HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-15, Page 5PAINIA
By Ross Haugh from the •
archives of the
'Exeter Times Advocate
- July '13, 1988 - Crediton
Summerfest which itas beet'
held for the past five years.pn..
the second weekend to Au
gust will be suspended for at
least one year. Acting chair -
Man Fred Bowers says lack of
interest by volunteers and es-
calating costs were responsi
ble for the move.
• The current strike of Bell
Canada • employees is in its
third week,..'
.The Kippen team of Paul
- Middleton, Al Kyle, Brad `
Mann; Jamie Caldwell and
-Dan Crest- won the ...annual
Claybird gun club champion-
ship, Sunday . • .
. Rev: Sheila McGregor has
been .inducted as the minister I
Of Thames Road and Elim --
wine United chtrches.
A -tray of rings with an esti-
mated retail value of $5,500
was stolen- from Earl C:amp-
bell Jewellers on Monday' af-
ternoon by a mak •customer
who looked at the rings- and
said He will take them all as
he ran out the door.
July 13, 1978 - Winning the
Moncur Scholarships this year
at SHDHS are the top tetnale
and male students. Heather
Little and Paul Van Esbroeck.
• Other Ontario Scholars are
Mary Warburton, Wes Ab-
bott, ... Susan Feaver, Rene
Kirmse, Carolyn Perry, Elean-
. or Salmon and Catherine Wei
do. Doug Scott .was. tops in
grade .. l2; Deb .Webster was
• best int- grade 11, Arndt Ver-
maeten and; Paul McAuley. ,
were tied in grade 10 and tops;
"in grade nine was`Kevin Gas--
GregPfaff, soli., of Mr. .and
Mrs. Harvey Pfaff is among
the 31 - army cadets from
across Canada chosen. to take
part -in' a six-week trairiin�g
am with Canadian Forc
- es in.Europe.
!City 12, 1963 - Record
crowds swarmed to the Grand
Bend resort' on the weekend in
an attempt 40. beat 98 degree
temperatures. •
- Max --Harness, 'focal Ontario
Hydro driyer won the western
region's truck ruadeo-for the
third bine last week:
July 14, 1958 - Sunday after-
noon the new Baldwin• organ
was dedicated at the. Thames
Road United Church by Rev..
H.C. Wilson.
The general store of Enuner=
son. Kyle at Kipper has been
purchased by. the Ontario• De-,
parttnent of Highways and will
tee demolished to provide bet-
tei vision at the intersectioi► of
the county road and Highway
4. Mr. Kyle has operated the
store since 1931.
Margaret Sanders is the first
SHDHS student to receive the
bursary given by the Women's
Auxiliary' to,South Huron, Hos-
pital to a.. girl' commencing
training for the nursing profes-
sion. She will .enter the St. Jo-
seph's School of Nursing in
September.' - .
50 YEARS AGO • -
July 12, 1948 The first -Jun
for Turnip Club •in Ontario was
organized last week:at the farm
of Oscar Tuckey, near -Exeter.
Dr. and Mrs. E.S. Steiner art.
in Guelph -attending the Ulna-
•tio Veterinary. Association
meeting •
• Victor ' Dinnin, principal. of
Zurich Public School , took
grade seven and eight students
on -a trip to Toronto this week.
• ' In clie 12 baseball games
played'tu date this season, Ger-
ry Smith with 14 hits in 35
cries leads the Exeter ball telun
at the plate. •
July, 14, 1923• - The judging.
of the school, gardens. took
place on Saturday by W.G.
Medd and J.S. Harvey. The
prizes were awagded to the evi-
• dent care taken, variety and
condition of vegetables and at=
rangernents. Prizes were as fol-
lows: Mr. Howard's . room;
Stella Northcott, John Kuntz
.and Harry Jennings; Miss
Medd's room, Helen Penhale.
Gladys Hunkin, •Orville Bea-
ver, Russell Collingwood, Rus-
sell Snell and Roy Batter:
Miss Flossie Vincent has re-
signed .her position with R.
McKenzie and Son and Miss
A. Willard is taking her place.
The Plymouth Brethren held
an .open' air service on Main
Street Saturday evening. They
have set up a tent near Victoria
Park and are holding services
each night.
Stephen Township pool staff
Lifeguard staff. Pictured from left are members of this summer's- lifeguard staff at the
Stephen Township pool: Scott Falshaw, Crystal Knee and. Sarah Van Sligtenhorst. Absent
are Carly Riley, ;Katie _Schlegel and Sandi Skinner. The pool features public; swimming for
$1.75.`Mon. - Fri.. 1 -pm. and 5-7p.m., and 1-3 p.m. on weekends". 'The,lifeguard staff
are also -teaching lessons in the mornings.
Hire a Student
- Preparing for the Interview
When a .play' is finally per-
formed for the audience, it is. the
eulminatiori-of'weeks of rehearsal
-and 'practice. When a champion
swimmer competes for the gold
medal, you can bet she onlxr wins
after months of training and exer-
cise. it seems that if we Want to do
something well, we spend a dis-
proportionate amount of trine pre-
paring for it in -comparison -to the
time. it takes tit- perforin the actual
deed. Therefore, the sane care and
preparation should be put towiird
an Interview. i1' you expect su:-
cessful results. '
Give yourself , inti toresearch
•the interviewing- e.. aness'thoi-
oughly-:Find out as much informa-
tion as •.-ou .can about Row .the
company is- structurea and ho* it
operates: What are the. current is:
sues that the business is dealing
with? What- would, your:, role be
within the business? Having the
answers tti,these gbestions, ahead
of time will arm you with the in-
fvrmatioir you need to answer
many` of the , ipteryiewer's- gtJes''
nuns in more depth and,with inure
-Try .to anticipale .the, kinds of
questions that the interviewer „illi
ask; and prepare.(but du not mem-
orize) answers'ahead "o(, umc. The
following-are some stgndard ques-
tions thailyuu could elCpect ' .
Why du you want this Job +l'ith
our business'' - ' :
.ow will • Our . business benefit
by hiring you?, - - - - -
What do you fll you would
gain from'a job.with our tTusuiess''
What do you eonSider to be your
major strengthslweaknesses ;
". Interview questions" are roc y all
as siratghtfurward as dies 1 exam
ples. Don't .be surprised -.if an ens
player 'asks you, a few- abstract
l questions that demand creative -but
thoughtful.answers. Fol' example:
- What' is the, most • boring job
you'.ve ever (tad, and how did you
i do at it? ,
How • would you sell- ' 'tit.' that
i chair next to you?
What is the most interesting trip
you have eyer-taken?
- 1f you were a tree,. what .kind of
tree would you must likely. be?.
Some people resent being asked
these kinds of questions -because.
•they feel that the employer is
inoekWhat do 'you fell you would
gain from ajob with ourbusine§s?
A What do you.consider to be your
major strengths/weaknesses? -.
Inte,rview.questions'are.rarely all.
as straightforward as`.these exam
pies. Don't be surprised if an cm- -
ployer asks you a • few abstract.
-questions that demand creative but
thoughtful answers. For exiimple:
What is the roost boring job
you've ever had, •and tow did you
do at it? •
How would you sell me that
chair next to you? '
What is the most interesting trip
you have ever taken?
If you Were a tree, what kind of
gee would you•most likely be?
Some people resent being asked.
_these kinds Of questions because
they feel that the employer • is
mocking their qualifications of ex -
By . Cherilyn Bylsma ;
pertence. This -'is not. likely ,the.
case. More and more., 'often 'em-
ployees are being asked to take nn
multiple rotes_.within 'the work en
vtronntent The- ability.: respond
Creatively and quickly lei untanjtiai -
situations is highly valued to , a'
'workplace.' Questions • that
may seem off -the- wall at first.rare
likely the intervie:wer's *ay o1` de
tetihining this.
.The. interviewer •'i1'i also be
making fudgemcnts based on your
. appearance: For this reason. it is -
important . that yotl remain con-
- sclous of your body language; and ,
dress appropriately. However,. it Is •
equally important that' you are
1 dmtortable and-pleasetl with, your.,
appearance Toil will give You a '
telling of confidence that will not
go unnoticed by'the interviewer
Think of the ihterview as an'oj►
ponunrty for you to sell your .finest
,product - yourself( Through Care--
fol preparation, sut'ttessful inter- ,y
view candidates cab to td.the inter-, ,
Viewer towards their stress chs, 4=
shift ;the lvc-tl.hway drop► their°
weaknesses, and leave a positive .1=
and lasting tinpressitin -with ,clie ',
busines,.;11 you are a •studem antic; •
'. Mating a job or school interviesl, �.
-,tlic Hyman Res ice (-=pntrc for - •r:
• Students has°roar . resuitre ''nate-
nals designed ii aid' with your
1st & : r.jage .
. at 6.5% interest or fess Personal
Loans Totally Unsecured if.you
quality, monthly payments as tow as
-Amt. App, Mthly Payt.
' 55.000 527.68
510,000 554.16
, 515,000 581.25
Consolidate Your Debts
387-1932 Astral Funding
* Wes updated deify titilttt 28
aompardsit to matter. serve you
*Rstss °syn t to drop
Ex?ter Grand Bend
235-2420 .236-$4841.
preparation,' Io lind uut.nrorc in-
formation about- imervIeu skill,.
contact the HRC -S u' Exeter lit
235-171.1 s ,
Times Advocate, July 15, 1998
Out at the
Open for busi-
ness: Employee
Anita Phillips,
right,, serves din-
ner to customer
Joanne Ben:
gough of Hensall
bt the Snack
Shack on King
Street In Hensall.
The business,
and Nancy Phil-
lips, is open until
11 .p,m, every
night and fea
.tures a. wheel-
chair -accessible
Page -5
Due to extreme dry weather conditions
The Exeter P.U.C.
is requesting, that all Water Customers
ad►lere to the watering restrictions as set
out below
The co-operation of everybody is greatly
Commercial Businesses
9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday, Wednesday
and Friday
Residential Households
7 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
0,•1 1,1,p.Or.,Ir. r r r` ft> Ack.
�o o
Hensel! Ont.
All types of auctions.
• Complete service.
Will pur hase'partial or
R complete estates.
, Brad Mousseau '
Auctioneer (519) 236.4558
• C i4ofv g!✓ 1°oGdost •
(519) 666-0833
Pick up and salt+ of complete
or partial estates.
Speclalising In Farm, Real
Estate, and General Sales.
Sewing the community and
area for over 40 years.
Sewing Machine
to all makes
, Free estimates
90 Day Warranty
Experienced since 1952
Sew and Save
Centre Ltd.
149 Downie St., Stratford
Phone 271,9660
i+14i1113 ii r y,ri NiiIY � i
' it 28' 24' • 16'x32'
''� 1 HP'pump & Alter 1 HP pump & filter 1 HP pump & filter
r� 892,599°°
I I r .� °° s`
Vittitta. MGM APr Q IMT ON Ma
. I
molt ea *Pont•
We carry a complete line of:
• Pool Filters
• Pumps
• Complete line of Chemicals
• Parts for many different
pools & filters
Payment- terms on approved credit
• Ladders • Slides
• Diving Boards
• Winter Covers
• Solar Blankets
We also do- computerized
water analysis
110 MAIN ST. N., EXETER 2350800/237.3150
aii6 PA res