HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-09-16, Page 1SHIP'S valu-mart 4 !is 83 '4x4444 23''.-0262 tittr. 14414 t n7ni, . Rental 911. Serving Exeter and e»e since 1873 Canadian The makes plans tor new store See pages . Skateboarders want their ow? space See L'rossroaa: Second iron: Highschool sports on hold See page_ 14: Council committee recommenrih S1.3.0013 study or staff structure 1, rex!' '•1111'"'. :114: !(.!' :,1.142 01 tli4Cr11.11 rc"i:r1'ct1'In" nla 11C4 .4)11:'• u1liSttl•:4117.41' :, t_4.1,• - 4..1111141'' • • c11lh1JIlIltt: • . 11: 4f. 1114:474 1114.:171.11n..1 (1111114" V, V:1!4..! 4241 :11 1114' 11: ,:!'r. sin ".Ir:""' • .1111:'' l-iul Cl'., 144.. 4.• I:CI}. •- 1.L•_ C4I! ,(ItLll" V' -I Tt4:(I!liII!L'li 1111.41 Ina' Ue:-C'1l)llu: . 1 1) I1u:l - all:1 l:1'1:1-!'.' l4. , l4" �; .111.4 tt1:11' .' .,t)It:C(1::_ 1 \lilll:it'L - .4 1144•_' I),.'::Il1i'I( ,111'1 11•.'! if:" t:CIIlCtC;• par. • .fl' (1L'!L - 41:1 llCVit'Ir11Cf11 • .-lurulu4suatur hlc1. !'iUlluey. CL 'jini,lize l Ilu: it'vit .u'.,n 11,'t tc:,U.. in an, St.r'i,I,),in!! IB''' int- \11! 144 [CI![CIIICiµ 4 4-(_!11:Irl !\1.'1 ; ill! • !'eruct 11t1t1i 1111111:. •-1.141'..: tt1 444411 1 JCIU:tt,, 1141.11 r •. 4..1•11',Ivlflc1.. ;ail T'. I,•• 144:.'4 ULU; 1114. 44..'111 14:14 11'' I( .' ,111:1, ( '11r Liellllllll.•,•t 1.l'-:• ''ii. ' !:' 11111111L'11Uiltlnll 1)'I;( 1- 4!41 1144 -i 1 1 - Stepper lownshir taxes -ori .th'4 41st `;'1•1-11H1:.: 'i>ti•;:,,t: : : 1. LU,(Uln!! 4te'S411t• 1 11 V, 1:1,11' alllllllll `, l'l4411` 4_4''44 Lt4tiv._ •1 ( t.Cnl 41110.4 •111 lUW11.1t11,14 4CIWC• ( Ila.l'J.'ic, ills: I114!SI1-- ulfc !'I (1. • - :u�imnult.lt41 _1411:...1 i. 4: UL'Illlal 1114111C11 .1 till lit': UW4,11,111 ( as-' .se.1 a;'!, lUtl.lH)u w144 pit .1 IIILIL',4't;111' 1.11' 1 `Id\I7'ti1! • 1 twit-, ttCIIIcsCUUu;_ cunt a 1)J L'u" _• �t tlis('14-111tttrtCit- 1f It: TT1;: I11T I'll: 1111.11'al` _ ..'d "111: 11! r lUt('11S11111 Ila, 14• tilt,], 141' ?)4)11 444• 1IIIUSC11(41tl ((n 4)44111.111,: I-)1114" ICaUl111, IIIL411lJt: 111C. 111„ 4,1 ((t' 141111 la.\ 14.70/1[...: 111141 II 11'. trl u, 4:. Gal 11uv4'1nlilerl• \\ 1P• 1 un' �\'llil l 4.14/011114e14 • 4.0 :11,11141t' U" tow rl,lit: - .. lc,11uC11) 1)a••: Ila., 11•ctu 4.441414• • itiuN (4 41.It :. G4Nd1111.1' (44 ,1 4. lalS,� �,IlfCill 11.1 • 41. Aloe .1 111 144 IUWIIsllltl I,s\IUC � '•• 1111111('ii `I d,044: „4110 I, • 111 ildu141u11 to (4''.. 11.,l,lrnU. lil\ IlILI.a4 ..41)11 1'114 14.1:: .111,1 �. 11U44111.1 4)I (44K't i 4 1,4.44 • 1':.11. • ,)HCI I uw14,1111' 44'1.1 144 • 4't' •I 111''4 it 14441 1111. 11'41''.. 1,1 4.l' I Lllllllllfll G1. .114, (q 111It'RI l,1 ,['L1111 4; 111*• 11 411101 441)0,4444. Id awe Hensall District Co-op wins. Flood investigation H.J. Heinz Quality Award bill tops $12,000 lot; aware 7'i Hens; '!• oe,)rar,t'• r?.:rvt'e Int . H._ " Hein. t1-1 Uuakt Awar1 rrc'r Herr:.: re.;)reserirarit'� r r . r 1144 f .. f . . f:�:�: •' n'1arJ(erme Manage' 11144 Herr • Genera Manar< r;c 1 _(asrn, KFrtrrr Mcuui, .luarrt A- s:/rane'' Ma•'rap' f1' 4t ,4 • - FICT: 14;•:,44. : •' tworiut• 41. ' 14.• 1 .1' ' 44 ree1)t'II111(1 G[ :L • -:1• wnri - • Da KC,( Cent 1.1.: 444.1.:)7 -W.: 1'!4.77•t11:1.' `.l! • 11: .Ct'Ull: .4.4'44 lye:: .xanl11:'•- 1 _.u41n(, all r: !:•', ( ;t)41111111111e1 11. 7' . 11118!: 411:1t1 1'1-(4Ct, ail S!' 144 Ill! .-1.. •. l:' JC rear 4111::' : 144 1)c:! 1'i• 1\ '.. \11117::; !Al• 1'1VI11 ' 14Cl11'.: - ` i- !CII:. Ill 1.. 1.'.: I.L'1ir: 1.4',: . at); i)1-r:"r' to 44..' . a. :;tftllllt.' '.f!. 4 !CTI' li,l•. 41.48E 414 4:414' :'f* r La• lNapnr- ' 414'4 L uoera: rc,, Managr inn' .-erne--.. ;ILL- ."11:: . -t!: to t._. Se _File_" f - r 4l: f.,: ..1).441' 1:1:4.:11." •.\1)C:1. CIT'1'11:1,. 11; 1 1'4,41' 1441: 'i: r I n l 441.4:.•:. t -4:711s.:. 111•.11 :1+ 4:11'•111 ' ,:‘‘•141;. :'r.". ,4411.. '4" 'tie' St.ti 4_g4,ll' 414 .`t :•C :, `4114 I:..• .-,;:,,:J. ' Still uncerrtaim about-tutute of -'waste h4. 131141. 4 -at trrsul n! la: a•, ''r:Val:; '1)C'1',:4I. 7!( r 4(41.L I,, ,L• _ .t.':r•:,tJl' ;1! ..a,. 444.4 ..,...•rte 1.1.17 .;1. vi 44^ _1'4. sir. 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' 11' (((4I11 may all -1 (lei:.• t1111n1(-t _. 6-414;,,111 .•C .411 1:11 `(.1.11). II.!; • • 1'.t(' 1114;411.7 )Era\ \\11'• 1441),' Lu 14:41' • • 14ill '11! 1'1$111'- 144.1• t!:1111t'1t' . 41: 1141111 4:rµ11111.I14:1 soli. 41 11, '41,41'_• - - V.It(:, 1441. - 4!1,.•44'' l(tI .11 .11(41' - .'41 41! 4,4(1 - ' 1.L' 41.111 lUo..,1,1' ' '111141.'' 1'(,11t' . ' - r .. I llt - 44t 4 11,4 (41'\' 1-. • I ,444''' 4' " ,1.0 - .141,1141' Ili," 411•. 114111 • 111411414 411:4.4' -,41,44' ,4)44): •ll41l,alr'n (441. 414•, 1141. 1114,. .14, 4,141' 1,11. ,%ll1' . - •- 1 1 $1;111 111.:1)' , i 1 W.1 111' ,'.111 ('111 !:t' 1.' ,'(11,4 ♦.1' _.`.1'141!11111,• 111::' 111111 1••11',.$ 1.$- $14•1$.! ,. 14''. 44,41' �, 1141' 1,.1 ,UI• • 4,', 4.1114 14.4 1':su 440.4 1'11,44 ♦411 .114., 4l.a' , 4 Big Opporkuniti 4uticri :: from.% l' heaa: ruche( G1d11( -ben( 1Lfotur�le ` 1)r 1 Se/3' ( at1t ' tledv' tdU' cause(' Ilitdait111i11 dct:. b4-4(' am Ow Gdrldrljllvd:, 1.l, cdllt:e . Inc '4 (4111. 44ICll ;1G.U14 4.4414.4(14 4011'' (11.4111 1UUgc ,• 1 ' c',]1.' F.1)• 4a,' 4.1111.'• FUlll' 441''(.,1 {1.•..41,411! Lull,l,(l11; tied' 4.''' 4444'1 4401.' 1114. :MeV, 11V11.1111,;.• .1111 luul!C4 1'. 41:' 1:441144('• 11111: bullar. 1 . 4111(4. alUIiItlUI11I1' 1).l,:: 14.111 4(4'. i-. i'Ullc ,.114- �1 Gt)cl 1 ,': auuiiunl ....f; 1111..'. ,+1 tin. 1. II411u.. U.ln. ; 14.44.4:14c 1.. 244.'- 1.141 r • 1t . 467 Main St. Exeter 23541173 ) 'f'HKI/ SEP''i'EMBER 27,1991% 1501 SIWE 259°a pAY 10 11, • oiwu of ,'our Amp( GUesJ.kf( Cd9/// feat/ter (.SU/«s I'I-t.s SLU(i 011 11)-r /yI (stlai1 r! .S'i(N) 0,11,4t1tl1-r (1KJu' Cpapoo (,Wet t» *Worsted to •dalq/paotbla 04 the tame of ya!ipaea to ,.cel,. the rebate. P.Ylcpaee)rtte w414 b' 1 d cal b) ea Omow teat' to 4s te.,lpallaall,twW!(p.' whop,, par airpe Daftly**. O4Hr u4p4ae Sept. 2 7/101 Tale coupon may not ole want 141 tomp,lat4un 11'4tn any ether Wk., Gera, aycolnt 04 poawtion,. TAH c'a119On pat no w'' .alae aeo H not yp,oeb'. to prarlO.t pwcM.e NUN.N*4t.0 fIAIlL1 COUPUI; ta(ifscu ua,,.u, • idOW .UNTIL SEPT. 27 CASH THESE EE CHEQUES AT DINNEYS 441 - , 11. 11' ....;1 le, :,,'. 1: 1.: • ' 11, • 1444 1.4. it t:,'1. 4. ,t: '- 1. 4.. . 1:1.14.44..•4 '.11k • .: .. ! 1444- .:4411111111,...t T:441I _ ..,14111:. Il 11;,.' r< .'t•' v,'• !(,, . 1, .\ SC..,•. .tll...;• 41::'.' 1111:. . !,', 4, 1114: ,1.; .111. 14: (1.44 -I4..•• 41., .L, 1c 11.1.'4': I,'1' !I.. :,4,1 I1: 111.1!•. /11:- 1.!t ,,:•, .'.u!! a(., 11r;1i:11(1) tr. 41:...'- -\-• _ I' :'. 1-;• :. 1:1: ',. 'Break in pipe causes odours ,from lagoon 1'l t:;.Jll(::' 4.4.4[4";: I 1);• leo. 1 t IIP.. ! 1C• \:1•'c..- I -". 1:: • rt',:'444'11, '1 • it!! Us!:.}i.' 1 I•I _t :. r. •.1 I :Fn.! „1 11 4414 _ ('7)'. ..1- .. .141 1:: - 4, .14' a••:.: Iai' ' 4. - 44 •.. It• 17 1 1• '1 •I' - t '" 4:1• , 1111.. Ii. , _ 441.4 , 1 _.}•:_ 31� )14,4:; 1 `: II!r 1,4 : 1.,G -1 - 4'(' .1' :1:. '4: '1' County pian nearing ,approval I , 1 'I ll:. 1'r• • . f' IJ1 !•: 441,_1 • l,, .444:1 1111t44:111; . fnterini .. gr'eerfient readied between. Catholic teachers' and school boarc r 1 11.11. :-1-..11 1!1!:'11( 4,1"1''4 1. 4444 .••f'•'. .. 441`114' 144.4 ,.1.'C 1;' . •'•Ir. 41114 11. , 1 !lit'l 1 W.. $.41..-.1 ('ll: 4, a ell -.4l., 110 . ,idlli,i I. 114 2'. r:Ilt'1' v 1,l 111` 4.]d. , -411•, 1 , I. ,ure,. r '4 .44.1IIIl•t•' It • .r.•", .Lr 4.1,14 44., 4111' ''h. 1 1 ali.e' _114.4. ' lidi.114•:- .-.,. ?(4,,1411(4' . 1,14.44'- - ii111.1.-4 4441 !114'1'.1!• i'. ': '.'i!•. _4..1{ (di!_,JC.U. .a1..: �1 � ill 1144 :� 1 ,4f,.•: .n• -t. 4414.-. i111. 1.Id .:.414. tit: 141411." 41,• *111il111; 414'.4' '(IL of I1, ill' .41, :'I Ili ,4a (Inc 4 .11t).4, '41,1,' 1 1,' 1 .d` - ..4C4r ..1 I,,' 01.44.1 411,1,..• 1. 1,. 114.'' ,..11' 4., . .It I,',:.,.,I,:.:,, ..4 Ill' 11 4..i 1411 • ,4..1•-, .( 1' I 111•.. : I,4, . .,. 11.1 ," 11, ,IC1,i111.. ., 4('I.' • 14 49)'l'I 11). Cllr., 141' 411• 111 111'. 11/4:,4111444,' t{1o114.J IC II'� ,.11: 1'01:4 .1.4K '41:, 1,. .,, /IAllr• , .. • . ;. I,Uf11.rill:., 11 (' i!".4 1.1.1- ,•..1 ,- 14C' '0 4•_.)1:1411.' :1.. j: .44 . - f 1 'l) 1 - I - 1 It _4.04' 11. I't'Y' I 11 414'1 (',.1 •I1 - ''.'l - _• 1 1 ('(.111114. �{ .' 1:.:441 1'I:'t7fil:ll4,.; ,. 1441111 i,• - ! $''. .Ir'_.. 4 . 1'.. • .12" 11.1441 .04.'11:;'. ,II .•14, .411114:, - : •1: :41 t 4 '1 1 (: :'t„'11th'-. ait .. 4- ,,,•_4'•('11' ! 'u .\ 401 .4 h, 111,.• 1,U' _. 1: 14•444111, 14/4 ,.• 1 1'1, _ 1.. P.411. •1`4.uu'.• ti, 1''• U•. . _4 1• 11,' ( '1.l 1,' 1' •...'1;111.;..:a, .. r. -(. 1.' ,41).1: ,(.Ill .,I • .. • • I1-'•11)" 1• 141' 114 t!, 41.24-1411. 1' ti.IL( 4'4• 411 . ,.(1114 - ' 4141. ]'I4• a.!4. -, .1'1.,• _ 44,1_ 4 .111, 1.1 I., 111 4)4.11 1 1.I4. 4` .14.1.14 -. _.ti Ulll• , 1., Ni:1,:.ii4.1114.11. 4' 1. .,'ut.'I1t'1 ll.•..• '141 a1 ,l4.( .111 1)6.1.,11,1 .4111. it In ll' 111 41', i ' (ti:11 U• ut'n.(, it 111141 1,. lit. 4.1441' 11.1 ..:11111 '.,111 .. .,1'. ht. l\4.1,1.1: .111'. 111114." ,4,It.' ,.4 f 1:1.11401. 111' 4, IN': 4.0:.0 U.a 4 ,1(114/ 1'..lil .. (.10' ,d L).141(1.,,', ((1.111. Ilt•ll'. .,,.l'-. lIi• 1,0;11o. oil, 4,4 .,,111' (1' •" , . 1.1 114.1., 14., 114' 411114.1 1044'. 1: • Ital. ..,'.14/4-444,I14. t::.1. t, 1.1._4,11 114' In.ul.1_L1in:11' Ui.: 1>!Uc, 1 , . I14'. 1-111. (';'(14.4(1(,4. • - 114: al.._ ...1.0.414.4 I . „at11,.':,4'• 11r„ut4l . 111,11'44' - I1- ,.ill til, 1i/.11•Il_.f11.1I; 41.' . ((1414 4..r, .• (fl'_ L,JU'. 441 ,4'4._, - 14.114.:,,K1 1 „I(ilalli,' .411114)1.' 111: (4.;IL ,K. . ..1,.1, 1a1)' cl,1,i..... .1111 4'_,41,,.1.. 111111(114;14 .III' 14411. “. .,1.4 4.•4 1HIlt, SW'II.,SLK 2-, 199' i.nne �' 1, 1 Iv I'Al .)U IHI -it,' Mali' Si. Exeter .UKU6it.04 235-0173 • (.uiiltnuc t.UI( Nags' k Uttt ' - V Ctt t 1.r (;91'.%1:4.(4'( (211.,41/ „seAt.5 1'J•t!-�.5:1,'Uf1 ly1,,, 411. 14. 3111 ,If1:11.4111. Cpapun moat be 011.,.1 W to a Was salwoete at the t.mr. d pol6MNa to 10644(a 111e febele. Pulchax *Ica wfll W' trodomad o) itl arisho�1ok,.elt.iorid to 40004. Walloon commie. TO!, "T' Il Oe! 9wcbpe. Orfs, etletiee Say, 17/ i*H tO4pon she/ not Lac used ,n 6or6O,,4e4wn sat an) oche, Oho. MM, (Lttwat o4 pronwtoh, This cuapof has DO ee0* rales and is nut .yplcabie to (0.4,004 \U\-I'11‘...u1tAaL1 C ()taut, • ti