HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-08-05, Page 16rage 1(1
Tine:•: Adlk><'rrh', August 5, 1998
Tuesday Ladies
July 28 -
A night
1 on gins. 1, time \ttddleton 40
1 Del- -Sheila keaburn 34 • •
I ay. pit,., 1.1/ SIt•(+iKns ire
1 o''nr1 M.u_ Ph.ut `•
l' night
1 oss gloss- Stories V. tubi
1 .•N rri•i - item f "is,n1••
I) night
I oN YL•.. Iheie•.t'Is(-,inu
1 “ns ori 1.1111 IC 4,111+011
1 utt pulh:.Iiritt \.ut_.ICI 1,1
Senior Men
July 3) -
-\ Ili SIJ 1 totes - 14
}t th
t:Ill Adtl,ul I k•lini el 22
•yuan Ildf - 12
('loses? to Piu: rr i Gu. Cnegus. 116 Dun
K.,ssssst•Il -
• Ad'iet'ing feint
First 1144): G st. tas-.h. H Coates A
. A1.Amide).13 Rorie r:
Second (1451: 1) Rots . ,i ill• P
Suthelt.nld (1 1 iL1.:m: 1. Herntm •
July, 29 - Texas Scramble
.35: Shirley w right. NtileefI McC:11111..
Linke Latta. Joanne Middleton
5W25/25 dram :lkb (►'pagan. Cheryl
(-lith. -
Monday Men
August .1
- k night
't.,N _tos,.liient Siluth:ott 3c
. 1..+'_ )111 Randy C;tlf ilia'. .11st,
.._ed Lt•' Clacton toopel 17
'rid t:\ lh•tltits Kose 14
- .S night
i. Low P ,, Jrin lilnlgwst-. • .36-
t.t•a )let GarKyle Or
2n -di -C. i)erek.C:mlphch , . 37:3
aid I.% Lain file- ' 31: h
•• . •C Bight-'
Loss-gms, fete Sutherland Si 4(i
Lass net: 'left Rt sit•nlxrg .- - it
2nd L(; lens MacLean - , - 4 I-
2nJ 1 N. Tont \'ter man - 3'• •
„ D flight
Liss gross Gan I )unlop 44
Loss net. • Bill S1:u n - 14'•
j grid 1 (. Hob ComesY iet,-
2ndL\ Warne Maser . 24-'
Clow.* tit pin: Cary Kyle ttr,i:1)i1up
Case i)l6r
Spnnsirr: Exeter Colt ('luh. Kippen Gun
• t CIO) • .
Nest ova: ',...nr,mal iris(
Senior Men
August I
First I laytln Go., lard
Dun Kiss
Keith Ahrens
Rei• Hermann
Second Jiiii Steen •' .
yta\ne Pearce
• 'Bud Preszcato
Jou Nallacc •
Third- . hoe Kegler
'Ben Fisher .
Andi IkBoer
Bob Coates
r •
Fourth Lloyd kohtxin
HJI 6;tltilfan
• Bill Thuuipson
fidf Schaefer
Closest to pin: 134
, 183
)ie Kegler N7'Don
Ladies Club
July 29
Loss gross
Lynne Farquhar
Joao pey%wird
Marla Wilson
Loma Russell • •
('lusest in three on 814
Cavity n C;Ilfiltan •
Klin Pinder
'Anna Riddell
A -ill Lynne Farquhar (X111. E k
Richie (N17i .
.B tit Ruth Mcreer-Rosa (NIS). Marla
Wilson (N1). N11).
C Ill 'Barb Coughlin i#13). Ahola
kidilrfl (N18). Lina KUssell 016. #17)
Birdies E K Kdchie (817) "
Mystery box prize (donated by
Ironwood): Jean Ruddvrhant
Men's Club
Jul, 28 • front nine while tees
A flight
First ' I)on Hcyaood 34N32
Sound Lee Richards' 38N36
'third Buh Fletcher 38N36
•B Bight
First Barry Baynham 38N35
Second I lady it Grizzard 36N37
Thud Randy Gilfillan 401438
Fourth Joe Wilson ' . 39
filth bol $leen • 42N:19
C fight
Fust Tin Oliver 43N40
Seix,nd Johe.Haytcr - 38N40
Third' Jack Johnston 38N41
Fourth• Lloyd Robison 43N42
I) fight
Fast Doug tlrhstio tt . 38
lieu rid kid, Broderick 46N39
Third Bob he* 41N39 '`
closest to pin: Hob Frew (82). Dave ,
(:,ivvi (N4), Paul Austen 187). Mike
I ivyardine 119) I
Skins: Afirl3 - Jcll Loosely (841. Joe :
41, '1 (Al) I1'.m IlthstutltINI)
Smith on to provincial iawnbowling finals
EXETER - Chad Smith of tht
Exeter Lawnhowling Club is off
to the '98 Provincial Jr. Lawn -
bowling •Chamf ionships at the
Guciph . Lawnhowling Club. on
Aug. 1A-16.
• Smith. 16. and partner Tim
Eickmeyer of the Mitchell Lawn -
bowling Club will represent Zone
A in boys pain competition.
The Provincial . Jr. Lawn=
howling Championships are pan
rif the '98 . Ontario.: Sumpter
South, heading into Gr. - (1' at.
South . Huron District High
School. said he bevinne interested
il) Iawrilittwling after finding. out
his great:grandfather Ray Smith
enjoyed the game. .
"1 tried it and toJind out I iikeei
it." he said. -
-Smith went to the provincials
last year as part of a Jr. -buys trip-
les team. He hopes ,to lmproVe
upon their results last' year -
they didn:t win a game.
In other - Iin;tl law_nbo%lint:
news. Exeter LBC .will he rcpre-
.sentcd at. the Ontario Nos 1.e
Championships at Kingston Aiq
8-9 _by both a men's and women'.
team. The men's leant 1 1 .fail+ 1 t,
Hills.. Ralph Batten and IOU
Mickle'and •the women's team of
Pat Palen, Shari Palen and -Mars
Waller will'represcnl District 4.
High roller. Exet-
er's Chad Smith
will compete in the
Pravirtcia! Jr. Lawn -
bowling Champion-
ships et Guelph on
413 .1$-16.
Horseshoe champs
,As• part of the Friedsburg, Day festivities on Saturday a
-horseshoe competition -was held at: the ball diamond in.
-Dashwood. Above. event organizer 8i11 Coleman (far right)
presents the .A -Champs Jack Brintnell and Lia Snell. with
their trophy: Below, Elgin Kipfer pitches a horseshoe., - .. _
r - (photos/Katherine Harding)
Dietrich continues to hold hot clubs
EXIii ER - Exeter's Matt Dietrich is putting the competition away
on TN -r Jr. Tyson Golf -Tour. -
Dietrich: 13. is leading the pack in the jr. division with'a score of 95.5.
Dietrich should qualify for the Tyson championship Scrarnhie at
•i'hatncs Valley golf club on Aug. 27. -
The Tyson Tour is the top circuit for jr, golfers in southwestern •
Ontario.' -
Oakwood hole -in -one
GRAND BEND - The tirsi-hole was a lucky one for Betty Spectrin
last week.
Spearin notched a hole -in -one ori Oakwood inn's 14l -yard first hole
with a seven -wood. -
Another ace at Exeter G.C.
EXETER -Tony Armstrong might want to brdnte his pitching
wedge after a perfect shot on Saturday at Exeter Golf Club. -
Armstrong aced the 115 -yard third hole. Alan McFalls and Scan
Lovell witnessed the feat.
Kippen Gun Club
July 29
J:unie Caldwell
Dennis Boyd
..Brad Mann -
Dave Hayter
Tont Allen
George Hanini
Glen Mooghk
Ernie Marshall
Ken Wltetham
-Glird Robinson
Steve Graham
Jim Gatscr
Pal Glazier
Mark Tuc kc
Harold Cook
• 25
• 25.
- 23
Cents tied with
St. T for first
NV -A _I:A(113.3 R(; - A scr,rrles,
ue•n)ighi ..eon a boring_' result_ltu -
onie-strier tons. hut it pas ed.lhe-
9.a) for the 1-scIt.1•( ntennialsrt+
gratis .( shore c,1 Urs( il.tie
• 1:setcr and hast W,111acchitri' hal
Ikea tri ;i 11-11 lie 1-i iaf:n . Centennials
spokesperson (iet'ri•C \1tl-:w an s.ti•1
the -tuna puts his tiara In a tie for
lust plate 1n the: Second Division
tilt Si -titian:iv at ',:poiul . each ,
17);1' tic looks _,turd o+n ixiper utast. 3131
,' it lo( caul happen sine t',utis are :n
wilily into the second hall of Ihi-sea
tl _
{'he game openext with a test `_o soil
t h,tn,'es lir-1_xeier. capped ssht'll
Rs:ui ('atrial plate a nt:e hintlm,_
shed tt+\Cat the lop lett coolie! +( l'h.
net 'hut the \Vallacchurg keeper was
able to gel to ii. - ' -
• Iran Martens ant! !stark lirititnclt
boll* had VI 110 2liipnrtUnities ri)nls\,ri
tllr4.)i1gil the hall. but the small \V: l
(asebur�, held piuscd to he too ,r •
Bested lot player, h, 9cl se.ixxi shit
The Centchntals staried_thc garire
wnit-a fist player -strong h.l1Lh. btu
. coach John Rasenbrrst hada' ,hake
things up in the mid -tired when - -
Simi% Kone:' and k 514..can
had to'Iease the came with intone,:
Roti:au ICCt;l\eol,a X•rloi\ 111,11110
'1101 M: 111 a 1...011i!,11 141,54 hili -\Lt. i.C:in
hurt his, lower -leg h\ tau't'ly ,I4'k--•
`want{t altar a leaping hard hill -
The second halt saw )V:1liacehur
carry most of the offence. but Uase
Farquhar rquhar )tad the hest chance ss hen
hr made a great run dow n the left
vide and managed to "get to the goal..
Ili\ autctilitl tel shde.lhr•h.dl under the •
keeper at the near post laded toclick.
• • Exeter's defence was husy in the
dining 15 nutiules of the game! Sean
lieapie was busy in the sur and 7s1atk
Bell and Adam:Jean swept out ,r le«
good. attacks.
Ihe hosts were ahh to penetrate
, the Centennials' dctence.several
times. but keeper, hone Szabo was
,quick to attack thc'shots and keep the
hall trot.
I•hr Cents next travel to Sarnia Sat
urday tt, (ace the tllucwatrr Flames
at 5 p.m. -I-hr1r next home game is a
rematch vt•i•u. \Va llacchurg at ('an-
• tiers Field at 0 30 p.10
Let's Practice!
August, Tues. Nights
7:00 p:m
SHDHS Field.
New and old players.
All welcome. For info
call: Brenyn Baynham
_, .1
Champions again
ter I'-
Tugging to. the win... The Bluewater Tug Of War women's
team showed their metal at the Ontario Cl►arnpionsh.ips
held during Friedsburg Days in Dashwood on Saturday. The
women .won -the female catchweight (unlimited) and the
560 kg divisions over Zorra (both 2 -.wins, no losses): The
men won the. 720 kg, 680 kg and. 640 -kg divisions, going
undefeated versus .competition from South Easthope, El-
Zorra, Vitella and. the Waterloo Regional Police. -The
light weighted Bluewater men held their own in the catch -
weight "division versus the eventual victors.' the Detroit Po-
lice, and second place South Easthope. The. men are lead=
ing the standings in -the 702 kg division with 36 -points (25
or_ more points in front of qualified competitors) and the
non -sanctioned -680 kg and 640 kg classes. The women
are leading the non -sanctioned catchweight and 560 kg
classes as • well. Both Bluewater teams move • onto the na-
tional championships this weekend .at the Fergus Highland
Games. For more tugging action, see elsewhere .in this
week's TA. • . • (photo/Katherine Harding)
Crediton Pee Wee Girls
,('reduon 14 S. lir.,dhagen 12
Stars of Gamin Danielle Penssh) (home
runt. Andrea (ilasln is toi 5.a plater.
loth Parson. rinpkl
• Jul>.2') .
(itihtnn 11 ssZunth16
Stars: ('oak-er (;las int Strong catLhmg i>'
nnnu. Herdt Muller tglcat c414.1t 4,1 field)
Osborne minor ball
Mite Boys - July 17
.f•shoune 19 at liensall 1-
Duuhicplay hy: Man Johns on third
Hume runs: John. t;). Justin Cann, Seth
Pitchers: ('ann. John.
Crediton Squirt Boys
July (lr,ln++n i6 at C st ,*te I I
Pitchers: Man VsAu.lan Matt Marlene
Dashwood Bantam's -
July 2; I)a.hN,,,(.d 4 ss Llstoisel 10.
l'iu hers:1)iiiSteidingcr 12 strikeouts on 2 innings). Hrayden Lord t 3 stakeouts in .2Jose Schroeder (2'
•mngs) .. '
Zs --I)LIINIX,J IUs Llstnwcl (1(1A 17
Pitcher.: Cas k -lunge. Jarrett Palen. -Mark Late dote stnke.•urr. Jonathap Hiand tome
• inkeouU. Andrea Kinsman Iotle Unkeoulr
linters: Lord. del ngc_(doubles). Schroeder (2 singles?. Kinsman. 'Jonathon Stiller. Mar-
• ty. Glavin (singles)
Great catch by: Loren Palen
. Mitchell "roomantent _ August 1
• Dashwoo,) 6 s. tL nose. 16 •.
Meidinger t3 sinkeouts 1-1/2 inntngsr: fort (t stnl.euu(s 1
than and Schnieder'
Lord (oscr the ku4e hone -run. single?. Schroeder (double.
boner (double)
G:ui,c 2 - D:uhuoo d 1 ss Memnon. 4
Pitchers: Schnedet (3 st'nkcotil. 1n 3 iulirigs 1. Brand 1 1 stitkepul I
Layer I :atkeuut 1-112 innings)
(litters: Hr.uid tdouble:. single). GIa11111dnl1hk4 fain. Ss. uoedet
Finkbeiiier, Metdinger 4singks).•
(;arnt• 2 Da.li.uod (3 ss (tearti's,Ik 15 • ?lard fought. I hour game
Pitchers: ('sten 1'1 strikeout). itrand 1 2, strikeout. 65nning.). Lord. \s 13, olei 12 stnkr
our. i .
Hitters: Lord fuser the leritr doiuble. 2 .iii. -k 1, i':Jrn luscr Mt: ten. e 1 enu1..ulg le 1
4. llnicder (double. single): lir: nd iuver the.to ner.hunwIun4- I inktitvne,- Mum.nrrr.in
' Double plays by: Lunt and Villi .
RBI.: Lord 141. Palen. Schnieder. Futklxn,cr 4 cat 111. Humid
-1/22 uinmgsl. tint.
single). Lee fink
112 innings.. V,ak
We wish to draw your attention to the
following in our current Long.Weekend
Sate" flyer. -
Page 6. 0:6'cu. It. Microwave Oven.
43-1760-2. Copy ')cads: 5 [rimer
levels. Should -read; 2 power levels.
"lite illustration is also. incorrect. Page
8 - Plunge Router, 54-6920-6. Copy
reads: 112" Collet. Should read: 1/4'
Collet. Page 9. -- Item 810. 1/2" Air
Impact wrench.. 58.7901-8. Illustration
is incorrect., Flyer should show
impact wrench. Page 15. - hem 44.
1161. Storage Container. 42-4236-6.
Copy reads: 110 !,iters. Should read:
105 Litres. Page 18. 10" Car
Polisher/Waxer. 39-9003-0. .Copy
reads: 2 Amp Should read: 75 Amp.
We wish to draw your attention ib the
following in our current' More Ways to
Save' flyer.
Page 2 of insert. Trimmer Lines. -60-
2106X.: Copy reads: 160' x .095":
Should read: .130'x.095" Page 4 -
items 86. Wireless Poor Chimer 52-
3946.8. "Copy reads: 1000' range
Should read: 100' range. Page 1Q.
Items 89 & 10. CD Players, 44-1808-
0144-1576.0. Shoul(1 state: CD's nut
We sincerely regret any inconvenience
we may have caused you.
enote'd3301331- All zones
Usborne &
Hibbert Mutual
Fire Insurance
Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1
(Established in 1876)
Provides Full Insurance
for Farm Properties
New Applications are
Welcomed -
Joe Chane, RR5 Mdchen
Ron Feeney. AR 2 Detain
Larry' Gardiner, RR2, Starks
Jack Hodgerl. RR 1. Kirkton
Michael O'Shea RR3 Granton
Morns Willows. RR2 St Pauls
,Wayne Maver Exeter ..
1 David Moore, Dublin.
. Barb Worrier), Dublin
Joseph Uniac, Machos
Head Office, Exeter
A refund from surplus was de-
clared for all policy holders
who qualify, are on record and
In good standing as at Decem-
ber 31, 1997.