HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-22, Page 24Page 24 1 imt's-Advocate, July 22, 1.998
ueensway barbecue
Enjoying the weather. Residents and staff at Queensway Nursing: Home in Hensall en- •
joyed excellent weather July 17 during their barbecue; which the home will be hosting eve-
ry Friday for its residents.. Picture d from left are dietary staff membbr Nancy Young, res-
Edna, Stewart, retirement home staff member Ellen Green .and• resident' Lorna
$500 shopping spree!
441f11,A NEU
Loading. Up. Steve Hendrick of Crediton was the winner or
the ,lst.prize in the Hensall Spring -Fair, Raffle Draw held
on June 13. For his prize, Hendrick. won $ $5Q0 shopping
spree at McTaggart's Food •Mark'et,,in Hensall on July -1q.
Hendrick. had • two minutes to grab food in She grocery
store andended tip with'three• fUliearts, The. cost of the
shopping spree was split between store opener Ron McTag-
gart and the Hensall South Huron Agricultural Society.
Sunday entertainment at Villa
Dinner and a show. Residents' of the Exeter Villa and guests were treated to .musical en-
tertainment. by Bob Heywood on Sunday, A potluck dinner followed. the show. At top from
left, Lauretta Siegner; Gert Beaver and Stella Taylor enjoy .the dinner:
Introduction. of pen pals_
By �luriehl:ewis lessons were read by Norma Pau)
. Granton i•arresponrlerlt and the"ntinister„and special music
GRANTON - Sympathy from, was a. rp al duct 'Just a closer walk
the community is cxtcndcd -tri rhe..' with thee' by l:etin and -Gerald Paul • •
)amily.of Gerald Dann who,died at. accompanied by Wihna. Davis. •ilte
Stratford on Friday, July 17. flowers were iri n cniory oillla and
The history -boot: committee mnf Morris Wackier 'given by their .,
at the Biddulph 'Township offices I;unity. . -
in• Lucan on -Monday evening. -July Wl Rally -
13. The contents are now ins the. -The $3rd Middlesei County WI.
hands of the printers and the, hook. Rally was hosted: by Middlesex -
t expected to be.puhlishcd some North' District at -'Coldstream --
time M November, Anyone wishing Community Centre on Tuesday,.
to reserve ,a copy- can-inake' a July 14 when. -tire thetnc was
Elsie Dann enicrsvhtained at -an meeting and putty Mclntyrc'was -
.. afternoon tea:on, .ju1y 16.en V1)i the secretary..
n>cmhers were invited to meet their - Sevcnty,metnhcrs and visitors
pelt pal Juan Valehtintt . of - enjoyed -the singalong led- by
Portsrno'uth. England who was . Glenna Ladell. and Betty McIntyre
visiting in Lyndi>n-with Helen find th'c- Light ,and Lively by .
Johnson (formerly (>t'Kintore)'. Katherine McNaughton. Provincial -
-Alma 'Nicholson, . Florence Board Dir)ctor Willa Johnston
deposit _thr't�ugh the township ,changes and challenges. Northwest
office. district president chaired the
M.•_,ot>ert, Elsie ,Dann,apd Norah, brought greetings rind .1st vi.cc
Wissel attended the Huron Country London area,pYesident Pauline
,Playhouse in Grand Bend.on Fridai Lindsay commented on the theme
7ti sec Steel Magnolias. ; . l ' and announced ,that the arca.:.
Al the Granton United Church oh con'ventionwill he held on October
July 19 Val Hodgins' of, London led 22 at the. Kirkton ‘C'oininunity
the service ' Centre.)
Thu annual breakfast in the park ' Copgratulations to Cara Reith,.
hill be held' next Sunday.`fuly 2e daughter of Jinnand Marian; who'
„8:30 a.m. hi 10:15 a.m.'flillowed by was:• awarded the., WI . Rally
the service with speaker' and .,,Scholarship for 4-H'work:
muNician Bob -Heywood. , • Lynn Ammon gave information
Tfie vacation bible 'school is July .from the Ontario Breast Screening'
27-31 at the church: -Children arc to program. „ '
register, by July ,20 by, calling Entertainment was-providcd in
Doreen McRohert'2'25-2853 'or' ' _song and accompaniment by
April Bryan 225-2162'_ • ' Sharon 15ephillipeaux, Sarah Engel
At 'St. Paul's Anglican Church;
• Kirkton with St- iantes.,St..Mary3
in attendance, Rev. Glenda Meakin
:led,'the cuinmunjon service.
andRehecca Elliott.
The.guest speaker was Sharon
Cattyrssc. the education director at
,Strathri>y Hospital who advocated
focusing on the things that bring
pleasure to onc'3 life. including
humour -and a smile.
Weigand off to provincials
I:XIr 11:R - 1{scter l a,s tib,,,+ l n C'lub's Andrea -Weigand will
represent District -Vat the '98 Pro. inc i.d Ladle's' (:hampirinships at
Ottt s.t.FI t kt c lawnhowliiig Club -July 25 2b:
11 \ -n!ani1 v,ins the !.01 ‘.1-: she v,ll.adsancc tri the ('anadrut •
C1J:un1>ionshrps ctt -Victoria. B.C.. Aug. 1.7-22.
3 -on -3 back in Lucan Labor Day
I.UCAN — 'l hrcc-on-duce Itocke 1. costing hack to Lucan on.
Labor, Day weekend.
'Called the "f t+,tcst -grog ing hocke loci n.iine nt stele atriunJ' by
tournament director Lori-Ct,uJurc. the.I.ahor Das tournament is set
for.Sep•t..4-7 al the_ Lucan and Huron Park. arenas. _' .
•"My group (:3 (1ti 3 Hockey Intetnattotial l is acknowledged as the
first lir ol'ler this style of titurnament play •to combs in all of south-
western Ontario." ' .. . -
3 on 3 Hockcys last two, tuurna ncnts id 42 and 52 teams at
i.ucan and -S1: Mares areinas.rtspet-tivcty. ,
'Hie Labor 1)a ttdtrnev iS Open to boys horn. in '91 to,:8 t, ..
>',rls/womei from -novice up tri Sr. A and AAA and men's elite -open
and rec non -carded players. ' .
Registration is $300•per.teani and carries a lour game guarantee.
• Gaines c-onsist o('.two periods (10 and -I5 ntinules'respectivcly)
,with few face-ol'I:s.i.•Icanis May have a maximum nine skaters plus a
-goalie. Hockey -sticks- will he giant- to the div►aon winners and sec-
ondary prizes to all:participaittl. -•'
- Cout'urc saidttiree-on-ihrec action is almost -nun -stop with Play -.
' ers clearing the rune after offsidos. goals and goalie saves s+'hen the
'"' pass,:s puck is smothered. "lucre is no. icing and. two-line 1 .
allita-cd. '
lirenaltie result rn pcnalt) shots taken at.the c id of lite game i),
lieu of penah) time.
' Get -skating Lucan; -. '
, LUGAN —'Geta head start -on the hockey season with Ltican ,
Skating Clubs power :skating. puck handling, and conditioning
• camp Aug. 31 Sept.•4'. -,
There -will he ix\t sessions: sr..ti•ke to minor.atom and minor -
atoni and up. 'llie jr. session run% 8 a.m.-;10 and the sr. session 10 •
- a.m.-rtiook both -at the Lucan.a?sl&ntorial 1ontmunity Centre. Cost is
$90 per 'skater. ` i... , r . . . - For more inJ'ortuation or to regisicr.-call Janet 13.untistead at.227-
0029 or instructor !Mike -Hernrm at -171-3929 .
A'otlectiot H1�1lth) ,
Fant�cr'sC {,Derr, <ilC
D{Prose R _ V(%likin �;
{{arty A� Scbsocit ` nor`, nn n,>u�
£ICDuuf'tR:4.: Birds
• They made themselves right at home. Abbey Lane resident' Janet Winters, seen above,
woke up on the'moming of July.10 to discover 10 ducklings in her pool. The mother duck
had already been living in the pool for the previous three days and, according to Winters,
expressed anger whenever anyone got close to the ducklings. In the photo above, Winters'
attehMpts to scoop the ducklings out of the pool proved fruitless as they simply ran back
lr:o the water. Eventually the ducklings escaped on their own and were rejoined by their
mother. • -