HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-15, Page 2Page ' Times-Adaaotate,. July 15, 199 ih!THNFWS _. Regional wrap up 2001 Games receive 51.2. million from province ' LONDOty -- The -200 t Cana- da Summer Games committee received a -' $1.'million• cheque. last Wednesday 'from Ontario Fe - ;lance Minister- krone 'lsveie. re - :ports the London Free Press. Several local MPPs. were on , hand at the cheque presentation ceremony • - . Eves Mas. promise the provtnce May contribute another: $2 mil' lion to' the event The Gaines . will.. too. $27.8 militate. although : number crunchers • sae Mt: : arrival of 4.300 athletes and thousand, _uf - spectators could "meet $42 mil hon back tnto.the econom\ The -Games are being held by •Lonnie, m partnership with St. 'Thom:( Woodstock.. ;Grand -Heti. - an, trii• -Universite of. W estcrn Untarn. Champion employees get new deal GODERICt - Aiu r month: negouattone. Champion Me ' C,rader an its unionized cmon,vee member, of Local. l b( .101 the International Assoc alien of Machinists (LAM) nave reacned a new four-ve:ir agree- . gree- men:. reports the Gouencn Ste- - nal -Sia: - Un the recommendation `irtu- • tor ` leaaersh ip. the employees voted 70 per, cern. to favor t)t a _. cepung tee new egreerrient Union spokesman. Jim Nugent said the. toter-veier deal is goab for Inc company and enrtsployeee, in that. it 'also- peovides pension -and benefit tmtirovernent; t• Marijuana bust in F ullartov Semisciiming to Lacan's sore The vacant lot behind the municipal office will become four -semi-detached units by the end of the summer • By Craig Bradford T -A Reporter Ll JCAN - Tbhoise used to• parking behind the Lucan municipal nfticc better rind another parking epot• That 'parking•lot', that Is aecessetl trpm Wilhani-Si will hecnme tout Semi-detached homes built -by John Tsantilas on behalf of C:ecit Lewis'', Menet Holding. • Village' council appmved the plan atter a land dive shin committee meeting wax' held., ui deel well,an apphcatrnn to sever- rine evertine of the Inas and rezone it tor res- identiat. purposes trom the existing commercial zoning. ,The meeting • also dealt with a-hoirsekeeping mat- ter. to define side yard minimurri' tor semi=detached dwelhnRs with. and without garageslearpon.s Council approved the. hvtaw amendments at the regular council meeting heldatter the lend division meeting and a short public meeting The only concern voiced by those ,tew people ar the politic meeting was whether Maui St huSiness owners on that black can still have access to the back doors of their storee and to park there. Lewis has allowed people to park on the lot and to dieve `behind :ince hum. Misses. The about 45' directly be hind the municipal office will- re- • main •vacant but doesn't go far. . enough -Mirth for business. owner - to access the hacks of their store- • •• Lewis said the remaining _vacant ;lot may have enough mom for ur • to eight cers.to.park • Council One business owner lamented • that some of their colleagues may resort to parking in front of their stores all day hecauee they can't park behind. them atter the semi detached units are built • Lucan Area Heritage president - Mike Anderson said he is trying to negotiate with the, non-resident owner. of the former -Grand Central Hotel lot owner to see if Heritage can gain a right ot way along the hotel property• to create a•semi- circle route for hue tour. to •use when the log cabin protect is'cnm " plate -.Anderson said. he'll • tie h,. gain access for business owners .ot. the :htock to their hack door.a- welt - Construction ori the units -wit) he gin in acouple ot month . -41.11111111.111.11111111110 Man charged with murder for Windsor hunting death GODF.RICH - The OPP have finally charged a Port Frank man with first-degree murder for the July 30, )999 shooting -death of John Dn'uglas Windsor. 29, of Exeter. • John i)nugherty, 54, was arrested Thursday and appeared in Gude rich court Friday:. He was remanded in_.custody at Elgin -Middlesex Detention Centre and will next appear in court Aug 10 • • The•OPI'said Windsor and Dougherty were hunting small game at Hallett Conservation Area northeast of Chnton when the shooting ix:Curred, Windsor died of a .20 calibre shotgun blast to the neck . ..Windsor was a truck driver staving with his father in Exeter at tile time of his death. The OPP refused to say how Windsor and Dou- gherty knew each other • The OPP said the delay inlaying the murder charge was due to the tact test resirlis.frrmn several -pieces of evidence tharwere-sent to To: . mnto's Centre tor Porenslc Sciences had only recently hecnme avail- able - . The shooting was called an accident by Huron OPP days tollnwing the incident The OPP.. said two full-time investigators and an inspector have been working on the case - County to fix Fallan Dr.? St. rezones King property BiDDULP}I TWI' you insist on giving it to us.' at least fix it of to accomodate funeral -bome . • HENSALI. • -. Council have - cleared the red tape to allow a •air - neral hometo be established at 7ti King S: . . - Un Monday : council 'passed to.. -law. Abet rezoned the residential - property -to accommodate the to i neral home - I The rezoning; was discussed at public meeting on Jule; (,.Propene owner: wither -4041 f; re the et tected proper`: received: notice o• the proposed zonlne change- . Huron Count • ptannint* ti partnien. -sentry- ptanne:. Wave: 1 Caldwclt explained the' tonin • n• t. tee ..-amendment--proces e re 1 meeting' -. - i . Ther, ttit ' applicant •J.1\ 'Mcbeau Furter;, Horn( directs EULLARTON - - Sebnngvilte' OPP seized more than 1.00 - marituana plants with an.. este • Mated street value_ of $292,000 tram a Fullerton residence. n - - ports the Mitchell Advocate • Putter: searched the home on Jae 3u and tuundtire cannablrs planta which • were In various - stages o: gruivth. and some growing equipment - i .. OPP said unc male turned himself et. white'Warrants tor- the orthe arrest ot to ., other residents' are outstanding I'd)sce, believe a huge' amount of niarituana from the: residence rias been'transplanted in a field located within the icount, Sebnngville' OPP are asking area landowners to keep .alt eye out to -rimy marijuana plants that may be growing On then propel: ty or any other unusual activity. Wingham receives web page grant -WINGHAM — Wingtlant is' recev'ing'a $4,300 grant front a Bell,Canada. Economic.- Develop- mete Fund to - redesign the town' N - web site. reports the Winghiun Advance -Times, According to figures from an Economic Developers Council of Ontario Inc.. press release, numerous Ontario communities had -requested the fund. The EDCO received 67 proposals to - taring $2.3 million in requested. ft iding to support $5.7 million m. Ilion in total. project costs: Wingham's proposal was named the Community. Based Web Site Development for the Town of Wingham. • • The town applied for the grant in late February. and had only a week to collie up with a solid pt.Ipusat. . Joyce Mclieath..eirculated copies of a letter she had wntten that .ad- • diessed :she •concerns expressed by neighbors. .•The letter included information about the choice_ m the tocauon-, parking.. property evaluation. chit-. dreti• s safety and the need for a fu neral home in i;tensali ; • - "lt rs irresponsible to say thatthe Village of Hepsall does not Heed a tuneral home • because 'such ser vice: arc* already. available in sut:' rounding communities.: as -one ;ectot stated." McBeath's letter stated. '`1t may also be; said that you do not need a grocery store or a- schoof or any industry because there are lots of those amerntie -in sur_ rounding communities as well _ McBeatti previously. operated - funeral home located at. 120 King St. betore it was damaged to a fire - on Jan: 2. 1998 ' During the -meeting nvci° 2) wet - ten or verbal submission~ in sup :port, of McBeath' s application were presented- - -. Five submissions were made against the apptrcatiott - - "The increased traffic anti •park tog for the. three - days- en compassing a tuneralat one et the busiest intersections in Hensel, rinses -many safety issues. cspcciai tv -tor pedestrians when -sch n,i r- out." Hensall resident Davie Vv'ai tog said-tn her 'Written obiccuon n, the rezomn I.Lticiin finalizing budget July -28? Tnotigh..stili waiting for the provi-n_ ce'.s educa- tion assessment. village council hopes to . i set- its- "p8 tax rate at its July 28 meeting I , LUCAN. - l he tax• statilinaliy catatethe-ennybe..:. ' = Lucan-council hopes to finaiize its '98 budget at its next nteeung on' Juts, 2t+ . - - - . . •- 1 What v-ittage-staft are still waiting for to -complete tree tax picture- is the education component of the pmvtnciai,-assessment that has peen:- delayed several time, - - - - -.- Administrator kon 1&eymer .said au Assoteatlon of .Municipalities of:. Ontario note mentioned the education numbers would-be reteased July •t, but the province sent word of another delays on Juiy t; - i .- ` . - Village staff are still planning to preseni two budget.scenarios to council: uqe wee a SW.00U cut from '97_ and another wnh a $.100.00t) slash to deal with piovrncial downloading i. . _ ' 1 ' - ' `. keymer said the secund scenario_ will likely be the one cuuncil will go ins . .•�. I ► i . '"t'ne $60.000cut will not prouuce the kind ot tax bill we'd like to. -put out." tie said, 1 - ` - Like most Ontario municipahuc -, Lucan Is laced wail either hiking - taxeS-or reducirig or changing now it delivers scrvrcos to deal with pre- . metal dpwnivadmg - ; i 1 Council' would norrrlalty hold o. seeund meeting of the month on July' 2 i . 6ut members decided to delay the meeting' a week so both Reeve Robert Bernier and luunctllor Perry Caskanette will be able to tie at the table- to set. the budget: Both- would not be able to attend a - meeting lin July 21 , . McGillivray hopes to hook into Locales water system By CEaig Bradford T A Reporter ! , + LLCA1\ tvleGalttvrae' 'township public work~ supeuntendent Brttr•e;Kerr':s waree pressure improvement idea for Clandiboye res - idents proves a Municipally driven idea can be nothing but a positive -tor all Mvu{,ved. Karr promoted his plan at last week's Lucan council meeting. Kate wants McGillivray to.hcok into Lucan's wales supply system -at Cty- Rd-- 13 ( William ,St.) and 'Hwy. 4 and utilize the - vihagc's water booster pumping Station to create higher water pressure for horns in McGillivray at- higher elevations Aike those in Clandebiuye and Muuresville. The 'looping' of the water hnc will also act as abackup for McGillivray in case the system between the Brinsley reservoir • and Brinsley fails . - i - .' • According to Karr, ederyone wilt benefit fruit) the loop:ng. Clande- buye residents• on both sides of the McGillivray/Biddulpb township line (16 homes in McGillivray, 29 iia Biddulpb) will get higher water pressure through their taps and better fire protection capabilities through heightened pressure coming out of fire hydrants; it will gen- erate more revenue for Lucan and the hookup onto McGillivray`s water system will act as a small, limited back upto Lucan's system: the higher water pressure in the area will meet the fuuue demands of new homes in planned subdivisions in the Ctandeboye area! McGillivray would pick upthe enure cost of the project and would recoup some of the costs through futuredevelupment charges. L,uean public weeks superintendent Doug Johnston said "there arc no.disadvantages" in the plan fol the village. Lucan council approved Karr's plan in principle but the resolution tbat_pesaod conlaiwed riders elating•en engineer should exhamine•the plan andAhat•McOillivray..wraier.users will be charged 3S4.per cubic metre used --the usual 250 primary rate plus a 100 surcharge (a fig- ure reconuaeaded by Karr). Karr said the project.will.cnet,gout $25,000 to come from town- -ship reserves. He said the Work -Should be completed in the fall. New park benches for Village of Zurich ZUl2IEJi - Four. new pari nght . .• ' That'' what Biddulpb Township has- asked Middtesee Count}• to k when the county downloads Fallon It hi' the township _Council directed administrator Larry Hotson to write the tetter dunnee discussions- at• last week's council meeting - •The letter asks the -county to improve the now, chip and tar, mad' to full .toad standard with -a tresh coat ot pavement. - . Thecounty has tie • -te offered Biddutph-a $164.000 capital -g rant n improve the road 211 as $9.782.tor annual maintenance. . •"We don't tr - • - - :. iugli." Hotson said. • • Hotson sal -. - • . residents are, concerned over theconditioe. o' the road since it Inc . on, y direct lint: between Lucan and Granton. f: i. arse the only direct link for W.G. Thompson Zs;. Sons rucks travelling netween the two baste in .Granton and Mitchell The heave .truck traffn hae en - creased over the pact twti to three yogi on the roast and 4otsor said ee- . budding thc.road to full load standards would rectify the road's ruts and unevennes. • • . - • The issue was brought up.through .r tetter in counci: from Denis Mere. - rail- t Other items trona tact week s meeung MT() backing dowt: - • Due to the ovelwnerming opposition to closing Ciandebove D:. at Hw} 4. the Ministry• i;° lransponauon ,, reconsidenng its plane tor-'tmprnve- ments•afong the Ciandebove curve -Hotson said MT() staft are -back at the drawing board to come up a was t) improve trait:le- f►oa-and safety along the infamous curve and the awk- ward area the..include•- the Clandebove I:)rJHw\ ' intersection. the southbound tun. -oft onto Denfield Rd. from Hw' 4 and a.hi11 as well as subdivision under development - benches will oc corn_ me tri the V t. • iage ofr`Luncn atter council decided Tax level- remains unchanged at its July 9 meeung to buy on: be h drd three others tebe . tic an a cr . .'paid=by various service clubs. • The new benches, which cost •' $2.61:80 each.' area new type of CI+ vironmentaly-friendly bench mads .. eof durable hard piasue guaranteed. • not to decay or rust tor at teas( 2(t . years. Ttiey.are alit: graffiti resistant- , esistant Council decided un various mod • els to (nit . intruding difterentte ol- ors and at deluxe model; but (*cid ed on the cheapest m&1.q grey - tive-toot tong bench 'While the initial cost of the -plan tic benches,are.siightly More than e. concrete benches, plastic benches- . are cheaper in the tong lug because ` they don't need the iiuuntenaiice - -concrete beneties need, according to Zurich:clerk Cliarlene.Uverhoit (Aun. Marg Holmes voted - against'the mouop-to.buy theperk benches because -site said plastic benches would be suscepIbte to - '• theft bceause they are lighter than cuncrete benches • !'heebe;nthes will be urderedunce, varlousservice clubs are found to • pay for.three of the lour benches. . 1 •r Cosninued from front page - l998 brdgetare - 580,000 ria been allotted for salaries and: wages, down trout las: year's budgeted tOtai of •S1l0.00t.• Huntley explained the town down- sized last year ane. elrnunated tour positions art --an attempt to become :mare efficient . 1 - - -- - Ivo ;none' ha beer: oudgeted - tor parks. white -$20,0(X) was spent on parks last yeal. Last year's fig• . urc, Hundev • said: was due to con= struction on the parkette tire Mae.- " Street Part upkeep anti - mane • - tenance-is still uuugeted lot Marcie- sucli ' as salaries:, .ane, equipment fust~ The !owe also nos a pants re serve tund- lit addtuyn keret unknown es: - penditures have tion beetutciude.t -in the budget i trey arc. - . • tax rebates et 40 per e'enl to e- • igtble charities . • deferral of 'Units tar law Income seniyrs and the.disabled - - • extra write-offs because -of chat= 1 lenges to the. new eui-rennt Value as sessuneni lit addition. tam -tied decided to place - $23,000 into a- eonUngeilc\ ' Dian • alter-, tenders iv! .road - work . budgeted ai $229;000 canc in at $204,000. 'lite tender fur tile rued work was awarded to Lavin Con- tracting ot Clinton : t ,Laves will be reeonsttucting and paving ane following roads over tht summer Andre* from Simcoe tt Anne Draii. Wainer a d McCort-' nett; Huion to, Edward. Gidley and Senior ant Anne from Carling t' Wilhani Another project lin , the - con- - necung hal, on! Highway 41 frori, Huron to :Waterloo Street. is to by' dune by MTO - - . In its early surges, the budget`was, $63.000 short of its goal,ut keen (lir . - taxation levy of $1,404,344 - the - sante as .las.. ywr according to clerk -treasurer Lie Beli That orig a mat prgbtent was due 1! large par to a $100,000 increase in policing. she stud That was solved- to the •,budget : final incarnation because of .several issues including hast year. s nee as- sessntent which raised au additiona' . $17;52' Uthier adjustments in- . eluded ,reniovrne - the cost qt the, $10;000 water study .. whtch will be paid by the PUC - • . - Hundey said the budget was did - ficue to dealt and said bee:iiube 01. lire provincial governit.ent's anabunt of downivadittg the budget work was "reactive financial titan- agement a very uncertain - and sometimes • non-exrsient rn- tormauun " - • , --He added council didn't know , - until Monday huw Uie budget would aftect.taxpayers • Project proposes new water tower i. Cuntioued front front page cause negotiations with alta curregt - owner • were "less than • saus- lattury." • - • ' r . He said the village would have only been able to secure a monthly lease with the company and the sturege capacity r would not- have significantly increased the total sys- tem's storage capacity. • He said . the study may re- invesugate the option again since the company has re• ently an- nounced plans to close their ,Ht. -1 - salt opetation. The study con- cluded that the best solution is. to ceisutruct a new water tower at the end of Soldan St in the zoned Fu - lure Development Area. The ex- . isung water tower would be de- molished — as a cost _ cutting • treasure — after the now tower is It»ilt. The randy is favoring the tower be built 'to hold 1,500 cubic -metres (330000 . jailor's) of water. The 12500 9ft.,siiucture will coat :ap- ,prox, ,$i 50,000 to build. The pro- ject will. be financed by the village.. The study also recommended that in addition to the waier tower n will also be net:essary to construct a watennain to connect the storage facility to the existing- water dis- tribution system. •r • • Public reaction Vanderloo was questioned why the town could not operate with two water lowers. Ile explained the town's water supply would not need both storage . • facilities. Also the cost of up- - .keeping the older tower would not be cost efficient. Every 66-20 years the towel would have to be re- , coated at a cost of $ 170,000. He was also queaiioaed about how the new water supply aid &W- age system would affectrwater tastes for town residents. Vaaderloo told the small gath- ering the study does not have those Specific calculations yet. mobile comments still welcomed .Anyone, wishing to continent about the dnechun the water study . is takang'is welcomed to submit a respunbe by July- 24 to Hensalt • Clerk Luanne Phaln ar the village office • , After that date, a Nome. of Com- pletion will be published. outlining e the project and setting out a formal 30 -day notice period. • If there are sigmfu:ant environ- mental cencerns which cannot be resolved, in discussion with the vil- lage, a person/party may request that the Minisuy of the linvuon- ittent "bump -up.' .the project to a higher level of' envuuniuental as- Seaat end. • 0 the "bump -up" is granted, ad- ditional studies and a tonal public bearing may be required. Council sweeties an option to purchase Council passed a bylaw Monday night that authorized the village raoare,a nd clerk to execute an op- tion .to purchase the property We proposed waster tower will ix built on.