HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-22, Page 13Second Section - July 22
Big local connection in next chapter of Avro Arrow history
- By (.:raig Bradford
-1 !ityorat
. MOCIkuyvit,U .7I1kIC'H - A
:-ontrovereirat part ut i an:ullar,
nict:))-\ ane the attempt t:s:veal:
soritething pi►siUy t Iron) it hay
hurt {ckcal- ,•nnsie.II )I. -
Mooresville , Marr\ 1: Sinai: and
Zurich s C'Itt6ctrc! Nicintosli,.ut tw:
of the important r)..t ' • )1 `tilt -
devclopmcnt to. tin _ I. .randy
fighter int an;; -on:. *-
tc present its 'wax.
Mclntosh. "1,:_\,;r ..rata t,1 the
engineersey -thin')rl.t;: l;n Arrow
ant! spc. 1fical!'. ,r. the mtallnilt
Avro Arrays \'.r , wit,
as -ionic). ::Urp)ra11c)r. jU.,l \-•-)r t.:'F '
or..utttnt :it!: t::_hn
luJt;:.:m:'• i{r- Ch:.�tn,)i'. w.' i1t:
ill tat., nr:n:.
1:= tte-y i;)t the
--rliost i::_tnt'.nogi.al'\ aryarr..
-fighter .
aheac Wine ::)inn-uh) ,t Ipti t
cit tar ctc•ittn. Int. 'mute:t wit
dismantle:; r\ til: ie(teru •
`. governlmem is the Unit, rit'act.: 1'
1)rimchltntstt.:int :n I,nh:it.e
The stteiytnr-t' list \n ch+ :n:,etratt
tee is iii enc \:: )
dryer Irla' " heaUln< UI':• ii".t teal)
that wilt try t.' r%_"r: t hitt f\prow
mode!` tn;it w_)t tc.;te;: Mata )rata
(.1ntaric Iron '4-ftf -1 n: t)r4)1:•.
'called Amite Canada ke:oven '9t
and Is headed h\ London s Bill
the surface
• "T4ie ph I?teni tsn i fioV. much the -
models weigh hut the depth of _
water some of then, may he resting
' ut Smith said her team wilt ht-
t'drying 1)L -100-•20f) of..water skithin
whai citiought as t, -5(1(1 rachus of.
Where all the models are'thought tc) -
rest-. The : oncertf t! some of the
models may he to even deeper •
water. a depth scuba divers cannot• -
d,ve to
Scoff hits uttttost confidence in •
whop lir chose as the team dive
leader -
"(Smith t is an exceptionally well .
trained utdtvidual.'she sant. Adeline,
.iie.ts.inipressed with her - • -
"thortiiighness, and s;tiery`
cansCniusness '
The. team headed t:,:the 1 remora
are;, to, whatStnrt). t.alied'-a road
tri : t: final' istrt •tratectar( Atter a
few• mere rtia:f trips.thatt will
include tesunc suctt as Sonat. -tilt
leant wilt dt. c 101 the models over. -
•Iht next c0UtiI: 0! \uininers . - -
-•Smuts is itching t:• d: [hc stilus: .
d vine tax the-orotcct
•'4. In pumped.'tihe.saut,"''T'hu a '
the mostexcntni' Morel cools it 'eT
think`!; be involved Jr,' -
H apnea the modeles are-nrouetn 1:
me surface:eatat will find -a home •
ntuseun, The hist fourart
aireada earmarked tine each i0•
ki><l eittic. Crntan•' > l\auona
Aviation Museum. _Trenton s Astra:
Ablation Museum. 9inontc,
Aerbsp;te Aviation Muscunl and
#{anulion s Canadian War "I'kant•-
He,uagc Museum. Scott said hti c"
. like ill find a -London ,tome Jor ont -
of the rcinauung models
'Semi -said- thedisttmltntling of .,tit
Anow q)n)ter is a -•travesty of
krrid lnai-should {)t•y'er.be repeated
ilki.t.rt_doing tlus,tor the youth
iii tod.iv t0 Stilly,. lhcin stn • •
ps>ssttiiln� that their, creams car
conic truc.' he said -
those working on the prutee'
are •vtiltiuteerintl that taut. Scot
said, and the funds are ce)nunr
!Tont donations iron) all tyres of
pt:upkc and •businesties. One itrmt
Scutt tnputting entitle {Trotted Is
where the' talent and funds are ,
, cusnnil boor ' -
• "I -rat truing ('okeep_n Canadian
fit• said -
A trust Lund has been setup-iu
.culiect donations Wards. the
prulect•s uperahng:expenses. items
the team especially need include it
compressor and a generator and
Scott said even a- loan lor the
autnmei wuuld'be'appreciated
! tiu�e wishing to helti-Arrow
'Canada Recovery '9b can call
Snndi ,n
227- 1256
The protect is recetving_backuh
support lion, the Canadian Coast
Guard and nahunal-nntnstry nl
Scotts patriotism shows. through
when hes pruned deeper about the
cuntrovernr surrounding the end u!
the Arrow - •
"I -still get upset when.1 see what
firs country could have been:" he-
satd.."We could have been a leader
in many industries.'
Scott said much of Avro's tor
minds went to work [c►r compante>
In the U.S. and U.K. Avro
technuhrgy was so -ahead oI its holt
that aviation engineers have yet to
repeal: many Avro developments.
Scott -said Avre. breakthroughs in
metallurgy and other areas are still
used in the U.S. space and aviation
industry -as well as in the U.K.
Though the wound is over 40 .
years old. McIntosh, too, finds the
scar easily opened. Mclntosh was 11
member of the 'area rule program'
team th&was in charge of the
Arrow's sTiape to keep air drag
down and attain the high speeds
called for by its designers. He was
the one who added the Arrow's
'stinger' at the end of the jet and
grist, designed the booster that
would put the Arrow into free flight
in the upper.atmosphere.
McIntosh was also one of the
few Avro engineers who was
assigned to oversee the dismantling
South: a 10- veal divine. veteran
is a leadet-in het fteld ane!
spcciah7.es in tnstru:non and travel-.
adventure trans around the world _
and holds ercctenttals-hon)-the
haitonal AssUctahon of tindcrwatct
-lu1 111! tors. the Protosstonal
Ass LIatlon of J)tvers instruction
and •lt-. hnical'lhying Internauci•nijt
• The scale models. each with a '-
t:'?' wing span and E.7- tuseiage.
wc)t-!t, shoo: 601) (hs each. Thy ry
m,tdels were designed n• test- -
spc:c111. things su.h as statute s. -
a erLlt h)iamtcs and toll movements
'flit rnueiei- .Vere te.sted:Tong U
Nike haoste r rocket over Lata
'. ?titan hecata.t there were no wine!
piton_ :> at
int -:unit designed it, test .
air.:rali ma: coul`t• 1'\ at- last as the
IN-rnettthet Lean, spent 51).
mouth, off• re>ear:hmr whet:. tot .
Arrow Ilkieiet- aI. uta' ft: on tht-
tafi_ ftaar usint` 1111-innaooh iron •
rarntt1 .'.l 7'tii-nite - 111:t
1oi I11I i)51. :`:711 .,):•21:t_:itIU1t, (L
tra1 is-) ar t; \trap - tt; niodV •
ye ei LC. Ic.- tilt lead- Illi
t)tntl )Illttil N'tti'rt the ntactet}'
tiTtiiillC b[ t.,i\y 7' 1111): l:, wink) 01
itishow hit' "i: t,rini' the morel, 1
Ready to dive. Mgoresvilie Many•: Snirt' showsoff some of
her scuba gear. - Smith !rs' the give (cadet .o' --the Arrow Canada
Recovery '98 protect. Its massiorr? Tit recover{rine Avro-Arrow.
models• trom the bdttorn of Leake .Ontario near -.Trenton,• - • •
Bitter memorise. Zurich's 'Clifford McIntosh holds an Avro
Arrow #204 model in his basement. Behind him are dozens
of other aircraft models. Mclntosh was one of the engineers
that designed • the Arrow, Canada's brightest light in its,
aviation history and its b'- -1--
of the •: rampant '
Hes tired of the ennsiani scrutiny
INe Avro Arrow stony. is- under, by •
today s.mcdia
• "personalty 1 wish If would quit-'
he ):std bluntty " Vy'hut could be
done- now " There Were marry
mtsiaket done to suluig In, 36.000
- pc opie out eft wurI. 1t •wet. u
- tremendous Wow to -the economy
Those 36.(KI0 pe opkc-nu:luded the
• ahctus.14.(Nt(1 that Worked at Avtc:.
and the numerous industries that
• supponed the plant The end of
Avro also spin up Orcgda Engines
aviation desrtrn tears,, -- -
Mclntosh said•nt) one will -ever -
know e.pervtlfing tiehtird the end of •
Avro and its Arrow-- but id ho
()Bratton the end was-simpi+ -
confltct of personatt'ttes•
!'-(li"was 1 usii the auimusn
between -Diet -and our (Avro.:
president Crawford-Gordhn
Their Was a bramdrmn trona
Gonad`:► ict the t'.5: immediately
atter tnc.cnu of Avr::. Mchnossh said
echoing Scant
-- :'The' Wein mine States and all
ttt:• plane). sufnetliaking 00 scribe o!•
the charactcrisucs c,l'ihe Arro A ' he
said, •
Mei ninth wasont• of those -
travclling minds as well Atter Avr::..
• hrtoinedthe engineering team at - -
RschardscinBoats -in•New Yort:,;tate
and next moved to deHavilland:in' -
'Toronto - ' •
1 -le returned to the U.S to work
roti. kc:ll Aeroi pats• ir: Wheatfleld.
New York There he worked tin the:
Apollo proter.ti and Helped design
• the engine that blasted the
• astronauts aft the ntiian to gel tc
Mgr orbiting command module He
mowed to Zurich when the Grand
Bend-Beil "plant 'opened in 'a1 -The
plant made tic,vercruft-for the 'US
rnuhtar� Zurich became Mclntosh's :
permanent home -
.-McIntos-h slaved at the Grand
Bend plant till --7 ;when he left for
Mc -Donnell Douglas in Long -'
bleach. C.alifctrnta There he worked,=
on the.MDKU and MD 71• ietltner •
_series' • • • -
V1'hen Mclntosh reured'tn '83: he ,
returned to -Zurich pother than go
baci: to -his birthplace. Hamiltot. Cr
whir_• nc ere -w up IJI the'7aront.
area -
1'If never get buck tc( a hie t.ity
again.' the spry. Ma:•lniostt sal
"1t''- toe) peaceful here -
He still follows ••iosely any ncy,
developments in aviation
take Aviation Weekly
rchFloush." he said "it's my I11:
gust h -ed an affinity tor atrcraf-t
- Mclntosh recalls walking miles
to the nearest atrfteld while a hoy
Just to sob the aircraft He tiptoed the Royal Canadian Air Force
during the Seccind World War but
never realized his dream of - -
becoming a•pilot. •
• "1':m tectimcally blind rn one ey'e
so I had•to settle for being an
engine technician -You knbu. the
-. guy who chartges'thc• oil an.: spat -I; -
_phi s .
7. You -can tell he still has the '.arra:
love of flying he had as.a.-h,y h. :
visiting his home.. dvidntosr. . - • -
widower with three grand: hildrer
-tht3t lire in Toronto -suburbs. ha-
atrcraftphotographs-and desicn--
motfels he has yi•prkcd-or r '
prorninent pibces (1.', tht•-mat r..fioo
of his home. And it the basemen: -
M;intdstl.has a treasurt--ii- ive .`:
aircraft,mc)dels.. tr►:ludtn. hr Avt'••
The'' ate -`>.nn :a' Oaktvucfc -'Mixed, Iv
t(): ummunit� � in t South Huron for transpor t, D--
From left, president of Community' Living- Raul Turnbull: chairman of golf., fund-raiser a'
Oakwood Bob W tliams and eXecutive director of Community Living Bruce Shaw displeh
cheque for $7;000 raised for Community Living." One hundred nine :golfers took part! ;r
this year's tournament- . .
Special' thanks and rralfprectation g4
-- ljaht'
Cirrporate Donators
Andes Metal-Pioducls (gull balls; ,
Becker I•ann Equipment ' -
Big O'Int. ' - -
Cobble Design Inc -
Cook's Divis►un of Parrish &
Hetnibeck el Limited • •
hoc Campbell Ford Lincoln Mercury
Sales Lid - -
Geo- A. Gudbult Insurance Agent:,
Ltd. •
Hensall District (u -operative
Huiun Mutur'Pipcfucts Ltd
Huron Apothecary Ltd; -
Huron tractor Ltd . • . -
J.M.R. Electric Ltd.
McCann keds -Mix Inc
Petersen Ergonomics Inc. -
Regal Capital Planner
Rowlands insurance Bickers Ltd.
ShoDrug Man - Exeter
den Trupperscking Inc.
Wallis Motors Limited
Prise Ds aalurs
Active Labels Inc
Aunt Gussie's
Bakelar Jewellers
Bank of Montreal '
Barefoot Pedlar
Bayview Gotland Country Club
Best's Restaurant
Bluewater Golf Course
Brian's Service Centre
C.G. Faint Supply
Canadian lire - Exeter
Casual Industries
CFPL 98 Radio
CJBKitadio Station
Colunial Hotel Ltd.
to the /o11owing-sport ors of the
St:atcherd' Oak ood•J'in & Gn1
Dimities hole Iuiumpie & 1k'nlduw
MI Muga - Gritnd Bend - , --
EiGson '1 ravel & 'louts
Ernst & Young Chartered Accountant
LItcter Window & Doan, Kugel •
'Culbert -
Exeter Goll Club ' '
Fanner Bills Flowers
•Flewclhog:-Lloyd& lin,
Pun!. Hank & Frankie
Four Seasons Jewellery Design ,
Gasser Ktteale lusurane Brokers 1
Citlpin hurnnute -
Grand Bend Cfutupractie Health.
Centre-• _ -
Grand Haven 'railer Par}.
Grand Bend Decorating Ceram.
Grand Cove Estates Ltd
(Rogan Ford Sales Ltd
H.O. Jerry 1983 Ltd
Hayter's Turki:y Ptoduets Inc
Hessenland Country Inn .
Hofftitan & Sons Funeral Hunte
Huron Country Playhouse-.
lee(ulture Inc.
lmpenal Esso, Grand Bend
Ironwood Golf Club
J. Dee's Summer Steak House
Love's Nest Inn
Lyndtshlre Golf & Country Club
• MacDonald C rev -Olds • .
MacLeans Home Hardware
Mary Kay Products
Mcpooatds Restaurants of Canada -
McIntyre T.V. & Appliances
1998 Oakwood
f C1u1' •-
McSherre. Atin & Jerry
• Meng Design -
Merry kegs - - ' -
Mulsun Breweries •
• Uakttdgc KO Sates 1197' 1 I.Lnnicet'
Uakwuud -I raaspc'r
PO C, Int -
Peckitt s Mens Y.tat
- Pennyw)se Pruntouun-.
• . Pillsbury Canada. Ltd -
Pinis Untainted
-Paid Delight
to Prospers Garage Ltd
. Robert (,1's -
Rosiell Wanner Marine
- Kvyai Cd,adian Legion r
Royal Bank -
Sand Hilts Golf Resort
Sehilbe True Value Hardware -. -
Shuppers Drug Mart • Grand Bend
Smith -Peat Routing Ltd
Soulh•Hurun•Wtnduw and Dour
South Huiun Vetennary Clinic
St. Marys Golf Club -
Sttickiy Golf -
Superior Prupanc Inc
Tender Spot Value Man
The House of Hags
The Health Nur
Toronto Dominion Bank
Union Gas
W.G. Thompson & Suns
Whipple Tree Stables
Widder'Station Golf Club
Wilhants Optical
'Williams, Bob and Ellie
Wright's Grand Bend IGA
Wuetth's Shoes