HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-22, Page 4i'tNr •! 1'r►rt, : AJrwrrrtti Pay 22. iAltti, Publisher & Editor: Jim Beckett Business Manager: non smut, Production Manager: Deb Lord AittB[tiSiog• Barb Consitt. Chad Eedy Neiys' Kate Monk, Craig Bradford, - Katherine Harding. Scott Nixon, Ross Haugh Production- Alma Ballantyne, Mary McMurray. Barb Robertson Brenda Hern, Joyce Weber, Laurel Miner Traasnortation: Al Hodgen • front Orrice & AccountiriE;• Sue Roltings; Carol Windsor Ruthanne Negriln. Anita -McDonald, Cassie Dalrymple, Ruth Staght. • eew The Exeter Times -Advocate is a member of a family of community newspapers providing news, advertising and.informatlon leadership 1:1)IT()ltlr\I. f • We have a long way to go 1 .� wt� : accent Leval decisions have Drought women a step closer to achieving in tact, the rights they have on paper in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom. :. A judge has awarded a Toronto wQrtl-• ail. victim of the st-called balcony rap - 1st. -$220.000. saving police had a legalr" responsibility to warn women of the. danger but did not do so. apparently tearing this would jeopardize their . chance, of catching the man. The judge said that I similar circumstances. a man. Would have ben warned Th:: crime' occurred tit 198( l} ittl, has changed since then.. In 199t. the •t0ui•ts relestsed Ratidv Iles trona custocf\ .despite the tact there wa anion..! e l idea ?.. to iilt.11cate fit' would ii! fur:• or kill hi, love:. ;\dent 1vIa\ . Met=e dar, atter- pi, releas . tic murdcred'hc' . and kilted hinisel:r.,The result, ot tn:e coroner . oldness into til tral_ett\ called for a•number (): - `tning- specialized court's. greats awareness of domestic Vtc)lencL.. In. prilved access -to specialized.servicc,, more public education and_ better prt te.ction"ior victim _ - In other wont,: May died -because she. was not given adequate legal protee - Rape and domesti:: assaulthave iong' been regarded as different from othe.s . cnmes.`Although statistics prove -VI( -. " lent crimes have a high percentage ol- inaies as both perpetrators and s.ictimS. - gendcris;simply not perceived sue with most thefts- assaults and frauds With most crime:.-. the severe of the damage is the' primary considers- - tion m charging. trving.and punishing the criminal. , ' • _ While men may be victims of, rape or domestic assault. both crirneare pri- mariiyperceived as acts 01 violence committed by men against women. lit Doth. the victini's moral character and., 'her relationship with the perpetrator sur- pass severity of injur` a, the most tnl- portant issue in prosecution and,punish- mem. What was she wearinr:',Wh:it did she do to provok4'thJ attack'' Wei. she" drunk.?-Uid.she fight hack''.Or more -Jo the.pojnt - how will she stand u{sunder cross examination. assuming she will testify -stall' . The answer is often. tic,. and for goo' reason. For centuries. domestic assault was n_nt a crime. but a pill/ate matter heiween ' husband and wife: while rape was a . crime only to the extent it reduced at woman', (value as,a commodity on the • marriage market. Until recently in this provtli.. a man coulZI not he charged witn raping hi. wile The law has, changed: but some of -the old attitude, remain . Moreovci. rape and doinestic assault. -bv-their very nature. rarely have Wanes -- es": Ottetl. the: only witness is.the vicuna - who may not.want to testify in -court. br cause she is too traumatized. is atraid o. "her attacker. does not want ativone•tt' know what happened. or is terrified nr one will believe her_or take her serious -- IN . erious°ie. It a relationship is involved, as'is.al- way, the -case -for domesue assauh and - aftluatntance 'or "date' rape. the matter becomes even more complicated. 'it- wa:,anot so Very, long ago that the victim df wife. assault had to lay"charges herself. Until recently. rape victims would beToutineiV and brutally clues- tioneil -about their past sexual 'lister) • - ..The -mere tact of:thy balcony rapist lawsuit. and the Iles -May coroner, to . 'quest..proves we -still have a long way to go()elope .female victirn,.ol rape and d(.)- !nestle will be -able utast td(.)- !nestled(.)- !nestlehe courts -tri treat them fair) . But those cas- e, also prove we are getting there", slow !Brioni surer, Your Views Letters to the Editor Publishin anonymous letters ... oniv adds fuel to the fire and makes you• part of the problem... Dear 1Sditlrr For v'ti 1' publish iUP anonymous letter fifth ridittutcs and insults r:x:al iyy,►crans only ;phis Cu, to ire iue and makes you•patt of the•t►robieni instead , ,t trying to help lino a suiuuun ' Andy UeBuer,.Exeter, A View from Queen's Park ,By Brio Dowd TORON•f(J -- Premier Mike>'Harris and' his.. gressive. (Conservative MPP, keep saying rnment. should be run -like a business. but if it was most of them would be fired. • Mute than their predecessorti,:thc Tories are a• government of businessmen and..•never stop boasting they have :a businesslike .approach.' as they did again in a major economic, state- ment last week. They have handed each ministry a -so-called business plan to help it operate efficiently and Harris recently 'told even police chiefs they should run their forces "like CEOs." One major difference between the Tories and business, however, is that both Harris and his MPPs have developed a habit of not turning up for work. - Harris has had -the legislature, meet. only. 33. days this year -- considerably fewer than previ- ous, less business -oriented goveniments -- and will not .call it back until late September. And he showed up little more than one-third of that Puhhcatrnns' Mad Regis►ratidn $umtw• (1751 IMMICIRPflOM One year rate for Canada subscribers S35.00 Two year rate for Canada subscribers 563.00 QTHER RATE .M.011r. r�MOutefde Canada $102 00 1•42n9 -1 0Si 4 GST Published Each Wednesday Morning at 424 Melfi St Exeter. Ontario NOM 156 by 1 K Fedy Publications Ltd Telephone 1-5192351331 • Falk 519-235-0766 smaa•tsa.sey corn 6.5 i eRiestierl35 Kate's . takes By Kate Monk Your -names are driving me crazy! - Anne of Green Gable started it when she was adament-her first name mus! bt spelled Anne witti an r because it reflected het personahtj Ever since, parents have - -been tagging then children with every variation undei the sun and -moon sotheir, offspring will be unique • .Persornally , 1 am nips • convinced a boy named - Shawn will be a different • person from another lad named Shaun or even Sean .• 1� a Jetutitei different from ii„ Geniuter' • - flut the. naming of a child is a chance for parent's. to make tnetr mark anit exert son] .lorni of infl"uencc.-1V4aVb: -there i.s.;t difference nu: ' n morn Inclined tt, oelfevc uu: per:sonaitties or: based..oi more than .oft' tllrllie> Vv'nat-does this have to tJ - with the"Ott woutdn believe hog. trustrauttr;getting the tastes ot anything More than titt'i ee i 1dren in ;t. photo. Just when 1 tlunc i have it figured t►t;i I n wrong because -sonic• girl. loot, more like F'.aitivn ;Om -they are:actually Cattlyr. I.duti.t •hapliatardi\• writ: - down names. I realize we roust be perfect because -tttt picture will be tint • • grandparens scrapboof. - beton- the ink is dry: . So.,1 ye come up with my - own fist of stielhng..of kid • - harnes atrwtin,s is luiw they'll appearunies'. you fel!_mu - differentt\ . rent:. Megais. Jessica. Jennifer. Katt(. Katlyn. Katlterine. Sarah. Jackie, Stacy . (sarrtc. Curtstine. Christy. Ctiristopher.. El1eu. Hatle�, Kebece i.• •Robtik•Terryl AdairErin. Ei.fe .Jared: Nathan. Nicholas., 'Garrett: "fravis. John. Shawn. Ben. Claire! Glenn. Steven. Jeff. Justin. Cori .Klan. • Daniel and Jatiuc We welCQrnc wr MUNI?. All letters td the editormust be signed and art• subjeC' to edltiig. Deliver to 424 Main Stree:, or mail to P:0. Lipa SSC>. Exeter. On:. NOM 1 i( ante 111 .it strategy that appeared designed to -avoid embarrassing questions. . Meanwhile, the Tirry MPPs, who dominate the legislature in numbers arid are reasonably. sale there; have taken tlteir cue from their ,boss in not being around. The legislature has a "tate that a quorum of 20.of its total -1.30 MPPs needs to be -present in a debate or it is halted until suf- ficient MPPs are.called in. which isnot a lot to asl;. Harris's' recent brief session provided for niore stoppages•lor lack of a quorum than any similar period itt memory: A debate on changes .in election law which will give the Tories power to spend more had to be stopped temporarily five times because not enough MPPs were present as reinforcements -were hauled in from back • robins and hotel suites, • A debate on Harris's plan to allow others to compete with Ontario Hydro in producing and selling power, an electrifying innovation, was halted three times inside a couple of hours be - Fire cause tui. lets• MPPs were present, Each unit• after re. -starting flt.'MPhs vantshed back to pie- (erred pursuits. - • . • 'Other debate$ stopped •for.lack of MPPs in 'eluded those ori bilis to limit properlv tax ii cremes on bdsiness and strikes in'construcuun. prohibit untyns.signing; up wetlaic recipienis- who take workfare jobs and create nett local boards in tii:port)) to provide services. ' . The Tories had - brought in this legislation claiming it was some of -their met important and needed urgently to fulfil their program. .Opposition -MPPs also deserve criticism for-• being away, but Harris's 82 MPPs forst a big. majority and the onus was on the goveriinient to ensure a quorum was present because its legis- lation was being debated. It also has.whip- and even a full-time minister paid extra to ensure its MPPs show up. - Missing Tories probably thought they could. get away with it because the legislature does not record MPPs' attendance, but these absent- . es are too blatant to miss. Sown Iaubabiieli 1 alter his own pt..or esampit• In alayuig a1+.r. unci li tvr dttfll:ui t> iepi iivanditi them - - Han is ha'- daiitpeited' then entlwstasnl also because Dir legislation is wt'itten'iwostly b. un • elected 'whir kids -and MPPs elected to make laws dei not want to spend time sitting ut the legislature defending thuse w i sten by someone • who has never received a vot. The premier has disheartened some ot hr MPPs by such Bas as scrapptitr:otic-frttlhol (he seats in the election due next year hi what ht• gleefully called his Fewer Politii:ians Act: as it eradicating some dread'discase, Some Tories may also fcel.that after their tax cuts they already, have the election won and do tteitrneed to show up at the legislature. • But whatever their. reasons, Hams's Tunes in , failing to turn up are not doing a basic. iiiipor-- tant part of the job for which they are paid. Any • self-respecting businessman who got such poor attendance front his employees would have shown thein the dour.