HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-15, Page 15_COMMUNITY_ limn= bion planned LONDON — Haar ye! Haar ye! All Heamans.and their relatives. deseendantr and. friends are urged to attend a reunion in Aika Crate on Aur; I - This will bathe third reunion since the.tirst one in 1993 at •ContraI ia. the homestead area of the early Heaman pioneers in 1845 In 1996 the second reunion was held in Virden, Man., where over 300 attended. - The reunion will include displays of family trees based on the five children (William, Thomas. Elizabeth, Anne and Jeremiah). Who came with their mother, Elisabeth and step -father. George- Webber. to the Batter area in 1845. Other Heaman families came later to, North America from Devonshire, England. and • settlecd in London. Ont. in 1871. New` York Stote in 1880: Saskatchewan: California and Wisconsin in 1912 and finally. British Columbia in 1958 It was daring the tate 1890 that many of Jeremiah',, family mama bers left Ontario and headed west to Carmen and Virden . Are you a Heaman descendant' You could•be if your last name is one oldie following: Dawmng. Baker, C;tark. Collier. Hunter. John • ston. Leslie. Smith. Tolson.. Young, Caretont, Ching and Dawson, _Sri come Mtn the celebration. Bring your family trees for.displa% 'The emphasis this yearas on historical or Orient' photographs . • A tour will be made. of the pioneer terms and of the cemetenes And 'games for the young and old are planned There will also be a garage sale. an auction and souvenir:.. Sat- - urdav night will otter a chance to kick up your heels to'a good coun• - try band hor more intormaton or accommodation contact Don -or Mane Heama:. 96 Gtenburnie Cr.. London. Ont.. N5X 2A3, 1519) 455- 980a NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF- THE VILLAGE OF LUCAN - TAKE -NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Village of LuCan passed By -Law -09-98 on the 7,th day of July, 1998 under Section 34 of the PLANNING ACT R.S.O. 199C • AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency -may appeal to the -Ohtani Municipal Board in respect 5t the by-law by filing with int: Clem of int VILLAGE OF LUCAN not tater tnan 4th day of August. 1998 a nouce.o• appeal setting out the obtectionls) to Inc by-law and the reasons ir, support of the objectionisi: Only individuals. corporations and public oodles may appeal a zoning uv-iaw to tne Ontario Muntcioal Board. A - nouce or appear may not he filed by an unlncorooratea association -c-• - grout:. However. a notice -of apoeai may oe fried in Inc name afar indmiotiat wno .ts a memoer of tne as.ociauon or tne group BY•IAVI 09-9E applies to all rands within Me Village of tucat.. THE PURPOSE- of trio Zoning fly -raw Amendment is to amend tne side yard reoutrements or seim detactiei1 dwellings with attacned garages tc tire accurately. rettect Council s Intentions THE COMPLETE by-law is available for inspection in the. Office of Inc CGlen curing regular business noun . DATECi, Aar THF VILLAGE OF LUCAN THIS 15th DAY OF JULY. 1998 R.1. Keymer. AMCT - Administrator & Cieri ., Village of Lucan - 161 Main Street , P.O. Box 44a . LUpAN, orltano NOM 2J( ss.. T • • Ismasomil t' 1 7i' 1/1 11 • 1141111140107. 4 VILLAGE • ltf. LICE 1110•1411.10, 411111111‘106. ( wool" Wil5010 Thames Road hi, . Reach Rohde Tfwases Road correspo. den: THAMES ROAD - Fifty wnmei, and girls gathered at Thames Road Church on Monday evening for a bridal• shower • to honor ICarert Rohde.. bride -elect of August Jean Hodgert played "Love, Mc. Tender" while Tammy •Rohde brought het cousinKaren to a char stn the 111at. tenni • Sharon Passmore welcomed everyone •and gave ,two readtnp Tammy -Rohde read a nicely safari ed address. Maggie Miller:.Heathe+ Morgan and Megan Parker carnet. in the.the gifts. - After opening- the gifts. Karel: thanked everyone. and. thanked Sharon Passmore. Marilyn Rohde and .Tammy -for- getting. up ;ht shower Tammy conducted two contests The hasement was decorates' With candlebra with blue candles in it. •a table with barn. house. sift. tractors -and farm implement.. Murphy shirt, glass nuts et.- to re-• resent -Murphy's. when Karel • work~ • --. Hodgert reunion .The 73rd Hodgert trimily- rennin! wa. -he4d rr, -Dashwooda: att..it • Community Centre. ore July : . There were.76 people for -lunch an - 64 tor suppc: - . The sports, committee kens th young ones.busv The cnii'drer were - presenter: ,"doodle hag• ' a the entt ot.the game: Winner.' were Under vear.,aCnnstin: Etta,. Keith McIntosh. Hayden Cann.: laver' years. -Susie Mine: Jessica Bray:. Nathan Canc • r years anti• under shoe !tick. Kei.th-Mclntosh. Hayden Cann. Christine Elks; Care- -• years kick. the .shoe. Nathan Lana.. Megan. Parker, Susre Miur-.• • Wheelbarr -race• Jack Hodgert 'and ".i lstin Cant.. Susie Mine• " andhereMcintost. Jessica -bray ari Janette -Dykstra:. Balloon popaing - Andrew Rice, Alana Hodgert aLacti Dougall. Nathan' Cann. llubblr -guns Michele Hodgert, Megan Parker, •. Janene Dykstra. Susie Miner. Dodge ball :'Susie Minor. Adartlfl Rigby. Josh Pickering. - The •youngest at the picnic was Amanda Hodgert, tour month old - daughter o1 Attila and Mlchetc. Hodgert. Tire Qidest was. Florence Richardson of London Tans one.- -t who ravelted the farthest to the picnic were Lour. and Eiieer Hodgert trona bradiord. lantana• - Church service •.• •( The..churt:tt service- at 'Thatites: Road- oh -Sunday morning- was circ, ducted by Rev. Marilyn Carte:. Sii gave the youth encu,. cntitietl ".Letters': " . The chum sang allon• latching to Jesus' acconiplinted hy. pianist • Maridrie Joints. The title of the a:.r- , mut was"A Love Letter_'•= Reek, and .ludtth 'Parjtet received.. the offering and were the greeters Coming events. Rei. Marilyn Carter's office jltuurs•are as follows , a.m. 10'1 p -.m. Monday. !Tuesday. Wednesday: y a.m. to 1 ppm. Friday. at home; 1:30 to 4:30 •p.nl • Munda).. . r Tuesday. I Wednesday_ and Fnda)'..visttauun. • 1T>rursda), day oil 'The otltce •telepi,one.is 235_ 12803. The minister's- holidays will run front August 16 to September . 15 `During this•, time Ells Vanhcrgen. is available for 'an emergency that may arise Please call 235.2586 homg or 235-0860 )work t, - A summer event entitled. 'Meet Me on the Mountain' will he held at Siloam United Church on lulu 18.. Guest speaker will be" David MorrisSix workshops pertaining to Bible Study .are planned. For more information coritacr•'Virginia Warwick at 21S-1670 Thames . kns(d•Rlini-ville Christian Education Committee arc sponsoring a - one -dal .Vacation Bible School on July 26 - The-dawill begin.ar 11:30 atm at Thames Road Church with. tht• +rhitdren hringing a hox lunch to eat The centers. or Bible study. games. t -shirt. songs and a snack will revolve around the theme iitessing ti Clod's Worlei . . • All children ages tour and up arc welcome Adults are invited niacin,. the group' -at a wiener roast ant' catnpfire.at 5:30 pail. Admission is a salad or -a dessert The -registration tee is 32 pe• child which should he given -t. Margaret ,Stewart. 235-185.0.- Jane; C.owaru 220-E74.: Sharon l'avgett. 224-689: o>. 'Parer•. Ethenngtoi.. 235-162: .- Personals (Oa Saturday' ' atternoor and evening for supper the foliowine people gathered at the home•of Kav - Ntortey to visit with her daughter Karen Mortes and Kristina of fora Saskatchewan. Alberta: Florence. McRoberts. .Bal: and Marion Thomson of Blanshard Twsp.; Joan Cooper. Carolyn May. of Londoi: • Floyd -and Shute: Coope• o: Eltmvilie. Cierale! and Cath' Morley and- Nicole of Port Stanley Shari .Morley of Granit ileac. Lai', and Laurie Morley and Lexis. Dar. and .Nan. Stmt;. Chad. -Courtney and Lore•. --f bxete:.-Kobert anti Kathy. Bray.. Krists . Jessica and Vanessa and friends Bill and Rhode . iiohcle• Quite Supply the Finest P.V.C. TUBULAR RUIN FURNITURE - the Ulliarare in Elegant Outdoor Living... .i ilitHAMMOCKS RTIFICIAL PLANTSALES ANDFWW ftS HADE H0U S CCESSORIES ' . A Tirlitiaw in Wrought afvn Timex -Advocate, tuft, 15, 199R - Page 1.5 Playground staff Fun for the kids! The Exeter Summer Playgrqund_ opener` up tor another near ori Julv,6 and wilrcontinue fpr the next fiveweeks Ir additior to olayinf -.games arc makin€ cratis. children ages 4-12 wil, -bf• f':'"7. on dat:-trips. Pic- tured above bre the new staff to tri oiayiround. In frons is Holli Fultor,, while in back from. -ref;_. are,Pattt• Woos, Jo . die McGee- and program co-ordinate r Jen- Van Bake:. - miMMUNOMIMMIIIMImmenamisminmi Replacing v� oof... COnSider n. metai- SPRNtHOUF 0111.!. � GLJlds Ahkt er mete.' •atarrdlt toe as! cepa for cossitismatsr1 lawman. or ter eaves of aA tlataker sea,- rvr lineae pasta- SPRINGHOUSE ING 97 trines ad. E. kilter. (ht. PNM IS (5191 235-1666 or tax (5191M-285: • Paroled tuenoelung OMB, • Strewn of sle-. ' - • Zanies 1Car 00113e s gall • woe a miaow; main, • • Lcur maasioO_ • tartrommem++i )item • l009. recuciab, • 4erleer and 1 r. mow • Uarabte aolWaleey 'iv -Marmot War sous pin, swum. • YIIUaleesatin MOM colour • (moor 000nimaerl elm • ran oe ®air.+, over mrs1. roc: • NM Calor Jnr aft sod Moana •homow mar, °imarn • hazard av a uaaaroW lemon TOWNSHIP OF -STEPHEN CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REPLACEMENT OF HURO1\ PARK SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF' 1 arias been toentifted tnat tne existing sewage .treatment facilities at huron Pam renuire signilican: upgrading tc repair deficient,. components. There is also considerable overloading at the main -sewage Uumpingstabui, a; time: ()Ideal: flow, causing periodic bypassing of rawsewage to file receiving screen:. A stuov was-unoertanen tt examine' alternatnres to resolving tnebe prhblems..The Townsntp is proposing a project whirr trivoives trlk• folwwinl components. •- , _• •,cont,truction of a new'main sewage pumping station at the same rocattort as,Ure existing.statiui, eunrpiett with standby power suppt) '• constructiorrol a sewage forcemain from tne new pumping station to Ute exeter sewage ueptnreni pian. lnc forcemain will ire constructed in existing roan Blror(ances.and tt►rougn the (.plower -Exeter haul av irgnt-of-wa• • tare expansion.ot the Exeter sewage treatment plant to hveomnrooate ftows-(rorn huron Han -.r the decornmishronirig of the existing huron Parh sewage neat ient.piant - . • The estimated cost'of the project is $4,400, 00t'. the Tuwnshrp nes receiver) pruvnrt rat funur i assistance 0' ' $2,016,000, under the Provincial Water Protection Fuitd' The Township has•planned the projec' under the Cla u:Eavkoamental Assessment for Municipal Watery ane Wastewater Projects'. This project is identified as a St',freduIe B Activit), Approved. Subject ar Screenu(t, nr Envirinmeetal iore.RMg Report has been completed which documents the planning ano Uesigri pruces truer tanen as part of the screening process. By this Notice the Nepurt is beuig placed in the pubo. repro Ie review. Subject to comments received as a result of this Notice ano the receipt of necessary approval!. tiff . Tuwnshrp intends to proceed with the consUuction of the works The Environmental Screening Report is available for,review at the following location: Township of Stephen Municipal Office - ' 38 Victoria Street East. Crediton, Ontario • NOM IMO . • , Telephone: (519) 234-6331 Ontario Development Colombo, Huion Indust.- al Parts Humin Park A public hibmistion Misting at which the Report will be presented by the Townships Cr/natant g inguieers, will be held on: r Tuesday, July 28th, 1998, 7:30 p.m. . Township Council Chambers - 38 Victoria Street, Ctsdlton, . Furt der information may be obtained from he Township's Consulting Engineers, B.M. Russ & Asauiidtes tauter 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 2T4, Telephone (519) 524-2641. Attention: Steve Burns, Project Errgrnee• Please provide written comment to -the Township Clerk within 30 calendar days from the date et this nobce..51 concerns regarding this project cannot be resolved in discussion with the Township, a person inay request that tete Ministry of Environment 'bumpup' the project to art individual environmental assessment. ;Bump -up" requests must be received by the Minister at the aridness below by /big at 14, 1208. A copy of the -bump-up' request shall be sent to the .Township Clerk. If there is no "bump -up- request by August a4, JAW, the sewage works project may proceed to con$tructiOn as outlined in the Environmental Screening Report. - Minister of the Environment ' 135 St. Clair Avenue West 15th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5 This Notice issued July 15, 1998 Reeve Harvey Ratz Township of Stephen