HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-08-12, Page 25Preserving history 4 •,„ London Area Tweedsmicv Workshop. Ovc7;- 100 WomOt • • ' 1)Pril6t-:sr...traty,"P.erti arriso. hurnc,. Oxrorn anc-: Ei ;:minttrendec-1 --"iwnedAn. .tvork/-::-. • DaAiniTior;.nir Tnur. di 1 Itveartmccie workF.Pal ,7 7 7 .;(1ratoi, • • Bresistant curatnt ,• Giant Egfs.'t iLoncror Arenresinen -"Loncloo Areillwet--., • srni anr.koeU C1017.' rt DrOl- ,Iratflr ?Pt. - (.• • • r:(.. Vifer-n.t., • L7,r-priei Coon:, , • t?'" C3/)t °Ott! r • '.Lidt...?1.")Orttle,-:: Qr.. • bac-;-•rr-t-nt. YourViews Letters 4the Editor 4 crreat place to- Lc •"Peol)if., taKfririciv in thea - • .• 111.:1e, ..111111i.•••. 0..; ..1 Lt t. -AM" )0, and -rt show; •btjLtlu _ • -iip- ;cur; I , - , ,.., 11: 1_1;1.i' ,1!,.:1: 111•,:i''''. ,,r,' .,.11 AMT., 11, , ' : :10 . 1,1 . ..,11' k / ' 1..••••or, • • %VI} .ilItt:I . ..+1.1 tnr! Illt, ' ' II. ' l,/ Iln I, - ' i•KIII, 1.111,11,1 • Lit'.• l'ek11"' tar..:' ikrio.: 11 imi....iitkiii- alit .11l0•,.. 4V1 P. '..."1..., 4,1.1' 1,;'.. ' 1...1.1. 1 kl - .r. :•:...t-i!,:r !t• • _ tn,•"Frr k ! , r' 1'1'1:- t1.. I •.::/.11'. - . 01-11:1 • .111. 1...,,, • ,11' ,• •1;,r • • ••• , • Ro'bt Loch. • _ - Re: -Moriicipal!restft.ieturing m tn. - • ; • Grafi(' Elena • 2-'1:1997- tiv. Inenn!c; . ben-. ' IP( rwit.:. ,\ •• AI 1,111- 11111311,1 • 1-1:,11.', 11.1/1• 11711.111111:11'il! (11• t.:C79111% .otirOci )rolikertiviiirt.- :eArz..i.•iii (ireige• (Maw: bend me,1 1L .IjhIIefi to.nit• ben., -muitort, - ..-stated mete worno Loinitionication omit 1.111:, t0.ue4, win! oorder-oioniern ILdIIII ti ticaubier e:. • inoirnsal piepoicit •;,, .11), /than_ 11,1,iut • Ili1ve:411111011110, 1 11.Ctild11/1Wil,Viptill1 1.“:111... With 1, • 1111.111.1L.leill .1110 tinnily iii11111t. COW); iwt11.1CI 1s:NUL .11,••••• 11114/1e11., '11 III c: (rRin.1 bell:, yiez,eriliv theft eikc Jiptilift ..goveriimeitt, (steint:7' (nand bend di e.i .lieiett • wi•-"pieliareo to endorse Mk.; proposal when beatilnen dizi \VIM hp, relosalkie,in Men tinned 111,11.1c.h k,11 {It, ot thet.itea; • er (nand bend ;tie •Iwo and .1 nal! yern King,. lot a t_ficiir ti" ("tam: ben tet.aiiie..u.tod. lit demonstiatink tb, need tor ine.Cneater Gland be , LominunitY conic thine(' 11.one'Mnaiganimed i140"i piati• ticiicw6 111 OK' (nise, i.to% 001111111M 111;V011111111, meeki, n. rck,11111. c eit 111.11i dinalgaimmini talk S would al lord the opportunity tO resolve• ridiculous border situabob, in the Greater Csiatuffiend tie.0 Wit, tlie (11 the LainniOn COnnly .Councii on Nyedrie. day . August 5 lk)m.....ept the North -I -Milburn arnalga• 11:11aLltm•Pf0Posul. tete Greater Grand Bend CO1111114111, • ty will !email, spiiion both county and intiniopat bortleis. Nothing has changed' . This deetSion leaves the area of Lambuin County hunt) of the Pinery Provincial Park isolated from the.' rest .of Lainbton County with Lake 'futon to. the westand Huron County directly. to the north and east. 11illso denies uniforni voting power . lorm allocation of lax dollars to the Greater Grand 1: ,,,.11111111ft• 1,, Pt- ;du, :•••.„ Mr.! • • •14. her Jue0. 1, 'Hindi. !bairn,: , • yvo, • ‘1.1, 11,1r, ,ontuotp. OW': 11 1.1ca ,11,;•1, 1111,.,..1111111C1121.1,...1,f lola-111(1• ‘'‘ • kt);-• Liitallar••• L.• • ' . trt11 Wit): 61.1111..1_ • 41. kl ;:, len-WU' II • f,110111% - , ' 1 ill:. N11.1.140.101: 10 • c.!. . t!, tri- kzot. ant, • 114 - • 1)4101_ . - miitiigkiiiiitti4.“1 talk, ,io•• tIt 'fedi . r. I ILI; ,It-111,11ill- SIL'ildlds' 111 0)111 I le" 111.1 41. e111!le II MI, S11011441 t-. 04,, !Milt,. (41411. • Me11111 1)(111111-1.111 111 ('041 1,111414 01 • ,I111. .111110 -agfecil 1•.. 01 them (1.1' -Held to • moo, 1•11'7 • 101' 14414,. ,,I,L1 131:11(1 cs1111u1 it-theiii.ci‘,2 - \k ,C•o• ilettiud •(iimik! bent' Council anti deiii.iiid ser % i,.es It4iNtinabi, tooth- t'1 1. thcait-- . (Amid Ltt4 aleft !tow titin BoNatiquet dud '..MeOtiet • -• • • - • 1.1.11111,11)::. yekii., lig,. (Heine' (Haw) 1),-1. heeri hetti! s.' 11..411,1v1,,t' With MI et• 11111.1111‘,1Val and ..h&t. ‘4:4111(!,. Set 0.7s which ale enjoyeik Loilimunities bah 5411/4 0i less -do not exist floe Lattitgoi and gi (Ality likivc.ciiioyeA: . , . Ia. benefits bum iesidents of the Gland Bend:area with 'vet feint(' to this area • t, can only SUIIIIANC lila: 11 du:, IN allowed euti . thaw -Out quality til and plopetty yalueN will de .1111e. Grand -.13- . .Mitl Council lia.s worked very hard " --111e have this i.anninunitYunited and work together Les support them and demand the tax dollars 1144111 - -Bosanguet: Lainbttin County.: Stephen and Ultimo . COUnty..which we rightfully dcsei ve . . Lops Mtitles • Cledeld Bctiel , 14,41• '‘,1 • ,14 •111,,' • •E COLDWELL BANKER Pat O'Rourke .RF'3'7-376ei� prirourkelftevnet GRAND BEND & ZURICH AT 2374182 ,rir 23,5 ••„1 077 CALL OUR EXETER OFFICE TOLL FREE FROM M4 Chnnyi M OUR WEBSITE T www-nrots...c TID VIEW ALL. CoF OUR ILIS.TIIINIC.S. AT VICINUIFt ILEIPSILUVE direct line toll tree a-so0)-342-7217 Days. or Evenings ZURICH OFFICE__-.- At. jerfv.2et,• 16 VICTORIA ST. ZURICH, ON1. Ruth 7telman-Tet, HIES, 236-471.. tenfeenay.neo 236,4712 vajci9,23o-75fit- -II: \II'. 'it-• I 2 : VI :.m!,•.t 1, • • 1-: 4',,\ -• AV. NFW LISTINC NEW LISTING • • •••• 12- 1'n I Itt : 71 : ¶17 ,20 s ACIt i PRI VATI COCl'STI2N •fraorrlr' • ,:• 4,•`• *49,900 532,500 NEW PRICE IMMACULATE 3 BEDROOM LOTS OF POTENTIAL Iner, ROOMY INTERIOR . 14 CREDITON CLASSIC 101 4444.4 .i1.111,• 10, 1•44,".' • 11.11. :Nap.. 1, FARMERS tic LAINIDOWNERS Below area just *borne of the farms 1 need for purchasers: • Ongoing dairy operation up to $2...5 Cash buyer for farm bordering Exeter • Buyer from British Columbia needs wood lots • URGENT - European buyer looking for large tracts of land 300 soresor n -sore • There as re not enough farms avollable for my buyer list. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FARIVI(S) CALL: JERRY ZEHR Agriculture Sales Rep. Direct Line (S1.9) 236-471.2 or TOLL FREE (1-800) 342-72.1.7 days or visitticigs. ••••• • - 1.4,4 , r irtlql1141); 14,..11t•J .111.1.4 111•I'rs tut, r1 tatini• 1414 ,mi., 414,111)41 L.11.- 1,1.' ()I\ 1") 54., 1111l) $105,toug, 1.11,1 lint b..11‘ VNICIINiir ildk4 burn Jon, Prrfeci.littnilt hunts • toril.,0 and (uci.1,k. pawl 1./11111lic..11....1 tor Jet; oath, 3bedannii,. Call li..ita),or KUIti 4).1.-,i Low (5194 .1.34,411: day, 4,4 cveriulg, 44-1 •4 VW," 1,011,1,1, o 1 Wi.11111 )01111 HO, r.1 i.a. .11 -I plu..• N.11./1.4. AIL .1 I4.111.4 of; ... ; , PALK', /.4:1111: ' .•,i ' olk! \ I a1.4-1 5114i t 41.1 4.11a1..t.1.,.` Vt. flt ot•i•ollrolii! o• • 1.01,4' 1.0 ...11.14111 4.{4,ii.t• • MAKI •V‘• 01,1•LF )LRRi /JAW L•41‘.‘ 2-4,r471.2 EACH OFFICE 1S AN itioEPENOENny OWNED AND UPERAIE1) hahiliEft EIRONE.It (...01.t)WELL BANmElt AI -I LIA1 UP t..AIVAL))