HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-29, Page 16tr ' ins',-rlalril)eat . /ulv ?ti 1AAr SPORTS (Exeter soccer team downs Homs 2-0 Rookie champs. The Purple Rockets won the championship tor.Ext;ter Junior. rinnkrt� ha' tart" weekenc Pictures r{7 front from lett are Stasi Mille; ' Itarly Brvsor....Ja1w Haan, �ukr Hennerii• and Mike van' Gamier: at aback from ter are coat hef. Richard Mil: and -Ras= ,fsrvsor, theist 1 Hear•Brittany Maldinge:, Laura Noakes. Molt -Hunte: Sieve Morgan. Tv, Hrvsc-r• Are .-narhes Lean Morgan and Hevir Hearn Purple Rockets are champions 4 In: 'l.xet. roan, 11. \\Tannin'• Up 1t i tlr. ..e-arCtii' with; n airlianler,1 /111 }'rlda .tl., I.IIUI I,.. 111: C11111,1,14i::. • Irl! ta1611lt.4l iruUt t lit: .1 . v.'t-.C• ar.;1 :AV!: \'t.'.•,1 ttitl'••nlitlk- tilt nix,. 61rete! ..1)l, t.111 a,.' It air , . °r•enr•R. -. u\sin • . l lt: tC,I1Z1:'_. tlj,(I -1114.✓ tt an.• sett: pl'.1Y:'-. midi., \ver: 1)i• dC l('. at ' +rt'.' Ill,• euur,:' lair. f Palrl.� all:! N•14Il III:..✓-Ilanlr/l(`t•- �ha n: ,. sant • .'nt Biu: l can Th( Yeltovt lean) won fir ' 1' Championship hues the Greet C-ornhusker, n a close one'•rut Panic lfrvson coaches the Purple k1). et•• Intl was pfourt i)t the efforts pu Iorth throughnur ills season and du' int' the the wrap -t1 ournamen: -1 It !tarot:, kusket- are Lour.•. :-a::,,:- t,t' • f`oake>. Tvk- :The L(uaarunns- bels('\ 111( Fiammr Her, Ste•\•. ',Magi. • I\1:•• L'a'. eta.• l aotillcs- • A411tc: ..1111•: 11x4 henna ltrittan �1 ncr1 i\lcldintr.. \ilk• \!: •Jw \•a1• (,erwc;' Karr ':)mole lir- (01. Jai.. •.alit. Hamm- Heri -aro Moll, 'ln -. tmrrnvi Hunt.: • (?KF:TI?k ' On Sunday I'CeICI Women , SIK cer trans plaveli against St Thoma, tli n, a division :in.,. aver garlic Tht` score wa, : s.I, F [e'er had Ir+uthli, ;emir ulllt, ' AIR nhr, 1_ of the gams with the oftl'.nst and �alelrnv hemi' honied up M the chimp pas, . 1111 St Thoma. pia\ Kristin (r1wlnlrl and Wrndl tine, hath haat sienna game- for the hnriir lean•' • 1.11,1 •st•eef 1 xeicr 1raveIIed 111 Landon,. tirxilispk' • t1, lake on the London Hornet._ Despite delay,* it, sta,1In IFIu game and the hill hgntad wi'athet }'Cele, rallied, to a 2-11 al in owe.' the Hornet, firs:,•1 Faith -that an.: d .era Ciardnalr hu111 .,'areal 1o1 Extort •\dnannr Sint. and'1;ri%yil Thompson hath. l nlaved'%tInn- deten,rvc game, for Fzctel r 1•\elcr ha' a .'ample 41" week, aft a- their \t: panic:. t: s. hedulcd tar Augur, • r1) 4nn. St- Thomasatominate-s Exeter. Wend, SIMS, lel- ni-Exete-Womer,'s•Socce: battles to: the . tial' win.. Sabring Camerni, n,. S:- Thomas a' ::iirr'tf,r- Feel;' di IM:1at S:. T►►mels? FrAv; fze-tt?, t: `+ ttiumprnf: - liry .on thanked 111: , art_ to • sti'h' committed they tem:and tca,:nin; andttic' it th; ("nunit(tcr' 14..cnsul the% eihuhu ant, learn the ham: Purrlt k0. -Katt: t 1111:: key'', Uteri. -• ab,: :.can Al gar, Dar 1icidirn'c - thin: lean. "liar'' \1il.t Nth, • (ialiai'hc: Dear. lir Lvr: .` Ye' lava lean: .1)a*:. I•arlralr:: Aida 1)eslardin. Greer ((,rnnuik,r \4:Irit: 1'.' 1_1i 110 011 Tin . }w.-' nv'trtl' �[ t1atlL • dM•' Sic 1. - tkc \l i )maul Re -sutural: r''' "1' 2! gen.c.rou Itnmat lr: •tote; 1)b . 1C•t•. anti z, .'1101. 1 11 ,: flit \\'::rKCrh. ' Clavbird Gun Clubholds annual trap and skeet shoots Kniperi Gun Club - ' Clavnrrl. t.un Clul• Fit, 1<4• • It suit ?_ - 1 ri Crivnire (,1:1 ,1 4 110:0 it,. anile-, Scc,:;-. (,tt'h ‘1 ,_ teat• all.} SileC1 SCI fin i _I al., 1ltet1.1 Nihil:' Siiiidter• ea.*4 rile.-•F•xtr_: - (,u(ferlc4, :.oJ(iiu. (filen:.:'ant••.- -1-ur. Ern:: \r., .., M1(CfCl. .Secoi1, I•ia:1i -.• ... • inn-, 13;i. \l:\L.' •1 Fin bJ Dunn Seem. _ :x,U1' lien Thu, (.)tel kilt:, .1:li -\io- J:Ilri l:^(4kINYI -' Gtai'• team:. - �1:trr-ju.R•' f•ea 'i lit,- hist: •;..074! Kt,( rase. 1114, .'- Jar- Hc: ,tumor shooter. \1i:r: (icuna•. 1 rap winner - 1111 L(: Jarman: Sccon. Lrn;c :\larsn:,; torr• \Iosurinh)r•t 1•:r h:' Kotsmr.t fill ..amcrol., im kus,••• lscav_•' Dort Pini,:: t• Phuen: l ruugeu' i nr li':; Stt'wut• - - ''eterun ala - l)_: •0 lt•. hi- !<� Scruc. ky(s 1r:r1v: fou ..erur- )•' :` - -Thin, {A(-1 \-1 .. ' • • \etcral Flr • I, • :14l41r. 1-- S Secorxt 111:1 h;n' >. ---titan (iveral • halm ua,s must ?-rn': %larsni ',.. (1 r • 2i Ready - aim. .. -. Segeren and Culbert swim at cup CIavbirc Gun Club. Doul Moore v,Cf prewar a' in CravbrrC our Clut -taKef ala aunng_ tri cls:' . .anri.»j snoo: The competitror rnvoivet. Ira; sriootrnc an: sKee,- • snorting ane attraere:l pattic:Dants ✓Ton. Exete' iaoaer,c'. _onc1o;. Gienc.v and Mrtcnel.. Frnft' Marsnai receive: 'tic _ dear overs!- scon _a`-•tnf !Wo -all. esen• writ' - : s:::)r a- 94 vur 14`20 Moorelrecerve 5; pr;zf, r4 ire': a: :;a•) Detitrnn- s is drvrsior. Htl"�li:ane ( - 1i. C11n1PP1: I' ..a Il"I! III 1•.:N1crlt ( ill' 1, :I My,' • 4'.(iii'\':Il(•11' 1. tonin' Nat I0I al:. nn -1'_ 1114 heel '4v'1I11111Cr- Wer: 11 1110111(i0n:4 T1i:- nn, hire' V4'111..tlrt'lit•' tiultltlar(I, • w(tttl; he M:fTltlnl: :.ih National- Il+ h: held tr. 1Orialto ncx: wee', 141'1Uatn :Scycrct ant; Mrlar u lllhlar wcrt the r1)'; Hurlwane., - whvs: time• tett- 141. t'tiau•r1 tlail!t -tar 1111> file( .- irll met,' 1- 1'. hrottiti'-d;'wl !pi : r\l: r nip•• s1` the ; _ :in( t•:.vea'-r,ic cCl %$ (,4. v..:mrllot-:it:! aC81n an !t- yea' . 'I n,• lila 1•c'• wc1. - St i'Crel V.4: 111: 10; , II: hl: 20-;�:111e1r: 11111'4'1(111, t1te:I1:'a ana an: aa. tar inn, ' - till 11 !rear:.. Sin at.. nta.eJ lust ni the :'11.1 heels. Vii' ;r Ines:• utile w:'1 till' Ile- r1- '.n: 1:4t '• 1 \•: 't. _anaU.+ lir" {1Ct 4W? CTUUI• :.Ulnc" mac. CU C1LIItI--u- 'Illill it. tn: 40: inti'•.•luua•- Mc die' .scans Il t:Ull'.•UIU:.t.(li 'mill -:t :11:" 20(•• -intit'•iuus. Medic'• scei)rr o COI - 101 " ob-101-that.• .Il 111( 20`. Kura'.'- um. ':1 [1 .t)n-:•lir.t4:1t Till,: 1i In: [t' • hreasistra1:t She - rla(t lit IIL'li: tie' v..'' int:, c1(l-i ),•it ,'%Y.o • \I ::1 4-•r :In Tilt:amnuri. Tna! means un'. wcrr - tied 1-' tin! itt(ltli u: .a Sectio . lir 1"a.:'. i,l:1:a' i fluidity ifr c(1ns;nantl) COUNTY OF HURON 1997 FINANCIAL HIG'HLIGH Consolidated Statement of Operations for the year. ended December ? 1 1997 ?1!1tll\',1)' L1iI41t1Li; laeyusrllun 4111 Local INluntnpabnc )slut '4''t11111I n.:'1 ;...11141) - .. 4.1.'1rn,.r e4 tJinait. (111444• nlugILQlatn1c • •-(Illi✓• III,C,l111CI11 Int -1'C•. • 0110KI11a•• tlla7 �'•' hro: ,,\11`(1'/IJllrlll: • fr u11d balauat, at int bayo 111 11., '4 4 • •' 1 IIsi .I I ,ILII 1. n lent llperaUnm.' 'Ler Hrl dl 4,'r' 1.4 i11i7-I' 1'11 ilr iYniU l., (IC1,u11. 41111: 11101.01 41:11,•4N.114t1111. ,t 1iIll' 1.1,*11.dillfermi, 414.1*It(: Iic.d11:rcl*uc • 40,141 .71.1 4,111414'. *1.1, 1*': b.-,ltl:lll,rll.111'1 tllllltt.l, •4.1*14-4' 41.11111111):.1111, alt l4.•l.fllllt-I'' • .I.• .• , 1, 1'. 1„ 414,1,: •,. (Or, ll, '�apllal .(.CuKlal 4:(INt'11II11t'11' . 111,(VM prl,(ra! { 1011S(MglailVl4 x'444 _ 41�r,111* Ll. % it llll ll le til a' - I It alio feet l4c 1 144 (14) •11114 1411111y WI%lit, t14•4.INs• 4, et 1(.u74nMid aunuta(NCI 4ltd •' 1144.41111 1'1.111114114:.144(4 dc1elupIlwn' 4,1104, 1r1 Appropriations to (h-utntJRaerves' and Reserve loud, - 1- und isatrniei at the kaad of the. Year Il, flc uscd la offset taxation 1..ti A.151,311•1 •. I r"• t1 : .41' 444;7] 1.•.".,.1•, I.44l1 r-• 11,44 •4 .04 It •r , n. • 1,0. 1.1 1•• 1,1 4.,. „ 111, 1r, 1 .40.0_, 1141.1, 1,04.271' Jlr, AUDITORS REPOR 7 • Me•nlrr ; .. ,• I Haleodv* 04104----------- cn-1Sor17at'' 101 ' rnai'aa„pr•• t eon•,- 1 4 ctin0 20,' •Ct.. r (rape•,.✓ ad.. •.• Obla,•• .,CWi1«, exterun nr•- P' ., lPF Ur.' • l .,. r.(.�du•:' asses\•_ ia..dccoun••' c, baa' . i.''•lall!n It••': Io.FP.realq, nu•-.' a uece•ne•" •'I° 1.1'I'C )Jou•, Uqurreo.'I 1 r.(if t - 1:, 4'f. I„t,.*..,. r.,arl:•,rl.• . t10(14•1" 't':,l'•• ,.1. :...: !Ja'.a'•l' ••.der 'ia 5•i'r.. :r . .: _.. r. Consolidated Balance Sheet as at December . 1997 1 IIICa l r ll lel 4.14 tell !1411,..•7 1!4,,•' 4•,gt•IKt.I .1711 . r,,.lrUrll.. IL'a 1'11 Ji 1 ' l /III., 4Ur14.•11 1,', iuit•: fir -f1 ' • 4,' r•li 14411,., .11111 11, MOP • I lt.t'.11LK 144 1.IIt111eM11/*'1.(1)4'r111ulI., til�,.'0'' . • t_t . 4)Ul 11„'1' Il',t'I..l IUll.i • • ycucbi•. 1011,1 - r • Liabalhll - -4444(lUllr• (.,i)Jtna 4114 d.. IUrt1 11.11111111e Fund ba4aote.•i1t On enc[ 1)I uµ icor l.' 411I,v, lJ\:1111,1 - lnabthim and UaLllt1_fi4iv" 4.4.>c4it• 1-un14- ' Keser'. laid Kr -stria' 1-und (ioeration , tic\cpu, . I IJInlr., 01141 fix(K11(4dul2• - leer Lrtd 4 4411U4r71)1 Kcxnc ' 41441 kc'144.' 1 mitt • . 4.- 44r, l r ,1 41 1. 1.*' V•' • 1 , .11 - 1., ,,.oul.nv• . l: •.!L4 • ler .MtJl F'.• ' I hem: 1.111011.1.". 141gnilght. tet4tl'4 ills 01)CIJn411' a,.i1•. 41111 1141111111'. 1)t the (-00014 41' ' HUI1.1n'tntiUUIII)' 11.e'1o414411)g 4101uri (_awnl' 1'idunull. alld 114c4e1t)f)1ucnl (.umlaute' . lfunn (.00111 ii Lrnldrl. 1$041 11. L4111rlltllec (4! 41dn4gtmi•n, 171 441140 4ICV. dill Inc 1tli(un 1.*1.1111. ' t3aMltt of health ' _' 'lite Muton Addiction and ke[cn.tl•Piugl.n..Jlinn(>i4:icd M ttir •1(u1 u11•(.u4111a 11041x: u' 4leaftli 414d lunticd ennrcit, by Ifie Irro\ilk * 1,t (11114144 r, 1)u; turi>uhd4led - , Cuples 01 the aud.led financial scpurl bunt 441)1(41 them' highlight,. leek ext14tted 141.1‘ b1 ' examined 41 the u11+ac 444 the` Citirk•Adtpnnall.144.1. (.uunl4 •111 Huron (.uurl dial,, 'I hr, . Saluale"Ciotietich. (1n1 i, '. . • • . • Jack (..01e111411 Ken 1J\. ('.aM.r\ warden I Ic:,xucl l4 • 1