HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-08-12, Page 221111 \'t' ." ! imt's-Allnut.'ate, Atit;ust 12, 1998' CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PREPAID. Ads win not be printed until payment received. t( 1'1 /1(fl \I1 235-1331 2354)76(i e -nail: taG(:eedy.conl flus X50, 1'‘elet, Ont. NOM 1S6 DEADLINES: MONDAYS 4 P.M. PHONE FOR DETAILS Get Results With Our $11 Super Ad• Or Well Repeat You: Ad Up To, Another Seven Times At No Cherge FOR SALE M� J LX • ONE ITEM PER AB Private non-commercial ads only • All Super Ads must tre prepaid OFFICE HOURS: • MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:311 a.m. to 5:00 ).m. - RA'I'11N - WOW) ikiti.'ll NUIJ 111o1k1111111❑ I In.etLR)n 39.63 2 inwition. $16.115 3 incretion. .2.47 Additional t se charge tut eadh ,tta•ii 1444.1 • I1GIk111111m 1 JtO'1'iCF.ti 141 wu)d ii.ix l(minl 1 IRum,.1)4th, •\ni0und.nit•n14.(•un11n, 1 22111, \tru.In A:.nus. C:n,ls •+(1),:u1k..' 1 insertion $1:1.77 2 insertions $23.54 3 insertion; No Charge A, dollen a 1+: ah.ure 1, 6 2.,:11 ...11.1 n..,..,,,. •'('I ASSIFII 1). AI )\ \ll `.I 131 1'12I 121 II ADS I\ 11 I t.t 141 PR IN 11D 1*"s: I II 1'A\ \11:N F 1S KF.3 1 MI 1) . Bordered & Monthly Ads Kates available on regiu'.cl PAYMENT ( pal, -cheque wing. 'dem I .II n r e. Money Urde,. Vssa an 3 \tastrl:;u t arc ace..cpted PLEASE CHECK t'(l'R. Al) 1111- FIRST' 111FIRST DAY ITAPPI?ALBS TO FNS RI • THAT IT IS 4'OR14E(" F 1 1 • • • ji( 235-1331 CLASSII II I) ORI)I R DORM Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the left.. 'REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL'. NAME ADDRESS ••• PHONE: • METHOD OF PAYMENT: CREDIT CARD NO. • SIGNATURE DATES TO RUN. Visa —_ MasterCard Cheque Expiry inn 1 Lost & Found 11111 3l11<L1 1(1\G HINDI It (;all -'s, ..' it: , 3 Situations Wanted 13AI3YS1 1 1 INC. IN All 111 )1.1L .kt•leteuccs .r. ;ll aIle 3%%,i opening, •lull un_ seri Lel, . l 'f L C , clans and lull S17 0.0 11.11 , I s2' 3)0 lor Init children .tuts lccelt•1 l .dl .1 Lacs at 235-4251 133.1 Chilli Care available in un Rome Alonda► - Fndn H km. south of Eyetertust oft 1 -Iv‘ 44 Smoke. tree ent•rrOnrnent• iic1i►vtles and craft: Or all . e2. hi,lsonabh' rate:, lunch a,441.r3•irh provided. - Reference; at,upon. rertue,; (.dl 2Jr3 6.26 tot mon. - Intortilatt0n • The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunityor employment ad- vertisements. Be certain .you are Beating with a reputable company before releasing any credit card - information. Re- member... , if any. advertise- ment sounds too good to be u tre. it Is. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number oI words. Sets of numerals as lor sena) numbers, . street numbers, phone numbers or prices count- as one word per set. Words yoined by hy- phens count as separate words. . FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.63 2 Insertions $16.05. 3 insertions $22.47. Additional 15C charge for each word over maximum: NOTICES: 30 words (births. deaths. announcements, coming events, me- moriams). (Cards of thanks 10c each word over maximum). 1 insertion $11.77 2 Insertions $23.54 3 insertions No charge ' Classified Ads must be prepaid. Ads will not be printed until pay- ment received•. WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $25.50. GRADUATES with picture - $10.50 SEMI-OISPLAY FIRST INSERTION • $10.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 Inch. Accepted. in Multiples of halt inch.) NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per Insertion. SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline: for ctassitied ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POLICY Advelusng es me. Tates -Advocate IS accepted on condmon that In the event 01 a Iypograplvca' error. that pornofi of the adverllsng space OCcu- pled by the erroneous .tem, together wlh reason, abs' ali{fwante for sgnature, soli be rerun n a subsequent issue ss a make good a4 no charge 'alis' 4he balance of the advertisement w,14 be pad for al en applaabe rate In s',1 e gni Oa lypOglapmcal error $Overt.sng goods 04 services at a wrong pnte, goods or services may not be sold Adverlsng .s an oiler 4o sett and may De wdhdrawn a1 any time Any errors must be-ac- knowNdged w,lh.n seven days o1 pubiiCatan The Trees -Advocate reserves the pr v 1sge of re- vising of relectng a0vensernents that A COnsa• ors obfecl+onable and to change the class...cation of any edverhsemenl bons that ordered to con- lorm to the policy of lh.s newspaper Contents 011 p/aeclw by oopy11gh1 Reploductan a any MUM' pal wAhoul Ili• pernlss.o0 a ole Fsazai►her s iorbldden Advertisers purchase space end cvcuNbon only Al rights to any adven,sements produced by the •'enes•Advoeaie. usng artwork, typeg•aphy or haogregh• arranged to by the newspaper shall be IM property of the Tenes•AdvoCate. No such d or any pan thereof may be reproduced or as. spew) w41oul written consent of the Times • Advocate STATEMENT OF POLICY The Tenet -Advocate 1s nisi respon$e4• toe errors in adveniser111nls not submitted n Noble loan, nor for 100(1 than a sepia Incorrect insertion a IMI advertisement Phone RIO 235-1331 4 Help Wanted \Z 3)KI\ FRS PL*_ 1-IREI) Ill- MCFAl.L. MOVING - Successful applicants ,till be able 10 iupel*.ne his 0(444 ere" ohne 1oadu1g tUld unloading 1)t turnnure and walk well "lilt cuslolnt•rs 1{tpelleni•e 111)1 ne(ess:) 1.4,31 tiene111. pat.k:rgr pnli•1ded 1•1\ Ies11111e a iI4-451-221;,1)i app.% 114 1165011 1t. '.I -"'h Wtt+_y1114. 461 -I turd .i. , London. l 1411 i ('+--IS t. 49;11 t 1 4' 411. 1 Cv HURON WINDPOWER INC, 1 LAMINATORS AND FINISHERS REQUIRED FULL TIME DAY SHIFT AND AFTERNOON SHIFT Requirements: • Grade 11 education • Team player ' I Experience in the following areas are an asset but not a necessity: - • Fiberglass • Carpentry • Auto body • Manufacturingjindustnai Shift Rate: $9.34/hour Applicants should mail, fax. or drop off. their resurnes to the attention of: - Maureen Denorome _ Administrative • Assistant/Human Resources HURON WINDPOWERINC.. - Building No:3 ' - Huron Industrial Park • Huron Park. Ontario NOM 1YO• • I Fax: (519) 2286460 4 Help Wanted 1 't3 33 l- 11 UitUKF: 111. 1411 (DA)i< KI \ I :\1 t ileldtit' 4.'1.4111 11, .II, AI/[11, in 31(.1, 111 .4116 re\une' 1,, 1-1)l. 1'11,. 364 la01 St 241 2857 1 4;.444 EX1'1:1(i1-..NIIIA(' ('I 4 Kt44ft. UPI R,\ ilil< NEEDED ),Ilio Dec 4;: co,,U.,1: amid) with"re.umr 111 C.Jr .\ 4, 11asl: i. CUIltlaetlll!:.1 2 i;t 2 41 •nr,all -i i,�,tll . 2 is 3101 (.2.3:-3-3, . LIC'F:N('I:U .Itiaa \1fi I At \I Ol(KI It pll•lel11.. nl 11)14,1 1,• 14'11111, 4'4111 .11.pi'I111e' l4,I tine \loudn) h., Fn 4.4. \ 41211 .h,.rl- licenc::uld gas Inlets eel -i le:de an 10. Sian its x1141 as plis,lhk CAA ie. • 7 c(t: 211,-1771) I,rI-as i 19 /244,-119,i 2 i 4, • 2 • • 2j 2 • • • • 2 N•�N Queens►vav Nur+int; Home Ostia! Registered ,S'urce• 'rt'ti •n lh1• 1; 4- (u�llific ,111(4,4.: 'or,rr' r. rut Cho/mit. • I h ,.,r,r• 4, ,4) • • 1 tvrc IP/ iP111 LUgtBi -i'4'•.4,/•.- innv,u/1 lerr('r r)I appex .4'1..411 and r:';tern,' ti 4. - • Martha Craig Director of Care . Queensival' Nursing Moine 100 Queen Si. f1('nsall Ont. , 4 N041f 1X21 • tVe thank all can(lidate; fur their 22 interest, hoiv'e•ve•r Ooh' those' SPIV( led i for an interview ►v ill he coal( led ...... .i .iculous Cleaning Services is expanding once again. in orderto accommodate the !lernan• I • ' :.. service' Our'business continues to grow7.iue to orscorilmitmerir t, • customer'satlsfaction. We expend -considerable time and money trarning our staff to ensure the• highest standards of service performance.tu obi clients'. lf•you aft' riot prepared to work hard and meet our standards:please don't e,aSr• time. • • - However, if you are serious. mature. responsible. have rel)abho transportation 'and are committed to exceed* the'expectaron- -Y both the company and our clients, we can offer YOU a portion that will ;)rove -1 - you with yob satisfaction .and Increased responsibilities. All team•loader- area managers are promoted from within. .. . - We have immediate openings at the entry level of team member for weekdays. weekends and evenings. Meticulous Cleaning service. Goderich, Clinton. Grand Bend. Exeter. Centralia. Parkhill' and all point 1, between. If you meet these minimum requirements contact Madeline. Shepherd at 519-238-8549. References required "We Don't Flirt with Dirt" The Huron Business Development Corporation, in concert with Environment Canada and other local partners, is launching a 1 -yr. "Huron Green Conlnuinity 111itiative" requiring the following positi(1ns: Project Manager (1)•- reporting to the Project Steering Committee and responsible fin- gen- eral management duties including program start-up, business planning, marketing and co-ordination of a Green Home Visit program. Home Assessors (3) - reporting to.the Project Manager and responsible for completing energy, water and waste audits for participat- ing households in the Clinton and St. Joseph areas. These are 1 yr. contracts subject to renewal. Applicants for Home Assessor must qualify for HRDC - Job Creation Partnerships fund- ing. Mail or fax resumes to Huron Business Development Corporation, -Box 1120 Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1WO, Tel.: 527-0305 Fax: 527-2240, Att.: Paul Nichol. Deadline 5:00 p.m. August 19th, 1998. Please specify which position is being applied for. a 111vi1>' rt1� 2 Found frayed •' 3 Situations -S Help Wanted anted I ,. business() 6 Services Opportunities 7 livestock a'tY Farm Alachine.r 1 9 Sports 1: 1)i ) 11 ('ars"Trucks 1?ment VVI. 12 Pets .ucks a 13 Musical instrume'nfti 1. •15 Appliances, lelev'sow a /etsnnal 16. For -Sale 1 18 Wanted to flu's. 1.i9 Wanted 20- Property For Sale r Property for /tent 21 For Rent ' 22 For S ale 23 Wanted for n, 24 4 Rent Property Wanted 25 Notices 2629 Legal Notices 28 .: "Tenders Waisted 29 'Auction Sales Yard and Garage. _Sale~ 4 Help Wanted LINT ('2)211; \II\ t YI ,\1(` L.\I'I:I(II:N( 1 quit ,,-L, Curtis' Indict ..I, han.pul. I<cd Sea( to f urupeall r • - :uul' t4111ncele ,I 11,0,1 iSkl'..\ 1,1 'is( 11 1 UOE E'pcli'1+c' ,1 .tu,l linnet . I:..II, 1,I.i 11111114 ate„ Send resulll' •all, I<:•.oft" 13,,, 4.1'::I (:4:4,4,1 - - , )i1 1 in u:. I.t.' )3" 24\•';. ,\Il 1 ue1 1 atomtriu No- Ohms call, file:is: One 14.1al111c.1 appllc:Uils .t 413x• (441441leted : 111 11111171 AAA RES .S.l:1(ANI-I f-.\1:11.1< 14,,41 lot :lc +4411'114_ stall :unl disb'.rsh(t, \eels 111 gel su14 Ah.!, hum!: shunt 01del 11n,k. asl. l,41 3cJ 1 441 . (1111.1l1%GO, NEEI)I:I) t.1) 1 i 411 old hu4 tr. Ina holm', 111 _.11411 , 111 3:scldtAli, C:uincl NItirila)-h ulai 43 1Ian. - -1 4143.0. \\ _etc n:gl,hahl: kc:11tpl. . u111111c1) .- NW,: I: 54'4111111111 and 101,11111 S1.11111. ;erieu1Lc1 :( Cali _21s-42; 3 4D, CLASS "A" - TECHNICIAN OR - THIRD YEAR APPRENTICE REQUIRED . Apply to Drawer 4256. c/o Clinton News -Record, Box 39. Clinton NOM ILO 5 Business Opportunities Veri Trucking inc. 6 Services lit ?1 IDA1 S4'IIE1)IJI.I. - - \\ .tune Unerlsein.s Ilailset .holy (.,sed Sat August ' , i•, August -2'/9x 1(4- open August '-3. �-1l ,ik/:ur. 23s1)5i'i.444,4.1'1 .. 6 Services TELEPHONE -TV CABLE INSTALLATIONS Prewire houses - Repair wiring -Install jacks for phones-modems-internet PETER MCFALLS 235-0368 LAWN & GARDEN CARE - •Fertilizing'Hedge Trimming - 'Grass Cutting Laverne McCarter 235-1062 1) 1),1,\'AS • As .Cc111ncJ ('uinpuiei lechr,.lan Instalatiun.11i4gl. mitt o1king, Jeanine. upgrading and ma11u.rtnnlg Alto ht+1)t, ..1115 aro 4eel4uutl Ile,,,, a:Ili!; 1.112•, 25\ (,11112! 42 3:3'i FOHt PRI\)I• IV; Els ,i.:.•14,, e)0.:1111lt�t 111:11 "orks.414.1 ,1.,t ,. 13.44.' Slllnnlel.< \1ota71 Genet:,.!! l.ttr 1.1.1 1(e11at111144 since 3') 4), Phone 51.4.(4<, ' ,.. ..124,1311; - Do You Need Help With Your Computer & Internet Problems? Call Jeff McCann 237-3531 Qoer APpl e,) mod` Peter o.* Aunger Spread sheet. database, word processor. internet 235-2877 palinger@odyssey.on,dlt Septic Systems • Soil reports • Installation • Weeping Beds Designed also We sell' and install all types of fencin • Chain Link • Woven Wire • Wooden Fencing • P -V -C •Wrought iron Fencing Snow - Contracting Home office Jim: 235-0642 Mobile - 851-1890 Shannon Custom Round Baling 4 ft. wide by 3/6 ft. high ' t r •3: ty • • _'s ., •'M . .113 t�dlt: Scott Consist Varna Ont. 565-2728 or 233-9297 6 Services PARSONS LANDSCAPING Centralia, Ontario 'Resident ial'Com merciai 'Sodding'Seedirl Free . Estimates MIKE 228-6066 ._ ()L,\Ln't I'II(;TO lel\1.111NT, .Ina .u;lom limning and ant4, :-lluuuly. 11nl:ug0urenh ,111'44' P11utuglaph1 5141. St Lute) 2 4s-161. 1112. ANIIQl'1. N;\FOC A\)1 CLUCK PI:CIAI.1S 1 'U 1c,.pu:Ies..11)a. 14,111, 1,- 44a(che, and .1.,13.. (i114 4.110,4211. RI 111)1.111 g1.nnitathcl cloak-. (all Icudl Auihol, Co Ile pie. I'on I:ranks Phone 24 11 l Al, 411, SCRAPPER JOHN RECYCLING AND WAREHOUSE DISPOSAL Scrap Metal Dealer New and Used Building Material Wanted: Old Brick Houses. Farm Machinery. Scrap Metals Reclaimed Bricks for sale Think before Tossing!! Call office 235.461 Res. 235-1662 8 Farm Machinery \I US1 51:1.1. 51 1: -flu Conduits:. 1.1 II .tato-het4111 00111101. gra,nlicaJ. 044 ,ornhel(3. ho111 heads quick w 4114011, used List Tall. stared tltsldl' la 4 4 244 rrletot duals. Kr.iuse IS -1.2 It 1111111 (:ulttS.tlot"-Best otter- (all 461 1)41-1, 1,..10S,Cl - 9 Sports Equip &Vehicles .. 4','et, POLARIS - 4111 1(1041. liquid cooled. dein,. unit. wa1Ta1114 KIII.IIlllllg, S -i 51)11. oho ; 19.41. ; 11, 52 ,14-405 A' 11 Cars, Trucks \\ It,\!3131) 1)IESLI. d„lel. 21 I sms) kin:. S71/0 a: IS C -.,ll .14,41111111 28.1 ,47,(27-1.1.4\1 - • - 1930' OLDS (TTLASS S(JPl<I ML Good condition- 21S-4252 ( 43' 19S,\1 • Iv4' 3 -OKI) ('X(1\17. \'1('!(4)51. 1,11) (229. . • I')w CORSICA 2 2) ::1 ' ,• 40ti,\) 19R'+ 1)U1)GI: DAY IONA him:. 1 :II,Ixo, Juni. pay. 01. pa.. pl. -14111(3. 11,110. .,.al.• ,1)l I toile u' D1o.e unf!I 1.111 +., S701. oho s 223:s fol 11114' 1)l 414.+ + 4hSr\ I•„,I 1'f)\11:\4 !1-.513'1'..1 o11.•,•, .high ollc.Igt 1`,\II hr_h'.:.t.-.1,111:.4 11114 I1111, 1'.11,+11- I11gu),u): 111.111.011(( .134.11,,4(1, 141111 1,. .111114 11101111'111 441(11 1s' 11i1'lt ,I.IIIIIIL• 32211+.-(-.1.11 (a11 i11).±3.1.)6ts , +r. ('ON FIA(' SIINhIKI uouulaut t1,111s11u„h,14 2 (1001. Icil.. gle4 cloth 0111111,41. o'''' el "I'lnfol. '('114( el *.111,141”. .1 11- .,wJ11101111g. ('3) p114111 ,\135 I+r,tkes '.111.13 .1)l bag.. 411'.4 aluu intoil 111115. rear :pu1111” . . k''(ess' cull). S".11u11 kin. es:'Stent ,,ldut.nt 5) 119.- Call 39.651" alts', t, 14111 4(4.4111/1 i0') ('itL\' LUMINA-- 4 slums._''- pb ',trunk. 4l u.ks. J4 15.111+ kuI Sly. 71 k) ria ..Alined 317- t41x alter 1p11342(,345.\. 4\:\N'11:1)DI:,V)(111AL,IVL and ":3ap 101.11r1ek111c 7141 ((1114111,m •\s1. 11,1 Paul C .u11ph1lf, l'.,nl • Amy shouts'. 3(0 111111X. KJ \I Eu•i .. ' +"22 121g1n' 12 Pets LIS IU 1,314)1) 110341( spade Itintalc- i lt11ll1,..er't loss v.411 husk) 7 ).1.rI\ - .1i .Glen *stilt kids Pielt.1 . -hum Call 24S.127xi(l I'1<I:1'. IU (i( OI) 110511: I.4ul.Ilc 111.11:11 I.IItugs, "1)ieksOld Gail 224 (,)*3,(4.1 fiiiIi • liCie PET GROOMING it 235 -DOGS 11 ow-) 13 Musical Instruments (:AML'() PIAN() •Apallnlenl. sve \'111 gond condmui S5011 2 45 2174 11 4' 1 GUITAR & PIANO LESSONS - A(.ulahk Beginner to advance,..411 *1)1e, al usuOlr. lixeierMusle ('entre 235- 126.1 t20Bni GUITAR LESSONS - A4allahk 111 /unah .11044 un 111as51ta1. acoustic 1)t OktI(4 guitar A11 ages wok , call 35191236-42A) (26((n) -