HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-15, Page 2516 For sale 16 For sale 16' CANOE BY NOVA CRAFT • 11200. FIBERGLASS DOG CAGE • 40" s 27" x Wood lathe with act:Morios built by Busy 30" - 1100.00 and dehumidifier 1125.00. B.es• 1350. Call after five. 284.1814 (26- Both in good condition. Phone 237.3779 33SA) (29'), 2.8'X7' WOODEN SECTIONAL GARAGE DOORS - in good condition. complete with hardware. 'skiny 8125 each or installed 1200 each. 284x{784 (26.33SA) 30" ADMIRAL. STOVE - almond: Countertop Convenction Oven like•new. Phone 284.1797 129.36SA) 30" GAS RANGE a Cajorlia,-like new, alrnond. 8550. Call 284-1956 (28-35SA) 36.000 BTU CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONER • $495.00. 1 service air conditioners, window units -$25, 35 years experience. Antique kitchen range uses wood and electric. Antique Coffield washer. Pono potty. Areepti^.e Los on roofing my house. 236.4057 (299 leaeie labia / tete CaNeltibles • • We have over 100 current & relireds in stock including • Princess .......: from 58.95 • $59.95 Peace from 88.95 - $39.95 We need Maples and all relireds. We buy -sell -trades Coke items from 1960's to.curieltt. 130 Garalraxa 5, Durham 511-304$% AIR CONDITIONER - Elcctrohotnc, (0,500 BTU window unit. Good "working order. Call John 235.3524 (29') - • ARROWWOOD FARM - Pick' your own Blueberrigs $1.65/1b.Containers provided. Four roads south of Melbourne on County Rd -9. Turn right half mile. Mon;Fri 8-$. Sat. •8.5. Closed Sunday.. 519.2$9-24Q3 •• (27tfn) - BARLEY .$TRA•Vtt,:.Granton area. Calf 225-2J09 (29.36SA) -BEETS - Any size for pickling, Order :ahead at Dougalls Berries •& Veggies. 235- 1491(29tfn) FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwood hickory, beech, ash. maple, delivered and picked up. Phone Uienan Landscaping 236-4457 (26Un) FRENCH DOOR WITH BEVEL GLASS - 2 stew skylights, solid. 32"x32". Various aluminum and vinyl siding and accessories. Insulated steel doors Cull cos Grcgus 235- 1647 (23ifn) HARDTOP - and steel doors for Jeep Cl good condition, quill frames for various sizes plus stands. 284-1505 (29-36SA) • HOLTON B FLAT TRUMPET - $600. Blessing Marching ,Mtllophone 8975. Imperial B' flit Valve Trombone 1400. 120 •Bass Accordion 8150. Lafayette 1) Oat Clarinet Si50, call 284-0089 (28-35SA) JOHN DEERE HYDRO 175 - 38" nowpr with.mulch kit and 38"•snowblower & 'chains. l owner. SUZUKI 250 Quadrunner,, front & back racks, power winch. only 2000 kin. •Both inint condition. 235-1682 (299 MAHOGANY DINING ROOM -SUITE -- .includes Duncan •Phyfc table with 3 leaves, 4 chairs,.china cabinet & buffet. 235-4006 after Spm. (25.32SA) • .- MATERNITY Ct,OTHES•- Baby clothes and related $rents, double.stroller, stroller, car seats. toys, all in 'good to excellent cuodition. For viewing call 284-1533 after 50m:(26-33SA) • .OAK ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE - 6' high x 4' wide. T deep: Desk, credenza & 2 chairs. Mahogany.. Assorted lumber. 3 Heavy duty extension cords. Cell Phone, pager. Call 22$-9906:U99 - - . PARKS.. BLUEBERRIES - U•Pick blueberries Open 9-6' daily. weather - permitting. Located Hwy. 2. east of Thamesville. 519.692.5373 (29-35) BUILDING - 16 x 32 with hip -roof. making it 16 feet:in height. Can be'used for .. workshop ivith'storage'on 2nd floor: -Can be. moved or dismantled and rebuilt. New red • coloured steel 'err sides with white colopred steel roof.. Chimney installed. Asking. $6sog or best offer. 461-1232 or 229.8910 . for more -information. (27-34SA) .CASE 930 TRACTOR - rebuilt; 1 -Ford 100 lawn mower; 1 foley reel mower grinder; rototiller and snowblower -attachment for Cub Cadet & Lawn Mower; 2 rolotillers(no engine) 5.500.Ib forklift+(3pt hitch) 1 "set 20.8x38 tires-, good for duals. 1-307 Old Engine and Harty; Acorn stove. -Call 349- 2304(26.33SA) -- COMPUTER FACTORY SPECIAL --One year no payment and free scanner.' Pentium 2OOmmx, loaded, Internet. printer, software and more. $16/wk (oar). Phone J-800.515- '5545. Free delivery.(28.31x) DEHUMIDIFIER' •- Like new. $(75-..: Call Gus Gregus. 235-1647.(23tfn) ._ - Clearance Prices,July only Hensall 262-2605 l Lawn & Garden c ui merit e 16 For Sale SLAB FIREWOOD FOR SALE W. buy PRODUCTMILLER35- 516 20 Property For Rent EXETER • Large 2 bedroom apartment, • newly renovated. No pets. Call 235-3293 (261fn) _ _ -_ _ EXETER - 2 bedroom apt. available now. TWO CUSTOM MADE - love seats new .Ground level, $350/month. Elec • heat, condition. soft shades of peach, rose .& blue ideal for etdedy. Call 235-0565 (281(0) 1200 each. Custom made dog run, brown vinyl covered chain link 4x6xI2 $375. 284- (691 (26.33SA) - TWO STEEL DOORS - each 12 ft. wide and 14 ft. high with transluscent panel. May be retired to less height. Track also available Call Bill Weir 461-0593 (28- 3SSA) WiTE DISCS'. No. 255.; 36 plate with hydraulic ram; excellent "shape. 7' steel t - posts; 9' treated anchor posts.119.461-0597 (29.36SA) . WHY HAYS AN AUCTION SALE' Call us - We'll buy it all.: /1<ntiques, furniture. coins etc. no fuss, no muss. Cash on the • spot! Call 519,363.0213 (2715x), ••WOOD FOR SALE - Godd dry mixed • hardwood, by the cord or 1/2 tonne pickup • truck load. Will deliver. Call 225-2609 after 6prn.(26.33SA) • EXETER • 1 floor. 2 bedroom duplex - fridge. stove. washer & dryer supplied. Central air,arsge, no pets. 92 Huron Si. E.. 235.2325 atter 5 pen. (28.30•) EXETER - Main St. Ground (loot. 2 bedroom apt. Available now. 236-4285 (29;30) . . EXETER • 3 bedroom townhouse. Cali .235.4694129tfn) - EXETER - 3 bedroom home: country style kitchen, large dining/living room, tun room, maturely treed lot, fridge and stove included. Available August 1st. $695/month plus utilities. Call 235.1304 and kave message. • (291fp) • . EXETER. 1 BEDROOM APT. - Stove. •fridge'included. 8275 monthly. 235=1810 ` (26tfn) - 25 Notices Times -Advocate, July 15, 1998 Page 25 Women's Institute groups get together for annual picnic YARDMAN :-(Beetle) riding lawnmower with grass catcher like new $1.200 can been seen in Rannoch,1778 Rd:;139 across The. Old Mill. (26-33SA) ;; • ' 17 Wanted To BuY TOP DOLLAR PAiD -.for Older cars: -. trucks, scrap. etc. Brock's Auto 228.6700, Mt. Cannel Road: Safety. inspections $35.(x). Auto repairs. (24tfn) - • 'WANTED: CARS &'TitUCKS -. for: .wrecking. Any condition. Wilt buy any ..fence. Reasonable rent. Call Bill Gitfillan - scrap metal. •You will be surprised at our fence. 16 (sone• prices. Pickups can be arranged. 234-6252 , .. • Advanced Auto Pans. (261(n) EXETER•BACHELOR APARTMENT • Fridge & stove. laundry'& parking. 235- 1497 (27ifn) EXETER: NEW FEATURES INCLUDE - Large. common room -lounge, exercise and games rooms. One and two bedroom apartments from 8375 up. fridge and stove included. Extra options available. One month's free rent. Phone Glenn Haven Apts. 235.0349 (261(n) FOR LEASE - 2100 sq. ft. Industrial Commercial warehouse. shop etc. 14 ft. ceiling, -12 fi. overhead•door, gas heat, Washroom'andlarge yard with security Visscher Farms Country Market Cauliflower 2/$1„ Lots of fruits & veggies. Baked Goods, Jams & Honey. Frozen fruits by the pail, now ready for order. Open Mon. -Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 5 km W. of Exeter on Hwy. 83 237-3442 'PATONS YARNS• -. Discount Prices. Ron's Health Centre. Hensalt(2611n). PINE SHED - 3.years old 411. by -8 ft. by ..7- 112.11. high- Complete.with shelves, plywoodfloor and concrete pads -$595. New section portable flush toilet. Ideal -for boat.. camper. -cottage etc. 895.00. Call 284-3034 (26-33SA) • SAWDUST & SHAVINGS ;. We can load - your truck. Call-R.J. IYungey.& Sons. Mitchell 519-348-8477 (19.30) . .SOLID WOOD TRIM • and furniture diningroom, bedroom sets. Come see what we sell. ntelvm Albrecht, south -of St'Marys -off No -7 highway on Cherryhillrroad. 3rd place right house. No. 24081 (26-33SA) : • T --PRO - Men's Baseball cleats, size.9, value 86D asking 130.- Cooper Pro 385 glove; black diamondvalue 5119. asking 565. Brand new conditior(. 284-3225 (27-34SA) - TV AERIAL AND TOWER - Goodi condition. Reasonable. 262-1020(29•) ' 200 Uattn on Display DI;YSDJALE M.? 1OR ATTL_AMCR CENTRE LTA Hensall • 262-2728 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE v , "Advertise Across Ontario or Across. the Country" aillikgaMESIZEI Donate your vehicle and support the ,Chanty of your Choice. Free,Vehide Pick-up and tax recap! issued: Cal.t-800.463.5681. . -KWIK-KERB • Own your'own Business. Pan -rine or ful•time. Installing on-site. continuous can - erste, landscape edging. Total equipment. - Proven system, training. 1.800 -667 -KERB. CHRISTIAN MINiSTRYJBUSINESS OPPDRTU• ' NITY. Join growing network al Christian Fran- chisees. Serve.me Lord & your Community. Pro- tected territories. Investment required. SIGNIFI- CANT ROI. Training & support. Cart 1-800-663- 7326.- TRAVEL .800.663•7326.-TRAVEL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Travel Professionals International is the only way to enter the travel industry. Canadian Company expending. Minimum xiveslntent 57500. 1-800- 799-9910. ACCESS TO CASH,ASSETS! RASP, LIRA or LIF owners, you can tum your investments oto cash RIGHT NOW without paying taxes. Deed before a solicitor. No deposit. Tel: 1-800-399- 7040. LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Classes held August 15.21. '98. For information contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneenrg. A.R. 15, Woodstock. Ontario N4S 7V9. 1-888- 673-6999. • CHARLTON RESORTS Banff and Jasper offers employment opportunities as maids, servers and desk Berks. Subsidized aocomnv datiau may be available. Contact Allison Plante, Monday thought Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. , phone 403-852- 5644, fax 403.852.4860. Box 1418, Banff, AB TOE iEO. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL Exchange - Ages 18 • 30 with agricultural experience to eve/work with family in Australia, New, Zealand; Europe, Japan. Costsldetarls - 1.800-263.1827. Calgary, Alberta.. : 5` 'fl SAWMILL S4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS: planks; beams. largecapacity. Best sawmill. value anywhere. Free information 1-600-566- 6899. Notwood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kitsyorthy, Ontano POE 100. WATKINS PRODUCTS • create the life style you desire • the opportunity 10 be your own boss • more free time for you and your family • a secure financial future. Calf collect (519)627-1337 or . write 193 Brunsma, Wallaceburg, Ont. tor free 51 - mature N8A 5C5 e•mad twaekent net DO YOU WANT TO EARN EXTRA MONEY WHILE SHOPPING? We are seeking rekabte & sell•motivated individuals (on a contractual basis). A fax machine is a definite asset. If you • are interested in this great opportunity, fax your resume to: 1-800-668-3616 SERVICES DIMEN- SIONS )NTERNATIONAL SATTENT(ON STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money setting chocolate bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1.800- 383-3589. LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER or just need extra money? Sell C&M Gilts' unique line of affordable tame decor, toys and gets. Cal 519- 258-7905, Fax:519.258-0707 to tree catalogues and information about this wandedul opportunity. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. Order the bast by mail & pay ba. FREE catalogue. FREE video offer. Discretion guaranteed. HMC Video 4840 Acom, 2014 Montreal, Quebec. H4C 11.8. LACK SELF-CONFIDENCE? Than buy, read and Use 'Dimities' by L. Ron Hubbard, o0y 5899 (pb)+GST. Cal 1.00.581.5608 today. 18 Wanted -. WANTED -TO RENT - 3 bedroom house in • Ei etei. Preferably south end of town. Pleas send replies to Box 109, c% Exeter Times Advocate, Box 850, Exeter, -Ont. NOM1S6 (29;30') • OLD GREY BARNBOARD - any lengths. _.HENSALL -=1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Lucas 227:4920 (24-31$A) • 236-4230(2511n) - • .. • ,, HENSALL - 1 and 2 bedroom apts.. fully carpeted, fridge andstover paved parking, TV.cablc, etc. Special rates for seniors. 13th month rent free. 262.2230 or 905-662-6603 I (26tfn) GRAND BEND - Deluxe condo, 2 bedroom. pool, air. gas heat, furnished.' Available Sept -June $ 50/moiith• plus utilities. Call 519-.660-1106 (284n) - - GRAND BEND - River Rd. 2 bedroom», main level,• gas• fireplace, '3 appliances. furnished-. •quiet building. Seasonal, negotiable: available -Sept. 1. Yearly 8600 plus utilities. 519.542.9357 (28tfn) 119 Property For Sale BU1LDiNG LOT 65:95'X 119.75' = •186 - Waterloo St. W. Exeter. Call evenings only 235.0608 (2ltfn) FREE 1 YEAR WARRANTY - Receive home`warranty,protection absolutely free when you buy or sell your resale home with Tem Marzo Sales 'Assoc. HomeLife/London -Realty Inc. 645-6445, matzo@hounelifclondon.on.ca (28:29) • - MOTHER'S CONIX) FOR SALE - 8'take ltd. Grand Bend. Old Orchard., Park: 2 bedroom. 2nd floor. Total operating' costs. - condo fees, taxes. water, sewage and electric approx. 8259 monthly: You can't beat it.Calt- 238-2031 (23tf0 _ RESORT AREA - Close to all amenities, Excellent value. 2 bedroom. "finished rec om ro. Appliances included. Maintenance' free. Good starer :or retirement home. 238- 2116(28=31•)• 3 BEDROOM- BUNGALOW Nine years old.. gas furnace, hot water tank: central air, water softener. attached garage; finished rec.- nam. 92 Devon Dr. Exeter. 235-3740 (28- 32x) - NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1N THE ESTATE OF ESTHER MAY MOFFATT late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on the 1st day of June, 1998. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of July, 1998, after which date the estate' assets will be distributed, having 'regard only to claims that have then been received. - ROBERT 1. DEANE, Q.C. Banister and Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario - NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Estate Trustee(') NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of . ARTHUR MERVIN BRODERICK . late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who dicd on the 17th day of February. 1998. Creditors and others having claims against the above 'estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of July. -1998, after which date the estate assets will bc distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. . ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario . NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Estate Trustee(s) TENDER •KIRKTON -.Spacious 1 bedroom apt. S550/month, heat. & hydro. included. Available irnrnediately. 229-8958 (24tfn) LUCAN - One _bedroom apt. laundry. ,- parking, central air, appliances and furniture _ included. Non-smoker. no pets $400/rnonth.• .227.0324,(261(0)" - • - MIDTOWN LOCATION • Walk to shop.2 bedrooni freshly painted apts. 5495/month •plus utilities. 235-0512 (26tfn) MODERN ONE & TWO BEDROOM APTS. - Main St. Exeter. 235-2557-(24tfn) OFFICE/COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR - LEASE- - 1/2 block from Main St. • . do•vnto.wn. Ideal location for service professional or salesperson who requires =large display area at -reasonable cost. Easy access for clients without the.congestion of downtown parking. Spaces available from 200 sq. ft. to 2000 sq. ft. (519)235-3633 (26tfn) - HENSALL- - new, ready to choose your own colors, 1700 sq. ft. with large garage, •2 baths, 3 bedrooms, livingroom., family room/dining/kitchewith cathedral ceiling. Main floor laundry, frilly landscaped, cement drive, quiet street, has school bus piCk up, 5 year new home warranty. Call 262-2029. Broker protected. )FFICE/STOREFRONT - Commercial pace for rent. Main St, S. Exeter: 235-1462 26tfn) . • •NE AND- TWO .BEDROOM APARTMENTS from 8349.00 in -Exeter. 235-1854 (261fn) • ; ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS .Stove, fridge. parking and . heat included. PUC extra. 451-2131 (2611n) . ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT -.Newly• 'renovated apartment located downtown. Call Dlnney's at 235-0173, 9am-5pm. (22tfn)- RAU MANOR - in Zurich has a•spacious 2 - bedroom ,apartmentfor rent; -Controlled entry. Fridge and stove available.. Phone , 236-4607 (26tfn) - - STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT - From 50 ; sq, 11.- (500 sq. ft. 1/2 BloSkr.. from downtown. Ideal extra space for downtown businesses for -apartment tenants. Easy access, loading dock and handtruck available. Available .by. week/month/lease .15.19)235-3633(2611n) . APARTMENT-.2.hedroom. tiled bath, country home 8399 plus first/last, lease. 235-0392 (26tfn) 4\ • HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY `REFERENCE #: P.T. (HC) 98-02 Bids are invited for Concrete Balcony Repairs, New Aluminum Railings and New Privacy Scree's-at 134 Sanders Street, EXETER. . • BID SECURITY $2,00 - Tenders will be received for the above until 11;00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, July 22, 1998, by the Huron County Housing Authority, 44 East Street Goderich, Ontario WA- ' 1N3, (519) 5242637. ' Specifications and.detaits may be obtained upon payment of 815.00 per tender package (non-refundable) payable to the Huron County Housing Authority. -- THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED.. - CREDITON - Huron South District Women's Institute mem- bers held their annual, picnic at the Community Park in Crediton on July 7. Crediton W.I. hosted the picnic with a good representation from all branches. President Lois McFalls ,wel- comed everyone. The members from Dashwood, Elimville and Zurich supplied the menu for first course and the desserts were sup- plied by Grand Bend and Seaforth with the beverages by Kippen East. The`members enjoyed their after; noon by participating in contests, guessing games, and floor baseball. Conducted by the Crediton and Hurondale branches.: - ?C$kit "Crossing the Tracks" was given by Helen Webber, Marilyn Pym and Lois McFalls. Marion Porter and June Stewart gave read- ings. • - Dolores Shapton reminded all Members pf ..the Curator's Workshop la be ,held in Dashwood Community Centre on August 9 at 9:30 a.m. Members are to bring_a brown bag lunch and a beverage will be supplied. _ - - Hansall, 1700 sq. ft. home. Across from school, fantastic neighbours, 2 blocks from downtown.'3 bedrooms, 2 baths, open concept, beautiful pine -kitchen, gas heat, brick fireplace, gas insert, main floor laundry, 2 car insulated garage, concrete drive. NO GST. $167,000. Terry (519) 262.3032 or 283-5222. 20 Property For Rent .2 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH LAKEVIEW. - 8 miles north of Grand Bend. Across from golf course. Natural gas heated: Available Sept. 1/98. 519-236.4607 (29t(n). BROOKSIDE APARTMENTS - Large luxury 2 bedroom a)' -"oiled entry, ensuitc laundry. 3 appliances. storage area. designed per mature adults. Available July 1. Phone 519.235-2961(26tfn) CREDITON - Spacious L,Dedroom apt. with laundry facilities. $310/monih plus utilities. First & last required. Available immediately. i 235.3472 •(26tfn) 20 Property For Rent EXETER - 2 bedroom bungalow. nicely decorated, gas fireplace. rear deck, storage shed, large 101. -fridge and stove supplied - available Aug. 18th. 1415 per month, plus utilities. Call 235-1304, and leave name and telephone number. (251fn) EXETER • Newer 1 bedroom.apt. Fridge and stove supplied. Call 235=3293 (261fn) EXETER • One bedroom ground floor . apartment in fourplex available Aug 15/98. Prefer non-smoker. no pets. references. 235- 31 I4 (24tfn) D/1SHWOOD - 1 and 2 bedroom apts. 1395. and $450. monthly, includes ' . appliances, laundry facilities available. Call RE/MAX Bluewater Realty Inc. Marlene Parsons at 235-3777 (261fn) DOWNTOWN LOCATION - One bdrni. units available irnm. Lots of parking. Rents 8350.00 plus hydro. Call Dave 235.2171 (271(0) II -REDUCED RENTS' Large 1,2 and 3 bedroom units available in a quiet, secure community in Exeter. Join a Co-op and get free of landlords. Lots of extras. Move In incentives available to qualified applicants. • Call Exandarea Meadows 4i Co-op at 2353382. For classified ads call the Times Advocate 235 -1331 Table Pa er White BonfT. 36"x100' $13.95 Availabe at 424 Main St. Exeter • 235-1331 Minister hosts barbecue for two congregations By Mary Peterson Centralia correspondent CENTRALIA - The summertime barbecue hosted -by Minister Heather and Peter Scott on July 12 gave everyone the opportunity to . visit at the manse. Candace Powe. was the youngest attending. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to Carrie Powe-. Rev. Scott thanked everyone -who assisted with the bar- becue, and her daughter Jane for. her help. - Combined worship continues at Centralia United Church at 10 a.m. on July 19. Worship will be at Zion West on July -26. There will not be worship services during August. The communityextends prayers and sympathy to (aridly and friends of Mildred (Janie) McDowell who, phssed away at South 'Huron 1 Hospital onJuly9. The ftineral was conducted on Saturday by Minister Heather Scott, and lunch was served at Centralia Unitdd Church following the service. Memorial donations may be made to a charity of your choice. Upcoming events Centralia United Church is orga-.- nixing a beef barbecue to be held July 26 from 5 to 7 p.m. Any mem- bers who can donate pies please call Alan Powe at 228-6557: Tickets are also available from Powe at $9.50 for adults and $4.75 for children ages six to 12. Pre- schoolers are free. Centralia Faith Tabeynacle All children are invited to attend 'Kids' Break' on Wednesdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at _McCurdy School playground. Daily Vacation Bible School will be held from July 14 to July 16 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the church. This year's theme is 'Wonderfully Made.' The bus will pick up children in Huron Park at 6 p.m. On July 17 the women will meet at the Exeter Villa at 6:45 p.m. to minister to the seniors at the Villa. All women are welcome. On July 18 the youth will hold a Yard and Bake Sale beginning at 7 a.m. at Pastor Jim and Erica Mungar's home in Crediton. Euchre results The Hidden Score winner at Heywoods Restaurant recently was George Adams. Marian Noels and Alwinna Galloway were the High Hand winners in the euchre games. Lone Hand winners were Helen MacDonald and Percy Noels. A uction Sales RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Sat., July 25 at 9 a.m. appliances, furniture, antiques etc. at Lobb Auction Clinton. We are accepting good additions now for upcoming auctions. www.auctionhotline.com Auction Calendar Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874 Wednesdav Evening. July 22 at 5 am, at South Huron Rec Centre Exeter Dispersing a large offering of household effects ,antlques and collectible and useful Items for Mrs. L. Culbert along with additions from the Stanley estate of Bosanquet Twp. . . PARTIAL USTING; includes 2 lovely antique bonnet chests, antique dressers, washstand, 3/4 fumed maple bed, 5 arrowback Ont. chairs, old kitchen cupboard, top of flat to wall, wooden rocker, 2 queen size sets of box and mattresses, 4 single beds, old change screen, kitchen table and chairs (wooden), chesterfield suites, Moffat fridge, 24" range, wringer washer, dryer, freezer, color TV, stereo, Rainbow vacuum, many Collectible smalls incl. china and glass, approx. 10 old counter radios, (wooden and plastic), crocks,, pillar clock, several old decoys, tub benches, nail kegs, sad Iron, area rug, old bird cage, stuffed pheasant, commode pcs. old frames, tempt, kitchenware, school desks, books, storage chests, Bolens riding mower, wheelbarrow, patlo furniture, hand and garden tools and much more Incl. several lots of coins to be sold at approx, 8:45 p.m. - 1