Times Advocate, 1998-08-26, Page 4Page 4 T1'm•Advocate, August 26, 1998
Publisher & Editor: Jim Beckett ,.r0re The Exeter Times -Advocate is a member of a family of community newspapers
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There are things we have to discuss
E, ery child knows the back -to -
school rule's - neve: talk to strangers,
cross with the lights, always Wear your
bicycle helmet. and never leave home ' .
without your lunch. - .
\Vise parents sending their little ones •
off 10 school for the first-time' will ei
ther walk -with them or arrange Foran .
older child iii the neighborhood to do'
.o. There are so inane things adults *
never think of untie they, areactually
• walking -the route to school and talking
with their children about what they op -
Sometimes there is a new stop•sign,
or a delayed green light with a "don't
walk" signal Most pedestrians dei not
even see until laic too late. There is al -
v‘ ays‘l'Oad,construc
l-vya\'s‘l'Oad'COnstl'lte tion going•t►11 some-
where. which proytdes not only at lilt of
big truck ,to watch and dirt to play in,
but also potentially harardou. L:hatiges
to traffic Ilow.
-People who have children know they
will he on the'streets in great numbers. .
about 8:30 in -the morning, and again at
1:30.1» the afternoon startin_, Sept. 8
(assuming there is -no teachers' strike')
Nil . people w hu do nut ha\ echildren
Ina) he taker -1.h) surprise.
Let this lit; a1 warliin,'-lo all drivers -
Lhlldreti vv ill he out there, wanking
alt+ng the side of the road e% eir it there
are sidewalks, crossing from between
pal ked.c:ars;-Chasing hall. at:t:oss-lle .-
street and rifling their bicycles all over
the Placa. 1:\pei t the unekt/et:tet,l, and
you AU int 7not he-di,appointi..d. It take, a
`.!ood couple.of w ee'ks for chi.ldtren to
get batik into the swing Of thing.; at -
school. - , -
Ths• moa -dela erous'tinlcs 01 the
school Clay for i:hildren are w hen they ,
are going 'to -or Front ',chool..Stifle hat- -
ards 4ue.be\ond anyone`s couttul .- (hi'
MO) hornet; the v iett►tls ,tray div, the
,shoe -exiting groundhog hole.. tJeveithe_
.less. these and other hazards t:an.be dis-
cussed long before sc.hool starts, and a
plan of "action- put together. •
• Somechildren'Walk quite a•di.tance to
and from school They should know to
• walk in a group if at all possible: the •
buddy system they• kkarned for safety in
the.forest crest at summer camp sv orks very
well during the school year. -too. They
should pinpoint •and di>cuse homes and
businesses where they could jo for help
iii an emergency' houses where class- .
Mates or friends. of the familv=livir, the
local convenience store, a gas- statiotl,:ter
.even your cpmniunity.new paper e:►ti1ce
Children also should. talk about hathat-
constitutes an emergency. Having sit: k\
hands from a chocolate par t .not an
emergency. Having to use the vv a.hroni
may or- may. ilot he. Being t►
g terrorized ht
hi', kids with baseball haus ,definitely
• It seems Sad that w c: liav e -to teat h•oltr
chtlilren vv hat to do it the) arc.tar•geted
by human predator., htit we -would he "
negligent -it we. dist not. (huts parents te'ld
t►s ne ver to take candy 11 t+tnf aranget
and. lett it :it -that. Z't►el,ty , w e tnu.t-e\-•
plain to our children that sometimes
people they know might .t.k therm to do
thin',s ihat:ire vyron_'^.11 the\ art,• in •
• doubt, they should tell a parent or -teach-
er e\at:tly what t. Finn_': on. This is e•pe-
e_iallc true t1 the person Moes nett w ant .
the child to tell. ' -
Repetrtini; someone vho,ts,taktue, theft
hnch-motley, Am hitting theist ori the way.
home from school Byer ..10 -.'is not
"..turahng, it i. takklig appropriate ac-
tion. Schools quite rit htt\ hale:I cerci
•rulerant'e pokey tow d vu►tence tn the
.� huh►la'aud. Secrecy 1._ alivav w rt>il,�
When soinetine is ht11 yictimih•J .
.Open communication is the be.t'w a)
to alv old "d1 tli!erotr..I1UTatloll., 101/41 the
.0111)i w'at1 to keep ilaIU!crOtt. intatlt'll, ,
front becollltllg 11t''etlios.
+'c7'rt,t,t;r r,c'ni •\.i;.<tt'r t 7'.i 1:....a
;.!its •t } '�
�sstr,l 15110 • . '.
, utas liiii ,
- -;e44,
•.-:24�mI ' uta
�11►�. ,ii ,t
And another thing
By:Scott :Nixon
We're 'lucky to have boring politicians
ft'.'. tuntrv- :the Jitteiett.e
:C41401.111 and
\nit n art pt Jrtlt•
In .t
week when the whole.
•w +ilii �l.. a_htrii . 'tenth the
tainaliiui� tele of 1 S Nie idem
bill ('hritru . ,esuai
:n.tt.tleu.+ii. incl • the C'S
pot.1►t?u►k. - .'n. • Sudan and
-kighanr.tan the b .t Canada
mould ions -ter up ,was a :yawner
t' .1 Dupreme (:ourt- Je'i.ton
it 1 L►uetv,- tars t •Ie�allt
twit the ,lti•a of the
>'unui'.wuhouifle�•vtlatnl�' .-
While-he+ringi :and' I.i king. to
sr cu:t a.ai►.laL. fist:•: *uplrttte
Court 4.1etra011 1. IllVie
, t►npoitant than (`piton
.r(pot..tons • he had an
1 t.tppropriate relatton.hip..
ith tk.'riner \.filer .Hou.: `intern
\le'utta t t w m:kv litt'rr
ttil+oi4u+t F't•tau.e• the future ,•r
.'til iiatii'm 11. JI.-.labr- here. \�
%TV.:.talking about it though -r\ ei :1/4. one • ,. i•nt:ernekl w 1,th -Shtk
11'11f1e • •
,Blit -‘%,-11)(')N. tits %%oukl ,41gtle
the tutute tai ('hntili >:
}Me�l�lt'Ih�j 1� 3l ,lake Il it • 1..
tetealed,he it'tJ under oath ant!
tricj to .ibstrtttl 'the
tearity t,, this marl I. iteter 4'tilrl
tit br nnpeathed: let., tate it.
.Ai ertt,tll .tilers hate 'tkct'i to
sus i.•oinptaeei t, Clinton i.'utd
What's on your mind?'
Tho Times Advocate continues- to welcome letters to the editor as a
forum'for open discussion of local issues; concerns, complaints
and kudos." The Times -Advocate reserves the right to edit letters for brevity.
Please.send your letters to F. O. Box 850 -Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1 S6. Sign your
letter with both name and address. Anonymous letters will not be published.
A View from Queen's Park
By Eric Dowd '
11 )I<I )N 11 ► -- I he 1rJr,al Iaheials' pfoliose
Itr largel I'ittgressne Conservatee l icnuer
•h11ke Ilan is iii the Lonling Ontario clecuon is
ncc' hist flew s the 'fortes have had in a long
time •
A spuhesinan liar the federal Liberals' Ontario _
autos sardIt• has had enough of Barris blam-
ing his iiikihleins on ihelr gctVernmenl
Han is.ha, 4. harged 'particularly that the feder-
al I_thL-ldIS 1)) culling transfer tiaynlents have'
made it dilliruli for Ontario to maintain serv-ic-
es and that they lack compassion in refusing to
w Iden compensation :for victims - of tainted
The tcJer.tl spokesman said Harris is Twisting
the 1n1Ui and 'trying 10 win his election by blam-
ing federal Ltherals, and that their caucus will
sot. up machinery to "make sure the real facts
are out there." '
The Liberal MPs are understandably anxious
to protect. their home bases, although they have .
three years ,to ah election,• but neither side •is
likely to convince the public anyway.,
The Liberals have cut payments to provinces
admit t eat i!to art
-"ulaptao}'t.lale t.l.ttiiin.hi}'
• v nth the 11 hue-
tteJi', anti.
an. >r ouldn't
:air .. . - ,' .
.•\1 'hc thi.,'•ei
hu:}•art i
le°sit 'ire ::t that 'ltdrtta�e '
'.... • the
ht.th • shbt; c _ I' tt•
Lmental ',, • . ••_ _ 't'ked
inoral issue,' The- .in,wel 1.• il• :peltate' as •, '1UIRarI
uncle Viler Is ' hJte
site r�. t't'e11 pi1S11al.tl." It s.slid 'il,d lI :cut ltly•
-tons.t uneel about thei t. 01. their ,i a .1'f_ :',t 0.1) 'r '`i:e,iu-. . bet
wallets 'anti V' lt'it_ a• the• - ;'i',:t!..t. -.1,4.11 ttR.11.N •tt'Uid '- .
;tt`ITt1111t t, ;b .'i'!,'i,• !WI AIN ~relined 't.B!II '..e'tt 041 ,01 tht,'1
itilUrt' 1
Ilnagining Jean C'hreti"- : it that . •rue
en having alt affair with -11''•+t111-.. :1nd .91-11t .stn t
u could; intern is kind of 'lua•aud'-!"d- Ili the !rir.111111nr
-like imagining the,
'�;et'niin !tie la u,_hiug•tt'.k'.'i
Toronto .Llaple Leafs -
having a winning.seasun
, - it's possible . . , .fiut
not in- this. lifetime.
J..10 mmol ±etch', ,u,.1) a.. h
.tlltl ahu.ttt_. i.ower •'etch l
in►porl,ult ' - -
\ot - vniv i, Chnion
)'re.tdcrtt•. pivhablt'.ale. Ii vtau.
bellete fltllal� t i'.11it'il ,
.,Poke,womit) . cicn. Clinton',
lilatri,rge'. i. sale 1 viii mating
.how f1ilJarv: .upp0.Cdl ..'t►tv
hero to tt+nuntst... crewheme..t•'.
'.intent'to let het husband have
allatrs v.ith voting _til.
' .Ap}'an:nt1k . 'she -is : olllil►ltted
to . her nr.0 vagi. alio k►yt .- hi t
fol -the • ;e,ttrt,t s
the.. i,tl t I1te lira. ante .1 1. S'
;'readetit ha', 1M3111.$1:‘. Ce
13.../..33..3‘t',lis _fpptt'\,.t iiia✓_ .it'
nt'I Iii .tJ :1 i►t li i `ti' :tie ,Lit
'It C'attaJ,t. ;ht t,h ;nisi, flung
Jean (hlt't•ICii ',1.+.+11:: :iii .Itt.ttr •
nth. ,i :L un mitt+l . ...k;/1'0 Of
1tkL` ttrt.i Ittru_ he 1.'la'ntt'
\lal'Je icier, '1.tt iitt .t •. t1n1111g
,se•tf..e'14: . it , ;)t'"Ih)e. l'ltt '
PUL rift ill 4111,
11te(1niL' •
t.; .A11.1%31.14 . 1'v1111t. - sue
t'e'twe Jon Jlop bombs
on .tn.tll Jcien.les. n.+tion.s .
Kin.J.t trial.. s't t it "
diasik ally-, but Cull argue. as hetoit that they
hate a iesponsibiluy.to reduce spending. as Har-
ris constantly preaches. and should itot,be taying
to send•hiin money when he keeps cutting taxes;-
sometimes for those not in great need.
But Harris Would be :overjoyed to spend a •
large part 01 his election righting the federal:
government 'He is eager to talk about his reduc-
tions in taxes l►ut less keen to examine his c'uts •
in services which made thein. possible.
Ne would' welcome a discision in which he
could try• to shove blame on Ottawa, having al-
ready started trying' to get the federal Liberals
embrtilled, And'will be.deljghted that they will
meet hint halfway. '
' - Harris also would follos4 a tried and trusted
. path. The Ontario Tories. when in government,
,which has been most of the past 50 years, often
have initiated and benefhted'from arguing with
Liberals concurrently governing in.Ottawa.
They have particularly tried to link the Onta-
rio Liberal's to their "friends in Ottawa" and to
blame them for any misdeeds, of which there are
always some.
Can he win an election by himself?
The retatociy. frugal and low-key 'itis plc=
•nniet Vv,ilham Davis; who won four electrons,
focussed . tit them on the arrogance.• free -
spending' habits• and promotion of : French of
Liberal prilne minister Pierre Trittleau.
_ Da \is was on the _ brink of ,losing through
scandals -in 1975 when ,he was able to switch
concern to•Trudeau's, flying to aid his Ontario
party ill a helicopter paid for by taxpayers and
disagreeing -on spending with his finance minis-
ter who resigned, and this helped end provincial
Liberals' hopes of winning.
One :Liberal leader. Stuart Sinith. sent news
releases from "the leader of the.opposition" try-.
Mg' to avoid being classed as -a Liberal; and
some of his 'Candidates refused to put "Liberal"
on their lawn signs. St>;tah later said Trudeau
had' been "a burden," and David Peterson.cont-
plained in opposition before he became, premier
that -Tntdeau was "a millstone around wy
neck." -
The federal Liberals hase helped Harris most,
• however, by picturing Ontario Liberal leader
Dalton McQuinty as someone who needs their
,t„t,tan:e against flatus• vv h, t. noted lot his
t, _le„ion Jibing rlc.ut'n. -
\leeiuinty Is leading in pills., but it t. rck'og-
nii• J even h) Liberals that he .owes" this nil' to
his performantt . but, to nusgls mg. ,Ihout Har-
Ontarians put sonic .pt ior►ty - yri, wanting .1
government that tan stand up for the pion ince
and Tories ,have helped st.1y m power :.t
Queen's Park over the clainiint L►t►e,-
al opponeius would be puppets or LIN:fats in
Ottawa. .
Davis warned constarily that it -solo. elected
the Liberals they would make Ontario .t blanch
plant of the Liberal government in'(►ltawa run
by the most noted -of the backroi►nt manipula-
tors, rainrhaker Keith t)avey. .
The federal Liberals: have now given Harris
an opening to'say Ontario needs a strong leader
to fight imminent federal-proymeial and unity
battles; but even.McGuint's intends in. his icd
era' party do not have faith .that he can win an
election by himself. - -