HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-22, Page 21Henan, 1700 sq. ft. home. Across from school, fantastic neighbours, 2 blocks from downtown. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, open concept. -beautrh)t pine kitchen, gas .heat, brick fireplace, gas insert. 'main floor laundry, 2 car insulated garage. concrete drive. NO GST. $167,000. Terry (519) 2623032 or 263-5222. • 6. Service* 6 Services STEWARTS HOME RENOVATIONS SINCE 1971. LUCAN, ONT. 1,1 Florida rooms, build & design additions, windows, steel roofing, self storing retractable fabric awnings for decks and windows. FREE ESTIMATES (519) 2274033 J N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. Sand - Grave( - Stone - top Soil • Excavating - Doting - Trucking Driveways • Parking Lots - Ponds Site Preparation Clean-up of:Barn, Houses, Foundations, Silo's -etc." -Calc foran estimate • (519) 235-2489 (Shop) 235-0925 (Office) - 235-2815 (Res.) Exeter Custom Round Baling • 4 ft. wide by 3/6 ft. high Scott Consitt Varna Ont. 565-2728 or 233-929.7 MSales Rep. for Mycogen Seeds. , Corn, Soybeans, Alfalfa 8 Fait MAY . 16 For Sale 1980 P2 GLEANOR COMBINE - Hydro - with straw chopper. 13' header with surd pickup. 4 row black cum lead, very ciao 519.227.42%S after 5 pm) 128•1SSA) 11 Cars, Thicks WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - Cars. trucks and scrap for wrecking Any condition Ask for Paul Campbell. Paul's Auto Marne, 168 Themes Rd W Exeter 235.3922 (261(11) 1983 VW'RABBIT DIESEL • dnven•daily. 211.(00 ktns $7(X) as is Call anytime 284- 2472127.34SA) 1985 HUICK SKYHAWK-- 4 cyl auto. pew tires. 8701) as is oho 235-3030 ask (or I)ai 1301) 1987 FORD CROWN vitt )kIA Good condition. Phone 215-0741 i29- V6SA) . 19119-IX1DGE DAYTONA • blue. 170,00) kris. 2 5 hire auto. pw, pill. pm. pt. needs, canny work and tune up Drove until Feb 9K $700 ob. 284.2288 for into or view (29-1bSA) - 1992 CROWN VICTORIA - 115.00 kin No rust Phone 227.4182 (;11.11.1 1997 CHEV LUMINA - A'duor,-ps, pb. ptmnk. plucks. ac. 35,00) kit) $17,500 oho :earned 237-3488 alter 4pnr I-26.31SA ) 12 Pets PUREBRED MALE BOXER - 7 months old, all shots to date. looking for a loving family with lots of room for him 10 roam Asking 5300- If interested. - please 'colt 23S- 0157. (3(1.1 13 Musical Instniments GUITAR LESSONS - Available in Zurich area on classical. acoustic. 01 electric guitar All ages welcome. call 1519)236-423(' 126tfn) - i HAMMOND.ELECTRIC.ORGAN - c1955 Excellent condition, grunt sound quality $60) Or best offer 238-2471 after 8 pm nr leave message /30,31•) - 100 CRAFTERS AT KINCARDINE Community Centre on July 25.(10.6) and July 26 (10-5). $2.00 Admission. Door prizes, pancake break- fast, penny carnival. Proceeds to Scouting. Call 396-8149. . SAWMILL 54895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS. planks. beams. targe capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566- 6899. Norwood Sawmills. R.R 2, Kilworthy, Ontario POE (GO. Donate your vehicle and support the Chanly,of - LOSE WEIGHT RAPIDLY! AMAZING SLIMMING your Choice. Free Vehicle Pick-up and lax receipt SOf1P - New traditional Chinese hea(Ith care issued. Call 1.800-463-5681. - alldws'you to eliminate body fat by simply wash, ng.. (418)208.3203. KWIK KERB - Own your osin Business: Pan -time " • or -tuff -time. installing on-site. continuouscon ESTIMATOR'REOUIREO by Targe Eastern .creta, landscape edging. Total equipments " ,Ontario printer. Good compensation, including • Proven system, training. 1 -6330.667 -KERB. -profit sharing. Resume and references to Bob CHRISTIAN MINISTRY1BUSINESS•GIPPORTU• Mount, Pettormance Printing, P.O. Box 158, Smiths Falls, Onl. K7A 4T1.• NITY. Join growing network of Christian Fran- r chisees, Serve me lord & your Community. Pro- _ MONTESSORI DIRECTOR. Montessori Elemen- teeted lerreories. In estmenl required, S(GN1F1- lacy School in North Vancouver, B.C., seeks CANT ROI. Training d' support. Call 1.800.663- experienced lead leacher. eligible for B.C. cerlifi- 7326, cation. Start Sept '98. Fax (604)839-9900. Email: TRAVEL BUSINESS OP)?ORTUNITY.•Travel kboydt2icah.net tor details Professionals International is the o tly-way to enter the (ravel industry. Canadian Company expanding. Minimum investment 57500.' 1-800- 799.9910. ACCESS TO CASH ASSETSi RRSP. LIRA or LiF owners, you can tum your investments.inlo cash RiGHT NOW wilhoutpayirig taxes. Deed before a•solicitor. No deposit. Tel: 1-800199- 7040. • HOME ENTERPRISE! PT/FT. 52000 inyeeknent for 6 figures in 6-12 months. 40% profitl Call for tree 2 minute overview. 1.800.320.9895. ext 4647. LEARN AUCTIONEERiNG. Classes held August -15.21, '98. For information contact: Sopthwestem'Onlario School of Auctioneering, R.R. 85. Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9..1:888- 673 -6999 V9._1.888-673.6999 - BE A. SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great' home -study course. Cali loday for your FREE . BOOK. 1.800.267.1329. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 3054, Ottawa, ON K11 6R2. CHARLTON RESORTS Banff and Jasper offers employment opportunities es maids. servers and desk clerks. Subsidized accommodations may be available. Contact Allison Plante, Monday through friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. , phone 403.852- - 5644, lax 403,852.4880. Box 1418, Banff, AB TOE 1E0. • PART-TIMFJFULL•TIME • Seeking mature menu• • lecturers rep. High Gustily Lubricant Products Manufacturer snce 1933. World-wide. ISO 9001 certified. Office out of hone. Be your own boss. • Set your own goals, lifestyles. Visit ow factory. We provide extensive Ireinng,.continuing sup- port. For details by return mal, call Southwestern Petroleum Corp at 1-800-866-0135. SATTENTION STUDENTS% Make a lot of money seNing chocolate_ bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1.800- 383.3589. CANAOIAN PSYCHICS - Uncover secrets of your future. Know what the year Will bring. Accurate and Affordable 1-900-451-7070 $2.89/min. 18.. LACK SELF-CONFIDENCE? Then buy..read and use 'Otani/tics' by L. Ron Hubbard, only 58.99. (pb)+GST, Ca81.800.561.5808 today. Looking lor recreation property? I can help Call for FREE catalogue/current MLS listings for MuskokalHaliburlon areas. JANINE SCOTT. sales rep. Bowes b Cocks Limited, Realtor (705)766-2574 Internet: bowesendcobrs/ Dorset STEEL BUILDINGS...Ends Included. Go Direct. 16 x 24 52,988.00. 21 x 30 $3,760.00. 25 x 40 $5.624.00, 32 x 44.56,835.00.3'4 x56 58,360.00 40 x 60 59,968.00.46 x'70 813,044.00. 56 x90 S22.888.00. Others. Pioneer 1.600.668.5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. M -purpose sbruc- hies featuring 100% useable space. Many mod. els.& sizes. Easy seh•essernb(y. Can 1.800.668- 8653 e)i1 536 lor Factory -Direct Savings, Flnenc- eg 8 Leasing Options BUILDING • Its x 32 with hip -roof. making it 16 feet in height. Can be used for workshop with storage on 2od floor Cao be mored or dismantled Jori rebuilt New red coloured steel on sires with while coloured steel roof Chimney installed • Asking $6500 or best offer 461.1212 or 229-8910 tor More information (27-34SA) CASE 930 TRACTOR - built. I -Ford Illi) lawn mower. 1 Foley 'reel mower grinder. fir totiller and snowblower attachrnent (0, Cub Cadet & Lawn Moser. 2 roiotillersUu, engine) 5.500 Ib fork0lt.( Ipt hitch) 1 sed 20 8x 38 tires,- good for duals 1-307 Old Engine and traoy. Acorn stove Ca11.349- 2304126.11SA1 CO? Pl1TER FACTORY SPECIAL One year po payment and free scanner Pentium 200hnmx, loaded. Internet. printer, software and more SINwk (oar) Phone 1.8(X) -51S 5545 Frce delisery (28.31x) Visscher Farms Country Market Cauliflower 2/$-1., Broccoli, Potatbes. Sweet Corn. Frozen fruits by the pail, now ready for order. Open Mon. -Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 5 km W. of Exeter on Hwy. 83 237-3442 Times-Alii'ocate; July 22, 1998 Page 21 19 Property For Sale 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 20 Property For Rent 3 BEDROOM HOUSE - 2 baths. downtown_. Exeter $600/ntonth plus utilities Call -S19- 653.1460(30') APARTMENT - 2 bedroom: tiled hath: country home 5399 plus 'first/last, tease 235-01921260n) BROOKSII)E APARTMENTS - Large luxury 2 bedroom apt: controlled entry. ensure laundry. 3 appliances. storage area. designed per mature adults Available July I. Phone 519-235-2961 (26tfn1 CkEDITON•-.Spacious.1 -bedroom apt with tau dry f 'ft a 5110/month plus utilities n act First & last required Available immediately DRY MAPLE FIREWOOD - "Sweetheart" -..235-3472 (26160 Elmira stove. Massey -Ferguson 35 Multi- . CRED(TON AREA : 4+- bedroom: country home. gas heat. new windows. targe tat. cal for more information 214-6135 or 234-6227 - 130•) power Tractor with bucket and snowblower. Call 229.6594 or 235-2718 (30') FIRE -Woo -O.- seasoned hardwood hickory.. beech. ash. maple. delivered and.picked up Phone Dignan Landscaping.236-4457 -(2616n) UPRIGHT PIANO - older model --great for - tieginner 23S-0635 (30') . - GUiTAR & PIANO LESSONS Available Hegrnner to advaincedall styles of music, . 'Exeter Music Centre 2 7S-126' (261(11) 14.Appliances, Television AIK.CONDITIONEK - GE. !0.(1(10 BTU Excellent condition. Electrolux Saks. Service & Supplies Used models available 235-1164(30-32'l • 16 For Sale SLAB FIREWOOD FOR SALE We buy Woodlots MILLER WOOD PRODUCTS 235-2516 16' CANOE -BY NOVA CK-AF`r - 5120(1 Wood lathe- with accessories built by Busy Bec. 5350 Call after five„ 284-1814 (26- 33SA Berme Bibles / Coke Collectibles . We have over 100 current & retireds in stock including Princess from 58.95 - 559.95 Peace - from 58.95 539.95 We need Maples and all retireds. We buy -sell -trade! Coke items from 1960's to current. liamoinesi -93 • 130 Garafraxa S., Durham 514.369-6456 19 ACRES OF WHEAT - and 9 acres of ,. aceond cut hay. . Prospect Hill. 519-225- , :2836 (31)-37SA) -•30' ADMIRAL STOVE -- almond. Couintertop Convenction Oven like new Phone 284-1797 (29-36SA) ' 30' GAS _(ANbE - Cagorha,:Iike new. Amend. 5550. Call 2414-1956 (28-35SA) . etAffit' ibt h'a lilf 4 S'ArEi4Y•'t, (ne 8111 Ooes ItbAl( l' ,. ,•:%"Nortliem Onterle, • • est J j ° ' 1f ?$138 •Western Ontario 130 !,Central Onta 1 �. e All Onforto $390 ., . • Natlotwd Packages Aysilabte paper for details! The Times-Advpcate urges our readers to use caution when send- ing money for business opportunity or employment advertise- ments. Be certain .you are dealing with a reputable company be- fore • releasing any credit card information. Remember... if any advertisement sounds too good to be true, it is. .65 COLLECTOR'S SPOONS • To view phone 235-1210.(30•), • ARROWWOOD FARM - Pick your own Blueberries 51.65/Ih.Contarhers provided. Four roads smith 'of Melbourne on County - Rd r Turn right half mile Mon -Fri 8-8 Sat 8.5' Closed Sunday 5(9.289-2403 (27tfn( . ..i AVAILABLE: NO3v' • Pickling cucumbers & popcorn. Coining 50011 tomatoes & .peppers. Call 234-6480,cvenings for pores acid availability. (30-32') ,BEETS - Any size 'for pickling. Order ahead at pougalls Berries & Veggies 235- 1491 (29tfn) ' DUST It is not too late to suppress your dust problems on your , gravel parking lot or .; driveway. We can supply & apply our economical spray. PERTH. DUST CONTROL 595-8025 C 0 N T R 0 L FREE SKID PALLETS - Exeter Times Advocate wants to recycle. their non• retumaple wood pallets Please contaci Al Hager' at 229-6759 to arrange. pickup. These pallets can,brused for shipping. Storage or rust firewood Recyle...11'pays' 1300x) - 11ARi)TOP - and steel doors for. Jeep CJ': good condition. quilt frames for various - saes pias stands .22W-1505 (24-36SA ) HOLTONFB LAT TRUMPET - 56(10. Blessing Marching Mellophone S975. Imperial 11 flat Valve Trombone $401: 120 (lass Accordion 5150. Lafayette 11 Qat'. Clarinet SI50. call 284-0089 (28.35SA1 JOHN DEERE RIDING LAWNMOWER Bhp 3(r cut. good condition. Call 284-2864 or 284-3169131(-37SA) - MARK'S HOME GROWN ROASTING CHICKENS - taking orders for Aug. 6 deli very.. (8-11 lbs) Call 238.8684 (30:31 • PARKS BLUEBERRIES - U -Pick blueberries Open -9=6 daily, weather - permitting Located Hwy. 2, east of Thaniesville. 5I9-692.5373(29-35) • • ' •PATONS YARNS• = Disc • ount Prices. .Run's Health Centre. kensall (261fn) SAWDUST & SHAVINGS - We can load ; your truck. Call R.1. Dungey & Sons. • Mitchell 519-348-8477.(19-301 ' r MAHOGANY DINING; ROOM SUITE - rncludes-Duncan Phyfc table with 3 leavee, 4 chairs, china cabinet & buffet. 235-4((16 atter Spni 125-32SA) • - - - - SOLID WOOD TRIM - and furniture -diningrootu. bedroom sets. Come see what we sell.. melvtn Albrecht.' south of Si. Marys off No 7 highway on Cherryhill road..3rd place right house. No: 24081 (26-33SAI STERLING 40M BTU GAS BARBEQUE - Brand -New Asking 5225 519-294-6125 t 30-37SA ( WHEAT STRAW - a x 5 round bales. call 229-8203 (30:31')' . WHITE DiSCS - No 255:. 36 plate with hydraulic ram: excellent shape. 7' steel t - posts; 9' treated anchor posts. 519-461-0597 (29.36SA ) WOOD FOR SALE - Good dry mixed 'hardwood. by the cord or 1/2 tonne pickup truckload Will deliver.Cail 225-2609 offer 6pui.(26-33SA1. • YARDMAN ' (Beetle) riding lawnmower with grass catcherlike new 51.200 can been seen in Rannoch 1778" Rd 139 across The Old Mill (26.33SA) 17 Wanted To Buy HOG FEEDERS NEEDED- Used Grober or similar hog feeders. 519-236.4865 (30•) , TK ACTOR WITH OK WITHOUT LOADER- Any condition Excellent price paid 519-523-4260130;32;341 WANTED: CARS & TRUCKS -.for. wrecking Any condition. Will buy any ' scrap metal You will be surprised at our pores Pickups tan be arranged. 234-6252 Advanced Auto Pans. (261fn) - s- - -- - •,TOP DOLLAR ('Alt) - for older cars. trucks. scrap. etc Brock's Auto 228-670). h1; Carmel Road. Safety inspections 535.00. Auto repairs. (24tfn) r • 18 Wanted OLD GREY BARNBOARD • any lengths.. Lucan 227-4920 (24-3I SA ) WANTED TO RENT -. 2 bedroom house in Exeter. Preferably south end of town Please send replies to Box 109. do Exeter Times Advocate, Box 850, Exeter. Ont. NOM 156 (29;30•) , - -19 Property ForSale 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Nine years old, gas•fumax'e, hot-water tank, central air, water softener. attached garage. finished rec. room. 92 Devoti Dr. Exeter: -23S•3740 (28- .32x) MOTHER'S CONDOFORSALE r 8 Lake Rd Grand fiend: Old Orchard Park. 2 bedroom, 2nd Boor. Total .operaling costs, condo fees. saxes. water. sewage and electric approx. 5250 monthly. You can't beat ',.Call 238-2031 (23tfn) Lawn .` (;aid -n 7-7 n i t tit )inert Clearance Prices July only 1 7,, FARM EQuIPMEN' LIMIrn() Hensall 262-2605 M I adv 11 ' ( „))111'1 I t u) 70)4)11 RESORT -AREA - Close to all amenities Excellent'value: 2. bedroom, finished ret room. Appliances included. Maintenance free. Good starter or retirement home. 238- 211608-31') BUILDING LOT 65.95'X119.75' • 186 Watetloo St. W. Exeter. Call evenings only 235-060812111n) - - DOWNTOWN LOCATION One Whet .ugits available rerun Loll of parking -Rents 5350 01 plus hydro Call Dave 235-2171 1271fn) ` ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS. HENSALL - Bachelor, 1;2 or 3 bedrooho aplso available now Lovely. clean units. Coll .Doug 262:1027 or Dwayne Turney at G K -Realty 235-2420 t 1)tln EXETER - .One bedroom ground floor apartment tit fourplex available Aug 15/98 •Prefer non smoker. no pets. references 235- • 3114 t24tfni ' EXETER -;2. bedroom bungalow. nicely decorated. gas Cogitate. rear deck. storage shed. large lot. )ridge and stove supplied - available Aug 111th 5615 per month. plus utilities 'Call 235=1304. and leave name and telephone number 1250n)EXETER - Newer I. bedroom apt Fridge and stove supplied. Call 235-3293 (26tfn1 -. DASHWOOD -. 1 and 2 bedroom opts _ 5395, and S450monthly:,,inuludes apphances`laundry tacilutg available Call RE/MAX 'Jluewater Realty,Inc Marlene Parsons at 235-3777 (26(011 EXETER - 1 bedroom townhouse Call 215.4694 (29100) - Tender for Auditor Request tor engagement letter to prepare annual audit for Sauble Court Senior Citizens Apartment, Grand Bend Tenders to be received, by August 11,:.1998. Lowest nornecessarily accepted. Enquiries; Nancy Thomas 519-238-8695 FOR SALE 1 HENSALL - new, ready to choose your. own colors, 1700 sq. ft. , with large garage, 2 -.baths, 3 bedrooms, Iivingrogm..family room/dining/kitchen with cathedral ceiling. Main floor laundry, fully landscaped, cement 'drive, quiet street, has school bus pick up, 5 year new home warranty. Call 262-2029. Broker protected. EXETER • 2 bedroom apt available now .Ground level; 5350/month Electric heal. ideal for elderly Call 235-0565 (281fn Auction Reminder Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874 This week, Wed., July 22 at 5 p.m. at South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter Dispersing a large offering from the Stanley estate in Bosanquet along with additions for Mrs. L. Culbert and Mr. L. MacNaughton, including household effects. appliances. antiques, collectible smalls. toots. china and glass and much more. Coins to be 'sold at 8:45 p.m. (approx.) Two auctioneers. Invitation to submit Proposals for Masonry Restoration of Stone Walls at Huron Historic Gaol, 181 Victoria St. N. in Goderich. Workto be completed by Nov. 15th, 1998 Site meeting to review scope of work will be held: Tuesday, July 28, 1998 - 10:00 a.m. Use Main Entrance to Gaol off Gloucester Terrace. Huron County Museum &'Historic Gaol 110 North Street, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 2T8 (519) 524-2686 LARGE AUCTION SALE - To be held. at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for Gordon .and Rose Scotchrner plus several additions. ,r Saturday. July 25 at 9 a.m. VEHICLE: 1083 Dodge Van V8 automatic runs good. sell as is. APPLIANCES: Washer and dryer, dehumidifier nearly new.. electric sewing machine, colour TV, ceiling fan light nearly new. ANTiOUE FURNITURE: Antique Victorian side board with carved fruit mustache pulls, etc. large spinning wheel', two antique flat to wall cupboard bottoms, wicker rocker, table top phonograph; child's commode chair. child's rocker. 4 handmade quilts. Kroehler dresser with mirror. power lift and recliner chair. double box. spring and mattress (good one), single .box spring and mattress, wooden frame day bed with single mattress; floral chesterfield with pull out bed (nice one). recliner chair beige swivelAscker rose colour,' platform rocker (all good ones), kitchen cabinet, chests of drawers. coffee 'and end table; gdod lawn furniture, several . new NSA water purifiers, nev...'NSA air purifiers, beaver jar; gas engine, grass whip, aluminum ladder, 5 rolls .chain link fence. Kerosene heater. jack all jack. electric,,,hedge trimmers, electric motors, golf clubs', 2 computers monitors and printer, records. dishes. glassware etc.. much more than advertised. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. Auctioneer Richard Lobb 519-482-7898 Clinton www.auctionhotline.com We are accepting good additions for upcoming auctions. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER Please note that the following has,a specific date and time for site visit to view the work. His MANDATORY that contractors at-, tend the site visit. There is one only site visit. Paving Contractors • Tender H11398/15 Paving at South of Bldg. #6 and West to Bldg. #88 - Removal of existing surface ' - Grading and preparing for paving Paving an area measuring approx. 70.000 sq. ft. SITE VISIT - Wednesday, July 29 at 10:30 a.m. "The Ontario Government intends that. equitable employment prlictices be supported in the private sector and encourages you to take an active role in -achieving the goals of qmployment equi- ty." individual Sealed Tenders for each of the above contracts will be received until 12:00 NOON LOCAL TIME ON FRIDAY, AU- GUST 7, 1998. Tender documents. may be obtained from the Ontario Develop- ment Corporation, Huron Industrial Park, Huron Park, Ontario, NOM 1Y.0. For further information -regarding these tenders please call (519) 228-6657. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTABLE. . MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC, DEVELOPMENT, TRADE & TOURISM