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Times Advocate, 1998-07-29, Page 21
CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PREPAID. Ads will not hr printl•rl until payment reeerverl 1() ('1 t(1 1()111: 1I) 215-1 ei 235-07o() e -in ail- t.l re eed\.t oin Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM lSh 1)1 A1-)1 1NI'.S: MONDAY~ PHONE FOR DETAILS Get Results With Our Sll Super Ad • Or We'll Repeat Your Ad Up To Another Seven Times At No Charge • F1211_5ALE LTEM$ 9i iJ • ONE ITEM PER AP • Private non•commercdal ado orgy • All Saner Adalnuat be nrenaki OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY TO FRiDAY ` 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 aJP 4 Help Wanted ItAltYSiTTFK RVOt11RFI • for t yr of al:.. ' nub ui ; I'reterabis til inu.home hl. winter to lake td .-vout Penn,: 21s -42s . r"'• t) A l POI:1.TkY SERVICE', reuuuc. In.fI\•I4itats t.n rill-tui.e yeller al Iahuu. Direct eai(s to-Lea/pie : 2 :6.4002 1 ' 1 .' I NEF:I) SOMEONE.; lir LEARN \: BUSINESS : Must base leadership Moly and Strong desire for abene average mcoui- GellItIt i•cryt„ti_ -3: 1'AI• r TIM!' SE('I'RIT) GUARI) RI=ot:iRLI tmmedlate+. Please send resume h. Lc„ Uucnarru. Oak.woud In, Witt 4i 4,. (,rand bend. tint N(IM 1T(rl3 i y ANTI -.1) IMMEDIATE!) -• breakta e n tanult.r %LAC; nn.room It a,yanccrncr - Apply to gun .at 2 U 21- .cnOus nnuulnes nr11n. 1.4: . E:XPERII'NCI:I) PAINTE•ks - weeded tui 'time part -tun C. Experienced only c:: tis (: ti or6s753'S(24u. • • 1re Times -Advocate urges our. reapers to usri caution when sending .money rr' ousiness opportunity_ or emplovment"ad- vertlsementtJ. B': certal'i you are dealing wilts a reputable company-oetpre releasing any -sired" car: .tntormatto: ke-- memos:. r advertise- mei''i sounas tori goon to be fru•!. rt CLASSIFIED RATES- , V4'UR': COU• - Gnarues are oasou on the numoer of work wets' ot.nurnerals as tor sepal nurDe street fiurnuer• . phone rlurrl0e: .- : r prices COUTA 4i one worm per set Worus pined rty ny- ofiens count as separate worn_ FIRST INSERTION.: '20 'words S(J.63 utSerhdns $16.O .. Insertions ' $22:4 Addmonat 15: cnarui3 for each wore over mgxlmur. - NOTICES: 3u words (burns. ueatric, announcements, corrUny events, me rnonarns (Cards' I.t thattxt 102 each WOro over nnaXlrrmurti, 1 Insertion $11.77 is insertions 523.54 a insertions No charge:- .. • Classified Ads rnust'be prepaid. Ads will not be printed until pay- meht received'. • WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS Witt) p.Ltur.• - $25. GRADUATES with plctute - $10.1• SEMI -DISPLAY 1-5HST.INSERTION - $10.00 pe• CUlurttrl mu SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column )Tic': 41114441tliuth size it,. thr5 category 1 • Accepted In multiples. of half ter..• BOX NUMBERS to Iles office $2:50 pet itserhot SUPER ADS 511.Ou Deadline: tor classified ads Is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. UUf(.AUVEKIISINU P9uC v wJvel6sny v.'.ne ialiei•AWtxal5 to ea:*Ww ,... ♦atda.Jtt In ill 04 Der woad LI a lypug.apla:a, 0' ol. 'nails:AK,. 04 the aOveniair4g space °Ccu tiara ey tier t.utwt00 44 don, k)geU,1( w4+4 4•1144,.• dine a11uWd4.5e :t„ aylelere, wW be 4* -curt wt a suisa5+84 4 4wM da u make 2000 el id, shalt e M,.w the Wwi{:r 01 100.110Velheemw.l Will Le vat,: tut al a': app4CaDe fele 1n UN evint 01 a I ,y„yrapwf:d. b.lw dUven.su.y goals 01 a*v*.es . a N4o Iy 1141*. yams Or Se/v4Ces may 0010e 4x1 Achhi ,s+,y .a do 04114 tv felt dw may be vetri.1aw., a. arty 4.lite. Any 111/011111u$1 tie BC- .IwwleOywcn *4411, saver Axys 01 putecatiort ;,W Ivnes•Au v114111 /es•IvI the privilege 01 re. 44ev4 a ,ytratoy aWIWWnMI* Ilial 4 Conti yrs oupwyl1Uw end 10 cl.engS 11411clittsolcotton til any edv1(uianont hum pial 0(011410 10 �C�O..O. 11,0i l0 14 W p0o.y OI 1114511Yw$pepr. G0NMIs a', pua:reu by s 4.yrp0L neAOAuCIgn 4A •445 Inal1(4a1 wtmwl 444e pelm1U141 of Ow puDeshe' IabaW^ AuvN4s1(• pul4heN iplse 1/00 CeCYIN.00 Om* Au Rocas it, any adve/WMNnI1 poducld Dy the 141104 AdVOule. eM4111Iw0rk, lypupiap.y 01 pwlu411101 arrarlya0 for Oy UIe nawspapot snag Ile tit. puppy OI Uy i In.1s-AOvouN. NO ouch au a any part U11(1W nay 11 rapro4uced or 14 - spited YoutooI.wM1eft1Arlf1(11 OI 141 Tones - AOvucate y1A1EMENt OF POLICY: TN) Tmss'AOvoo/te .s not nsoons61 la Wart n advrWunhnts not tairna110 on *Ora lam, ria iii mai Kern e sop* v4.14110 1111+1.0(1 tit that ad vlt.sem•... Phone 4 235-1331 SIFT -rt''1 -w(R)AIDS I insertion • in'entons -20 word maxtmun $9.63 $16.05 1 Timis-AdTsocate, fitly 79. 194. Poste 21 235-1331 A•••;••4'111:111'1-) t )1; 1-11 .1;4. 1:(-)14 1u1 Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the lett. REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL, THIS MORE. YOU SELL.' lnceninns $22.47 \ 1dnional I Sit charge•ior each word bye, t s maximun) - • NOTICES -to word maxim 1 (Births. Deaths. Annanncements. Coming se Events, Memonams. Cards n( Thanks . a 1 insertion $11,77 • ,i 2 insertion. $23.54 3 •insertions No Charge 1. ks. AMhlronai t se choice (,w each wool o.ri miumu.'- • ('1:ASSIFINUS ADS MINST IIF PR11'AII, . AI)' WIl.1 NOTIIF P&INTF1) t'N154 :I'AYMF-•r IS RFTFIVF=.1 i lisukratii Montily Ash Rales available an request PAYMENT ('ash. Cheque 4w 1h'Ident,1peationr, i d Money Order. Visit and.t`1actercard ® i are accepted I • PL.EASI'. CHECK YOUR Al) THI ' FIRST DAY iT APPEARS TO F.NSI IRI la THAT iT IS CORKFC I 4 Help Wanted • BUILDING MANAGER - Mature count,: for apartment huildin4 'Must have filer cleaning standards, rent collection, renin units. some maintenance Reply to Box 1 c/o Exeter limes Advocate. 424 Main 1, Exctrt O,)t NO\I 1S6 (71 • NAME ADDRESS PHONE: METHOD OF PAYMENT CREDIT CARD NO. SIGNATURE DATES TO RUN: Visa MasterCard Cheque -_- Expiry - 1 1 Lost, 2 Found 4 3 Situations Wanted • 5 ualt�M�nfed • 6 Service' OPpo►lunities ' ' livestock • • 8 9arm Machinery. . 11 Cars, TrruckpnTent, Veh. 12 Pets 4' Musical Instruments as ersona seri, 7eleWsinn • ,• 16 For Sale r 18 17 wanted to Hut ted r 19 Prpert. F • 20 Propey or Sall rty '. 27 For Re for Rent 1 22 -For Sale o 1 23 wanted r Rent to ken! 24 Property Wanted' 26 Notice. 29 7e al Notices 28 ers Wanted Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 4 Help Wanted WE ARE t.00KING FUk Ki )" PEOPl_I to expand out financial services hustorse this arc., • Expenence hot neeessar \ • %1 i Iran. Send resume to Jeff Bond. Brant: Manager, Ilii S-Nonh Routledge Park. Nun iq-.Landon. unfarlo Nh11 51.6 (22-11 • tlr741i4.?�T�vviv.ti4.,,s0e4delve v ra deo le� veSse 4.I tit (�1 M. 11 SERVICE TECHNICIAN We have'an immediate open= tor a ( .i&-, ' Heavy Duty or Agncuitural Equipment Mechanic/Apprentic(• it • Excellent wages • Complete benefit l'ackagt send resume or phone -lone at 347-2251 in contidence ti l( Logan Farm Equipment • 1 t,44 (1988) Ltd. R.K. 5 Mitchell Ont. Ntlk 1NO 1, 1' • I( t ,trinA'rice'. < ;�i�.�e<�i��� l:de'C��CC2.7ir,J*dir,44T42eC1.4.?_4 Hensall UtstriA (o.operative t` currently secktne ..,t energet: - nide:I0ILII In lurlller complement "Cr SUC(;L.'SSttti Ica;: ,'t'our ilens:lii tocatnr.. - ACCOUNTING COORDINATOR a -fns posnu,n wih redut: a an individual. whit cxpenen r in account.. rece vablr. custom account matntcnanc.:._ oath; deposit'.. 'lilt• iener.Ii accountin.': The SUCCCSstul candidaii• will nate Strdrt.• understanding 01 accounts rcccivetile and genet al a440U44 142. uhn,l customer senate relations. and'he able in meet ueaditnc' In the alio\c beetling. this pi.)sittun,will be on a tuft time- oasis Monday 0, Fnuas with the possfbthty di.ocCaSion,l) overun4 I ii:• compenSauhn is commensurate: won the applicants-execrlcnc... wtut'a lull comprehensive Irene' it package• (hits secccssfal appitcantx will Pe contacted for an inlervies% -Please lur.warti vow resume t, ' HENSALI DiSTRI('T Cu -OPERATIVE: IN( . HUMAN RE )t ROES MANAGER 1 DAVIDSON DRIVI - HENSALL .ON 1AKI(I NON' Ike FAX (5i9) 262-231" • Atrt rqued urgmnrmnIIV Y:rnrtiove . NO PHutid CALLS PLL. ASi R ENSALL ' ir !STRICT 0 -OPERATIVE 1• riensall District Go -operative is currently seeking energeti: individuals to further complement our successtul tean,r, at our . Hensail. llderton and Zurich iocaiwns FULL TiME AND SEASONAL POSITIONS We are currently looking to fill a number of tull lime and seasonal positions. Position 1. requires workers with grain experience with receiving, grading, dryutg.and seed POSIIIOn 2 requires drivers to operate faun trailers and. heavy equipment, AZ and DZ licence. Position 3. requires a person with word processing skillg to worle in dur scale house .• Position 4 requires 0 person to work in our Feed Milt operating different equipment the compensation is commensurate with the applicants experience. with a lull. comprehensive. benefit pachape "tor the, full time positions. Only successful. appiCants will be contacted for an interview Please forward your covering letter and resume to • - - Hensall District co -Operative Inc ILENSALL Alin. HuDadson Driman RVsources Manayei i !STRICTe Hensall, Ontario NOM 1X0 Fax (519) 262-2317 - 0 -OPERATIVE "An equal opportunity Employer NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE • Payroll/Benefits Administrator Cook's Division of Parrish & Heimbecker, Ltd. is seeking a detail - oriented person to perform the duties of Payroll/Benefits Administrator at its Head Office location at Centralia, Ontario. Duties include computerized payroll input,.benefit administration, updating personnel files, regulatory training and other,aspects of Human Resources. Some accounting duties and purchasing activity in a computerized environment will also be part of the' "duties of this position. • Good oral and written communication skills are required. Experience with ISO registration and HACCP would be considered •an asset. Cook's offers a salary commensurate with experience as well as a full benefit packagg. We thank all applicants for their interest, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Please fax or mail your resume by August 07, 1998 to: Cook's Division of Parrish & Heimbecker, Ltd. Attn: Brad Ford P.O. Box 10, Victoria Street Centralia, Ontario NOM 1K0 Fax 519-228-7084 , Division of 1'ameh & lleirnbecker• Lunite.l 4 Help Wanted ORGANIST Zion United Church in Crediton requires an ORGANIST tor 10 a.m. Sunday services and mid -week choir practice. Duties to begin In late August For more information call 234-6748 or 234-6336 • Required Immediately 2 2 REGISTERED NURSE i • ♦ r•.lrr nme Wirt) casu,r: , .r1 , \l1J,t • • Pe available. N.r.i'? 1 -shin • -• - nowt -remit tr. 77: ,: an asst • i• ♦' • Amin( 1,tworm ' 1 2 Z Director of Carr , - o •• Exeter Villa, -155 loan SLi Z Exeter. Ontario N11A1 1.c ' iC, s vain -mart We are now accepnnc applications fc- PART-TIME POSITIONS A variety, of shifts = aav evenings, ana weekena:. Apply at the store to fill out application ( ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLEK1) ru Gin- tsosi(o': dva)fatitt' u d Account!, baya1tc r►laterrl(tl ledvt rebracenier ' stariing 5epteor• 1• 1996• fn; a Uusrn y nurse twitted f• we Exete• gree . Expenencr dCL'udors payatlle, a computenied environlnenrl required Experience wit, •ACCPAC Pw' Accounts Pdyabir an Microso 0ihc(• preferably PtedSe rep+t wit'i reStinsl . reference', an;: saraT. expectation tt Bo' 21- c/o Exeter Twee- fiovdca'<r 114 August 199£ • Companion required 0 1(•dng 111,4,, d(1U11 wan indt in!10 pruJ((i7• .upf)urf rr 1,!''5,4.11 lltnl5> 5uCfit; 1)04,19; • .444(1 1(1 reaburt , Must - i,. menet/alit( . hd't valid drivers Ill(.14,4 dn(:, uwr, vet/ lC i•1: Appru„umdtely h r.•• lei hour" per Wef•A . Plea.e.repi* with eesunlr ini,udulp reference-. Expelren( n arn(i saiar)•. expecla(runs k) 8Lx #112, c/u the Exeter flutes -Advocate, Sex 850, Exeter, Ont. NUM 1S6. 1\e dpp reclate all mlclest, hui* ''r , only diucl• uncle • t umsrdera(N)„ wmi be Ulf 1fSCJt't; 5 Business Opportunities AVON CALLING! "A 1998 Avon Opportunity" 1 Rif E elfin - NO COST T© Sift f�11fI1M July 26th to July 31/98 E -Extra Money $SS A - Avon Is easy to sell R - Run your oWnibuslriass N - Now is the t(me to 'tart! IT'S FREE! Studants welcome )'.all today: Jaanwtte Darden, 348-9403 (Mltcholl) 1A___ District Manager 6 Services PARSONS LANDSCAPING Centralia. Ontario ' Residentia l'Com merciel •Sodding'Seedi ng' Free Estimates MIKE 226-6066 • MURRAY'S BARBER .• • . SHOP 4 Z136 Main St. Das• hwooii Z," . ' Starting Intr. 7- . ,c_......4 tri Sat. 8till nom' e Startup; Sept. - 2" Iues.-1•n. 's a.m.-5) p.n,. Sat. •S 2 ♦- a.nt-12noon •. 2.` Contact Muria\• kettcr a• 2 • t 7137- 3488 Do You Need Hely. With Youl Computer & interne*. Problems' Jeff McCann 237-3531 ��>tier APPiica�i 'r o$ Pete) ? �' Aunger Spread sheet, database; wurd processor, cruel -met'. 235-2877 paunger(abodyssey,ou'.ca 6 Services LAWN & GARDEN N CARE •Fertilizing•Hedge Trimming 'Grass Cutting Laverne McCarter - 235-1062 440Al IT1- 145011) F1'v)SHI\' an; ,Instill- Ira/inn,' ant: -no%, - nlinnt cnlar,tenn•m nervi. Photograph. Man, 5 Exeter _ s ,: (: _ t 26ttn • +t i; not too late to supores: your dust problems On VOL' gravel oarkina lot c- • grivewa. • -. We call supol: r= apol'! ou- econorn:c,V sprat PERTH DUST CONTROL' 595-8025 r Windy Heights Farms incl CUSTOM BALING Id -Size ngular Baler ••;32". t'l' I... es any !engin t)i)I• • reuuces n.)ai: ev sn'rag, • • cunShtcntr• nigh ucItslr: nate .t4 ltd)' 2e ytt.n•: 0411147. g' •u�'d(d * s+ ods strais h'r s4ic w'tt, stoin 0• 15,111,41/4 ,** CALL 51-236-4420 Septic Systems Soli report'' • instaliattor Weeping Beds Designed also We sell and install all types of fencin_ • Chain'Link • Woven Wire • Wooden Fencing • P -V -C Snot4 - Contracting Home. office Jim: 235-0642 Mobile - 851-1890 Shannon Custom Round Baling 4 ft. wide by 3/6 ft. high Scott Consitt Varna Ont. 565-2728 or 233-9297 NJSales Rep. for Mycogen Seeds. Curn, Soybeans, Allalta