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Times Advocate, 1998-08-05, Page 8
• • Page S 1 inie.4-Attpocat, Ativ4,1 10" f AA' 11 Sculptures in a natural setting offered at Lakeview Studios sem( Nixon I .1 Keputti .RANI) ILN - A ne 'cut; tine garden otitMlie (irantl lint lei.ai ttIhtiiiI itic cfian- s. 14 4on1. IUUlI1.all and stioo S(flLatlilitioh.f Owl vai ' (i1.-4 RIM. 4t.i, atm, nartn4 1441,4n-1114 \X Alt 1111, 1.4,0,44‘144,- 1W/1%A... h)4o14:1 ;111., (irall ' lien,' h.: -h ti i in.nottr, gardc • 1,1 :Mont inrcc year , ,• Ih1)U1h h.111c 111 ‘c.ti N11 11.1 thel ‘‘.. ,.1111111.1re var.!. • 4I: .4 Lift 111.1... %kW: 0111011.14 111.: 1,1,./. • , lilt 3 .13 11111 11:: 111C:1' 4.1:11701111111113 .N11•." .11•4, anenly !,4 'Ital.,. tie!, at um. non", 1.x.-nitine: 01 3¼ h liin lion.ii .1:1 a:c hinfh:1114 • iti4vo.1 00: - \\ scurrittin...1: rcr-on .(2I(-.t.NtalellIell • . ' 1' '.',11%131,..'111.2.. ,1 11 ..' 1.3.,11 • ' nrn. fle : , 1 eartier. 4zulintn. •.• arIV,,3; 3, 1. 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Grand Benri arttsr uf • creartan athr r,, • 4-.)374-7:4' nat.- aaae : ;1,.-•-a:4 • wr aae- ' r' rernoc • - tic ' tt L•xainh. (Aunt' at. „Ir..: • tt . 4 111! ....1.11111111.. b tat it. \maim!. Irlti1/ltall11 ' 113.. 1.111)L11.• ,:ar4.t^ in: , NLI.111/11.1.!.. in: 111i . M.; N)1 4431: pa11111111:: . Si:- tt s;•. tn6to:.: ,,,aittntv wti; ,f(itto. Hire a Student 8y cherayn Bylstnu The Age of roitiptttvrs 1I„ Ail -cad\ .1p.i1 ,t uijy (l)Udy itve, 119‘k V‘r! 11,4 vitirkii;.34, '11(‘‘• 4, !lien ' • onit-4 1.4 looking for *rinplox men; thin.. i. 4-1444• 111,34.; v%11 computer ski,11• h3 ar 1:113:,%• 333.0 .11313,.. • 13.13 , (1.4 33,,,* 1, s, 311;30. 3.o4ni0n. 1-44 'most 1-311.133" 1111. •1 lelleal 1431, 1 3 t'K3.l4•Cle,3. 1/1.0. %.11ppl.icarit, will ill 14,3.4 11,1 111,1 01111r11114, 0.111, tanifilarit‘ ,/ifl(Ii)%1 - 14 ,a's•111v.j'r-'rn 1 ompincr 41. ilk 4144nand o • , • . • micre4i, 1, 4(11/4,111tilYt' 31.1 an, lr.onlI). 13.1,1 lt • 4tiadvni .3).• .41 .1 real ailvantat, • %Ate'', , "ow opnoriiinii 1. PAIL kto- .• 11.. 14.1c11,•111... „ illy:. 4..11001• iii int; arra ar.• cuirippc•' 13.011 114. s %.,1111R11101, 4,'' t 4.11-1%.- 1 • rir.-ilmbrali• 4.4141priti, tr4.,4 111; ,1171,..•111)14, 11 kw 3. 114 • r444.: - rc, 4.1•41 ....motif,. .1.111- 01.4. .11111• 1111,14 1 1, -trnlo 1 , 11-; Iti.• 11.- 10.144rn:.3 .111o3..4 • I,- 1141,- 111,1i 3, r1'11,1'41‘." 3. • ris3tr:1 t, • ..,•11.43 1 ry..,4•:ir11. 4.('.a..•hrtf, 14 • 14 4) , • . 3.414 41 414 I3.1 '341)3,41 IfilOte, • • A, •.1,1,13-1 3.113 111113111111.: '.0 11,1n.4 114 • Internt : c‘nit MIA 1 11.111111.4:. 44). IllI3'n,).111. • :1 hr4.u4,' the Contrnstniv .% Al• lila • ••..3..311.1h1. fv‘ (Mr 011: ntimmit, • r114)rniny44 ani;..i.ricia% 1 heir m414\14141,, tem:. :111411.1 1114intorno an.I hen. io (1,...,1). elf icient1\. ..t. hook-ann. ,i0nion1 • .4.3.41131 Itra.i •Human kemnik...•C entrr• 14 •• `mititent..-,.ti 21, 171 Fmni...vol', should' :Os., alivantarc.i.,1 sercict A" h., 1., onu. 13.3 it1.• \ ..'431111F• Weci, ..(A3.' 44,14iildin.• i• revarthre.. ,,mptiter iti 14111‘‘.!: 71/01 1 113-4.11 113,1110.31,‘3:,k33311. ‘% 1,1 43131re., %014l 31313441.13193!..;11'331t31 (13 - >1). hill 11.11 1 11 .'11111t1 : 4111, APV.Ii' 1-4 1 114,13 Intorio.n1441 1 1,4 rc..1.414.- • •-4-4,-.1041. V1111 1,411 .0111..11,14t 1:1"..ln.:11.1:f• f Ncssion • :-111 b.' F1.01, 1... 131 1'1.0% t H011',11),1 4 :111.1 1.11(1,1.1.0f .•.i.1111.1.:. \ow: 0.4 '1 T).4..1 1 I. • tr, Musical talent outdoors 4 1 : %. 1111:.-.1 11:11114:16Z111: • tV0!..' -A111 3113. •N10%1 mr• on. Pf -`0111:1 11 .4 41.6hr ".•,!\.1.• an.Ldt,liutgaia. AN 14..1'e • !')34 1/ S:.10._ i own'. A‘t•-. 13:11(1.171./a. ' . \hn arrant!t•rintrc• . , j.314,4 4334, . 434 t 11-1• 14 V% of SW -1 131:111". 334...1Ue3."..."11141 --11111.7141:iN11114: .1'. ...1/ .2-41.1.14f:t ! ;sc.% cr, 1¼1.'! NUn ' k. 0" "34t 41.4;1i11: ‘6111%1••• P10 ! all 1113:44%; al i" '1 • ;•!,,.%s :wart: • irreuttaty,4:r 4.4uttiu,ias; ••• t: • r‘,. •:' a! 3.'.114 1111'-'1 c‘1111-:.':"1"1"1:- 001‘,..3."...'' 1): -41134)31• %•, 3,1 "4.1111011111,4" ;1'. • min,Irtar tn. 11, sald 114.4 4i4.4. i itt ttpw pub: h , auc-4...st : 11. m ,A•yr ' 41.44.; L4.04L.,., 1, atinitit,n tft. ‘3..1111113.31 t.' . ..11:11"13.1 .1 3,%. IC 2I)4101' 1 1.11: : ,S1/11 ,11 :• Ha,. • V1111111: . t "pal ,11111: '41 sititt)tiett4.2 atiriihr 111•: 34.0, • 41.1: . ratmi: 4. eagrt 4. .411,1 :4034 ,hito •• an '3>3.434> . sne.- tn. Lonvertinz. .3 1101111! 03.341 priweia 3. 110 ' •I 34IU34 111131 041111111334- 1111,11!3, 1/V4' \kaft4 .1)1. 4.,:th. • t,-., uisnia tuft ntriNiti • 11,411II. 43 sum,. / 1111.:!. 1111'11 31(1133'411 3111%•. .1131 L.11.11:14.1'..- (103.3. 1.1-13:a1101. • allet V•11'1' 11 f • 13%,•• 11C1A i.7X1111,11 Ultilt1.1.,..t th • ;.1:11i34: g1.1 , 113.11111 :100111.111% 311.21113*: i111.! 3.33.1 1.110 ‘vrittr.v.• „ r:rt• : jfl ...); &int. • tr.t.1 . ..• 13. 0: • 1.'434, • . 11.0 ‚.3.3 14 ;413 '1'. . • II! .i114111: i `t--1 : stliatr. 44. ,44 14 :.1.'111 1: 44.4• '! s 1.,./11(114 " ;114 : If' 4in l'ticr1. •,• I .447 4113.. 3% 4)13 ituiumi • :•,..,1113iti,t • te.r..1 14. N.1111 1-1114.1"..11:• .."111.104( 44 11, • :111„,...)\ 1,1:v• s 1,1„n!. 1;1.41434' ..."31113.•.' 1%3' 1. •PU111311.11 1A,., '>11314 4111.% 114.1110%1 111 'a..1.1114r1 • • 1‘' NR.i1/14 111f -‘g 11.: WI. ppt. •• lel:' 110111 Ittric 111.11:0 tali • tint iuy 341.1,1 1 11.- (11"4-0 1 11 ,1112.334m• v, it. t.1‘.orn• 143.144 .Ann:: 1 x•14. • ' • • flower • %%In ni.44:c• 4. trin 10: 0n211>o/ . 1:4143:..4 . 1-4 .nc-4 Fano."- ] Business Directory AUCTIONEERS 7 mousster AUCTION SCOVICCS Hpocnti Ont Brad MOU4Sei1 Auctioneer 1519. 236-455R . I. -•111tilk*Ihriii*********0 I(-1:11; .1.441,1 • ('• FULLY LICENSED b. I BONDED. CALL OR FAX )' . (519) 666-0833 : Pick up and oials of complete * or partial estates • SPeclakeini in Fam, Rea, * 4 Estate. and General Sales. * Serving the community any 4 . area Mr over 40 years ____________ REPAIRS • Sewing Machine Repairs 1 a maikr• Free estimates 90 Da' Warrant‘ Experienced SlliCe 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. . 149 Cownle St. Stratton Priam 271-9660 •. MentOrieS • • 111)n1•_ nii,dtiooc SiiooI uav . • Floliclay. • rea0 tnaf :di, in51.-am. , v . e,ste.rua Oty,-ortie tocim . MeMories. -14-c help _Olretnember.. • and -share .with those who are most important.- . *L. 41, 1 LINERAL HOME - ' i•ino01-44.1 1 iirt, ..l." 1. 4fi•lf•• '., 0.1.:31' . _ ......'-:'' . .1' - till 1 1,4 -Kw: ain:l Imp 133' .. ,. . . ,3 1 .„ .. . 1 / . Aien/P3 • 3' 33,1i/C14/1!' ONSM '%//,/34iii., .4/, lc,. 4>'', 'i'''-' -3 GIS tc• . fr) 4Ct. VA94:. CTURI:11.5•DISTIU81111,1i. PLIK1 : "WE NAVE IT ALL FOR GREAT CASUAL LIVING'. • Fur Outdoors • Peels • . Garden -Ariees .Suntuerds ' li.slant I attM0fl. QUALIT1 • A LASTINC, IMPRESSION I,N1: 3434 “11..t•K.11 CadlAN Ian -411111111111111110 $800 for the • hospital M&M donation.. M&M own er Mdl y bloc:dirtier), centre and Batt v Tiernan. iight.. M&M flitilidgef, present a cheque of $800 10 the Huron Hospital, rep resented by Clay Murray. vice dial/Than ot the -hos - pool board. The money was raised lroin M&M Meat Shops. chanty bar becue on July 18. NEW /313s4vier tiestri - ".. Plantr,3,.10, ,i7ef' 1 ollaL101 arid uut ....- ' ./ • GRAND BEND .238-211.0- hipo. 83 1.: 3.2 miiusittusel The were, piarioi • • 1111ais.-Tiluces. 9.5 • Flo. 9-6 • SW."10.4 ! WE ALSO ?ANEW-AO:UHL • timARELLAs REPLACEMENT COSMO:V. FuRiiiruREcovit4L.j 125,000 Canadians will contract , cancer. this year... and.swrzive. i t ti juitiiiir.s that InJ\ never iccover. • •., , !lit ici I 4.343., Ili"' 1>4" 34,1 441 h" Nlit.h. it., 1 ,111'111.13. 4111, 11111 • Lt. 11.11, 01 . - .1 111,,..-.1111...:111, 3.111311(34 I. • 4.1 )1(1 ,I3.'> 1:, Ilin 33.11. ‘..•3 • ' i" ii"111!• \,,o. p".)>‘'3 34,34" .34!,,3113•1 311c 10.0, ,4; ‘,.313 111c,•1‘1,.: 14111.3%%333..,k313,,,., .11 % 3..111eti % 43 li,",,, ...milk), 1.11. \11,1 3: . 3:43:13. 4,114;111-1 tsioin, Rt.:Mt.:1111k ; I114: 1111111. 111," LIFEADVANCE Protecting your Mesh /4 41.11 i.o I 1131.11 dines, ,,N.Ar:,\ ,44, BEV OESCH (519) 236-4590 4