HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-08-05, Page 1Strong
crowds at
A pained expression. Exeter's Chris Watson won the Wristwrestling Super
Heavy title on Saturday at the Friedsburg Days.
Property owners hit with tax hikes
EXETER — Property 'owners ei-
''.her breathed a -sigh of relief or felt.`
' their blood pressure .rise 'when'.they
opened their tax notices last week. ,
'Syme people. have seen sig
' nificant increases` in their property,,
taxes, others decreases.. and some
have seen no change. -
An „increase in- property, assess=
rnent,'through the -new Current Val,.
ue Assessment system and changes
'to *tax ratios are. the primary. cul-
prits. A provincial initiative, the re -7
assessment was to bring everyone
onto an even playing field in taxes.
Receiving the tax notices mid-''
way through the, year made thc tax
hikes especially hard . to swallov. .
The re-assessinent applies to the
entire 1998 tax year but .municipal-
ities: did not receive the figures un-
til recently so the entire increase is
divided between the third and
fourth installments. -
Tom Hartai, owner df Thomas H.
Fine Menswear and Brigitte's Fash-
4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262
i,olrr copy
of Titanic
4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262
20 Wing
Mea! Deal
for this
See., page 6
glimpse of
See page 10
See Crossroads
Second front
home to
Atom girls
See page 14
School Board is facing
a shortfall of funds
by Michele Greene place. he said. . .
'The Avon Maitland District "You have to be -realistic about
School Board is facing a.shortfall how long students are on the bus,"
said Armstrong, who:said some
students' already ride the bus for
one hour one way.
The beard will also receive
$20.000 less than it ex-pected t<
fund the Early Learning
Oppurtunites for kindergarten to
Grade 3.sittdents at North Easthope
..Ptiblic School and Upper Thames
given the hoard $127 million. The Elementary School, in West Perth.
hoard generates about $.1 million in.' The province is providing $176,000
revenue front rentals and other but the board expected $195.000.
areas, but it's not enough .to cover Armstrong said the program
expenses reaching $126.8 million,, won't be scaled back. Trustees will
The hoard is left $489,279 short. have to make cuts in other ways to
Chairperson Ahhy Artnsttong is provide the program, she said. '-
blaming . 'the .: c.utbac,ks in But the bottom line for trustees is
transportation for the. shortfall. The the funding,.model is not fair. said
$7.7 million transporatation,grant is- Armstrong. In previous years:
three per cent less than tkte_amount . Markle'vit`r. said. the board has
the hoard received last year: Bui already made reductions . in.
Marklevni said the sehool year for transportation and has no more
1998/9.9 is' five days longer: The, "'room to move. .
ministry hasn'tallowec$ (or them in' we • had not made the
the transportation .grants. She said- reductions, we would he getting
.the Board expects a_shortfall in • funding and have more roost to
'transportation revenues of $442,90). cut," she said. .
The - }:grant ' reduction • in • Ford said some boards spend up
transpeirtatutn is almost equal to the_ •to•$9.000 per students while the
budget sIsortfalll: Said Armstrong. Avon Maitland spends'.$4,500 pn
"if we . didn't have the , _elementary students and"$5,100_ on
transportationcuts,`we would havo ;'secondary students. He argued the
a balanced budget," she said.. • difference in spending and funding
Vice=Chairperson Ray Ford said, from the provinceisn't fair -when -all
there' is''n't much the heard can die, taxpayers are paying at the same
-about the transportation cdsts.3Helevel.' -
said students havo to_gct'to'school. • Trustee Wendy Anderson said it
, Double busing and,sharing busing ' was time for the hoard to` be.
,wi tI,i other, hoards already take 'or. Continued on page 2
of almost $500,00( and there's not
a Is trustees can do about it
LaSt Tuesday night. Marilyn,
Marklev'itr, superintendent .of
business and finance said the board
expects $124.6 million grant
revenue from. the Ministry of
Education and Training although
previous rnformation.wouldhave
Stephen council
awards drain
StephenTownship council ,",
granted a number of tenders at
its July 21.mcering, including: a'•
tender -to A.G. Hayter Contract-.
ing.for $21,453.50 for construc-
tion of the Coolmap municipal ,
drain: anothcrtcnder to A.G.
Hayter for $23.240.40 for the
Webber Municipal drain; and a ,
portion of the Weber -Ford mu
nicipal drain. to Jennison Con- '
tralcting for $6,971..05 and a por-
tion to A.G. Hayter for
$17,216.30. " . '
All tenders awarded went to
the low bidders..
Blaze destroys
barn near Granton
GRANTON '— Doug Cook
was across .the road from his
farm north of Granton Friday.af-
ternoon when his neighbor no-
ticed smoke coming from his
"By the time we got there the
barn was just.a big ball of Circ,"
said took. • , ,
The Granton and Arca Fire
Department- responded at ap-
proximately 3:30 p.m. hut the
barn, a stone picker, a water
truck apd 20 acres of wheat
stubbage ' in an adjacent field
could not he saved.
Hay being -stored in thc barn
was also lost
Granton Fire Chief John Da-
men 'speculates, the . blaze was
caused by an electrical ,short in
the barn.
Estimates of the damage will
not be available from Cook's in-
surance company until Wednes-
day. .
Cook is doubtful there will be
enough insurance money to re-
build the barn:
ions didn't want -to tell "the T=A
what his taxes were but said his
taxes are"up considerably." While
his assessment increased "a bit" his
taxes arc up a greater percentage.
"I don't have a problem paying,
my fair.share,",Hartai said, adding
the taxes aren't going to force him
out of _business.'
But that doesn't, make thc in-
cttase any easier to take..
Hartai has gone searching for an-
swers to his assessment questions
but hasn't had much luck. When fie
received the assessment- figures a
few months ago, he phoned the ,as-
sessrnent office in Goderich. He
said. an official promised someone
would visit his store but no one
showed up.
When Hartai phoned the assess-
ment office last- week after: te=
ceiving his tax notice, the person
responsible for the commercial sec-
tor was on holidays and no one else
could provide any answers. -
Jesse's Journey arrives
to area on Aug. 10-11
By Scott Nixon
T -A Reporter .
EXETER - - After four months on the road John Davidson will fi-
nally hit the Exeter arca as he walks across the country liar his fund-
raiser, Jesse's Journey. '
Inspired by his scan, Jesse Davidson; who suffers from• Duchenne
Muscular Dystrophy, Davidson hopes to raise. $I() million duringhis
8,300 -kilometre trip. ,- .
Local residents can help the cause by participating when Davidson
comes to Lucan, Grand Bend and St. Marys. -
in Lucan on Aug. 8-9, the Lucan-Biddulph firefighters will be
holding a barrccuc at Darlings E'oodland during suppertime'to raise
money for the cause. On Aug. 10, the firefighters will pick up Dav-
idson in Elginfield and drive him to Lucan,_ where a special ccr-
cmeny will he held at approximately 4 p.m. in the centre of town.
Also on Aug. 10, Davidson will'visit Grand Bend at approximate-
ly 6 p.m., when he will walk down Main Street to the Lion's pa-
vilion where speeches and cheques will be presented.
` or Continued on page 2
Hartai also' phoned MPP Helen
Johns' office but the staff on' hand
were not able to • address -his con-
cerns. •'
'Properly ovners'h:ivc until Aug.
31 to file an appeal on the 1998 as-
sessment or Sept. 9 if an amended
assessment notiee'was.re eivcd.
Not all taxpayers are in.the same ,
The taxes:at Stedman's V&S in
Exeter have decreased slightly. Bob"
=Gchan owns,the business hut not'
the building. However.'he is still, rc-
spensible for paying:his store's por-
tion_of theproperty taxes.
Geban said the assessment "went
up a touch" but pert of tlic building -
was empty for a portion of .1997
•which put it in a lower lax class. '
Exeter treasurer and tax collector
Elizabeth Bell .said :some `of the
smaller retail businesses have been
hit harder in the re -assessment.
"It's mostly the re -assessment,"
she said when explaining the tax in
in total, Exeter commercial apd
industrial assessments dropped
from 1997. This meant ..the- town
-was. not able to -maintain the sally
ratio of the: multi -residential, cern
mcrcial,' industrial 'and residential
taxes as last year. ••
The husine s. tax was also elms-.'
A change in tax ratios'has also af•
fected taxes. Under the new 'cgisla-
'tion. residential taxes arc at a.ratio
of 1.0 and Huion .County set the
multi -residential, industrial and res-
idential taxes at -a ratio of _1.1. the
highest allowed hill adecrease,
from previous years.
Exeter uouncil ' still needed to
raise the same amount of money so
residential taxes have to pick up the
difference , which resulted -in a
$89.064 increase in taxes for hone
• owners.
The Huron County portion of the
tax hill also lncrcased ,because the
province downloaded. many pro- -
'vincial programs to counties and re
Bions. in exchange. the -province
said it would pay half ' the 'res •
idential cducation.ratc.
The picture for property owners
and tenants may not get any bright-'
er next year. The province has .
handed' out grants to ensure the
downloading did not result in• tax
. increases this year hut '‘,611 not
guarantee the grants a:ill continue.
People_ in the communities sur-
rounding' Exeter; have not received
-their tax notices yet. .
Lucan administrator Ron Rcvnncr
expects some businesses in Lucan '
will also. see tax -hikes •which could
have dire impacts. -He said the in-,
creases could put some businesseti
under if they are already' financially
,"on the 'edge" .
He maintains ,it's out of Lucan's -
hands. -
"'there's nothing we can - really
do for them:: he said., -
Come to the Rodeo
EXETER -. Spectators w ill be .
treated to a full rodeo prograiu Sat-
urday' and Sunday at 2 .p.m. at the
South Huron Recreation Centre:
The event is one of the top eight
rodeos in Ontario and is part of the
Dodge 'Truck Rodeo -Series. It is a
fully sanctioned Ontario Rodeo As-'
sociation'event with cowboys and.
cowgirls competing for the year-
end finals. Organizers. promise the
Exeter Rodeo will attract .some of
the -top competitors in the province.
A Bar K Rodeo Productions is
once again managing the rodeo.
Steer wrestling, barrel racing, hull
riding, bareback riding,+ saddle
bronc riding, team roping, calf rop-
ing and mutton busting •arc all on
Here is a brief description of the
, events;
• Steer wrestling
After beginning behind a harrier,
ihe steer wrestler rides along lite
left,. sidc'uf the running steer. He
then slides itif the horseand grabs
the steer by the horns. 'Alter stop-
ping.or turning the steer, the wres-
tier uses leverage. strength and
technique to wrestle it. to the
-The clock stops when the steer is
Tying Orr its side with all lour legs
pointing the saute direction. The
steer is kept in position in prepara-
tion I'or the contestant's dismount
by a "hazer" (a. helper chosen. by
the wrestler).
Barrel racing
In •barrel racing. .the contestant
enters the arena at full speed on a
sprinting horse The horse triggers
an electronic eye to start the clod..
-The racer rides a cloverleaf pattern '
around three • •barrels, and sprints -
back out of the arena, tripping the
eye to stop the clock. The ridet rei
ceives a live -second penally for
overturning a barrel.
• Bull riding •
Bull riders must have the reflexes
and the body control of a gymnast
to be successful. A hull rider stays-
on by cleans of a ilatthraided rope
With a loose handhold.
Using his grip and. a little dry res-
in, lie keeps the rope tight around
the girth of the hull, ,just •behind the
;front legs. Bull riders are not re-
quired to "mark out" the, hull or
Spur at all times, but they increase
Continued on page 2
Floor Model Clearance Tinneyq
Savings up to 50%
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467 Main Si. Exeter
� 235-0173