Times Advocate, 1998-07-22, Page 8f Lots to do at Fun Day There was lots to see and do at the Crediton Optimist's Fun Day on Saturday. There were dog obedience and ka= rate demonstrations, car and tractor "displays, games, • horse rides and a dinner and dance- among other. activ- ities. Above, Orland . and Laurabelle Reichert. of Hensall show off their 1932 Chev Sedan Deluxe. •-Below, Ron Bow- ers - (centre) from Bernardo Karate in Crediton. gem-- onstrates the skill of dynamic tension. Bell ringers perform in Grand Bend GRAND, BEND - The musical- . presentation at .Grand ,Bend United ,Church on July I2 was-by•The • Ccjcbration 13d1 Ringers from Colborne and Centennial Uniied Church in London. Director of the -;- gro(rp. Cathie B'anks. sang a sold'. " Bist;Ou-Bci. Mir". Scriptures were read by Bob Southcott. The meditation given by • Rev. R. Putman was titled "Hearing the real message''. ide spo,ke on - being. neighborly. Lucy • Sage led, ' • the oaten hymn sing with_ requests from the eongregation. _ - At the Open air service On July . Page 8 Trues -Advocate, July 22, 19‘04 Zurich prepares for fair weekend Hy Cannel Sweeney Zurich correspondent • ZURICH - Tickets are available for the elimination draw and dance to be held July 24 at 8 p.m. in die. Zurich arena. The cost is SIO with chances to win as much as $I.000. The ticket includes Tune -h. The Lions Club and Zurich.Fair Board arc sponsoring this.event: The official opening of -the, Zurich Fair starts in the auditorium this Friday at 7;30 p.m. with a vari- ety pr }gram. • On Saturday the parade gets underway at 1.1-30 a.m. with the the.me "Community Partnerships"..- There artnerships"..There will be several.activities throughout.the day. - 'On Sunday the horse show begins at 11 a.m. at the fair grounds while at 2 p.m. in the Community Centre there will be an. Old Time Fiddler's Jamboree. A buffet sup- per will be served from -5 to 7 p.m. Tickets are available (pr the chicken barbecue at the Mennonite Church tW. Thursday from 4:30 to 7..30 p.m. The cost is $9.50 far adults anal 55 for children under 12. Phone 236-4933. • The annual fundraising golf tour-. nament hosted by Don (Corky) and Shirley Bedard was held on July 18 followed by a'barbecue supper-. Proceeds from the day will be sent to Bro. Bob Mittleholtz io jndia. The Zurich Library has new hours for Friday. It is now -open. from 2 to 7 p.m. - • - - Forty children- are participating in the Zurich swimming program. They go -.by bus every. Wednesday and Thursday morning to the pool in Vanastra. Parents are welcome to conic:- and:watch their children. Phone ahead if -any of the children will not be .attending, Carmel at '-36-4702 or*Katie at 236.4567. • . The Women's Institute held an executive Meeting fast -week at the Spruce Villa Apartments. Plans are (Icing Made by President Bridget Groot and committee, to have a -tea room. in. the township hall on August 22 -during the bean festival. "Platt to make some homemade soup to enter in -the Zurich Fair "Soup of:the Match' conipetition. fntgnnation is-on-pagenight of the prize Jist booklet. Each fair in Huron County will hoose a winner - of the hest soup made front local products. The- winners will. then go" to. the "Best of:the-Fair" competi- tion in October -in Exeter: From there the overatl champion soup wilt become the "Soup of•.thc Match" for. 'the international Plowing Match to he held near Dashwood from September .2.1 16 23.-1999. • Personals Kevin ,and Shelley. Geoffrey and their three- children enjoyed .a week's .vacation in northern 'Michigan at a cottage, along with - friends Pat and Gail•Cyr. ' The family. of Nora_ Corrivcau• held their. annual •summer reunion in Dashwood recently. , .. , • A house warming party .was held ifGrand Bend for Carrie and Dan Eybergen of Oakville on -Saturday 'evening.'The Gybergens had just . returned from a vacation to Georgia where -they visited friends.. The family of Phil and Linda ,Regier helped themecelebrate their •3Oth wedding anniversary:on Saturday at .the home of daughter . Patti and Joey Groot. They enjoyed a.garden party and pig roast. On Sunday a Mass was said for their intentions at Si..Boniface Church followed by a family brunch at the Regier home. - Ruby Church from London visit- 19 at Grand Bend United church. the special music presentation Were.' solos by May Dolinan of London-. a blind woman accompanied by het_ seeing eye Golden Labrador ,dog. Rev. R. Putman's nieditari(n.was on "Staying"focused." He corn-.. -pared worldly things to spiritual things. ' -Frank. Loscornhe gave the scrip- ture readings. Lucy,Sage conducted the open hynrr> sing and.gave the prayers for the people. - . The U.C.V. hake and craft sale will bethcld August 5 at 11_ a.m.,on the church lawn. - Warm weather great for outdoor meals at Queensway '- HENSALL. Fun,and Fitness started ,the .week off for residents ill' ' Queensway Nursing Home on Monday morning. _ • r - Theair conditioning allowed thein to carryon with their regular pre-: grams in conifort during this hot. humid spell. In the aftcrnoon.an cream parlor was held outdoors. Marg Cole provided assistance. Winnie Hutton. Pastoral Care Volunteer, Ted the church and memoriaj' - service Tuesday.afternoon. Belva Fuss was'the volunteer organist. . • Several nursing home residents took part in a picnic dutdobrs Wednesday afternoon. They had planned a country drive and picnic but the weather was just -too hot so they decided to enjoy,their meal under the shade trees. Edna Deiti provided assistance. Thursday afternoon residents stirred up -h batch of rice krispie squares. under the direction of Nancy Young. - . Rest Home residents'gathcred outdoors for a bafbec•,ue Friday at noon as Administrator Ted Underwood and Connie Townsend (lipped'the burgers" and hotdogs. The Auxiliary volunteers help at these weekly barbecues py • helping residents' outdoors and serving the meal. • • • ' A video was scrcened•Friday afternoon, a Readers Digest Travelogue. In the evening resident's and visitors took part in a card party during Friendship Friday.. • . • The Highland Dancers will entertain following the Senior Diners on July 23 at 7 p.m. - ' IC • I • ufacturer of the Finest Quality Ice Cream! •- TASTES LIKE HOMEMADE! - PIES nd - Tenderspot - erry Rader's Market Knechtel art - Foodtown • ---4 • oro Call H 51 tort -8 ASP 2 Layer - 9r Round Ice Cream Cakes MADE-TO- ORDER! • • '.'.9 • 8 LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER Festival School of Hairstyling, Stratford is accepting registration for their September classes Make-up Artistry and Nail Technology offered at no extra charge. Financial assistance available for those who qualify. For further information call 519-271-9551 • ed with her twyi sister Ruth Church at Queensway Nursing Home in Hensall this -past week. They were celebrating their 83rd birthdays on July 22. She also visited with brother Bruce and Louise Church: Andrea and Mark Watson of Barrie visited with her parents Bob and Linda Hendrick on Sund4Y.' A buck and doe was held for Cathy Jacobs' and Ron Wilson in Exeter 'on July 17. She is •the daughter of John and Mary Jacobs. Hensall and plan to he married on August•.I5. ' •married: A buck and due for -Jodi Erb and Mark Weigand was held at the arena.on July 17. Jodi'is the -daugh- ter of Chuck and Tanya:•Erb, Zurich. The couple are getting -mar- ried In October: A buck and doe. was -enjoyed -by several friends and relatives on July 18. for Amy Wildfong and' Rob • Burk at the- arena;'Amy is the `daughter. of Susan wildlong' in' Ztfrich. T . ' couple are planning wedd '..aur September. • Lauren Danielle Reg, • . daughter of Tim and Jacqui, was baptized at • Si Boniface Church by - Fr. Wionski on July 12. • Tyrell Deckan Schroeder, son of • Alicia Schroeder, Hensall, was bap -tined on July. 19. .. • :George and Rosalie Harvey from Redford, Michigan spent last week --at their cottage north of St. Joseph. .:They visited his sister.Marie and Mozart (,,clings Sr: and friends- in the arca. • Laurene C-orriveau recently spent three weeks -in California.visiting her two sons Peter and -.Doug. and a sister in 'San Francisco. Grandson Kyle =Corriveau returned with Laurene for holidays. -Happy belated 40th birthday wishes go to Phil Erh: and to. Paul •Morrison on his recent 50th birth - •day.' - Family "and friends helped Jennifer Erh. daughter of -,Rose and Dale, to celebrate" her I9t11 birt!ida, on July 12 with a party..; - Happy anniversary to barren and Aimee Rau ori, -July 22; and to Rosje and Jeff Rothenberg on July. 24,.. - _ - - • An afternoon tea was field on July. 12 for brides -to -he Michelle Steckle and Julie Restemaycr at Hessenland Country Inn, hosted by Christa lhrig and former co-work- ers. - Ron and Sharen Schroeder host- ed the annual band jamboree antj summer party on Saturday at - Homestead Trailer Park. The chil- - dren swam in the pool and all enjoyed a supper meal. Best wishes for a speedy recov- ery go to Ron Heintrich, Louella • 'Willem and George Haggett. Ruth and.. Dave Siebert recently enjoyed a.trip on their motorcycle. •They visited friends Clayton and Amy Kuepfer in Toronto and spent• a few. days in Kingston with son -- Pastor Jared Siebert and wife -- Kathy. Kathy. They. also travelled in the Bancroft and Ottawa area. The Merrier family. reunion was held recently -near. Dashwooct at Black Bush School House. . Relatives from the:area-helped Charlie and Marie LaPorte (Dee Overholt) celebrate their 45.th-. anniversary in London on July 18. . `Hank lease ,uaepf inN.sinceresr "thanks the Irian\ j *J ulshe% aril'„the • nthtttei un the 4taau„II t revs nt retirement 11 . said that 1 am- extreme!, irate/tit - fur the .rn,in,, '.1'INirtuluilet attf,nr,le.1 me „lir the last. 41 %ears as .In C,Ju:attur, Irl it•'I.I4 t",'lltans Inotih In chi "fjun,n 1'u hlle f lwatu,n \,ste,n 1 -U lit tse_astlre the Kitts pre ti llti.l'a, my at the It,t, 199S ,et.trernent t,lbute 1,1 ('limon • an;l 'u di .he -1.h the neon %� ..I chi I• •rn th.„e'uho iter; f"s •. • . I,i41 is th:i.e kh., len! .. r metsaa. s 211- ghe•r pen, . ii. pant t,. Jona( t, b'ein,j •nal. 1,: '^t, mime. t,• as,nt neeJ, . ..•:,; to (:Gla ;Ch, NII supplies Thank )int fur the Teat boost :sou h.ue riven me enter a nett: phos in- • dtreer' Errrl.C�rrrcjll SUMMER CLEARANCE BT UYS! Starts Wed., July 22 SWIMSUITS Entire stock of ladies one and two piece famous name sults: sizes 7 to 40 40% Off SUMMER SPORTSWEAR -shorts, tops, skirts, jackets, pants, dresses - 30% to 50% off All sales final. Open 7 days a week. the dun �hop 83 Main St. Grand Bend 238-2511 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REPLACEMENT OF HURON PARK SEWAGE TREATMENT- WORKS NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCREENING RE1ORT It has been identified that the existing sewage treatment facilities at Huron Park require significant upgrading to repair deficient components. There is also considerable overloading at the main sewage pumping station at times of peak flow, causing periodic bypassingof raw sewage to the receiving stream: A.sttidy was •urtder-taken to examine alternatives to resolving these-problems;The -Township is proposing a•project which invotves'the following components: _ -•• • construction of a new main sewage pumping station at the same location as the existing station: complete with standby power'supply.• - • construction of a sewage forcemain. from the new pumping station to the Exeter -sewage tteatment plant. The . forcemain will be constructed in existing road allowances and through the Goderich-Exeter. Railway right -of -Way. • the expansion of the'Exeter sewage treatment plant to accommodate flows horn Huron Park ,• the decommissioning of the existing Huron Park sewage treatment plant— The -estimated cost of the project is $4,400, 000. The Township has received provincial funding assistance of $2,316;000, under the Provincial Water-Protection-funt!. • • The.Township has planned the project under the Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Water an Wastewater Projects. This project is identified as a Schedule B Activity, Approved Subject to Screening.:An Environmental Screening Reporthas been completed -.which documents the planning and design process undertaken as part of the screening process. By this Notice the Report is being placed in the -public record for review. Subject to comments received as a result of this Notice and the receipt of necessary approvals, the Township intends to. proceed with the construction of the works. • - .The Environmental Screening Report is available for review at the following locations: Ontario Development Corporation Huron industrial Park, Huron Park Township of Stephen Municipal Office 38 Victoria Street East Crediton, Ontario NOM 1MO - - Telephone: (519) 234-6331 A Public Information Meeting at which the Report will be presented by the Township's Consulting Engineers, will be held on: Tuesday, July 28th, 1998, 7:30 p.m. , Township Council Chambers • 38 Victoria Street, Crediton . Further information maybe obtained from the Township's Consulting Engineers, B.M. Ross & Associates Limited, 62 North Street, GoderiCh, Ontario, N7A.2T4, Telephone (319) 524-2641. Attention: Steve Burns, Project Engineer. Please provide written comment to the Township Clerk within 3O calendar days from the date of this notice. It concerns regarding this project cannot be resolved in discussion with the Township, a person may request that the Ministry of Environment 'bump -up' the project to an individual environmental assessment.."Bump-up' requests must be receivedby the Minister at the address below by August 14, 1998. A copy of the 'bump -up' request shall be sent to the Township Clerk. If there is no 'bump -up” request by August 14, 1998, the sewage, works prbject may proceed to construction as outlined in the Environmental Screening Report. Minister 61 the Environment. ' This Notice issued July 15, 1998 135 St. Clair Avenue West • 15th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5 Reeve Harvey Ratz Township of Stephen A