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Times Advocate, 1998-07-15, Page 14
• Page 14 Tint, -Advocate, lulu 15 19% Hensall District Co-op receives AG•21 certification ,By Kate Mont. 1'-A Resanr' fl wa. al} smiles last Thursday in Hensall when- the' Hensall District . ( 1. -op hecome tht firs! to-• operative In Caned:, in he cenihcd in Farmland Industrie.' 'AG•2 I pro, granI More than 400 people' attendci. the' ceremony .whirl, feature(' 'speeches. tram several Permit n, eluding Farmland's presid4)ni ant!• chin executive officer Harr Ch' herr; and 1 oju Saw "- vet . CXCCUIl"c "vier president of the. Pep • ' ' - tihzer -institute of 00 • 'tit en rant, ,.j _. , - all en AG21 1, ,t cern • • to optimize trop.vteld% and qualm. sustatnahihty of • crop production. economic returns, conservation' of snit and water resources. prntecttoll' of the envirnnmeni and the pro tecltdn of human health In addition to worktnp with Spr ciall' trained- agronomists pro ducers artpromised tap quality tet 'ohm. crop protectants anti crop Management service. Technologt and trainin pito grams help the produeet-owners dr velor: personalized 'lntegfatsd trot Management - IICM nrograite. • Ttiese program m CO assa incorporate Nutri mnnnentt en. Maitagemeil 'production . pmces• developed M Fern) land to raise th:= ag- ronomic eri'v+ruu mlentai. and. manageria: standards to, : co-operative. acro).. Not. America. •The program. n=:.• partner shin •5-1 the local co-operativc. +t�. tamler-memhers ant! I artnland •` Witt. tri:• goal• q• •,usini• u1t' hest • cr,i)t. production techniques and the later :technolog'. • tt "m:(xtmve crop potent* n :a! 'cnvtroi.. mcntalii•-titendlve+iannet - Bret Eide: o' me Hcnsal. L+str+c' • C 4-01. explainer A(.•'_' ` r mor::. comnrenenstb tna: • an srngi: nnluu - " 11 encomnasse . all comnmcne Iron peal :• 144--nrujian! 1rr% , v; tsate te- p c, f!'oni field 10 Plan, P-cil • Mai. - verrten( Pian. situ • the Henkai; nsul.+ •( 4' r operatlrc wa• <e+h)h Ip ants .njnt month.. - dunnl whar t) umthe co'nherat ivy i• _endued o '.it a:• : a: rcmom4, prrice, em nnnrnenl i sates, andf markenne/hilmat: n• • %ourccs elton . . Nine %tat• hart ' atreai1 mer tit: re1iulrement n' hr. (certified (;rot Adviulr• and mon wit take tut Cnui%e' in the future - • The nannershi . ''ll1. 'Fannon(' :will hell) •rho HI): pita int, the la, •est tntnnnaunit•technolufv. _1hi- . anicuiall144. vatlit • adder c.r0p- w•hu:1. .have small. gtrahta aarioard an ' nett.- • n• tormatuor, tr1 . ed had, 1( th; 1 ion. Sawyer tau(leci the pair ship. unit F-.irnilantl a • titin:• tot ()Plant tit,ciel•.• :inldn• ricutturt 13tvrte)'_' lY Ili: - arc. the HI)c - Hr hehevc ilii• m panni-r%i v.t' s , ratrh:• eye...til cxriernct fu tact: tl "bill,; nronient, win. Man, pew. e1 rattic' Thal ntt)ili•� Accordant .t. • yravtvc: ptu.tt two-. ar1t1 11.1;Lneu l.nt' e: nrogran. Ili: l'u�,; nt'v is t.I9 hill,: mom,' -nl'' 0 FII; n i „r. tut dl)Ur ulct: uCtt,m r bra 1)t t• parer 1• -01111 int'• t\':l. -'• Anow dr:tvtlati • r alt.: 1::' ..bran. rows' )',11. Li4- .rrir'.ttm, to nreQ12let. • (:t;o-:. rtreScei U7:. irm•:r:an_ til til: at.•'. 1,-,711lllllt:t i 119, lar..' ':dal:' •...!• lin:>:t„1 ::• :ildiltlf . '1?' nl►tiaoh :tat 141 0 -4 I•: • • fork.'' ' nthet Hes! Mai, agement Pracu::e: • ICM- ,program provide eustfnner'. •with rota: a!• rondmic planntnj: tielif-hi•-tten . history asststanct' %kith envi?oi- menta', regulation..; anti -the pr portunit•. b, use• tfu mos; rccen technology In precision agrtcultur; such a global posJ1ionene systent' .ancf• field .mapptn A,ccofdinl. 0 Eicte:.. i 3.(00 acres -art- aircraft. di' the !CM program 7 t .necomc : ceni(ted A(1-.2 ucafc: earl co-operatnt ant':44 - employee,. mus: - complete c� tenkivt trairrtnt' • 0 nleC tedira. ' nMylncla:- and local environments - sianuaru. Int ceiiticanol- nrc)ces usudtl\ taKc- itt‘• years. Brussels Livestock Sakes -l:i safes 61 tsrusset. ilvestot:>v torine WecXenU1fl03ui' I.: 1-9'• .h!..l Lank:. Gtr LoWs.20 - • Veal and Ow Catvcs.'1,- - >,arnna and 1,oat.. 2 , .• . stccKer. • 7l _ •' - - 1tie ted sneer: and neUc[+ split ? : Iriwrt C i)w . mita anti steam' truurct. Hee "v • eal sol. 1 swam: wan 1)t, veal seltln4• S�-S 1 IQwt•i. Light tarmi; united swag,. with maw: tamp. St:;, I lag uneer pressn.: Smelter, salt o .t lacier. marl c• . - - . ' incr. wet: 3i) steer\ on oiler sebinz now 9J.0 ‘,,•)-1.01 4.) 11). suint a Y`,-`. • - t Silt see t'.onsigne:l-n•. son!. some.. - I+ringnant averagulr 1200 In'' •sold to: an averse :4 •'> :`•t" Willi sine t ;,y-5. _ 'I.4•on•. steci cogstenett re : C.ietcgPaun`.. Creultou avciarllll I4,-) to., sofa to::u. •rvc• 4 act. o' 9J.5 • wen sau:s cr 9';,.5.- '' . 'fen ,.5.- -ien steers consigned t-....auderlca I-arrnn. Listo' e: averafgml.:3_'' it, solo for au; jvcrac: i et ./.:,..14, vertu sales tt. 94:... ' - •- . - - 1111u -iv -seven steers consigned t.. Cunningham 4-hira:-.!;.ural: averagln)•1401. in, • sal:: I. i all avera2:• n• • I a wall sale; Y.' 9,.U': . • ....."0; - "1 Crile litho itecr consigned ry Mar lownsenvtt. . aeatorweignhli ' 3' ; los sofa to• .) 1- tine:Mao: steer consigned tr.. lrvll: Scnenl.. I'etersourg weighuq 1400 to, soul to, , • t Sr steer-. consigned n ,.(Jeral.1 karnwc... btuceuelo averaging 1 J, t' to,. soh i :u. „'r - ag` Of '..i.1 .. with sates ' •1-:.2 - f Four-eteen-constlrinet 4 " )ml Howatt. Londesboro6rh sverarmr t!° Ihs s0114 for an rive/ -1 ' agt: o' 7:.00 Willi sates to 44.0 - - Ei rtneaen consighed r.•• twin, 1.0'.. •1lw000 averagin) 119-K.1i:. sold to: an , 86.24, with sloes fa Y: ' • "i we-ive heitei,.'consigned-n• 1•alnlet,l Farm_. Mesio:.: art -ramp; • , • '"lt; 40(44 w:.u: 1. • Crag: p: `- ._'u woo stiles N• -..- ' - 5i1.(x.•-4(tC)I4..4' 04' .j!) • 4 - p•.')weniv-sevcilneon's.cunslgncdo•'1-errs Scrcua ^.remtuuaveraong 11Sato:...soltlto: a; 'Incrc were 2V. cows on otter setun p uns 1), am: t' - IK.-•) u . tug1, • average of 9: .' WUtl sideiho')7.0Y - •- ' Eseverl•heIIrr, consigned 9c ;sad t •rami:: tiueval. ln avetan4 f f "! ie, SOW let aul_3verag, -" e' -). •--+ W)lt1 sates to 9G.S - - " . l nete'We(t 1) oulis'Q I ofief stiilng hunt 61.50 t,• 71.1.1X440 Inc thgrl c•') 0 (inc limo ouli consigned ov Mures' i reltor.:. tiobcnntion tvctgtlni) Is)!..5 ii),, soul lel 7:1.0 '. Une Mao outl consigned t, ie, h•atcunet. Citntun weelgtunr t66e1 loll. sot( to 'JAY. "there were "n•• veal on 0i1frselling: pec: - 80.0'tt !35.0:. m. 'blx).t 2.0' -•.-pram I - • 5)A0 h. 70.(}' . • - Fuu- veal -consigned n.' K)ctlard.fltmt; Listowel overman). 73o in,. sold ity. an avetagc e • I2 •._ : with SAIC-4 it ! 4\ l)• . - - - : len veal consigned 9t Jour Ycruurg. tAmuesboto averaging 6(0 46s. -solo gm on areiag•- 41 98'8h whit salt:, 'II ,..4.4.0. 1 • - Sia vci11 consigned 1)v Ficin,bu.. 049ul a %Traylor 7115 lo. sold i0: an avrraY.•=