Times Advocate, 1998-07-15, Page 26?t, Trines Advocate Itiftt 1; 1998
Lucan's llack of library space over with new building
The Lucan Lions Club is leading an initiative to build a new library
By Craig Bradford
T -A Reporter
•LUCAtv. TTtc• •hook..overs'.
dreams in Lucan arc ;Mout to come
true •
The Lucan 1,)Istric-t Lionx Cluh-s
protect • committee - announced
Thursday; at the Lucan Community
Memorial Centre's Leprechaun
Hall that :.. they have pledged
1101).(XXi towards the construction
of acne» huger library that will be
added io the southeast. corner Of the
. arena building
The proie•cr•chmrtutlec h:.. hire.
London ircline..t Glen' Hi -igloo- to
devise tlic pians and preliminary
draft drawing: eco available 111
The: 3',4(X) sq. ft building has a
budget of S2b0 (100 plus E O X64
GST Priyeet committee cturitper-
son Lan'j• .Hutson said those figures
don't inclgde architect and con-
sultant 'tees •Thc library .,.fixtures
will'be provided by the Middlesex
County library board
"Thts is probably a S300,000 pro-'
wet.' Hotson said inan interview
with the '1-A on Friday
The Lucite Community Memorial
(;eirtrc Booster Club has pledged
55;1AKK11awards the protect that is .
shoed to tiepin construction In Sep-
tember and.is scheduled to tic com-
plete by mid-January : 1999. Before
-construction can hegin.'final plans
- have to be drawn alter input is giv-
en by -all stakeholders and tenders
.are called Loi: reviewed and a final
contract is negotiated.
Hotson. who is also a Booster
Club member. saidthe Lions have
$80.000 in the bank for the new li-
brary. Wile the Booster Club has
S40.000 in the bank for the protect
•The rest. of the about $150.0t)0
needed to construct the library will
have -to he borrowed. Hotson
said, the village will probably he
asked to hold the mortgage.
The idea to add a library to' the
arena is nota new one: Hasson said
a library was pan of an alternative
plan when the arena- was bulli in
'76/77 •.
"This IS not a new Scheme." Hot -
son said. 'It's just a new architect
' and a new committee ---
The arena was -one of six sites the
committee-examtned•seriously The
Larrl Hotson
member, -Gan
• tort!: an aids'
for' Lucan.
lop nhotc' ` Lucan District . L►uns .Club project committee -chairperson
c orrnr=r'tet rnemUe' +ares Nevin. areno manager Paul Dykemtan and -committee
Mc-Far,�'.are 'standing in the area that will becorme'Lucan-'s nen,library. At bot-
:. conceptual drawtng,o`°t►ow the outside of -the new Lucan library will' look.
activity there. It 1) bring new peo- media room and a reading hall for
other siteson the shortlist were the • but added it should work for those plans. "Our -atm was • to create an
former Grand • Central Hotel site. - with difficulty getting around given open air atmosphere into the ti-
the hotel parking lot, the ert►pty tot the nature of Lucan;s -small com- brat)." Hergloti said . -
between Wraith Family Hardware =mumty atmosphere, *Hydro; heat. gas and water ser
and the Bank of Montreal, where • Rule was glad to see such strong vie will onic from Crostini arena
the Lucart Area Heritage Museum .. leadership by the Lucan Lions services. though the library will
is and between the Lucan pool and • "1'm amazed this has sprung have its own air. conditii,ntng.,and-
tenrus courts•
• . , from the initiative of a service heating ,units' to -provide for proper
A hbrars was one of a few ideas club.`' she said environmental conditions tai ilii
the committee had tossed around.'. The bigger lihran'`will cyst Lu- bhoks -
Other: projects given some. thoughi can. Btddulph and McGilhvrary *The library 'will he, '`integrated"
were a walking path atong.the Genn more in the annual levy.,lhe library Into the arena. meaning it wilIlookt
Drain-. a permapent Heritage Mu- system asks thein for'io operate the as if it always meani'to be, there.
scum and a combined new Heritage - library and rent the space from the The maienals used will he similar
Museum%lihran, complex , •Hotson village. hut. Rule war cure the hen- to ,_ex►itiog ' Ones.'at the •,arena.
said • a. new library turned Out to. be . efits of a Larger library and the po- though some of the -arena roof -:and
the•most feasihle•prolect to pursue tent!al for hettrr and expanded.,ser- other.areas abutting the library m_as_
"The libraryis the one -thing we vices • will offset any of the he improved for butter esthetics.
could afford to do. or at least get oft mdnictpaluies' cast concerns. *The maple tree and ttic marquee
the ground." he said at the meeting. Thc library hoard rents the library sign at the southeast corner of -the • .
Hotson'• implored anyone who' from the village dor .S4:17 -per trent of the -arena will he moved.
wants '10 see a new library become •square feet- -perr" year. The library *A skylight• will let indirect sun•
a reality urgive generously. now pay' about $4,770 for the cur- light filter into the hhrars
"We need the -support of every- rens hhrary per year (based on the *There' is space for an lls.000 vol- -
one -involved." Hotson said. adding library's` about 1.000 sq. ft. r The uine hook collection: the Middlesex
a request for letters of support from rent wilh-tump to $16.218 per year Cunt .library board. asked for
alt stakeholders - for the new library if the current. al?' 14.000 -
.lncluded`In the crowd of 20 at the rangements with Lucan are con i
meeting were representatives from tinucd • ••
the, Friends of the Lucan Library. • Rule will take the 'new library
.the - Ausahtc• Centre. the' arena proposal to the. next Middlesex It -
beard, the Middlesex: 'County- h- Wry system meeting oh July 22. -
hran hoard. the Lucan Library and -Rule said this is the'third new Lu-
Lucan and Biddutpb councils .Al) can library proposal to come before
representatives contacted by the T- the Middlesex library hoard. The'
A are supponise of the protect first called for a public library to he-
. 1 ,like the titan," Lucan Deputy installed • at .Lucan-Biddulph
Reeve Ham Wraith -said.. ' 1: on School The second called for a
out` land : and at. our building . 1t `bran_ to Fx constructed nf.the space
looks very exciting to me :now occupied by the Ausable Caen-'
-Excitement was the general con- trcand the Just In Thyme •Res-
scnsus:frcinialf parties. ` . ' taurant
"We're excited about what- s.hap- Both proposals were- shot down
pened.•' said Friends of Lucan Li- since •the Ministry of Education
bran/Ausable Centre - president would not provide funding. Rule
Torn McInerney '-We're ,100. per card. . -
cent behind the !pudding .of their- Some other concerns- voiced at
bran' . the meeting revolved.. around park-
Mclnerney hopes the Friends will in issues. "Hotson said .only about
have input in the protect and- Said five parking spaces will he eaten by
the Ausable Centre. developed to the hbrary addition. . _
- offset ttioncomtngs at the current •Herglou said .the plans calf • for
Tramped : library and - improve ser- two • addmtionat handicap. parking
vices. will nest be affected.. for the' spots and the hbrar, will be fulls
time being - handicap accessible with ramps and
';1 can't see any:"negative side to a lift inside so those in w• heelchairs a
:this facility." he said can access both floors nd the ti-
Thc Fnends wits heli. in, any way brary �s two main levels.
--they. tan.tan. McInerney. said. including an - Herglotz said his plans call for
'en the fundratstng side• . n • • the library to look like a atural ad-
- "We'll always be• pitching m• dtuontothe arena •
there," he- said, adding_ Saturdays "By building the library. on. the
-Friends garage sale proceeds routd southeast corner of .thearena. it will
be thrown, at the new libran pro- become a fodal point fo the corn-
jcct. .munity: he said:..
Arena board - chairperson eb Sonic of the projeci details. rout'-
T aylor 'said the arena staff will .l kc- test' Herelotz,Architecture: ; .
t� be asked. to,maintain the lit: ary *Two stones: the front aarea . past a
building.. Taylor had nothing but. - foyer will be a recept5on.-matenals
praise for the project. check-in/out area. ' beh ind the front
'We think it's a good protect,' he 'desk'will lie stairs. and a handicap
said "We don't see anything wr ,ng -lift that lead -'to two areas -the
wit m ' • - upper split for adults. the • lower
, • - Middlesex County library sys em. split foe children.:The 'librarian will
chief executive officer' Marg ule be ,able 'to ..have 7.1u11 views of both
said she was -very exciteexcited".. a nti wt the adult achtldren's.evels
the protect as well: . • 4A 560 sq. ft. multi-purpose hall
"I think it's a very 'creative _de- that can be rented our as well_,as
',Ouchsign uch , incorporates' almost separate rooms for hook. storage
r .
everything we would like tie sec in I. and mechanical are, in- the , base
a library." she - said. "The corn-- ment: the hall faciliues include a
munrn centre is -a wonderful loca- washroom and kitchenette.
tivn Loi .a library. There's so much •Thereswill.be a computer area. a -
proud farming history
Lucas's Clare Paton sits .
atop his pride and joy, -a
1949 Model 22 Massey .
Harris'tractor; at the 22nd
annual ilderton Heritage -
and Antique Show 017the
weekend. Paton restores
antique tractors as a hob-
by. He's gotten his sort Jim
into„the act.as well —.Jim
does all the painting on
their joint restoration jobs.
The Patons own seven an-
tique/classic tractors that
range in- assembly dates /
from '1939-1p76. They ao-
pear in about four antique
Shows a:year., five or six
County plowing matches
and exhibit in the Inter-
national Plowing Match
each year. Paton said his
father bought the Model
22, the family's first trac-
tor, for $950 in De-
cember,1953 from D.A.
Ashworth, the Lucan Mas-
sey dealer at the time. The
story'behind Piton's great
love of Massey? Ashworth
leant that first tractor tt,
Paton, then a Medway High
School student, so hd
could compete in the '03
Middlesex Plowing Match
outside Iiderton. Paton and
his dad were so impressed
with the tractor they bought
it after the match. Paton
has stuck with Massey
tractors ever since.
plc to the library.” • - . - the adult level as well as the men's
She also likes the "efficiencies in washroom: the children's level will
cost and'use of space" contained in. include a large reading hall and/an
the project.. Rule's biggest concern inclosed .reading room as well as
was that. the multi-purpose room, the women's and a family wash -
planned for the libran's basement .room.' -
wasn't full, handmt.dp accessible. - *Few walls are included in the
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