HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-29, Page 231 r\R\1 1 -OR SALE 300 acres in Hay Township Approximately 200 acres cleared with the remainder being wo dlbt - 100 as re, systematically tiled No buildings JERK) ZEHR Direct Line (519)136-4712rdas• evenmrt` COL \110Il1\(,1101\ 19 Propetrty For Sale HENSALL - new, ready to choose. your own colors, 1700 sq. ft. with Targe garage. 2 baths, 3 bedrooms. Itvingrpom, family room/dining/kitchen with cathedral ceiling. Main floor laundry, fully landscaped, cement -drive, quiet street, has school bus pick up. 5 year • new home warranty. CaII. 262.2029. Broker protected. 20 Prowl)! For Rent i BEDROOM APARTMENT - corner of John & Albert. Heat, appliances and laundry facilities Included Asking 5499month .2354996 131-14°) I BEDROOM APT • Close W downtown. parkin 5450/monthplus utiltises. 235- 1573(311n1 • ,REDUCED RENTS Large 1,2 and 3 bedroom units available in a quiet, secure community in Exeter. Join a Co-op and get free of landlords. Lots of extras. Move -in incentives available to qualified applicants. C1.1E=xandarea Meadows op at 2353382. Auction • rr7tTrei�rxaxeercac�aar ic AUCTION SALE OF FERTILIZER SPREADERS, FARM EQUIPMENT. For Scotto Elevator Ltd., 6244 William St., Lucan, Ont. (Beside water tower). Wednesday, August 1.2 - 0:00 p.m. FERTILIZER EQUIPMENT • 4 -tour tonne Pert. spreaders. 3 - 1200 U.S. gat. aluminum tanks on wagons, 9 applicator shanks, 7 rolling coulters. 10' hydraulic fertilizer auger. . FARM EQUIPMENT - Harley 24'. stone windrower, Haybuster .stone picker, White 24' wheel disc with .hydraulic wings, .6 -row 30" Kongskilde scuffler, 6 fur. Kongskilde plow, 24' chain harrows, .M.F. 12' chisel plow, large BlechOt, snow blower, J.D. rotory hoe, N.I., silo blower. silo pipes. 50' drop. deck tandem hay trailer. Gould silage dump box. electric hack saw and many misc. farm equipment pieces. Further info: 227-4479. TERMS: Cash or approved cheque sale night. Filson & Robson, Auctioneers: Phone/Fax: 666-0833 • 20 Propolrty For Root BACHELOR APARTMENT - Bedroom. Bathroom. Kitchen. Livtngroom 5375/month plus yhlihes 235-0800 teak for terry or 23S-1286 evenings. 1311fn) BROOKSIDE APARTMENTS - Large luxury 2 bedrooni apt. controlled entry. cosmic laundry. 3 appliances. storage area. designed per :nature adults Available July I Phone 519-235-2961 (2611n) CREDITON - Spacious 1 bedrooniapi with laundry facilities $310/month plus uhlwes First & Iasi required Available immediately 235-3472 (20fn) I)ASHWOOD - I and 2 bedrooni apes 5395 and 5450 monthly. includes appliances, laundry lacileries available Call REJMAX Bluewaler Realty Inc. Marlene Parsons at 233-3777426110 • . DOWNTOWN LOCATION - One bdrni units available imni Lots of parking Renis S35000 plus hydro Call Dave 235-2171 (2711-n) - ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS. HENSALL - Bachelor. 1.2 or 3 bedroom aptsavailable now Lovely. clean onus Call Doug 262-1027 or Dwayne Ttnney'at G.K. Realty 235-2420 (30tfn) EXETER - One bedrooni ground floor apartment In fourplex available Aug 1998 Prefer non-smoker, no pets. references 23.5 3114 (241W) EXETER - 2 bedroom bungalow. nicely decorated. gas fireplace. rear deck. storage • shed. large lot. fndge and stove supplied - available Aug 18th 5615 per month. plus Wines . Call 235-1304, and leave name and telephone number. (25t(n) HOLIDAY ADVERTISING DEADLINE next week's newspaper. Because of the holiday Monday, all advertising must be in our office by Friday afternoon in order for us to maintain our publishing schedule EXETER - Newer I bedroom apt. Fridge and stove supplied. Call 235-3293 (2611'nl EXETER - 2 bedroom apt. available now Ground level, 5350/month. Electric heat, ideal for elderly, Call 235-0565 (28t1n) EXETER - 3 bedroom townhouse. Call 235-4694 (291fn) EXETER - Available Immediately - 2 bedroom apt. for further information call 1- 800.265-8574 ext. 8324 (30-32) • EXETER • Nice. Main Street. downtown, ground floor apartment Small. suitable for • 1 or 2 mature people. Fridge. stove, washer. dryer. heat & hydro included References required. 5650/month. 235-0302 (.31tfn) EXETER: NEW FEATURES INCLUDE - • Large common room -lounge, exercise end- games ndgames rooms. One and two bedrooni apartments from 5375 up. fndge and stove included. Extra options available. One month's free rent. Phone Glenn Haven Apts 235-0349 (26tfn) . FARMHOUSE IN WINCHELSEA AREA - tor rent Apply to Box 1.14. c/o Exeter Times Advocate. 424 Main St. Exeter. Ont NOM 1S6 with name. address, and phone number. (31:32.) 424 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-1331 Donate your vehicle and support,Ihe Charily of your Choice Free Vehicle Pick-up and tax:recept issued. Cat 1.800-463.5681. KWIK KERB - Own your own Business Pan -time or full -lime. Installing on•site, continuous con- crete, landscape edging. Total equipment. Proven system, training 1.800.667 -KERB ACCESS TO CASH ASSETS! RRSP, LIRA or LIF owners. you can turn your nvesbnents into cash RIGHT NOW without paying taxes. Deed before a solicitor. No deposit Tel' 1-800-399- 7040 FREE INCOME TAX Iranchise limited lime. Canada's 2nd largest and lastest growing income lax preparation franchise:No initial franchise lee. Low start=up costs. Excellent Territories avail- able. 1-800-665-5144 CHRISTIAN MiNISTRY/BUSINESS OPPORTU- NITY. Join growing network 01 Christian Fran- chisees. Serve the Lord d your Corrmuni y. Pro- tected territories. Investment required. SIGNIFI- CANT ROI. Training & support. Call 1-800-663- 7326 FISHING! HUNTING! MEETING TRAVELLERS! Consider this Northern Ontario tourist outfitter establishment located in great fishing and excel- lent hunting area near Wawal Seasonal operation with 6 housekeepng units suitable for daily or term rentals. Store/office leaky. Year-round resi- dence. Located beside Trans -Canada highway. Extensively renovated. Excellent well witer and approved septi:. WMU 32 Moose tag allocations Low taxes and land lease. Room la expansion. Cat 705.856.4491 aper August 3. Write Box 208. Wawa, ON POS TKO LEARN AUCTIONEERINO. Classes held August 15-21, '98. For information conlecl: Southwestern Ontario School of R.R. 55, Woodstock, Ontario NIS 7V�' 673-6999. COMPUTERS. No previous computer experience necessary. Exciting opportunities now available h computer programming. We will train suitable applicants. Call CMS to8-heel-800-477.9578. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER .. with our great home -study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK: 1.1300.267.1829. The Writing School, 38' McArhw Avenue, Suite 3054, Ottawa, ON KIL 6R2. • SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOAROS, planks, beams. Large opacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1.800.566- 6699. Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kllworthy, Ontarro POE 1G0. . SATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money asking chocolate bars. New products available. Noting to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1.800- 383.3589 FASTENAL COMPANY, an industry leader in • industrial and construction supplies presently seeking candidates for Sales/Management Trainee's. Positions available throughout South- western Ontario. Salary, commission, benefits and beniq. College degree anNor sales experi- ence preferred. Please lax or send resumes lo: Fastenal Company. 500 Clark Road, London, Ontario, N5Y 2C7. Attn: Human Resources. Fax 519-452.1792. LACK SELF•CONFIDENCE? Then buy, road and use 'Dianelics' by L Ron Hibbard, only 58.99 (pb)+OST. CO 1-800-561-5808 lodey. STEEL BUILDINGS...Ends included. Go Deedt 18 x 24 *2,988.00. 21 x30 $3,760.00. 25x40 S51124.00. 32 x44:8.935.00.34 x56 58,360.00. 40x80 $0,988.00. 48 x 70 513,044.00. 56 x90 922,88800.O1hers. Pioneer 1-800668.5422. FOR• LEASE - 2100 sq ft. Industrial Commercial warehouse, shop -.etc • 14 7t ceiling, 12 ft. overhead door, gas heat. washroom and large yard with security fence. Reasonable rent. Call Bill Gilfillan 235-01.16 (28tfni GRANT) BENE) - Deluxe,candu, 2 bedroom. pool. air. gas heat. furnished Available Sept -June 5550/month plus utilities Call 519-66(1-1106 (28tfnt GRAND BEND : River Rd 2 bedroom,. main level. gas fireplace: 1 appliances. furiSzhed, quiet. building Seasonal. negotiable, available Sent-). Yearly 5600 plus utilities. 519-542-9357 (281fiu . GRAND BEND - 3 bedroom Riverfront luxury condo. Fireplace, afe. pool: dock. deck:- Furnished. Sept -May 5595 plus utilities 433-7243 or 660-4429 (300'n) • GRAND BENI) MAIN ST 2 -bedroom house. Full basement. carport. backyard Available immedtatel 5500 plus utilities Call Garry or Liz 238-2512 (30:311 HENSALL - I. and 2 bedrooni apts.. fully carpeted. fridge and stove, paved parking. TV cable.etc. Special rates for sensors. 13th month rent free. 262-2230 or 905-662-6603 (26tfn) HENSALL - ground Boor. 1 & 2 bedroom apts. Heat included. Special rates for tenants that qualify. 236-4230 (30tfn ) i KIRKTON - Spacious 1 bedroom -apt 5550/month, heat &- hydro included Available immediately. 229.8958 (24tfn) LAKEFRONT HOME - 3 bedroom. 2 baths. • wtntenzed, screened -in patio. furnished, 6 appliances, Available Sept; I 5400/month plus utilities. 236-7564 (31;32'1 - LUCAN - For rent. 1 bedrooni apt. Ground Boor. Seniors welcome. 227-1385 (31;32•) MIDTOWN LOCATION - Walk to shop. 2 • bedrooni freshly painted apes. 5495/month plus utilities. 235-0512 (26tfn) MODERN ONE & TWO BEDROOM APPS. - Main St. Exeter. 235-2557 (24tfn) OFFICE/COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE - .1/2 block from Main St. downtown. Ideal location for. service professional or salesperson who requires large display area at reasonable cost: Easy access for clients without the congestion of downtown parking. Spaces available from 200 sq. fl, to 2000'sq. ft: (519)235-3633 (261fn) OFFiCE/STORE FRONT - Commercial space for rent. Main St. S. Exeter. 235-1462 (261(n) ONE AND TWO - BEDROOM . APARTMENTS - from 5349.00 in 'Exeter. • 235-1854 (26t1n) ONE AND TWO - BEDROOM APARTMENTS - Stove, -fridge, parking and heat included. PUC extra. 451-2131 (261(n) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT - Newly renovated apartment located downtown. Call Dinney's at 235-0173, 9am-5pm. (22tfn) RAU MANOR - in Zurich has aspacious 2 bedroom apartment for rent. Controlled entry. Fridge and stove available. Phone 236-4607 (26tfn) STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT - From 50 sq. ft. -1500 sq. ft. 1/2 Block from downtown. Ideal extra space, for downtown businesses for apartment tenants. Easy at:cess, loading dock and handtruck available. Available by week/month/lease (519)235-3633 (26101) TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT - Available September I Heated. fndge and stove supplied. 5375/month. Call 235-1354 (31tfn) 2 BEDROOM HOUSE WiTH LAKEVIEW - 8 miles north of Grand Bend. Across froth golf course. Natural gas healed. Available Sept. 1/98. 519.236.4607 (291fn) APARTMENT - 2 bedroom, tiled bath. country home 5399 plus first/last, lease 235-0392(26tfn) 25 Notices PHOTOS FROM YOUR PAST • The Eiger Times Advocate has many unclaimed pictures from your special occaasions. Please pick up your photo (26(1x) Tunes -Advocate, Iuly 29, 1998 Page 23 COLDWELL BANKER LL-1�01/VTS RFiek :11 ' SEIZVIC 1 5 EXETER OFFICE - 147 MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. Pat O'Rourke 235-1449 3 Alp CALL OUR EXETER OFFICE TOLL FREE FROM M.J- Chanyi (nus)237-3762 (RES) 235-1077 porourk.ehay.n.t GRAND BEND & ZURICH AT 237.3182 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www_s»tis_cas TO 'IEW ALL COR= OUR LISTINGS AT YOUR LEISR6RE direct line toll free (1-800)-342-7217 Jerry Zehr (RES) 236-4712 e-mail: zehrOhay.net Days or Evenings ZURICH OFFICE - 16 VICTORIA ST. ZURICH, ONT. 236-4712 TiME TO MOVE UP 80 tit r,r 45'11117f, Nor TO THIS PRESTIGIOUS EXETER HOME - Iantastic location at 214 t'rvdr Blvd close n school.. recreation and park.. Nice quiet location adjacent to open fields. Immaculate ntenorwith many update, Picturesque grounds. Take a drive by then calll'at ('Rourke . ales Rel• tor your ramal showing Ruth Zfelmen-Zehr (RES) 236-4712 Fax(s519)236.7569 •_.:�..�,,....-; EXCELLENT 4 RII)ROOM ham, it older part c! I -.. ,e addition, with skcligh Landh,i,erreno .\,•i: ga- furnace sone. replacement wmdot.•. Cal. 61 I sal,, kel__ 50 ACRES ea V FNUOI( WANTS ACTION! Thre1 bedroom home. fenced yard, •2 baths. nicely decorated ONLY SA9.900 Call M I Chanyi Sales Kep OF THIS EXCELLENT RETIREMENT HOME and then compare to others on the market 'Efficient gas heat. newer idettme roof. 5 appliance.,. water sottener.,mosth new -flooring. Situated 10 Riverview Estates. Exeter's premium retuerrient community 572.90( Pat (1'Knurke•. Sale. R (DEAL PROPERTY FOR THAT BEGINNING FARMER '." - i'lents 'or barns. good shed and.5 bedroom home Int, or po.sththue, with this one Located minutes from !:cater (..all l'ai (YKourkc Sales Rep for detail - FAMILY HOME PRICE REDUCED PERFECT PROPERTY for the retiree Two bedroom brick bungalow. separate dining room, full basement, concrete drive on some lot Asking 599.900 CaII Al 1- Chanyi Sales Rep . FOR THiS 3 BEDROOM BEGINNER HOME on Nice quiet residential street in Dashwood Huge rear lot hacking onto open sppace. •Main floor laundry ewer roof Affordable living lair that first time home owner Pat (YRourke Sales Rep • E\ECLTII'E CCSTO\I BLILT ROOM FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE! 3 plus bedroom,. hardwood floor,. eat -in kitchen. separate family room. m'round pool Asking 514.4,000 Call Ni 1 Chanvt Sales Kep BEAUTIFUL DLUER 14.0MF. with 5 bedrom:, large treed lot barn. family room, gas heat Now asking 5105,000 Lall NII Chanyi Sales Rep ATTRACTIVE FAMILY HOME fain 13* °'a 4b1 IN DASHWOOD • drive by this attractive• bedroom brick home at 154 Centre 5t Dashwood Great locahern close to 'immunity centre and park Effie tent gas heat' Insulated and heated shop Maui floor laundry 597,000 Pat O'Rourke Sale, Rep 5 APPLIANCES HOME' IN EXCLUSIVE ST -JOSEPH SHORES 11 - Main fluor family room with fireplace. Eat -in kitchen with view of the lake Formal dining. room Efficient ground source water furnace. Huge lot backing onto ravine All this ,or only 5239,900. Pal O'Rourke Sales Rep. INCLUDED IN THIS RECENTLY remodelled Zurich home New kitchen Two new bathroomsNewer w•irmti and high -efficiency gas furnace Rear deck.. Workshop. Nice private rear yard lir. Pnce? ONLY 589.900 • Calf Pat ()!Rourke Sales Re WITH A VIEW.OF BEAUTIFUL LAKE HURON - Huge lot with mature trcet. Large family room with fieldstone gas fireplace and wet bar Jwet tiered deck off dining room. (h•ersized mler6-. 4.,ng bnck driveway l'at ( YKourkc Sale, 1,1 IDEAL BEGINNER HOME 3 BEDROOM HOME with' single detached garage in Uas)twoud New septic system heinbp' msialled. Municipal water i'rued to seIl.at 549,900 Call Pal (t'Kourke Sales Kep FARMERS Be LANDOWNERS Below are just some of the farms 1 need for purchasers: • Ongoing dairy operation up to $1-5 million • Cash buyer for farm bordering Exeter • Buyer from British Columbia needs wood lots • URGENT - European buyer looking for Targe tracts of land 300 acres or more • There are riot enough farms available for n-iy buyer list. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FARMS) CALL: JERRY ZEHR Agriculture Sales Rep. Direct Line (519) 236-4712 or TOLL FREE (1-800) 342-7217 clays or evenings. 011 \I R I)11 \ 1/1\(;0 ' - fro • • • ,x 5 A� MUST SEL.I. - And leave this spacious home to a growing family. Features include Three bedrooms. two baths, separate family room, deep lot. iERRY ZEHR Direct Line.(519) 236.4712 days or evenings \I ll I I xII\(, 599000 - 1f you are looking fora 5 acre country home with a wood tot, look no more. This rare find is fronting on a aved road Just a short walk from town• RRY ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236-4712 days pr evenings ew .eginnin s - Start your home ownership in this fine home priced at 682,000. New natural gas furnace recently installed. Huge yard, main floor laundry, deck. Call JERRY or RUTH [erect Linc (519) 236-4712 da •s or eventn 1 %V LISTING 5105,000 - First time offered for sale suite extensive renovations. have been done Perfect family home. Gas furnace and fireplace, patio door off diningarea to deck, 2 baths, 3 bedrooms Call ERRY or RUTH Direct Lute (519) 236.471 days or evenings 5112,900 - How long have you been looking fur a one level home in the country? Hard to -find aren't they CaII now to view this hard to find property IERRY ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236.4712 days or evenings EACH OFFICE IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED MEMBER BROKER OF COLDWELL BANKER AF1lUATES OF CANADA