ntelblu; apor! 1Ct)tet)lia�c'1 Illullillr .. \\• 1at4Ult 4 •.t',r 'golli'en l telt• rl eaI( Lel " ,i %y tilt (1 w01.i (tour ill• • • ' •I IICiiI t .'.el4 elnitrt .I1.1, It.. ow,. t:Itdt 111 Illut' Ilta't + +114'444 .l'al:; l'4 ILIII. , \k• ilo - w' a , Alli' l•' t IC't't. 1111 Ill `t 1/410.- r'i .111111 illll(utit'` t1/4),1/4,111/4.1, t *chil'l'i. ri1' lflvltit;J.1'1/4•1tlt•tih i cope w4I i <u• .if.l►11a1e.1 ,GItrt `(.11.11 1 inti 1/4:1/4;1111111/411111v 11/4)(.41/4 upon SCpICIl1IH_ a•..t true: u.,t,.(•!•, .set lull\ ,f( , •41. 11'1001 ..,,t ll•1'• • - eU11il:U1t'1. ..t%. `'f;', 1'1111•_•14 \1(11) 1111‘111.! 4 111 <411411.',11 ('),Ie h• ( ; Srl%It� titli', esti Mel' I11C11111! . L11U1% Illi 111)111 UICtt It';'f.trih*t'I tlllatl '1 t Urt: •'CI , Itat r. 11)! ill 1 .t t.;. [lit it." .1i ill'. t•ir e ' 1011. ,11,11( 11' ilrtttll 441144111 I,10 1.41..'1 .Uhf l.Ic,tlh IY.','l It`tlt':• 111_ t U1111.R (lila) 't' 1• t.ftM11 4. i,ulilt•:'p.• 'tt.•i 1 it hC,le'1 1, IIC.t14-. til`t'Itt':i all;l ill- IUilll - al'' iii lL ai1Cl t ) I.11•' • ,Ulitu!1 '..gill ail, ',11111114 alit I, II'. .Utlll!1t•Ll': t.a'I44 e'%1Yi111', •.44 .;'t loll tela\111 pall •• .111 1`4 (I1.'.'-1li11,t'. t141'.I t 141' 1)4„ t(1•_ .1'tl.11'i 4444: '►ut1141.; itltl -.tt 4_a01U'.l/J '114 .'t ,,t.I •,.14 iC I' 144101 1 il.tllh,i'1% 111' , 111 idt•.444:- 44', ('t'lttt'C11 alit • all•_ alibi. 1 11a1)h.4 4% 141•'..11'' (II 4IL .`i lir' :%41(1 UL`: t`' illi ..d;... III c41i11 . .Cdr .Ui, 1I.4;4 alq.;i1.11 111•.-.` I ll. •••••. .414'11It 114_( IC.t l/ 1 4. null �,, ',1' Id.. 4../4.4i1.,' •"4111111ii•, IID{1' 4 •..4 la`_t;.t). -14' IJ`', 4441' '0'1 tit' lits•. • 40.1441 ti:l u. aiuuuul uau(r 1%ar.44 rl til, la ..,It , 't1C 441 sal '144"a .': ;U 11'11 • t'• 111 1%')'•. I; it),.' (ie-' ra: - ,'41 Iii : (4.','.• Itta ii ..111.i)141� 1/41110)141 . 1'_.•' . .11", a4' I t' aa' tai ,,..1%11C .11141.11t11111111C 'hill. ,h .'lit d'4•- .il(i IClt.t-i . !61 1.''1f. lir \IK•t(Q. t'. I11 Ude;, ,i. di. ti. �r41'utu4 1111.... • 1.1•• l'.> .uuuul: atm' alUlt'iII f .';' -di l'{11'1...' s(Cti il.tl ill'. .1" ♦'' .. .i .l.l` t111Cni1144)1',r1/411:s.4. • ..a0. V'i,. lt.., ,'t4;4,.i.44.1 441-• 1%104 1 1'.'.' .. I .4 1'....II.11111. ale washing propurtwnal'representatlun Tilt' 01141110 Ulltar1t0 •Dories stayed 111 .gu%eiitnrclil through I.; cunsecuti4C eleCI run. fruit) 194; to l98` always with toner than hall. and. several trip•. • with little' route than dile-third: (41 -the %ties cast, because •Muse against \vele di- . vided almost evenly between Liberal•.and is ' • Democrats.- • 11 the opposition parties had been, allotted seals based un proportional represei tatluii.•. tile' would hsv a had inure cornbiited than the Tot ie• and probable- turfed them out slwnel, but Segal was never heard calling for proportional repre- sentation while his party retrained in power - • Segal now says he has a burning desire to gist taxes and "on fiscal, and economic ISSUC5 i 41ev% myself as to, the right of the part.. I believe in reducing taxes and paying down debt and have zero tolerance for.deficits." Out in titles, including principal. secretary to Davis, Segal had influence in a government that increased taxes virtually every,year except when Change It. pldllIletf an l;tl.'e'l1Ul'.. and ilii not %►an! 1a\ like's tush In 4uter'.-uutld\ :4(4.0,1 Kelpies 1)a%ts'111 M1111 11,5(1% I111\ad%Cil •. tuii` <n buynli.,pari 411 iu1 MI tcintpan).r%emu all) soli back. to the titivate sector rut .1 los, est hundreds 01 million. 01 tl0Uarsan(1 pout tug Intl • hod` into i1 resort , solei back at huge los• .inti %list subsidies to husiiicsse..ilti:.td1 duiio' well .cnough,'1)uww stopped I)% WOW liugal 144114:. 4111 der Premier Mike !hut!, • f le- atsil had a lot ul . "Ullcl.ull:c tor J4.1iei1' then ffi• •font•, nCvt'I balanced .) budget- un like 'lurrt's• betun••and cven Liberal's 1•t1'r. and instead se%eaill years tan u1, del1111:-0 S' biz ' lion. an ui►pleced n1ed sUI11'114 those day s Segal, it should be admitted. wrote 'an election pamphlet promising to balance the Budget In 1981, but the Tories dnforlunalety that year ha(I a deficit of St billion. • The grew Segal is concerned that the federal Liberal government is' secteti4e in decision- making and., says he tvould provide "tail minded and open government" so the public Lalli .ia 44.44'. lril,".4n _.11' 114,1.11' :Inc 11. Jilftt' tri )r.'11'i1I4l .II: .1111 b4 lCMI11t'l: '1 ill. 1 i)t'lli %4'1'1 it.4 14.14' .4.•444,' '(i. .lite 41' 14.. -Iiia niufniet •,ta kat tri Ilii n 1 t111ct S. L,I 01(101 (11.11' load' all i• I)a%I _4'.it11141iu tie* *..li 1e- ,In ai.0 i I00l44 GAM:, b..IIu � 111411• 10 14'. 4-.)0e4I li illfibeI Mlill 111 U.ticttI • al. 14,'.,'" belt I. 11401 4; . Ifl' it 1`1.. 'WC' su (Vise tuU1d b, 11•' p(ttiu4t: b,t4r liul' IZunuluali. liu)t :ubli(u' )cutlai Iti0I111 Stlr11t1i• 114 CIl%II u11tnC111 .114 alllUll• . 411: ` v%h1 ha%i ,publtcll bianlitl 1),44 4-. 11; 'U„ gu%e rnuttt b. 4114114• • Segal also has 10111' our i►• .4 5(41)117' atl.t'.ala of capital punishment and illi (.ullln4uu theme- to his actions is that lie %Ili Jesup un .til% right wing bandwagon 5110451110 be jtupulal" • Whcn Ilarrts'. electron chairman. loin Lunt*. once said that Da% 1s'• for) pal t% 11ad 111 pt 1111: 1 pies and was IUD b\ iirsidcis leading poll•, h(• truant particularly Segal. who Is back at hi, old garnet