Times Advocate, 1998-07-15, Page 21• Council supports Ausable River drainage application EXETER —.Council agreed at its July 13 mating to supporta drainage app,!ication to clean ow the Ausable River, removing•ob- structions such as trees which are blocking the flow of water. ' Exeter administrator Rick Hundey told council the effort is ."a rather mammoth project"; saying it affects 80,000.acres and could cost half a million dollars at $6/acre for landowners and 51,200 for the town, but council was still unsure if that total was final. Hundey. told council the project will be neither a benefit nor a det- riment to the landfill site. which had been a concern. He said chang- ing the water table could possible affect•the site, but the intention of the project is to not affect the watertable. Hundey said benefits resulting from the cleanup could include an improvement of area agriculture land. • • As good neighbors,. Hundey said, there is no reason for Exeter to pot support the motion. Hundey explained the project may have a negative impact* on some of the wetlands surrounding the Ausable River, but explained 'the issue was whether to preserve the,wetlands or improve the ag- ricultural land. _ _ Coun. Robert Drummond said the wetlands .should take a back seat to agriculture and said he agrees the area should be 'cleaned up, although he did express concerns only a.few landowners will benefit from the cleanup even though many people will have to pay for the project. Bylaw to amend parking defeated by council HENSALL— -Council voted down amending a bylaw 'Monday night that would have -restricted ,parking on Albert Si. between Queen and King Sts. . The propo'sad bylaw would have stopped parking on the west and ,east sides of the road: A nine=metre loading zone. was planned for the east side 10 accommodate traffic at the Hensall United Church. ' Council initially • •proposed amending the parking bylaw for 41 portion of Albert St, after receiving a letter from village. resident 'Dayle Waring at last month's council meeting. , Waring complained the road was. becoming unsafe. , . • "The: road is not wide enough to accommodate parking on both sides ' of the street plus two way traffic," said Waring's letter. At Monday's meeting before the bylaw was voted on,- Hensall busi- ness owner Bill Gibson voiced his concern about the parking changes.` "The church was there long be- . fore Ms. Waring came .to town," said Gibson. 'There is no need for parking signs at all." • He told council that if. they were going to' amend the parking by4aw - then it should' it 'include all of AI- • bert St. Council also received two letters thai,disapproved of.council's plan"- • to change parking on a portion of Albert St. Hensall resident Hilda Payne was concerned that it could affect ac- cess to the church. "This will cause come people who are faithful to the" United" Church to haye to stay at home as they are unable to walk the distance' from the parking lot to the west en- trance to the church, where an el- evator is accessible to.,servicesin the church." said Payne's letter. "It is unthinkable that the _ boulevard; which was freshly gravelled only a year ago. -.should be prevented from its purpose. which .is. to..park cars for people attending church ac- ' tivities. . The other correspondence was from Hensall United Church prop- eriy committee member Chuck Mallcttc. • Mallete stated the committee did not object to the no parking. des- ignation on . the west side of the street hut 'did oppose. any parking restrictions for the east side. - -"We strongly feel that any -re- strictions of any. kind- regarding, parking on the :east side of Albert Street anywhere near the church would restrict access to the church property anti create hardship and difficulty for. people who need to park there,"' Mallete's letter said. A "Yabba Dabba D000" of a Deal. Our Paramount Canada's Wonderland Package is your ticket, featuring accpmodation,for two adults and three children, two all -day adult passes to the park, plus•two continental breakfast: Enjoy our skylit pool, sauna, fitnesscentre and childrens creative arca. Delta's Kids Concierge Program allows kids to check-in at their very own front desk. Kids 6'and under eat FREE, 12 - 6 eat 1/2 price. Paramount Canada's Wonderland PACKAGE 159 CDN $118 US. �1Della . Toronto Airport Hotel 1-800-668-1444 (Canada & U.S.) 'titins & Conditions: • Rates valid May 4th to Oddber 12th. 1998 • Second night available for 190.110 .115.00 per additional adult, per Loom, per night (room only) • Additional Paramount Canada's wonderland tickets available at the front desk • Rates are based on double occupancy • Maximum 4 adults per room • Rates are wbfect to availability • Rates are subject to applicable ta><es COMM1JN1TY Times -Advocate, July 15, 1998 Pnge 21 All steam ahead for'Wulberforce storm headers 13y Craig Bradford 'I A Reporter LUCAN - Hopefully no one will slip. fall and hurt themselves in LAP' can's Wilberforce subdivision this winter. Council decided, to aim for.. Ibis goal by moving •ahead with the' about 530,000 storm header project at last week's council meeting after it got favorable reSponAe for the project ata public: meeting held the night before... Eight homeowners signed onto hooking up to tbe.storin•header line with administrator icon Reymer re- ceiving two more verbal okays and many more are expected to sign on. Homeowners • who want to stop water from their basement sump pumps pooling on their lawns or winding up on sidewalks in the late- fall/early atefall/early spring freeze/thaw sea- sons are asked to dig a trench to the storm header so the hose from their. basements can be buried. Quotes to install the storm head- ers for the ,east side of Kleinfeldt Ave..the south side•of Harold Ct. "and the north side of Nicoline'Ave. will be solicited by local contrac- tors after. public works super- intendent' Doug, Johnston draws up -the specifications with -tenders clos- ing by the Aug. 4 council meeting. Johnston hopes the work can he completed in September. . Reymer will send letters to those homeowners affected. by the storm. headers to see if they Will hook up. The move to stop water. from pooling on sidewalks in thc.!Wil- berforce subdivision was prompted by concerns over the village's- It ability .if someone slips- and hurts themselves there. • The water come;' from sump _pumps installed in •Wilberforce homes as part of the village's in- filtration grant program to dis= connect basement foundation drains from the sewer system to cut • down on flows at the sewage plant. Other notes from the meeting: Water bills coming down .Council approved the new struc- ture for water and sewer rates at the • meeting. The new average water/ 'sewer monthly bill based 'upon a househollj'using 22 cubic metres of :water is $44.51 compared with the prior average bill of 549.98. - •• Reeve Robert Benner carne up • with the new water/sewer rates so billing would. be fairer for people who uss water that doesn't end up. • in *the sewer system (for • example. homeowners with pools, garden watering and car.. washing). The '• overall lower rate is also more in. line with *what .surrounding mu- nicipalities charge. The flat "monthly water rate is now $ 10.66, up from 56.30, and the new flat sewer rate. is• $1.6.25 com- pared with'the.prior $1 r.34... The usage rates are 39g per cubic metre of .water used and 410 for each cubic metre of water that -ends up in the sewer system. The new rites will begin Aug. 1.• Deputy Reeve Harry Wraith vot- ed for the new rate structure even though he was not_ in favor of the changes. ' He voted against his better judge- ment due to the fact the resolution would've passed if vacationing:. Benner and councillor Glenn Silver were in attendance. Silver had to excuse himself from the meeting not long after it started because; he was called. into work. , Wraith's conceni was Lucan res- idents 'will he more apt tti-waste water with the new lower rates. He added the inflated rate was part. of the reason the village has been able to make improvements to the water system." "1n my mind; -we_ weren't robbing anyone," he said. - •Councillor Perry Caskanette, who has been a vocal proponent for tow- ering the sewer rate, said atatc. us- age should be monitored now to see if people begin to-waste.water. • Public works . superintendent Doug Johnston said there will be: "very little difference" in water us- age. . - Bugged by 2000 bug Reymer said the village office is in good Shape when it comes to the Year 2000 -Bug, especially since the ...village's tax 'computer uses a four digit year. - , He- added Biddulph Township jtas done much to deal with the is- sue which Lodes•' well with the pro- posed Merger between the two mu- nicipalities _: tt •is • • exi5ected Biddulph's offices will be -the hone base for the new entity. - • - Reymer said` the Lucan Com- ' mutiny Memorial Centre, the Lu- r.can-Biddulph Area .Fire • Dept., the water booster station and the water tower all may 'have some work to do to 'get their electronic equipment Year:2000 compliant and the. sew; 'age -plant is working on the matter. • "This could. be an expensive proposition or it may not.bc," ijc said. • You deal with it Couneil passed A motion that paves the way. for London to rt:. - finance -Ontario Clean -Water Agen- cy's (OCWA) debt,on the Lake Hti: ron. water pipeline. Reymer said "London expects to save a sub- stantial amount of cash by renego- tiating the debt, ' Lucan • and other municipalities on the. pipeline, including •Exeter, pay their share 'of the debt through • the water rate. ' - Cabin block - Lucan Area Heritage's plans to transport the historic , log cabin -to Lucas they bought froth a lumber business in Port Elgin, hit a road-_ block.with' building ipspector Barry Mills said a lease agreement needs to.be in. place and a building permit • must be signed beton• the cabin ar- rives. ' Benner was taking care of the le- gal side (lie's a lawyer) af'the lease but, as noted earlier, is on vacation. • Heritage's Austin lfiodgins said other"concerns include whether or not Heritage 'has 1o" pay" ,about 57,000 in development fees to do the work needed once the cabin -ar- rives and several passages in the lease that are either unnecessary or redundant. Council directed Hodgins •and Reymer to hammer out a ftnal•dtaft least agreement. Reymer said he wasn't sure but was confident municipal property is exempt from development charge payment. Heritage .hopes- to have the 'cabin in operation at the fdrmer ,water tower site in time. for Lucan .•Her- itage Days on -Aug. 15-16. • _. Up fox renewal ' Since ., Lucan's development charges bylaw ,:expires Aug. 31, 1-999. Reymer reconimended a. con- sultant he hired to come 'up with .a new bylaw. The . Municipal Act forces mu- nicipalities to- renew development -charge bylaws every five' years 'to reflect changes to or. new ;legisla- tion passed by•the proyince, • The total cost of developing a new bylaw will be in :the $25,000: $30,(100 range:-: Rcyrnet,said 95 per cent of that cost will come out of the develop- meni charge reserve account and through future development charg- es levied -to developers and home - builders. The last five per cent the village must raise itself. . The village will .invite the only two or three Ontario firms 'that do development -.charge bylaw- coni '.saltation' to make, -presentations at the Aug: 18 council meeting.: Reymer `said holding. a public -meeting is also part of the process. r - FINANCING UP TO 48 MONTHS $ ACROSS CANADA WE'RE MAKING IT EASIER FOR CANADIANS TO GET OUT ON THE ROAD. CHEVROLET CAVALIER SEDAN ,, morons 51 530 down payment $ $645 ire+pnf v NO SECURITY DEPOSIT 111E CAR NONE CANADIANS NAVE, DEPENDED 01 FOR 111E LAST EIDE TEARS. WS N0 WOOER 114H ME HOMES: 2.2 titre engine, automatic transmission, air conditioning. 4 -wheel ABS. 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