HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-29, Page 18100 Births • LINN - Philip and Luanne ince Wardell) Lynn are happy to announce the birth of Graeme Philip: hen July 7. 1998. weighing 7 Ib 14 or A link brother- to keep Jo dart company Graeme is the ucontJ grandchild for Arnold and .Audrey Wardell of KR$I Atka Craig and seventh grandchild for Ralph and ()wen Lynn of RR12 Lucan Special thanks goes out is family, neighboursand friends for then support and best wishes ;ince Luanne and Gracile cam hone .31 .1 , • M sTHONIA Rob. Mandy. Stacey and Dustin are tickled pmk on the aural of their tusk sister Brooke Charmaine was horn to proud parents Ralph and Peggy on July 21. 1998. weighing 5 Ibs II Or Spotting pntlieges .go to grandparents Cord and Jeanne Hay and George and Marta Math.inia of lunch Thanks to Dr Fellows and the nursing daft at St Josephs Health Center in London A very Spc.ral (hanks 10 student • 'bel loci 4M,a(tcnlon she . gate Brooke while in the hospital We would alio like to Thank %Maple ('rete and Grandma Haj for (heir help beforeand after Brooke's arrival (111') STANLAKE IBOWLKMM-\\ ..lsin and Ila thank God iat the sate arta. at Joshawa Nelson on Jul% 114 al : w pm weighing A Itis Special thanks to Kaye Arho and Dr Shannon coli ANSWERS Come Worship With Us EXETER BiBLE FELLOWSHIP b 30 a fr. r,',rrlrnunt ri Sao -0,m - Sundar."VWA,l hi, all ayes it 00 a rn FarrnlyBible Hour t tbursday Evening Home Bible ``.study :,t h p ret For info, corded 229-ti(./1-' 94 Orcherd Street; Exeter . Lvetyo lu Wul!!imb August 11:00 a-rn.-12.10 p.m Worship. Broadcast on Community Channel s! EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH JS% Hut,,,, 'il W Pastor Pettit runr.yb 235 1 /23 ` Auyust 7, 1998 • 10 00 a m tAAluly ::1,rn,,to Sunday Sclitr,I 1.,1 ayes '1 I., rtiade 4 4ufln'4 tendon/1y sbrvu,b Nutsbry Avullabin ! (NJ 1. m .1..111:11 1019 S1111111.1,1 1'VblyiNlb'Wbl(.1NIie . Sliileldy Iladl44 (,JCS 1[a(, N :st a n. l;ICN/ J'LU 1 t/ fU ss n. • Daily 1 V • holt. l0 (,h,l,al :. '.30 a lir August 2 .. a.m.-11:00411m ``. Woeship-lroedoest - •+� on Community Channel . EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 1H/ 1101.Atb1 '/d 1 Ablbl l'dbt4A Kevin Hutludyb Abblbld1'1 P11151141 441111 tll,yet:lwk 233 2bb 1 - bunday, Auguel 2 Mgoieliy Winship, J fi3 acrd -11 011 d 111 bon play bi:lpn,t t al *Itch 11 a Ori - ! (NJ p 11' keening Fellowship. Wah lebday, / p in Faintly Night EVbiy.Atb We14tAlib CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH bb Man, sheet South • 'City 2/84 liilerim Me leiator •Bev bawd ' • Glelllelltb • Guest Minute' Hey John Neilson - Courtesy Cat '2Jb 2/84 Sunday, August / 1998 11 a 111 Mooning Worship A waun wb1.,onte dwadb you 102 Daths JORI' At South Ilun+n Hospital. Exeter. on July 27. (998. Helen istunh(l3ell) logy of the Exeter Villa and formerly of Lisburne Township in her 85th year Beloved wife of the late Harold Bell t 197h and the late Kay hey (1996) Dear mother of Carol and hci husband \\ onion Churebill al lishor)le Township Deal gtandmothct of Vicki and her husband kohh Finkhtiner of Exeter Dear sistty of Manan Sktni t and her friend Russell aun of Furter Piede.t•a.ed by sisters Lillian Cooilet. Belmar Jaikues. and het brother Hanj Murch. Friends may call at the Hopper Hos key I:uncial Honk. 370 Witham St . Esau( on Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 pm where the 1unclal service will he held on Vsednesda)..Juls.29th at 11 at with Rei Bob Jones 0111c.lanns Interment F.seter Lemetet) Donations to th•: AI/heather's Society or The taclet Villa would be appreciated i+) the Monty 'Thor will he a Rebekah Lodge Meutonal service in the funeral bottle on Tuesday csrmng at b45pml11) • SMITH • Ai N'mgharn & DIHospital. Inst H 1 on July ISth. 1498 llos%ard A South of Brussels in hit S2n,1 seal Beloved husband of the late Mildicd Fcrne t51tCallunl) South• Dear lather of John Swath of Brussels. Nancy & Jiiu Warwick 01 Enders- -Sandra & Henry Gackstenet of KRN1 Exner. Joyce & Jany McGregor of Lucan. Norma Cooper of -Brussel., and Mary & Roger Dilworth of Brussels Also loved by his grandchildren Lorraine. Dian. Melanie. Ken. Michael, Carrie. Knssy, Lee. Stern & )(mune and by his great ..grandchild Jake Predeceased by his 3 hrolhers . Friends %sere to -cited -by the family un July 19th ai the Schimanskl Funeral Home. Brussels where a private service- was held. July 211th Interment Brusscls•Ccnlelciy As an expression of sympathy. motional donations were Made to the Alvhetmer-Society or .hank of choice 131*) GIBSON - Marguerite IRohde i Gibson passed away al l'41;,%01,11 Hospital. London on Tuesday duty 21, 1998 in,her 87th year. Loving mother of -2 sobs. Gerry and his wife Lee Gipson of London and Ron Glhson, Vancouver. BC Sweet grandmother ol• 7 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren and litany atom and nephews Sunned ht sister'Anna and her' husband kine) Killer and brother Hill and his wife Rhoda Rohde all of Exeter. Predeceased by hushand lihter 11954) and patents Henry and Maggie and brothers Alex. and Arthur Rohde and real grandsons Justin and Mitchel great A mrrnultal nervier was hell Friday at London Gospel 'Temple 1414/ 105 Cards of Thanks Itlir'KETI/WAI.I•IS Derck and -Paula wt.uld like to thank everyone who helped, out at their (luck & Doc an Friday. night A special "thanks goes but to our parents, the wedding patty. and the hautuha •s ins all 'you, lend work and dcdlwh.tn 111xi Ili;KENDS - We. would like to drank iron faintly. lack, MaryLuu and M.ii now fm-the- wunds•tlul party' for out 25t1 Anunrnary Alwin 1-ynii (01 keeping rteiyduly mit u11g • S1ttruMoly 1ha,uk%too all the Mends and neigbit,ur% who tum( (banks lot all dor • In nilly n nirtnl4 trd).y Id.. ant lurial+ llowcn: gilts and (alit% they made a day wr 1 41 • y ' well alway) Ientii.I i ,lid .hensh (hanksAININ(ik In losing memo, of .1 de,u aga01. 11111'- Ilinalren 1 11 •, (brusher, "mile and (Faddy )nim \V'rn.11m .s host dole was Laken s0•u11ldrmly ltd WI. - 140/ 105 Cards of Thanks . HENN - (lie Lund) .J Ne late 1'tultp (el 11 would like to (Flank lelauvcs, Incnds & neighbours for all the kindness that was given to them. cards, rills. loud. duritnuns err during Our recril! soda% the mks la Ke. !tows. 1helixskl lkWlelluws lir then st•rs't'e, lean Hodgen lot the muni.. Bill. McKeown Itir the eulogy. l•.tllhs.i,t' .. llowerhr:uets. Berle 11 (' W Fur 11e 11/t0) lunch. Dan & Hillat the fundal hoite '(our kindness will be rctfembered Leona Hem & family Ili•)' 111141111 IIx I:uud) ill the late Mildred Hutn1 %v,uld like 1u express our vn.rir thanks for the ,h t5 of kutdnrss during our mix of sums55 We ac•..onitoned by the support of 1annly. hand, and netghhow, thanks alt.. 10 the stall 01 I'. xehr Villa. mill Finely & 1.u(tily. the pallbearers, 1>rnnrs Funeral Iloutr. l cele :.'Pashir IlenhJlct '.s .11 And.the lathes of Centralia Untied Chuts1. She %111 (se sadly mussed itut her memo, will teut.un (mete' 11.1 1111.1.FR 1 would Irk.. 1a espies. nn appres talion Aln.lhosr w ho 1111144:41 nth Crkhrat.. 111) etghiie h biithday A ,1K•.i.1 thank youlo m) family fur the Birthday Fatty and to Ruth & Beli> lean for the Surprise Birthday Tea Thank you ars:, to dry (l tends and relatives fur the studs, gats. flowers & hest wishes. h ecnainly was a hinhday to reuwmber. H;uct l I.1 MORGAN - We would like to thank family and relatives for the wonirrlul weekend The Morgan Reunion and our S0th Wedding Anniversary held' at the -Sh,tk" Also for all the dinners that we enjoyed To all who remembered us with cards and gifts. wr th;mk you s0 much .11cv & Burdrlw (31.1 THOAMPSON - Thr Manly of Ihr'lnie Small •Thompson would like to thank. relautet. friends and neighbours for their man) act, of kindness, 'lowers. cards, sisltatiim and donatwns•atoursad tune.' SLK-, til thanks to Rev- 1)r Keith Fleming our his condoning prayer.. Craigwiel Garden,. (• (laskeii Funeral Home and Holy 1 tinily Anglican Church ladies lin the lovely lunch t 11.1 4\'INl)SOK - Tice 18.11'4 lit Mas Wutdsol wish to extend a suOCeie thank yo❑ l,m flowers. cards. donation.. food and %Ism, .0 alt mice of lose thinks to Dr Jadd. Ili. nurses at South Moron and the VON hu then excellent one M:un thanks to 1I lhn:ul's 1 uncial Moine. Zion 1•nihei.in ladles ,end Pastor Oheda " Sloe, 1,11 thank% to Kris Heather S1:4111 10t pct nr•tcI ending supll0Il Your kindness will never he lolgtoleu t 11 i 1 IIE('KETT/WALLIS - Derek ami P.tnla would like to (frank everyone ss -ho. helped (tura.. their Huck & Ike on Friday night A sirccial Thanks goes out 10 owl p:1511(5 illi• wedding party and the I:moult:t's rot .ill yuui hard work and dedication 141..111 106 In Memoriam • &IC ((1<1111• In losing nts•wuty u1 I-Lun.., who passed as ay'•1 yeas% ,Igo, Jul. 11)11. 1994 (llll('lis' i.'lilt•m11K9rd rtt'i 1,0 , To turd tot wunls est. -(4 In s.n Sul loved, %till'uusscd, ill eset % 4.\ .1k EXETER UNITED CHURCH Coiner of Jlu11es and Andrew SI Sunday. August 2, 1998 .. • J9.U4 JUL �Hev Botr Jones of Wooler hUn11ed Reformed Church • Northumberland. U.K No Sunday School clauses a Social Time following the cameo Courtesy car 13eofpe Psen • - 236-1973 \ Al( welcome! ) \�_ FAt.1.11titiN We would like 1u Malik Ihr_ rnuad thud aid'Dashwood Ate,. 1 ur 1)1'pai111a•Id% I.t.lhen quit X..., Iron on (101111' hie In 44111 w111'.11 (1rh1 1111 111a1/ •. a1,,, 1., A1..n Kr. 11rvr Wal lt°i ,411d.1irwer I1>.i.. foci , tiltrvnihng'la kri p tin- I loin Ines huk . Paint) 1 tune' (.0 1.clpi,g gout oW Ihr Orr and 11,11 Ho lgws 101 las .11114 1...11 r •.111 .:tiling Me lite 'drpastinci 1 1'.si,y11ung w..s pun h ..pplct(acrd lnu.1. Jamil II•i (;uric 104. ,.4111 1.1 y411111r'": - , - .- ` S11 11111e (11111• Wr ilu.s 11 • d.alt lti eu•, "dial !angle Itis)• ling% • that get1113/ Niall-- . 1"um moiling tat . AL.y you lie ...Intoned b. the links o1 • .1,5.531 m out -111'.01+- %r lose sou .0 nn,. I.f(If/Well:ANI1 W.• would Id.- h..1 1, - You. r Fun 1 Kalea 1051111.1. A.1.1 III" .5 Nn k.dnus 1 s l v ) • rvriyair who sunt' rnll.14nd ouplanlyd us .tt owl flu. k & 1 /1 Pe ' A spet.ial Want. you t.. (1111 wr.1.1u.g pully, family and Irirud% 101 4311 tit 1i 11,114.1 55)311 uuJ 1 .i nwkulg a sus 11 a lou right I r,vr 304, & Murk 1 11 .1 ift#WWWWW11 Dance Hall pi. tam 349-2678 to, Demo, Wi.ktrrr Fri, July 31 Cochinil3uhit y J�VeritlIlt" SALMI! .1 South Bound WOWS V101.1611.0 Lucan Community Centre [rigo Wed. July 29 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Game $1000 Jackpot alible h ' . dlla ut (rias $1010 hudu4 Total prizes $3000 1)130 Lathe IICe111,4 lbwilOUuns, 131 ,5110 under IH ailowui1 1u (day h.unca /163/ 496 LOOK WHO'S 601 Loot' your family 4Villuw 1)tuuey "Helping people through one of the most difficult times of their lives" ill \l 1 )ililley l'ltlltsl ill l 1111111' 1 We plan( it tree 111 memory f )1' your loved one (4/././e// Wil/ , %l////tTl[1( (/f7///e 1 1 \ l.tll l 11. . I 1 \1II I S-11(1) Happy 50th Birthday Sandra Aug. 3 love from your family N1.• Blood Donor Clinic EXETER Tuesday, August 4 5 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. South Huron Secondary School, 92 Gidle► Street, Exeter Photo -signature identification required 5 • Happy 40th kin 4 A's \ t (111C.01.i.r11. t .tit:, lot'. Voir. J.'•1 1+rffli ',.t bur;:e .,,t,l !hers ,0 •• :! 1 � �' 4 1 `1 ,�, 1t ;t Zion Lutheran Church'. Dashwood � ii V 115th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION AUGUST 9 - 3:30 p.m. Service 5:30 p.m. Supper Inrbnngtion Or advance suave, tickets 2373548 Hf 1\11\ IOU \110\ AUGUST 1 & 2 AILSA CRAIG COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday Dance 9 p.m.: - :i a.m.. Friends Wekorne Info 293-3400 or 455-9808 Happy 40th Andy - cyton & Shirley Stec* Ir • O •yq eri fro lse Sun. --Arg. 2 from 2,4 p.m -1;-The-Zurfch .%lei/noirtte - Church to T_urich B s. ;l IIAPPY 10th Ross Kathleen. 'Diane, Eric. -.-.1LTfl r\ delict and gra n(tcliildrc rt • Christ int:'. • Marta. And and Vrrtart(Ll '♦ Grand Opening SUNRISE DRIVING RANGE AND PRACTICE FACILITIES All proceeds from baits sold will g.' towards. Jesse's lourne'4, so conte out and. support . a Father's Tribute. • . Saturday, August lst. 1998 9 a.m. - 9 a.m.. Located on Hw)c#4, 4 kilometers Noah of Lucan Any questions contact Gerry Lynn (519) 227-46771 HURON COUNTRY (.tantopimpfpusE ,e% %u1.. 4 \ug. ('-‘11.t. 1iO‘1 !!! 1-SUl)-70th-(•hhS or' (510) 238-0000 '1ytt11Ntiltil tri\ 111 1 1 \ 1 l)\t1(i\ \K\IOL R11 S ( 111( • 1100) ;, I ht• 1 sslnit+lt 1 Its l'tr,. ('1 1'1 - 1 \ 5. Creation Optimists would !No to thank the hdtuwifyl to( contributing tow, euecalul Far►Jlly Fun Wry. PI ire 1)imatiorts Itclm,.l 11i. 1. 150n Dom 11.111'.1)1.. %. • 11'1' 1 .4111,811.i 1 .,n1 Sulgdt ',h .11 11 Inti 1 „t.1 1 14134 5 A:11us',mc . 1 1101,11. Olt 11 14..1.1 k. Rollet 1.111 14 ,,1,. 1 1 u1 i'.111111011e.t1 I lo•, u. 11,110 115,,x.. 1 ..udt y 1')a( Iitutss 11.• 1..-1 1'01lC1 S 1 .Lal. 1. 0111 s 1•Irta f1.ew hldslri Ih11o11 (Holo, 1'l%.dlit 5 21111 1 1111 \1311110 4101 11. wl 51,a0.pl.t loin 1..1, I1a,1.h t'u't Ala, l .,to, AJI,unctl lulu Alaskan folic( 1 1111+5 Atm l,luc (.11 r to1(1.15• 0(1 11141115Ill, 5 1 1/.11 1, 14.1111s1 n'S Ihn111:1 1/1114 N.dcl kva )I ling - Ilona .11111 SpiUs If\Ili . i , nliali4 VaiiWy ' i , uudll.Uthuuu Pik 1 10115 l I.1'1 'UV I undo$, l 1t11a0lnldle Signa ( (N11,4 - • 11111111 'v ('udl3r5 110,1111111 /ton United ('hutch Dldllllt: ( x11101) Doug f icollwy 1'nittand's Auld Body • I:lh Cam phell hliluts 1.s.tct 1)I�PAuxlllat) (111{c015 .. lu a11)II110 WO 1141e toigulteli nut apologies 41(51 thanks • 1.1%Y11 Dom 1 uuoo1rl Bloc las.li,l.is inn I'ru111, ,at Inn Lilt s rlutt, .l is One V. at Suh...tphon KI,to (.111 l Ci 11 alt' \\ti kcua I'autping ter i1<I. int (ss has On. kets Inn 1 .iUllsals0 (;Ill t chl11l.dli? W Inc 4,111 k \'(1(4)04(0 ('at ('patio% - .Igh4u • 4 0.'0111 1.4%$41 2 (.0111 Icicles I1' ftatitpululo Illuminism, god ('uuuuuuit) t 1100h ,Yi With() Vit (10(14lila.lm , (1451(o Smwlhldsu1g l rld11111110.5 Platt iial1et Shush, Ikul Mukb iuiei MI) 1110.e)s lltslge er)C4 IC Union (1 (5 FINN( town laiict,l/t: lent \instil 3011) 1: lis:nk ha�tI.1este' • _ Jo ((Odd Mince- . hihu U sic k • . 14)111)'5 Juwly.Crltnyn ilaustyles Kale Fletcher .1gtl11y Show Lucan 1 angtottl Lumber . Iluiuld (11a1.5 Ills: • Volunteers Plitt S%11UIC1.1 Ralph M. halon \1l' 1►uu%ail • iIJ1111 11011lie01llc •\1141i (.Alta( o.•k Bottum. Slight 1)Ia1ilk tlt•sst• /tlw_ k \aih1C11blt.k ti l ssfti%•11 ' Ftevla Fishct -kiss um.1 s talloo.it Htcm.41 \loigaa Shai011 4tturi Sue hdlg Melissa 11u1ac1 Local \\alto licotl doss . Ron s*1141e Duane; 5'5. 1104 Mat t+xgwlth !vitt 'aim '1. Bevis \lis NIsslwtits \luted) Sls lhnulcl Nabisco Night Viotti Pal ()' Rout ke. Putty '.1)t)wall P1uihltay-11tklt:d Baird . Plllchal its t i4(aplt: kuh.Ual%: \%stats ktut Buwoli Kmdto Rol O' Hnwi Sal- r ('ab Shine.) (11411.1110 Stetlnwtw • Stephen To%mhtp Palk Htt•ud Stephen Pup. Filontcn • 1\81liollcros • • *Ai Fauu►a • A 11