HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-08-12, Page 20rage 20 Tiule+ Adtnuu 'August 12,1998 100 Births ALLEN/DELBRIDGE - flak. Tanya and Morgan are happy to announce the_ bush of Daniel Johnathan Dirk on July 10, 1998 at St. Joseph's Hospital weighing 8 leis 12 1/2 itis.• D.IC Is proud 11.) announce lire mem nave of his business = Albeck Cunslructiom & Sun' Daniel is a welconedgranlson for Jcverley Dclhradge and Gary .('unush of Exeter, Kevin D elbndgc of Grand Bend. Lu Allen and John Upwood or Dashwood and Jit and Sharon Allen of It:, Rin Anther 'great-grandson for Mai time Delhndge ul i✓seter auJ Jean Allen-Cuilas ul London A special thank you lu Nanny tie% and Papa Gary for taking such good carr of Morgan' and keeping her busy. t:L1•) DENOMME - Ken' and Juan Pensionary are pleased to announce the arrival of Emily Meaghan HUM un July 5, 1998 weighing 6 lbs 14 or. Proud grandparents are Keith and Dorothy (tern and Jerome and Marie Ikntnunie. Special thanks to farilily, fnends and neighbours fur their support and best wishes. (33'). 102 Deaths GLADMAN - Marguerite Verity Pickard passed away peacefully August 3. 1998 at UBC Health Sciences Centre, Vancouver. .She 1S surviscd by daughters Elizabeth Carr and Diane Read. daughter -m -law Barbara Gl:ldlllall, nieces Ma r uerite Puls. and J g .(icrrrusk, Chathc and their families. including grandchil4renand ' great- grandchIldlen There will be cremation and remains will he taken to Ontario for a ineinor1:31 ,ei \ LC and illterilent at Exeter Cemetery_(3 3' • -WONDERLAND - Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle is pleased to invite anyone interested, to go to Canada's Wonderland on August 21st. Bus will be Ieavirig at 7 a.m. and returning approx. 1 a.m. $35.00 price includes ticket and transportation. Call 519-235-2991 for ticket purchase information Come Worship With Us EXETER BiBLE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Communion Service Sunday School for all ages 11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour Thursday Evening•Home Bible Study. at p.m. For into, contact 229.6572. 94 Orchard Street, Exeter Everyone Welcome August 16 9:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Worship Broadcast on Community Channel EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 332 Huron St. W. Pastor Peter Tuininga 235-1723 - . August 16, 1998 - 10:00 a.m. Morning Service .: Sunday School for ages 3 to Grade 4 during morning service . Nursery Available 7:00 p.m. Evening .Service -- Everyone Welcome • ® Sunday Radio CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m. CKNX 920 10:30"a.m. Daily T.V. Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m. August 16 • - 11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m. ff Worship Broadcast r'" "."." on Community Channel ---•-- -• EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH - 187 Huron St. W. Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant Pastor John Boyachek 235-2661 Sunday, August 16 Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 and 11 a.m. 7:00 P.m. Evening Fellowship Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night Everyone Welcome 71.1.7 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 68 Main Street South 235-2784 Guest Minister: Rev. John Neilson Courtesy Car • 235-2784 Sunday, August 16, 1998 11 a.m. Morning Worship You are welcome fo worship God with us. EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James and Andrew St. Sunday, August 16, 1998 10:00 a.m. Rev. Cordell Parsons Service will be held in the Primary Room No Sunday School classes Courtesy car: George Pratt 235-1973 NI welcome! 102 Deaths 1)LKN - Pea:e(ully al Ciatgsslel Gal dens. Allan Craig un August 1. 1998 I:km:n.e (Pullen) Het; formerly vl' Lisburne 1'ownstnp tuber 91st year. Beloved wile of the late Koss W. Hein (1994) tear mother o1 Frances anti Bob Kulsntam of Lunduri anti Keith and Duroihy Hein of Ushuine . township. Deal grandmother of John. Dwight and 1 )le Kinsman. Judy I ;ung. Donald :int' Paul Hera and Juan Ik•nonun• Also -WI%is CJ by IK gleet-grandchddien and ume gie..I-,ic,d-gi;lid.hil1l Ik'a1 ,istel 111- I.io 01 Mk/CI I'ul)cn of Sl Stays. Hercl auJ Allan WCSCuu %flet and Taurine and oiyllle Snell of Gnlushy }'l de e3sed by brothers Cltllui 1. ('ecrl and Mtloe. a grandion Bill and a grCal-graudJaughier Meagan. Friends called at the C Ilasken . and Son Funeral Hume. Lucas where the funeral service was held on August 6th Kcv. Nancy E. !Ludy of White Oaks United Church officiated ('ieniauun with interment Zion Cemetery. Donations lit the Luckeiia Research Fund would he appreciated by the family (31) 105 Cards of Thanks ARTHUR .- We would like tu'eipress grateful 'hanks to the mule businesses in Exeter w-hich together. presented 111s beautiful Bible m us iii recognition Of our sixty years of inaimidge Exeter has beetaa gond row n•1u us osier the years we have lived here.- It is where my (Ruth) roots ate My maternal grandparents cleared 11e vugnt • forest- un the third eonn.ssmn of Siepheu Township where they buil(a home and raised AIM family We wquid alsi) like to thank everyone .who came to out reception or mailed cards and notes-w::li best wishes We truly have been greatly blessed Agaut thanks.. God bkss.everyone, 1)umphcry & Ruth Arthur (33' ) COOK • We would -like io express our sincere thankslaeveryone who hellwd whit our barn was on life: It's nice -lit know we hose such good friends and neighbours. pranks again, Kim & Doug (-33') GREEN HAVEN TRAILER SALES & PARK To all those who made our annual Green Haven Gulf Tournament a great success: the businesses & individuals lorthe generous prize donationk. the golf conitniItec for the !many hours of organuatign, all (hose whit helped prepare'a superb ileal & of course, the golfers who participated. Stephen & Kiin Baird. (33') HOOGINS - 1 wish to thank iny.reLiives and.friends fur visils,.flowers, beats and cards while in hospital and since.returntng - home, Special (hanks 10 VON. Andrea and Cheryl. Pat Hudgins. Luc:ur.133•) HUTCHINSON - 1 would like io express ills . appreciation lit all who Came out to illy eightieth birthday celebration._ A special thunk yuu to lily _family for organizing everything and for the drr..ter- at Kelli's Restaurant. • Thank you fur all cards• flowers. gifts and eertih'aites which 1 received.• Also lo my coflce frierids.al Kelly's for the cake and. ace de:inl.alid best wishes on Tuesday 11 is 311 very much appreciated and a birthday f will always remember. Evelyn (33') • - - KOHDE - We • wish to *hank everyone for • their -telephone calls and many cards of sympathy in the recent passing of Bill's sis er Marguerite Gibson of-Lrindun: - They • were all very much appreciated. ' Bill & .Rhoda (33x) - ROOBQL - 1 -wish to thank Dr. Wallace. ,'Mrs. Visscher, Dr. Ravensgroft, Dr. Sorsdahl, rhe X-ray• aloft and all 'Wising Staff al the South Huron Hospital for the wonderful care 1aCCelged-during iny-redent 'stay. Maria (33') SKINNER-WAUN - We ".mold Tike to thank everyone who-se,l us sympathy cards. Bowers and food to our home after. the lass of our sister Helen tory. Special thanks to Rev. Bob' Jones:. t3ill & Dan al the funeral• . home, the Rebekah. Lodge and Exeter -U.C.W. for the lovely lunch.'.fhank' alurlo ' - the Exeter Villa for their wonderful care, Your kindless will always be reincmbered Marion and Russell. (33`). • UPSHALL • The family of -the late Frances Upshall wish to express their sincere. thank, to relatives. friends -aid ueighhuis for then. .,malty acts of kindness during the recent loss of -our beloved mother. Thank you low floral tributes, cards, memorial donations. phone calls., visits and food brought to Asir how. Special thanks° W Rev, Judith Syringes and Rev. Jane Kuepfer.for their comforting words. and Egmundvillg United Church ladies fur the 1pvely luncheon follriss ing the service. Thank you to the pallbearers and tri • Whitney-Ribey Funera)Nonic for your support and guidance. A speeial.ltiauk.you to Queensway Retirement/Nursing Moine for all their care. kindness and support during mothers stay. Your •es presslums ot • !sympathy will always be remembered Gerry.& Bonnie (33') . VINCENT - f would likelo thank my family for arranging a beautiful 90th htlthday .cglebration with relatives, neighbours and friends. Thanks to all who attended. The cards, gifts and; well- wishes were appreciated. Special thanks lit nay grandchildren who worked so hard ar organizing this event. This beautiful occasion will always be remembered., God bless you Kaile..(33') -. • WOW! WHAT A WEEKEND - Special thanks goes dui to -all committee members, competitors, volunteers and spectators for inking Dashwood Fricdsburg Days 27th. a succcss.(33) - • 106 In Memoriam FINKBEINER - In loving inCm101y ul a husband. father and grandfather. who passed away 1 year ago. August 17, (997.' • • May die winds of love blow softly. And whisper so you'll hear. That.we will always lyve and miss )oil. And wish that you were here Your resting place we visit. ' Flowers we place with rare. No one knows the heartache. When we tum and leave you then They say nentones are golden. For some that tnighl be 'rue. Bi we never wanted memories. We only wanted you. Sadly missed by Florence. Ruth. John. Helen, Baily & Grandchildren. (336) FINKBEINER -,In loving memory of a dear brother, brother-in-law and uncle. Kandy. who suddenly left us ten years ago, August 14, 1988. This month comes with deep regret It brings back the days we'll never forget We think of you in silence and often speak your name All we have are memories and a picture in a frame. Our Mans still ache with sadness Our silent rears still flow For what it means lolose you, boy. no one,will ever know. Today, tomorrow. our whole lives through We will always love and remember you. Sadly missed. but never forgotten.by Rick, Barb, Chios. Janal.ynn (331) - • 106 In Memoriam LEWIS • In loving mein..., of my deal habitant! Wilbert who pa;set assay Augu-.l 10. 1982 Someone R'lllelnlel a. M111eniie 4arl's Your name Is w bispeied u1 out prayer ' /vomit,. a teal. a thought sincere (low oven 1 wish ttiau you were here . Sadly mussed by Nola (AP) RI:S•fti\I,1YI:R - 111 memory of Greta Rcstcmaycr who passed away August 14 I996 Your weary lean stopped 1w:uung. 'foul ;write hands were soiled, _Although yuu eoulJu't slay w 1th us. Yvw memory always w111 • Lovingly remenlluied by Bob. Bernice t (Until) 111.1 KO(;ER - 11. louig memwly of our IK•I ,s ,l Sun, brother and unek '-'Nall' w•ho lett us suddenly August 17. 1985. When someone you (inc become, a Ileum”) Thai urC1uu1) INCUlles 3 lie:asu e . Loved and mused by Dad. Mont sister Lynn and her lanuly t33.1. - r 9 9 9 9 9 U 9 9 Y w 8 r 8 8 8 9 8 f, ci22 y i3 Ws) r`1J]JJJ `l �J CJI J R AI & Val Kyle August 17th R Mary, Bonnie, Jial, Minty: . ' Shorty and ,families tuegrass Family Weekend August 14-15-16 Featuring: • Larry Stephenson Band Northern City Limits 1 6 other Bands Riverplace Park R.R. 3 Anton, Ont. 519-665-2228 HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY WAYNE £. BARB . AUG. 11, 1998 firrrtlf t, 1. floppy 2sth Anniversary CELEBRATION for Larry & Sharon Gibson Sat. Aug. 15 8 p.m. to 14.m, CENTRALIA HALL . For more information call 228-6940 L Join Larry's Town and Country ere,v &iiurday and Sunday • night for their excellent Smorgasbord featuring 3 choices of meat. salad bar, dessert bar, coffee or tea in our air Conditioned, count)-!' atmosphere dining room. -Seniors $6.95 ,'dolts $8.95 - Friday right : Fish & chips $-i 50 Home of the Elvis &ager Ta ze sit writable (-' Crediton 2.34-6310 idr at., i i -j n©jvii ruilrtnrtnr inannist 17 "i. 7:}_iP NowsEA,viNg i 1 `Frivol.' c1'iclorrbn 97[krnoon 4vns -" r chine. d ori 4W/qui,rnrne. Blacrmory and :rnvn.i el -he Cornemione 9nn - 315 John (51. &w/c.. On, Daily from 2-4 p.ni. Mon. - '1 '1ri torian Rm'd & 'BredA-/a.. t For reservations call 235-3820 - ii:n't ni .18 7:1 .J slicc'hil Om' t0 be... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Zion United Church - Crediton 4th ANNUAL ' CHICKEN B.B.Q. DINNER Tues. Aug. 18 - 5:30 to 7:30 Take Out Dinners Available • Adult $9.25 • Child (12 and under) $4.00 (Please note: PRE -SALE TICKETS ONLY) Call 234-6278 or -238-2670 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • HURON couNTRy LWJOUSE lenOntarto SONER d Avenue .�' . Aug.4-Aug. 15 \.,,f CALL NOW!!!! 1-800-706-66b5 or (519) 238-6000 Sponsored hy: I)i:1,TA LONDON ARMOI!RIES ('II1K, UX93, The London tree Press CFP. -TV 1 Happy 50th Birthday i Mary Lou from your neighbours IR L.f�Psc,_J-Jc_ra_ _f-Jr.-P_P�O •1 • f • • • r • • • EVANGELIST DENNIS GOODELL At Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle AUGUST 23RD - 28TH 7 p.m. All welcome to attend! 670 Main St. South 519-235-2991 i hLLrartr3L -0- r orf irfatfr0° idr at., i i -j n©jvii ruilrtnrtnr inannist 17 "i. 7:}_iP NowsEA,viNg i 1 `Frivol.' c1'iclorrbn 97[krnoon 4vns -" r chine. d ori 4W/qui,rnrne. Blacrmory and :rnvn.i el -he Cornemione 9nn - 315 John (51. &w/c.. On, Daily from 2-4 p.ni. Mon. - '1 '1ri torian Rm'd & 'BredA-/a.. t For reservations call 235-3820 - ii:n't ni .18 7:1 .J slicc'hil Om' t0 be... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Zion United Church - Crediton 4th ANNUAL ' CHICKEN B.B.Q. DINNER Tues. Aug. 18 - 5:30 to 7:30 Take Out Dinners Available • Adult $9.25 • Child (12 and under) $4.00 (Please note: PRE -SALE TICKETS ONLY) Call 234-6278 or -238-2670 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • HURON couNTRy LWJOUSE lenOntarto SONER d Avenue .�' . Aug.4-Aug. 15 \.,,f CALL NOW!!!! 1-800-706-66b5 or (519) 238-6000 Sponsored hy: I)i:1,TA LONDON ARMOI!RIES ('II1K, UX93, The London tree Press CFP. -TV 1 Happy 50th Birthday i Mary Lou from your neighbours IR L.f�Psc,_J-Jc_ra_ _f-Jr.-P_P�O i LCC7 CCC3 aBest rOn the occasion of their 60th /�i-1.1ir1�j �1r)r,ilyr',c)r/. the family of VERNA D EVAN BT invite you to an (:)?E'1.1r1(.)U:s on Sot. Aug. 22 1:OOp.m.-5:OOp.m. 106 Duchess Street Lucien, Ontario (519) 227-4701 Wishes Only l,), 'J S 5j La S 5 �Sr' 5 C. p i hLLrartr3L -0- r orf irfatfr0° •••••1••N••♦ 50th Wedding' ) Anniversary 'Open House for Donald and Marjorie .Kernick Sat., Aug. 15 2-4 p.m. at Fellowship Hall,North St. United 9hurch. Goderich Everyone welcome Best wishes only. lease August 25. 1948, Lloyd Mdrdlin & •Isabel Bain were married un, the lawn of Rolling Acres l'roslltrt Hill 11 Jame of the Bride): T.i celefratr SO ( ears of marriage, f.Iuvr3 & Isabel invite ' their friends to an Open !louse 7-8 p.m., follnweed with a" program and dance, at-Kirkton- Woodham (pmmunity Centre, on Friday, August 21 '98. Please "NU" -gifts, just come and make ► our night special.' LLL LLLLISIXtiL't3�1'L'L`i�i�'LLLLI�"l`�'k; M a rj Park Lib re 4 , 4 1 4 80 YEARS YOUNG To celebrate her 80 years, her family wishes to invite you to an Open House at the 4 - Scout Hall in Lucan on Bat. Aug. 22 - 2-5 on. 4 - - Best Wishes Only Please - L'•��'L'L'Ll�•Ll�•LLi•Ll�•Ll�L9���7N�Li'LL'L'L YARD AND 4.ARAGE SALES HUGE GARAGE SALE - Sat. -Aug. 15 • 7 a.m. to noon. •Southcott Pines, Grand Betid, Follow signs 10 10136 Shoreline, Drkte..9- 1/2x14 ft. off.white sculpted wool area rug. Portable bar with - stools, furniture, dishes and mbre - - - • 000.0. • f • f f • 1 f f • f • f 95th Birthday OPEN, HOUSE for,STEWART PARK at GARFiELD MANOR 391 Garfield Ave., Petrolia Sat., Aug. 15 -2-4 p.m. 00000011 000 •00 000 'JERE AT LAST! LO c Li>>a' • is AIR CANADA' • BRITISH AIRWAYS • CANADIAN AIRLINES BOOK BY... AUGUST 17,1998 Don't Miss Les Miserables 40t0Top Priced Seats - September 26, 1998 CARLSON WAGONLIT ELLISON TRAVEL 235-2000 OR 1-800-265-7022 i1 f�URON COUNTRY PIL�YHOUSE (;rand Bend, Ontario 1-C81,01:71-‘06NO_W.,,,, (.Sly 6665 or 238-60p0 2nIStre¢ Aug. 18 - Sept. 5 Sponsored by: UNION GAS ,1290C.IBK 13X93 CFPL-TV The London Free Press