HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-08-12, Page 51 1 YOUR BUSINESS
1 tai L /. •t't cI!e. i1 u� a •1 1 ', 1'198 1'
First Choice Grand Opening
The Lucan downtown shuffle
First cuts. Becky -Carter styles Reichel'Amerongen's hair at First Choice Hair Cutters grand.
opening celebcat t>n in Exeter. The first 50 haircuts were:free and all other hair cuts we,e
.$5 on Saturday:
Ontario investments ld Working Ventures' portfolio
as Canadian vent,' ., capital industry comes of age
hF)RONl'Cl - 'For small and ne:.es acr'ss Can:►tla since incep- • _represent 51 per cent. ($4.3 hilhitill
medium-sized buclilesses. the 9U's non.
- Last year: thesecompanies
•1ti cibcr.ulmpurted tire' lobs of over
15:(1(Ilt Ont:trio residents. rept rted•
annual saves of .'x2.36. billion. ur
vel►Icli \9s_'? nnlhun ,crc exports
(41.6 pec cent -fid sales. and invest --
cd $1.1.1:9 million in research and
derv-elopment (6.1 per cent of
'These dyn.nnre ,growth corlrpanies
are, the type tliat have the potential
to earn good relurns fur Wlirking
Ventures' shareholders 'and •.it• the
Same. time generate the growth in.
"jobs -and export, that is the reason
to' the support of the 1LS11 progrun
by the Ontario government. •
"Our support for. these compa-
nies tjue;n') sloop :it -the initial
itivcsunent:" Bcgg ;Rids. "We are
equity partners. taking risks alung-
,srtte the entrepreneur. These com-
panies (,lien need ones,' more attith-
tutnal rounds of follow -on invest-
ntcnt nto,supprn't-their rapid growth
:uxl tti (ls Where the "deep, pock-.
cls .nl ‘'‘"ark.
irlg- Vcnitrre. become
(iegg'pou►Is out that "1.SUI:s no.‘
' should -be reniemhert:d a> the
dcca_Ie when (.'apada'...,se ►tuts cap-
rtal scclor:c Iu ( of ague - In large
part because :lvcragc.(':uiadl:urs
had the opportunity ti) share in the
potential benefits of supporting,
their country s intrcpreDeur
throuch. .. 1.ahutu- Sponsored
Inv ctuncnt -Funds I L.SII s I."' -said
Ikon '13cgg.•pr6ldent of „Working
• Venture:. Ca:ulian Fund. Canada's
leading labro sponsored investment
-fund - . . .
(Lcportmg on \Vo.kinig Ventures',
portfolio (d-Ont:trio investment.,
t3cgg sayt-the venture capital
-industry; is now hl)oming:-partieu-
larIv'1ri'Ontario. anth-heattributes
• -the growth_.) i.Slt;s,iri-general and
Working Ventures -in partrt;ular. He
;av s I _22 small and Inediunl- ved-
husrrtisses in (ntariufiave received.,
nitirc'th:.n.$363,million in venture
capital ins estnrcnts.t'o'll Working
'- Vontares •since the fund -s incep-
tion. This rcpiesent. 77 .per cent. of
Working Ve•niures•s investments
totalling, S475 -million in 160 husj.-
Horticultural Soci▪ ety
111.5.\I.1 The. F}erisall K
Di -Ir lel Nur ti. ulttiral Society, is
. , pi .urd to :ulnounce .their new
\\"ihsllt°. 11 vers -des eloped b' ;Tina
Holln►ann: the %cry Capable CAI' .-
-t('onirrutln•ity Access Pi1,gianrf
studcnt•at the Hensall Library. The
Society- thanks •Tina. "-and the
11lI1--(fl1 Or the CAI' [Ili rant. and
+)inns nil -Tnt& tier a Very fine jib.
Tina Is ready, willing and quite •
.apahlc of, teaching anyone who
\m nshcs to heclmie familiar mill the .
Inicrnet. 1t \vas•.i pleasure working
well "Iona.
T �
has-new website
the Nt' tct\.in►Iles R)11 to t isit
thi Ir 1.55 -.11.. lust elle-k ,on lht
address helust: You'll -HMI
upcoming event's. e.l(cgoriex and
•ruts:. -for vor ulicoltu nt_. 11(lwc r
show ria • August '19: spv;aker
profiles.- and •otllci titbtls of
information. Please- feel free to
send your ctimmcnts and
uggesttons.reg:uding the site. the
.enc, rings. the society. hood -the
clllllliiun1 t% :crvicc' provided. -
Instp //sssi.angclfire.cogt/inn/hen
• of the appri,xisiritely $$.4 billion in!
total venture capital assets under
adnlrnrstrillion. in ('auada The
.growth In verltllre ill Vc111len( actrv-
ity-In Ontario has hien es1ieci:llly -
evident- dunng the past Iwo \esus
when 'the ()Marti) I.SII; program
' has really taken hold.
I'rotn 1993 thrsurgli 1995. tyr
exanlplc. Qucht,c� companies.
. rt;ecived 20 per cent more venture
capital than.clid Ontario-cinparincs.
FM- the past -two years. Ot►tarro
'coinpanics•received '34 percent
more vetf.lurc capital than Qu. hcc
limns. in 191)7 ,alone. total denture
capital Inveslrlleillti- in.Ontario
totalled $704 million conmpiircd 10,
`$546 million in Quebec.'
%Vurkln_ .Vcnturtls Canadian
Fund is Canada's leading labor
sponsored investment fund. Since
its -Inception 111 1990., Working
Ventures has invested $475 Million
- in 169 small t in.:dwn► .tied boa
' nesse% which. 111 a.ggrceattl. Sap-,
ported I x.$67 -liths' last m e;tl. The,
• punt, has over 125.0(0 slrarchulJ-
. =ars and $735 nupion in assets,under
'management. - , •
Workino Ventures has ins cst
went offices an 'Tortfnlo' and'
Ottawa. Ontario:. -Saskatoon,
Sask�ttclieve:uta Saint John. New
• Iiransw_li,-k,:`-and }ialilax. Nom a
Scotia. - , .
LUCAN — Same store: new:digs.'
For. The Wicker 13asketl- it's bum -
'less as usual. they are now dust op-
erating uul of a nes% location..'.
_ 'Lasa-.I:uesua}•,. -tire giltwarc and
• collcruhles 'shop Iiwccd into the
building at I-75 M:iril Si.. recently
vauued by Creative Allain.
Creative Affairs owrtei Terri Nor-
• -hie wht) operated aithat location for
nine years h:un't left the,-indtistry
and, can . be readied at
her home outside, of I.ur:ui fur pri-
vate lit/lid orders. •
She also vs1 1 -he designing part -
trine at -'McInnis 1•luwer- shop m
The • Wicker .Basket( . operators
Gayle -and Ann -Marie, Riley Blade
the auitve quickly from their old- lo-
1st &'2nd Mortgage
at 6.5°;'° interest or less Personal
- Loans Totally Unsecured d ou
quality; monthly payments as tow as
'Amt. App. Mthly Payt.
$5,00b' 527.68.
S10,000 • $54.16
$15,000, . $81.25 ,
Consolidate Your Debts '
1(800) 387-1932' Astral Funding
t ;renter's C-trllt cry 1 IC:11'r
of prose:& Poetry
lm. 1) r
Cchr('t(t 1101 •�
m l\-
4 si Franklin P i
Have a news tip?
call 235-1331
cation at L65 Maul Sl. •
'k4'c 'limed out Iasi I:ridaj- and
we' opened here on Tuesday." said
C;avle Riley.-
\\ e had a lot of help Irufn fauu-
ly aura lrrcnds setting up.'• •
The Wicker Basket( has been op-
erating In locals, fur 11 year, and
also' serves as a Scars *Catalogue
Syr. -5.55 *
* rates updated dally with 25
companies to better serve vo)
*Rates subject to change
Grand Bend
We've moved. Gayle Holey re-
cently moved their store, Tete
Wicker Qaskett, to 175 Main .
Street in Lucan.
Hensel! Ont.
All types of auctions.
Complete' service.
Will purchase partial or
complete .estates.
Brad Mousseau
Auctioneer (519) 2364558
6chott, gRoi
(519) 666-0833
Pick up and sacs of complete
or partial estates.
Specializing in Farm. Real
Estate, and General Sales.
Serving the community and
area for over 40 years.
• •
Sewing Machine
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TKO Systems
Special student financing available479
(System. without
desk and printer - $1139.)
519-235-09% 1-800-729-3751
(John Norris Building)
LONDON: 106-30 Adelaide St. N. 667-0897
Stratford, 165 Downie St. 273-7374