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Tinter-Advtk'ah', bay 29, 1998
Jungle fever at the Exeter Playground!
Fun at the playground. Children at the Exeter Playground underwent a tribal transformation last Friday, making costumes and
painting their faces. They also played games and made crafts. This Thursday, the children will be travelling to Wally World. The
summer playground program, which includes children ages 4-12, continues until August. •
Looking for officers
Hurondale reunion
Over 100 people attended the Hurondale S.S. #1. tJs-
borne Public School reunion in Hensall at the Community
Centre on Sunday. Above, the oldest and youngest Hu-
rondale students in attendance at the reunion were Glady
Sims (nee Dew), Class of '16; Harry Strang, Class•of '17;
and . Marg -Vlemmix (nee Parsons) and Steve • Sims who
were both students at the school when .it closed in '64.
Area townships
receive grant
EXETER - Hay and Ushornc
Townships recently received .
money from the provincial gov-
ernment's Special Circumstanc-
es Fund.
Hay received $81,495.98,
while Usbornc received
The money, according to Hay
clerk -treasurer Janice Zimmer-
man, was made available to
small and rural communities to
help offset costs resulting from
the Harris government's down-
loading of services. Zimmerman
aril said the money Will help
with the loss of the farm tax and
police costs.
• In order to receive the money,
municipalities had to apply to
the government.
news tip?
Call the Times -Advocate
VON settles two-week strike
Local. union president not happy with cuts
By Scott Nixon
T-4 Reporter
STRATFORD• - •ihe two-week old VON strike end -
.ed -with the signing of a two-year agreement which•saw
nurses' mileage allowances cut. • :
The mileage issue was the major stur.Ibling, block in
the negotiation process•and Cathy Thomson, president
of the Perth -Huron Practical Nurses Federation of On-
tario says she isn't happy allowances have been cut.
Under the new contract, registered practical nurses
will_sce their milcagc allowances cut from 28 cents per
kilometre to 17 cents per kilometre. Following the first
• 2,500 kilometres,•the rate increases to 20 cents per kil-
. metre.
Executive director of Perth -Huron. VON, Lynne
McDonald described the settlement as a compromise
from both sides and admitted the milcagc allowance'
isn't as high as what the -union had asked for.
McDonald added she's happy thc strike is over be-
cause "a strike isn't pleasant for everybody," and noted
that' since. i1 is a two-year contract, negotiators won't
be forced hack to the bargaining table for awhile.
Thomson, while saying the bargaining process was
fair for. both sides, said the cuts in mileage will cost
RPNs $5,000412,000 annually, depending on how lar
they have to drive to visit their clients: She estimates
she drives 50-100 kilometres per day and says the new
reduced mileage will pay for her gas and an oil change
but won't give her anything for the wear -and tear on
her vehicle.
Despite the reduced allowance, Thomson said the
RPNs arc glad to be back to work and said, since many
of thc RPNs at the. Penh -Huron Branch arc single
mothers, they couldn't really afford to he on strike.
The strike affected' 600 nurses in Stratford. Sarnia,
Chatham, Guelph, Waterloo. Oshawa,, Pembroke,• Ot-
tawa, Cornwall, Sudbury, Brockville and•Kingston.
Sale of glads will benefit Epilepsy Huron -Perth -Bruce
By Liz Sangster
Hensall correspondent
HENSALL - Tracey -Annette
Whitson-Bahro was the guest
speaker at Carmel Presbyterian
Joyce Pepper was the organist.
The message was entitled "The
Strange Tactics of God Al
Hoggarth and Harry Smith received
t le offering. A social time was
njoyed at the close of the service.
Carmel Church will be closed
during the month of August. In
case of an emergency call Bob Bell
at 263-6349 or Tracey -Annette
Whitson-Bahro at Dashwood 237-
Hensall United Church will be
open for worship on August 2 with
a 10 a.m. service. The Rev. Pam
Tolmay will be ministering the ser -
vie e. There will be a congregational
meeting after ire service, to hear
and vote for the appointment of 'in
ordained supply minister:
Epilepsy Huron -Perth -Bruce is
making plans for the annual "Glad
Days". Through the sale of gladio-
lus, Epilepsy Huron -Perth -Bruce is
able to raise funds and heighten
public awareness of this disorder.
Glad Days will be held on. August
6-7 in Hensall, Bayfield, Grand
Bend and Zurich; in Exeter on
August 7; and on August 20-21 for
Clinton, Vanastra, Dublin and
The •Hensall and District
Horticultural Society's tenth annual
Flower Show will be held on
August 19 at. the Quect►swa)
Retirement Homc..•Category list)
(including rules and further details:
arc available at the Village Office.
William's Hairstyling, Hensall
Publie Library, and Hensall Post
Office.. This year's show includes
many exciting new categories, and
cash awards are back. Categories
for 'garden -related photos are
included. Everyone is welcome to
enter. The "Early Bird Draw" for
the 15th anniversary celebration'
will take place at the flower show.
Hensall property owners are
advised that the due'dates for the
final faxes will be August 31- and
November 30, with tax notices to
be mailed by August 10, 1998.
GODERiCH - The Huron Onta-
rio Provincial Police arc now ac-
cepting applications for auxiliary
Applications for the volunteer po-
sition can he picked -up at any OPP
To qualify, applicants must be
prepared to work 'a minimum of ten
hours per month of patrol time and
four hours per month of training
An auxiliary officer's role is to
help full -time -Officers with a varie-
ty of tasks.
Applicants must he at least -18 -
years' old, a Canadian citizen or a
permanent -resident of Canada, have
an Ontario Secondary School Di-
ploma or equivalent, have a valid
CPR. titnd first aid certificate and a
driver's licence.
To apply. contact the local OPP
branch or call Staff Sgt. George 1
L'onshary of Clinton OPP at 482-
9626. -
Thames Road news
Rhoda Rohde
Thames Roa4.correspondent,
THAMES ROAD ken and Barb
Ltwie of Shipka were recent •yisi
tors at the home of Kay Morley,•
Exeter when Barb's sister Karen
Morley and daughter Kristina were
'home for a visit • from Fort Sas-
katchewan. Alberta.
Norma (Keller) Daniels and her
daughter Margaret Coffey of Cook-
• stown, . Lura Mac (Rohde) Ben-
ne.wies of Mitchell, Lorne and Jean
Keller, of Exeter, 'Barry Keller. of •
London:. Glenn and Dorothy Jef-
fery, Bill and Rhoda Rohde attend-
ed the -Memorial Service for'Bill's
sister . Marguerite Gibsim who
passed away on Tuesday.. The ser-
, vice was held Friday at the London
Gospel Temple.
Church service
Rev. Marilyn . Carter was in
charge of the regular church service
at Thames Road on Sunday.
Rev. Carter welcomed everyone
and gave the announcements,
prayer of approach. The prayer of
Drag Racing
Ryan Kerr. Bights Grove
Bill Butters. Cottam
confession was read in unison. • •
The Youth Focus was entitled "A
Blessing In God's World" given by
Rev. Carter. The choir sang 'For
Me, For Me' accompanied by the
pianist,Marjorie Johns.
The title of Rev. Cadet's sermon
was "a -s -k". Erin and Megan Park-
er received the offering.
About 40 children and young
people attended the Vacation Bible
School on Sunday. Quite a number
of people -attended the barbecue. •
• , Coming events
Due to a change of plans, Rev.
Marilyn Carter's vacation will be
from July 30 - August 31. During
this time Elly Vanbergen 'is atraila-
ble for. pastoral care or any ..mer.
gency _that may arise. Please call
235-2586 • (home) or 235-0860 -
;work ).
September 2. Standing Commit-
tee meetings al 7 p.m.rfollowed by
Council meeting at '8 p.m. - at
Thames Road. •
Sunday September 6 regular
church services will commence at
9:45 a.m. at Elimville.
Haugh lire Inc.
265 Thames Rd.
Hwy. #83.East
Call 235-3752
Grand !tend Motarplex
Final round results
Allen Stubbs 1st in Entertainment, July 25
Car • WT ET • • MPH -
Super Pro
98 Mustang GT 0.587 8.720
69 Z28 0.517 10.813 111.49
68 Dodge Dart GTS. 0.520 12.224 108.73
87 Mustang 0.491 • 11.691 115.25
Super Bike
77 Kawasaki 1 100 - 0.500' 10:115
73 KZ 900 0.692 12.353
Mod Street
79 Camaro - 0.656 14.334
93 Chev Suburban 0.471 18.110
98 Dodge Dakota • 0.577 17.965
93 Ford Escort 0.420 24,151
Ashpalt Sled
97 Yam 700 SX •0.611 11.8Q1
95 Artie Cat ZRT 0.477 11:005
Junior Dragster
Will Stcckly. Milverton
Jim Moore. Pctrolia
Shane Yeoman. London
• Ian Washington, Sarnia
Shaun Oliver. London
Gerry Melleath, Kippen
Denise Meagher. Mitchell
Shelly Stone. Vanastra
Paul Kerr, Blyth
Chris Haugh, Exeter
Christopher Gubinski, Essex 98 Jegstcr
James Crocker, London - 93 Chassis Kraft
118.48 •
38.91' • -
• 1•nn.4' 9 Vitae. • A4{1M (4c,ee. Siena • 5 Speed M4n.9 /1 al mwmm .
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