HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-29, Page 24Page 24 Times -Advocate, July 29, 1998
By Ross Haugh from the
archives of the
Exeter Times Advocate
July 27, 1988 - In order to
stop over -night parking and
establish ownership of a. strip
of land currently used to,
parking in front.of.Sandcr, , 1
the Beach. Grand- Bend coon
cel. plans t1) build a' fence
along . Government • Road.
blocking access to the lot. But
it is a move hotly disputed h\
all sides.
Tracey Fisher was ::named
Queen of the 1988 Zurich,Fall
Fair Friday • night. Runnersup
' were Karen Stecklc and Lau-
rie Forrester.
A new .fire pumper truck
was unveiled by the "Hensall
and area fire board Wednes-
day evening. •
July 27; 1978 - Ideal weath-
er conditions go' hand in hand
with the annual Kirkton Gar-
den Party .and . Wednesda
evening was no exception. as
several thousand . yisnur'
. throrig_ed to the Kirkton-Coni
'unruly Park .to enjo the 34th
edition of this popular Num -
pier event.
- Keith Ahrens. a native- of
Mitchell has been named Ex-
eter's. assistant Postmaster re-
i placing Bey Rahbcits.. who
took over as Postmaster in Si.
Marys .sonie time ago. Before•
coming to Exeter,. Ahren'
served in Drumbo and Till-
• sonhurg. - .
A ctmteSt cor,ducted by Ex-
eter Constable Kevin Short to
determine the strongest pc(.)-
• plc in the arca .during Side=
.walk sale days . •v have gone
tone step farther by hxating
the strongest family. A pair of
brothers, John and Ron Cool-
. man ,of R.R. 1. Centralia end-
ed up with two titles. John.
won- the 17 and over contest
and his younger br:ether was
best in the. f 6 and undertest.
July 26:1963 Over. 300
former pupils of Whalen pub-
lic school answered the call of
thebell Monday for a reunitin
which marks the closing of
the school for. educational
purposes, but not for commu
mry . gatherings_ -The school
has been purchased by •a local
' group to 'serve as a -public
{ hall. • -
Formation .of a centennial
committee to make plans for
the celebration of Canada's
100th .birthday in 1967- was
proposed Tuesday by Mayor -
W.E. Simmons. - •
- Construction of the $200,000
'hockey and. skating - rink at
R.C.A.,F: Centralia is proceed-
ing on schedulc..1t. should be
ready .for. use by the -end of
• September.
I About 3;000 'bales of hay..
•j 400 bushdls of newly harvest-
ed barley -and a pumber,of im
elements were destroyed when
'the barn of Arnold Kerslake.
R.R. I,' Cromarty was .struck
by lightning and burned -to the
July 27, 1.958 - Hensall chil-
dren are taken to Turnbull's
Grove every Wednesday after-
noon as part of the summer.
playground program sponsored.
by the' - Hensall Recreation
Council. • •
Two district youths were
fined $50 and costs for, throw-
. ing beer bottles from a car Sat-
urday evening.
Sale of the old Hensall
school to Fred Haist of London
has lowered village taxes this
year by almost two mills.
July 25, 1948 - L.V. Ho-
garth and Jack Weber leave
Saturday to, attend a. school- of
poultry diseases at Dr. Sa)isbu-
ry's offices in Charles City,
A. large water tank brought
frdm' Port Albert airport is be-
ing installed at Zurich. lts ca
pacity is 65,000 gallons' •
Newton Clarke of Woodham
was -a winner in the 'annual
field crop competition in bar-
July 26, 1923 -Mr. Wes -
Dearing organized a picnic for
the Trivitt Memorial Church
Choir and assisted by Messrs.
Isaac ,Dunsford, Wm. - Taylor
and .Jas. Stanlake motored the•
choir to Goderich. After spend-
ing several hours , there, they
went to Bayfield where supper
was served. The evening • was
spent at Grand Bend.
The Boy Scouts held their
annual service in Caven Pres-
byterian . Church, Sunday
morning. Scout leader Tom
Pryde, John Pryde, Kenneth
Stanbury and Roy Batten pro-
vided musical entertainment. ,
Scottish dancers at
Queensway. During
the •- Hensall nursing
home's monthly.
birthday celebration,
10 Highland Dancers
performed. The danc-
ers Ire from the
Anne . Sutherland
Dance Studio in Lon-
don. -At left, 4 -year-
old Kaitlin Cunning-
ham-Kloss takes a
bow. At right, Exet-
er's Katie Anderson,
8, Performs some of
the Highland Fling.
Highland Dancers
Highland Dancers perform at Queensway Nursing Home
HENSAL1 - Fun andPriness-had
residents of..Que nswwas Nursing
Home off. to a good .start Monday
morning as they worked. their way
through . the exec ise routine
.Following the physical niohrht'
part. the mind gotta workout with a
mental aerobics qui/.and trivia
games. In the afternoon seseritl
women received manicures.
Rev. Peebles of Exeter led wor-
ship service Tuesday with Bela
Fuss as organist.
Wednesday. ,was- so hot and
humid that the• residents liad -their
ice cream, parlor indoors. -•
Highland Dancers, from the
Sutherland. Studio ot. Dance in .
London gave a terrific. performance
the July Birthday Party -on •
Thursday evening at 7 p.m.- follow-
ing Senior Diners. One of the
dancers was only four years Gild and
the residents were enchanted. with
the performance and -.costumes.
F.irihday greetings went to
Clarence Volland, Dorothy Taylor.
Margaret Barnard. Mary Ryan and
Ruth Church. Ruby Church, Ruth's
twin sister. was visiting Thur4ly
and Ruth was pleased to have Ruby
attend.thc party so they could cele
orate their birthdays together. -
- Nursing home residents feasted
on htitdogs and hamhurgs at the
Friday barbecue. VolJJnteers Jessie
Archer and Marg Cole assisted.
Irene Zwart, Qucensway's office
manager- of 20- years, • recti ved a
parting gill and fond farewells at.
the staff ,picnic .Saturdas afternoon.
Staff and their -families enjoyed
harhecued steak and hotdogs'with a .
potluck main course and• de"ss'erts.,
Children and adults playcd'games. •
Lucky draw "Winners were:- a'set of
lawn chairs. Tracy.Ma(n: set of
' lawn chairs. Carolyn Lenting; Void -
set. Anita Gfngerich; little harbe-'
- cue. Audrey Brand. Jessica "'Bedard
won the jelly beans in a jar contest.
eter family helps children .of. Chernobyl..!
Huron County families host 21 chit ren from Belarus for summer visit
EXETER — Taniya Govorunoya
Siitcc February, the group man -
is visiting Exeter again this summer aged to.raise $24,000 through fund -
and -this time she brought along her raising efforts to help offset the
sister Sveta. ' _ •- cost 011 bringing the- children over
The two. travelled all the way-. • from Belarus.; -
from Kostokvichi, Belarus -and arc They have also received dons
being hosted by Exeter residents - lions of shoes from Wuerth's
Dianne and Murray Waun and the
Huron County for .Children- of
Chernobyl associatJtin:.--
in total,twenty-one Belarus chil-
dren have been placed with 19. tam-
ilies acrdss 'Huron' County troni
July' 13 -Aug. , 24.
The. children
have •been , ac-
companied by
two interpreters.
- The Canadian
Relief Fund- for
Chernobyl, Vic-
tims of Belarus,.
which is the -um-
brella organiza-
tion' for
irinips like. the
Huron associa-
lion. has been fa:
cilitating , .these
summer trips for,
two years. -
The fund , was
established to pro-
. vide medical _and
humanitarian. aid to the people of
Belarus who live in the -arca that
suffered one ,of:the' world's worst
nuclear disasters. in 1986. '•.
This 'is the first 'year the Huron
group has operated. Last year. the
Wauns and three - other .Huron
County families participated in the
St. Marys program and were so int,-
m-pressed with the experience they
decided to begin- the program in
this arca.
Shoes. transportation services from
-Charterways Bus Lines in-. Exeter
and free medical' and dental ser-
vie:es-from local doctors and den-
tists... - }
• h costs approximately $(.200
per child to bring
them to Canada
-and once they are
here .the host fami-
ly donates their
own time and
money. - -
Dianne Waun, a
Grade 1 teacher• at
Exeter . Public
School. -says she
and : her husband
arc getting "as
much out of it as
they arc.".
"11 is a wonder-
ful thing to bond
From left are sisters Taniya, with. a family
11 and Sveta,. 9, and thei('across the world,"
Exeter host Dianne Watin: said Dianne ' Y"p
get a war;::. )ui • .
feeling from the whole:
She says the girls enjoy v ti-
ming, playing the piano and ane
computer, reading Robert Munsch
hooks and. like most girls their age.
they are beginning 10 like the Spice
Waun says Communicating with
the girls is not difficult because
both have a basic understanding of
English. They also have two.trans-
Police Briefs
Man charged with possession
EXETER.— Exeter OPP have charged Paul Dasilva of Exeter. with
possession of a controlled substance aftera warrant was executed at a
William Street residence on July 26. •
Dasilva has a first appearance in Exeter Court on Sept. 24.
Windows and door smashed
EXETER — Exeter OPP investigated a smashed door and windows at
South Huron District High'School on July 25. ' 'I
Abandoned house damaged
HURON PARK - OPP are investigating damage done to an
abandoned house on July 26 on Algonquin Street in Huron Park. While
police have no suspects, they believe the damage was done by youths
who broke into the house.
Jul) 21
Luck) winners: Pat \'cal. Betty ,
( :Been a guests. Jean Crerar. Shirley
Chalmers (guest). Helen Wehner. Bette
50J51): 1'sunnc O'Neil. Marg Upshall •
Senior Men -
Jule 23
Low. net
A Ot 1) Deanng . 14'.
'11 (lt 1) Dawe - 35
Cfit . •A McKinney i3'
Closest to pin: al. 1t- Alexander. 46. 0.
First (tie at 149): A Webb._ D Dawe.
N Shapwn. H Hell
First Itie at 149): J I)eweerd. A -
t)ehrouwer. F Cavahorpe. B Garde! .
Second ) 151): J Hogan. K Herman, 1)
Parsons. D I)eanng
Wednesday Ladies
46 golfers participated
'Closest to pin 87: A fllghi - Lou Kedah
H flight - Sheila Keahum
C flight - Pat Campbell
D flight • Janice Latta
Monday Men
• •- July 27',
A flight
Low gross Clayton Cooper • 38cb
Low net Craig Alexander •35cb
2ndtG' 'Jun Russell 38
2nd LN - Jim Campbell • .. 35
�B flight'
Low gross Rob \'olland• - . • - 40
Lou ncl FrediCmnphell, '' 34
L'nd LG John Snell, . 41cb.
2nd LN John Kenrick ' 35
Low gmss ' Ron Mason 42
'Low net .(JnanAnkers . 34cb
LG - Sieve Cooper • '43
22nd LN ' Craig 'Webber 35th
•D Qiht
Los groes tkde.Baker - , . 46
Low net' 'Gan Dunlop ' 35 -
2nd LG. Mike Burdpn 50
2nd.l_N Mam,Overholt 37
Clohest to pi6: Craig Webber (8:31, Gary
- . Dunlop taisi
•-Sponsor: -Algona Tare
Next *eek: Exeter Golf ClMb and.
Krppen Rod and Gun Club ,
Open wide. Dr. Bill McGregor (at left) donated his services to
give Taniya and Sveta a checkup on Monday. Pictured above
from left is Dr. McGregor, Valeri Lyson (interpretor), Sveta and
Jacqueline Hanson (dental hygentist).Tanrya is lying in the
lation books 10 help them out. "It was a real sad scene -last year
The only downside of hosting for at the airport saying goodbye to- Ta -
is the inevitable tcarlul.goo d-. niya." she said. . '
bye in August.
Car damaged
TIIEDFORD — North Lampton OPP are invcstigating,damage to a car
that occurred on Ontario Street in the Village of Thedford in the early
morning of July 26.
The victim heard noises outside his residence at about 3 a.m., but
didn't investigate. When the victim awoke, the car's door was open and
the steering column was damaged. Damages are estimated 41 5300.
.Anyone with information on the incident can call the North Lambton
OPP at �1-519-786-2349 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-265-7500. ,•
Stolen vehicle discovered burned
BOSANQUET — North Lambton OPP are investigating an incident in
which a burnt car was discovered on July 26 at the Pinery Provincial •
Park. ..
The car, a black 1990 Oldsmobile with the license plate number
AAWA-9I3, had been stolen from Sarnia earlier in the morning. .
Senior Men
July 25
First Don Heyas•o 5d• - ::37
DW►Cowari . ` 40
• Kusty Bfddt - • `41'
Bip Gdfrllan . , -• M
• •1162
I aydn,GozzaM I 36
Don Ross 41
Ai Preece '43
„ Jack Urquhart
- - 170
.Third • Joe Wilson 39
AI,MItchell 39
•Hdl Thonrpsbb, " - 43
Bill Schaefer - -
Fourth ' Jim Steen' 40
AndyDfBocr 45
1cdGrrrn.. 46
_ Bob ih)hsan • 52
Fifth Frank DuHam 43
Joe Kegler 45
, Bud Preszcamr 48
-Ed Heck 51
, Closest to pin: Andy ikBoer 014). Dun
Cowan 1tr/)
Sl cgnd
Men's Club
July 21 -back mac blue tees
A night
Fo.t • Jason Hcswood , 35N36
Sc. k)110 Darren Macon • 36N311
I htrd . Ken Bergmann 40N39
r B night
First- Wayne Parkinson 42N39
Second Jun Steen . , 43N39
Third Larry Nevinger - --40N39
Fourth 'Brad Thompson 43N41
C night •
First John Hayter 41
Second . Dun Hord .44N43
Thug,. -Jack Johnston ,43N45
Fourth Paul Gorman, 47N45
D nigh(.
First Murray Phillips 43N41
Second _ Guy. Giddings 52N43
Third Greg Parsons 45N44
Closchi to pin: Larry Nevinger (1110).
John Hayter 0112). \\' a) nc, Parkinson
HO 5). D)an Barclay (MI()
Skins: A&B - Darren Mason 0112).
Jason Schilbc 013), Don Cowan (816).
Darren Malan (818); C&D • John
Hayter (814), Ikan•B'arclay (016)
.% fit
B f)t
Ladles Club
July 22
Low gross
Lynne Farquhar
Jane Hefiey
C fit Irene Beck 53
'Two teams tied in 'Hole in One' contest
• with eight letters each:
Team A - M.J. Chany, Man Green. Barb
Coughlin, Ann Revington
Team!) • Sharon Steciuk, Joy Darling.
Lor)ta Russell. Kelly Hohmann
A fit. Terry Bezaire (3). Sharon Steciiuk
(1.4). Lynne Farquhar (6). Judy Hodgins
H fit Kathy Campbell (2). Jane Hefley
(63). Kelly Holtzmann (5)
C fit :Irene Beck (7,9,1. Ann Rc) mgion
(2:3). Cindy Coates (4). Joanne Hardy
Blydlesi Sharon Steciuk (1,4)
Mystery biro prlae: (donated by.
Holtzmanns IGA): Bev Austen