HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-22, Page 5YOUR VIEWS...
I Poi, .4id?ni ah•.' lull! 22 199'
The rodeo's coming to town
"...Exeter is the place to be on
• August 7,
Dear Editor:
Let's Rodeo! It's that time of year.,agam...Mark •
Saturday'. August Wand Sunday. August 9 on your
calendar and plan to attend the second annual Exeter
Rodeo. -
A Bar K Rodeo ('rrrnpanv wi11 he in to n on '
Saturday aril Sunday tor a show each d'ay front 2-4. .
p:ni. and will he wheelchair accessihlc The show
goes raurtir shine. so pack an umbrella lust in case
.Admission r SIU Ior.adults. shildred $5.0(1 and
'under Irv4 years tree. The show will take'place.at the
. South Huron Recreation ('entre- - -
Exeter has heel) selected as one of the eight top'
rodeos. in.Ontano to tie pan of the Dodge: "truck . -
Rodeo Series. Dodge Rodeo Series -sponsors arc
13(.+ils Eyc. Budweiser. Jamar Trailers andKoolalt. -
lhc Dodge series is designed to he a fully sanctioned
Ontario -Rodeo Association event allowing oyer 300
cowboys and cowgirls ro compete for the. - -
Association year end finals. Dodge Rode() Series
also hosts their own finals offering the competitors
additional opportunities to win and showcase their
skill..Exeter will attract some of the top cowboys,,
and cowgirls to the rodeo events. - - .
•-. Other teattires are in the works -to make this a
commungy- festival weekend. Friday evening a team
roprngand ('alcutta.competition will' he held at the
rcideo at-en:r•at Z{ p.nt: Come Out for a social evening
and hid on your tavonte leant. -Shaw and entertain
mens ' n Friday evening is tree of charge. Vendor
arca.. , amplete with retailer and. concession and a
refreshment garden. will he. open for the weekend
For vendor intonation or to reserve a spot call
Pauline at 519-235-6184. Competitors not in the
show will compete torpoints in the Slack which will
run Saturday at 4:30 p.nt. and Sunday at 10 ant: A
. western Style parade will' take place on Saturday_
.evemng.at (:30.p.ni. Anyone wishing to participate •
in the parade, please call.Wendy at'519-345.2052.
Following the parade. join Buckles, Boots and Spirts
for a Irnedancing demonstration on Main Street .
Shop 111 ya drop in beautiful *downtown Exeter as-
, merchants remain open until 9 p.m. The South
Huron Recreation Centre. arena floor.:will he It,
spot to he on -Saturday evening featuring a BX 9
•Video Dance. Admission IS 5,I0 -at the door.
• 7'o kick off Sunday's festivities. the Exeter and
Area Firefighters [Jill he hosting a Country Style
Brunch front 9:30 a.m. to 1*:30 p.m.'tn the
Recreation Centre Hall..Come hungr...leave happy
Everyone welcome',, • - . • -
Mom and Dad, bring nuthe young'ens to the
Rodeo Kids Games. They will he held at the -rodeo
ting at -12 noon, on Sunday. ftfec...lots of tun...prize.
galore! •
Camping.is.availabtc at Elliott Park for SS a night
All campers are.welcome: Reserva ions...call 1)an ot
the Exeter Camfiing Club at 5:19-235 2760 •
• As you can set:.-lorafun-filled go od.ame. Exeter
is thc,placc• to he on August 7.)i. 9'. For more rola •
-matron on Exeter Rodd: •98, please call the South
Huron Recreation Centre at.519,235(2833. See:ya
all there! . .
• Exeter Rodeo Committee
Rodeo to feature
"It's that time again for the second
annual. Exeter Rodeo... "
.Dear Editor " •
Come-on:. come all. to the, beating of the hooves.
- , the cheering of the. crow'-;.- it's that time again for the
,second annual Exeter Rodeo, August I( and`<
We rrc has ing .i Western style parade oil
Saiurd,t'.. August .• •at.():3(1 p.n.. !t star%s at tit.
C.anau &i lire parkins_' lots going through the anrsr
Western parade..
town core, where the stores withbe open until 9 p.rn
The -parade ends at the Kee Centre..where the BX 93.
dance -starts at 9 p.rri • - - ' "
If any businesses or organizations -would like tie
participate -in the Westernstvle parade. please con=
tact Wendy' at 5I9-345-2O52.as soon as possible
Sincere') .
- Wendy Laing.
Exeter Rodeo Commutes
New elementari, school curriculum available
Dear Ednot _
I would like to ask- for your !kelpie parcels
in your communnv know how, they can obtain cop -
n:, or the- new elementary' school curr►culutn tart
Art Health and Physical L ducatrun. and French -
As -,a -Second Language -
These new -curriculum -documents were releaser)
at the end -of June as part -of the government's pian
to boost student achievement and give'•
Ontario Stu
'dent\ a higher, quality education. Aspart ol our
conitalltlietlt In _increase .parental- Involvement in
(herr. chtldren:s"education. we ti•ould like to give
parems ab opportunity to study the new -curriculum
documents over the.suotincr., so that they will have
a clef:u understanding of .what • their children will
learn 111 the 'new school year Members 01 school •
council- may be particularly' interested in having
copies of the curnedlunr docunients. su than tilos
can -shoe. intormation with, other parents in. their .
• cuminunus
- Copies of the :Language and Mathematics Currtcu-
Juni; already_ being used in Untanu schools. and ol
. the Science' and. '1 ectmokigy„curneuluoi, • released
earlier this, year. are also available:. It is expected'
that the Social Sciences curriculum will -}e released
later this summer -
' The new curriculum documentsare more rigorous
anti specific?and. unlike the previous curriCuluin. the
new curriculum tor Grades 1-S. "spells out exactly.-
what each student must learn grade by grade. • •
Teachers will be receiving the new::eurnculuni
materials through their board. during- the summer.. •
and training sessions have already been planned tc.c : Qie.;
brake sure that each teacher has"the inJ-orniatioii' 1g
deeded to begin to Introduce the new program in the
1998-99 school year • _ 1.
'lo get copies of the documents.. parents. should
wr-ttc too
Public Inquiries
Ministry of Education and Training
:14 Vlbor. Mowat Block-.. - .
900 Bay Street - �m
• Toronto. Optario M7A 1 L2 • , •
Entail mtoCaedu.gov.on.cac Telephone- ;I --80I)-
837-1077•or (41(v) 32.5,2929. • • - •
'Thank you for bringing this opportunity to the at-
•tentio,i of parents in your community tIr
Thank you to everyone for their help
\ "Those who participated in our fund
raiser have enabled us to continue -to •
make a positive impact in a young per
Seri's life"
Dear Edina': .
On behalf of ilw South Huron Bre Brothers/Big
Sister. Association. we would hkc k' thank those
who have helped make our I'9*. ltowtathon fund-
raiser a tremendous %truces\ • ' • `.
The Big 'Brother:/lire Sistci s Association is an or-
ganization dedicated to helping children growing up
-in-single parent families and we depend upon the'an-
nual howlathon to fund our assesciauon's activities
Thritugh the generous efforts of the league howl—
et:-tn Zurich and t.ucan. the celebrity howler: who -
ttrok pari and everyone who made a. donation. -we
raised S11.244 CO whrcji yvtll be used to fund the
day-to-day ortcratiirris o1 our association.:.
A. a big brother I have seen how our association •
has. helped the hew, .and girls in our programs, but
we can't.help•these voungs(ers without the support
we received trot the ticoplc who howled. collected
pledges and donated prizes during our howlathon.
- Those'whn-parnetpated in nur-fundratser havt'en�
bled us uecnritinue to make a positr,vc impact in a
young person': Iitc
Chris. Skalko.
Btg hrother.and hoard member
South Huron Bit' Brnthers./Big Sisters Association
Dear Editor-
\ I would -like to thank my co=ehatrman Tont Burke.
the Exeter Legion and Exeter Linn. Cfuh for there-
financial support for making Canada. E)av such
success - - .
• Special Thanks to the Exeter -and Stephen Fiie Dc•
partments tor the great breakfast and tirew'ork. di-
-pias Exeter Optimist. and Canadian 'i ire. Ezetcr
Canada Day great. success
David J. Johnson
• Mimnler
Slow down
It -you must ride on the -sidewalks
please slow down... .
Ura' Editor' •. ,
1 am really concerned about all the bicycle and
roller blades that travel the mail street each day_
.Sonne rnuvc al great speeds and donot have mutat
cunsideratiun for people corning opt ol skies
Only the:. morning a lady fell back 'into rny'store
to get out of the way of three young girls speeding
1 really don't know all the regulations and by-laws
covering this.buil feel as'it could be very dangerous
tor the elderly people that can't move lust enough.
alsolortlte one; riding as I very seldom see anyoric
of then[ wearing helmets.
11 you anise ride .on the sidewalks. please slo.
down and be more careful.
IFor a bits
Comet fur)<,trter with family and friend much easier
over sprit iy and summer. We love to throw hamburgers and
hot dogs on the BBQ and whip up a salad.and bingo
lunch for a gang: Cdn't'forget watermelon and Q bag of
cookies for dessert! If the plan is for munches and gbmes
how about trying.this winning recipe for Spinach"dipand
pumperrttckel.This has to be the very best recipe I have ever
made, tasted and shared. it comes from o neighbour friend
and is worth sharing and for sure trying!
Spinach Dip '
1 cup mayonnaise .
500 ml sour cream , r
1 pkg. frozen spinach (chopped, thawed and drained)
1 pkg. Knorr vegetable sbup mix - -
1 tin water ctestnuts (chopped and drained) .
Mix above ingredients. Hollow out one pumpernickel round
loaf, breaking the bread into small pieces to serve with dip.
1 Place dip in the loaf when ready to serve. Enjoy!' '
Debby Wagger
Phyllis Collett
Crediton and Exeter
Agricultural Society .tor. their roast .beef supper. car
show. -entertainers and all volunteers who made this
das-sucha great success. Many thanks to the Exeter
Ree ('entre aate without them. this"das .could -ha"ye
-• been hard to do
Thank You
Chairman. Canada Day Committee
Grandpossibilities at Motorplex
Would Grand.Bend Motorplex be
. in the: running to host the !HRA
national event?.
Dear Editor • -
As the 'weekend dust settles and the smell of bun'.
ing ruhhcr is -washed front your senses. Grand 'Bend
Motorplex goes hack to weekly renovation;
Nri one likes to -see cold hardcash disappear int'
;Asphalt tor -tensing Pcdple don't notice- whcr the
• roads slowh gofront gravel to pavement and camp
ors don i take notiee•whcn camping arca. have new
clean bathrooms and. showers • .-
• ('rand Bend Motorpley- Owrier\ and Operators,
have sunk S a million inti the compie' siege the•
gates ripened four years age. So wits ar• these es
pens's unnoticeahk- changes hemi made"' Well.
there s 'word tori the street' that national c.'eni
corne Ontario's- way Would Granit Bend Mn'
torplex be in the running '•vcs. but (there's always
.-but' only it- theS are ,able to implement there
.c juired.dev'elopni'ents - - ' .
The most exciting part-"ol this 'Grand: flossibihty
IS it flies' are granted sueh;an honor. the event wouiit
tall with)n the 2001 Summer Garnc:.. A Mg coup for
the Motorplex and an addition, to tn. Summer-
( Gaines package the village lia.'alreau•, worked sri'
hard tor
What ifthey don't receive the, hone. ., nation:,
. event' Do, then lose the hig race" Hardt•, Gran,-
;rangBend Motorplex will have a tacifit fha• would opt•,
encourage • more 'racers 'bore fah.,, more sendors.
more area tourist trait': and niore burnmp rubber' "-
Bottom, line. drag racing 1s growing and- Grand
Bend Motorplc: 1\ keeping in step More and morc
nnerested racer. and hundreds o" eager tan. want to
waness tifc speed of dragster, Or comp.. 'super.
hike.f and (plug your earstjic rive second 300 mph'
let vehicles The Sport of Speed 1• fur: for tans and
the growing attendance is encouraging lir track op
cralor-. •
Spcakrng o1 attendance..a spoonfu, 0) the: Aug 1
lon weekend -racing reuipe pr' modified race car. -
tllar scrcani dowrf the. Ouaner mile track at 20(1 mph
(321) kmh'' f. snowmobiles bud: to race 011 asphalt.
'super bike., that snake your cars ring and an outdoor. .
concert . featuring country music star •Michelle
. Wright. • .. - ,
- W'iil the IHRA be in favor 01 Grand Bend Motor-
plex''. Will the Motorplex have the laciln' ready to.
. hist ii 2(101 national event" -r
Wi can anit wait and sec
Jen Gaukroge'
(-Trani'. fiend Mutorple),
A note of cautzon
"Rushing through the process can
only result in failure.
Dear Editor
1n reiterence-to your,,art►ele rc: i few Lucas.
Lrhrar. the reader linds themselves 10 a hi} of :r
quandary . Onthe unchand the thought of a stew -
library for'Luean leaves one dancing with delight. It
rs a long awaud dream of Ono.users And', it is a :
Most generous ol lei of suppirrt from the Ludas L '
and the Arena Booster Club: On the other hand we
must face sortie realities
Lucas erne; into. such an,agregrlignt at -this critical
titre=' Ans good hustnesspetsop seilf le!: sou "Dc
your research, crunch the numbers and niak r! leas'
bit . otherwise. statistics will tell' you. 0 won
• C emmiunns g-riu)t's and stat ehoiders. vsptciahs; unci •
created for this purpose.-nee(l to is consulted
input and direction.. A lit' ary is atrue commuets •
enterprise.'Kesidcnis-incl coinmumty groups siurule
be actively Iirvolved err its develupiuen:
,1 VVliat the Lions have pr'tipuaed is eertainlh 3.001
investigation. Lucas and atea desperate'need. ,: r
orew and expandedlibrary (twilit). Itaiso need. tr•
pruperly house and nuamtaui a Heritagt•_Museubi any
an area ter incorporate the tuli upetat►ons and NCI
vices ol the Ausablc Centre 0 Provinttal downfuadnrg
will likely result ui the community being unable i
support separate facilities for daze 'moven c,mliyu ,
hay Services: _Surely . it we are proposing. a •
$200,000+ f.iralrty wc•should take iii time to.do our ,
research. We i)cetl t >t:und0Cta poise- ltasihihts
study to examine-. amungsi many things. the puna,.
bilin' of housing *three services under one Fool.
Rus,,ing through the: process can only result in tail
urs ', '
First, the Friends ()I the Lucas Library presented a
'sandal- tiroposal to Luean C oune,I: 11 was defeated
interestingly;enough the pruprments of the current •
library. proposal presented the argunienls lurit. .
defeat: taxe.wouldinciesisc....nu decision shuuI 1 be , -
niade before amalgamation ,.decrcasing.provurcial .
hhray, funding wouldiesull nettle cum,munIt% pick- -
fug up the.tah...long termmaintenance custs...no.
need for an expanded lacldlly' (libraries were goingto
Rectitis unnecessary ser.viceS because the Internet '
would provide all the: in1ormatiun:..t so they
argued) and the list went ori. Sound argurilents for -
practicing caution 'I he current proposal appears ter
suggest we throwC.mtiori to the wind and. surpns-
ingl). expand upon the )ntti..is proposal: in:it .the
reiq)onsibilitres acid the costs to the taxpayer will
dramatically increase.
Secondly, what's the big rush all ol a sudden'
Arualgantation ti. just•around the corner Should
Grief for sale on the front page
By Leonard A. Lesser, London.
• Ontario' •
The l.undun Free Press should he''
ashamed of publishing graphic pho-
tographs of grieving loved ones. The
4tunt page headline. "Family of five
lard to, rest un Freda}, July 17 was
accompanied by .t 24 by 18 cm. pie- ,
Lure of the Wilson family and friends
for -us to view. I do not know about
you•but 1 for one felt anger and sad-
ness than a fellow human being was
being. marketed for 'profit of the
London Free Press. Sun Media Corp. I
wonder if Martha Blackburn or her
dad would. have stooped so low ter
profit *over others personal tragedis''
The mourners were not part of the'
public domain, politicians, movie stars
or professional athletes who make
then money Iron' selling thcir•persun-
ahnr% and talents
• 9's cards. such 45 Whj: Bad Taste.Private and family conte to mind as
'taking precedent•uver the words.
Freedunt of the. Press and the Rights of
the Public to Know.' Huw about' the
righis of .the mourners to dignity.
respect and privacy,to grieve. is
Suzanne Bird. the photographer. and
her high performance telephoto lenses
accountable for intruding into family
tragedies? Hell, she was merely fol-
lowing orders -and her assignment was
to take pictures of the tragedies and
then the best ones were chosen for dis-
play, the more tears, the greater the
remorse, the more acceptable the
The Port Stanley drowning' deaths
'I Here -is .i saying. -.Never _fudge .1 hook by its
'cover "'The pi(mused lac 'lit y looks )treat -i he quer
tion that -remains is "Is tt leasible r We had lest
work together to make sue itis We can tallurd it
ass other way -
Kdserrrai s' G.ddurget'BCaune-
61 the high school teens was accompa-
nied by. picture; ol East Elgin
Secondary School Students being
counselled by a memberof the tragic
events team sent to help the students
-Arne with their grief. I was shucked
that private. confidential images were
published ) ain sure the parents, staff
and students wire "enthralled" 1u sex
their personal grief displayed I was so
concerned, that i called Phil McLeod.
the editor of the Free Press. on the
open line show with Jim Chapman and
' asked if 'he had secured the parent; s
permission to publish the. pictures of
minor'age children and -was told that
"No they did not need consent:"
The newspapers have been given a
sacred trust and should act in accor-
dance to good consciuus, taste and
respect 101 the pnsars of outer. u;
(line. 01 nuurrriu+g 1 guess I ask toe
riiuchh when the Nutds .ominun deer:
cycinucs to mind Think about 11 when'
, you plot. ep.thc next photo u1 a Wills
tit guars. that•next tinh it euuki be
your lace displayed un the loom• page
because tit the death of your sots. ,
daughter IN spouse Mavis I -gen your
attention. arc' you angry'' Good. do
something' - ,
"Most men look at things as they
arc and ask Why I dream til things
that never were and ask Why hot'
,Len •Lesser e.r a specialist in m ad -
unci prancing; personal, educat:anal
and curer+ Cuuiisellang Jur fanularn
He can be reached a; 519-434.8316 .