HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-29, Page 9Lighthouse Adventure
A helping hand. Crafts leader Russ Watson helps Josh
Brintnell and- Scott Pavkeye with their artwork. at the Exeter
United Church Vacation Bible School "on Thursday. The
theme was Lighthouse Adventure: •Jesus - lights the way.
More • than- 90 .community- children attended the program
and nearly 20 leaders and helpers volunteered their time.
W.1. members attend
75th anniversary
- By Muriel Lewis
Gronron cnrresporulent
GRANTON The Riddell
families enjoyed a picnic -at the'
park pavilion on Sunday. July 26.
The Grajiton Lions Club regret
that there will -not be a Fun Day this
-year, due, to a lack of ."volunteers
interested in helping.witb it.
--UCW Unit 3 members enjoyed a
,Victorian Luncheon on July 14 at
Eaglcvicw Manor (Pat Young's.
Bed and Breakfast) in St. Marys asuse
well as a tour of the ho. . -
A • group • from - Clandehoye
Women's Intititute and friends -
enjoyed a visit 'if -the _Huron
_Country Playhouse- on Tuesday..
July 21 to see ''One for the Pot'.
-Supper followed at Allen's
Restaurant in Dastiwoud. , " )
Women's Institute mcmtiers
from Granton •and Clandchoyc,
• attended the .75th anniversary of
ilderton W.I. which was hell at the
Ild.crton Ct►tnmunity Centre on
Thursday evening, July 23. •
Ori.Sunday. July 26. the Granton
United Church service was held at
. the park ..pavilion, led "liy _Val
Hodgins. Bob' Hcywocid of Exeter
i itrres-Advocate, July 29, 1998 Page 9
Blue Water residents enjoy picnic lunch
ZURICH - The i esidents of Blue
Water Rest Home enjoyed a picnic;
at the park on July 14. Residents
Clarence Gascho, Jean Burr,
Margaret Hess, Esther Makins.
Margaret Hedley, Dorothy,
Dietrich. Clara Hamilton, Vera
Haberer, Stewart Thiel, Mabel.
Riley, Kurt Gebel, Dorothy Bapty
and Vera O'Brien. with the assise
twice cif volunteer driver Don
Stevens and volunteers Helen -
M:fcLean and Gladys and Neil
.•Gingerich. Adjuvant Cathy Shantz
assisted the residents with their pic-
nic lunch of egg salad,.ham and,.
• salmon sandwiches; pickles, celery.
carrots, potato chips, cheesies. .
watermelon,:homemade cookies -
and lemonade at .St. Columbus
Beach, Goderich; Everyone -
enjoyed listening the .waves break.
at the shore and taking: a stroll
along the boatelWalk..0n route.
home everyone enjoyed ice cream
On July 13 the residents gathered "
in -the auditorium to make ice
'cream with electric machines
donated by John Campbell and
Dennis Esteps for the occasion.'
About. 30.residents Ti ok part and
topped their dish witty -chocolate or
caramel sauce.
On July, 18 the residents watched -
the first part.of Anne of Green
Gables on the Targe tr
dishes, the Royal collection and
many old pieces of :furniture and
viols. Volunteer driver Jim 'Purvis.
Auxiliary volunteers• Delia Gascho
and Theresa Stark assisted Cathy
with the residents throughout the
July 21 the members
cit C'lm►tt
Fellowship Bible -Chapel gave a
gospel music presentation. Trisha
Ryan, Kathy Valenta. Alisha and
-NatashaValenta assisted with tapes
and singing for the residents.
July 22.thc.r sidcnts enjoyed
:their huhhle party in the courtyard.
Many. residents cnloy.ed dipping
their bubble -sticks into.a huhhle
solution and making all.'tics of
bubbles... Nurses . Aid Brenda
Grenier joined in.with.her large
huhhle maker •The residents
-received good exercise to their
armfd: and Tung coordination:
Everyone worked up an appetite for
• digestive cookiesd. .ancool lime
- The residepts' friend and.organ-
ist Art Coker.played a wide selcc-
-'lion of melodies -on July. 17 and 24,
a soothing way tri spend. their
was the guest speaker with his
"message in, song. self -accompanied
-on the -accordion. -
Flowers were from the funeral ,oi
Gerald Dann who died July 17.
The annual breakfast preceded
the service and -was well -attended.
•UCW •Unit 3 members 'used _the.
net- proceeds of the MP.project to
refinish the, basement floor in the
church: The work was done carper
in the sunnier by;Dan Jcnkcn.
. Guest of slant -
At St. Paul's Anglican Church,
_.Kjrkton, wit St. James -members
from Si. Marys in attendance on
-n in
the-auditoriumr- • - •
Those who atter ay ser-
vice at --Zurich 11)iu:,9d.,9 Church
were Roy Gingerich, Vera -0'
Clarence Gascho, Philippa Steckle.
Margaret Hess. Mabel Kyte. Marie
Gingcrieli andNeil Mustard.
July 20 the residents travelled to
the Lampton Heritage Museum for
a trip in -nostalgia. Vera'Habercr.
Margaret Hess: Stewart Thiel. Neil
Mustard. Philippa Stccklr, Esther
Makins. Hilda ,Rader, Clara
Hamilton, .Marg Hcdlcy and
Florence Brown took a step hack in
' history as they recalled_theuse.of
many -items on display. Old.cuok=•
�. stoves, washing machines. the glass
pitcher"col lection. .covered_ butter
Sunday. July 26. the' Rev. Canon . •-
Miehael Griffin, of 'Stratford was
the guest officiant.
His message_was about passing
thrciugh life which is.temporal to
things external •with God.as 'one's
ruler and guide. The lessons were
.. read by- Mary Blaekler. and' Canon
Griffin and the choir sang the
•anthem.'If 1 Have Wounded Any
Soul Today' with solo part by Ken
-Blackler. - •- -
Services in August arc at 8 and
10 a.m. at St.. James in St. Marys. -
Speaker describes her work in Taiwan
:Church rfor the month pt ,August
with services at 10 a.m.
Roberta Templeman
Srafj`a correspondent '
STAFFA - .Cromarty
Presbyterian Church hosted a
. :Lillian Sparling evening on,July i9
-beginning with a potluck dinner in
the church basement. Following'
dinner Jean Carey -presided for a
'worship service followed by special
music by the choir.
Visitors from several churches
were••there for "Sparling's presenta-
Dave Minhinnick thanked Sparling
for her presentation. " • • • '
Dennis Stewart and two. of his
children. British Columbia, -have
Been. visiting with Chuck and
Dorothy Ebel, Goderich and Rob
' and Bev.Templeman and'family,
Staff.. - . -
The congregation of Hibbert
United Church •and Cromarty
Presbyterian Church will be wor-
shipping together at the Hibbert
Festival School of
Hairstyling, Stratford is
accepting registration for
their September classes
Make-up Artistry and
Nail Technology offered
at no extra charge.
Financial assistance
available for those who
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ing about Henry Ford on July 31
Welcome to Carmen Chester
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