HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-15, Page 1HENSAL•1-•
— The villa�c .and PUC invited the
public to comment Monday night on a proposed mil
lion -dollar project that includes building a new wale,
tower to help reaolve Hensall's water supply and stor-
age problems
Prank Vanderino• an employee of H.M Ross A As
sociates Ltd was on hand at the meeting held at the
village hall to explain the results of the.Iwo year study
The provincial government financed 70 per cent of the
cost to cnnducl the study
Water enpph
- Vanderlon explained the study found that tour prop
(ems have to be solved
project Pflposes newv tower for Hensary
I1 There are elev m
nceatra11(ms in the
King St well, the village's largest water supply Be-
cause of this. the Ministry of the Environment will not
aHnty additional residential or industrial development
withal -the village until the issue of secunng an ad
equate water supply is addressed
21 11 for any reason the King St well supply was
out Of service, then the balance of the water supply
cannot meet maximum day demands.
31 There is no capacnv available for gmwth and de-
41 Current Ministry of the Envimnment regulations
nnrnially require the provituon of adequate disinfection
facilities for all water supplies The existing King Si
well supply dnes not meet these requirement,
The study concluded extensive renovations should
be made at the York Si Pumphnu , tt, compensate Int
the'pmhlem, at the Kink St well
• The study also recommended the MC equip ad
equate disinfection facilities at the King Si well sup
ply and constructing and equipping Ian additional well
• tu.mcrease the system's supply capacity
Water storage'
,The study concluded the village had .two problems
telarding their water storage capability
11Water storage is not large enough for the existing
serviced population an there o .11111 ted capacity fnl
growth resulting it..
• limited recrunces for fire protection and nr, sinragt
. tor emergencies
no storage ayaiIahle for growth
2• The exicune water tower has a relanvelt Inw c'
evalrnn resulting 111 low water pressure
The study Invectigale, severe: v,lihnn• it rl•, 111',
the storage problem, nr lud,nl purehasln. anti mite
Om!: an e•xtcinp' green. level 'reservoir a• Genera
-Manufactured Housing It,. •
Vanderltt, sal,. that ()mi)i wa, late: reteetee he
+ Continued on pa. et. 2
i a H f• 'tete. fi -f12h2 : '"
Hot Ponds-
onds7r'. far
Exeter's -125th
See Crossroads
Second trorr
• take twcl from
See page.
Lucan's new
See pagf: 2f
Site plan approval
allows car wash
to be constructed
EXETEh -- Council here un
mousiy grtntcu a sue piunap
to 'Pieter Westerh0ut.c'f Wexet
Holdings -al cheer to Ire, htrn ou
'ear was;
Westernuu;••; propel -I.,. at- 155
marc! Street.tn•utc flortg7 CCplra
part hl u,wll in., a frontage 01 i
120 feet ori :Mutt J:1t\. ane rte•
250 feet of Urcnard Street. Unit
the rete sCCt ou will oe aevelupe:,
• Dauer the priltisal seined at-
- proved IVfunuav night. huturc ue
vetuprnent, untie property wit.
pane to receive permssuirl iron
cuunct -
7fie proposed ear Wast: would m.
laude an automatic:car wash anti
• lout sea -s'er'vice nay • .r
Chtel uulldin; inspector Lave ,
Muyc:. wtu,.pICsented tit? prupusa:
to cuunt-u ill the Jul; 1 ; ilieettnt
sulci the propenyls lulu, servtci,,
nuc ane cuhversatiolt. fie ftad Wilt.
• Illi• PCI ' • anti tire deparuuen -'
snowed ',icy Ila.ve ni' cuncerlu wit
Iht: prupusa.
A'luvt•t said the prt)posal does in
• et, against tic town s 01it i, , pr<r
ane said he rect a /tent/co shined
. accept Ilii: proposal, adding he le
.t pew sat wash will tie rm.-asset t1•
the tow•
neon.,.:„m.,ax�r, canttxv: r<.r
1 Field fire. 7o1 photo Dasnwooc' Area :Fief: De -
1 oarrmen' firefighter Dar Lachance ensures the fire•
I is out bv- hosing down
� smailaerrnr remain S of The foi-
1 me% wnea: field rocatea aionr host . 81 across from
1 Grand Bend Motorolex ort Monoat atternoor Inset
j Anotc Farrne• Jin Eagiesor :ane hi< cousin and
t combine. dove” Crier.-. Eagiesor sten; it iv- the roi-
1 me•• fielc Jrn Eagresor -sale aoou• five• o his 65
j acres ween destroyed v•
probabr t•
Ht • said the fire
started ween rJ sparer• from the back of the:
an, cortlbine- aroppec, down, onto the dry Wheat. "If (the
prova; .firs' haci started) jn the back par lor_�e field).
c; would've lost it a l.'".Chris Eagleson said "I've never
,td fin- movie sc fas: it rm. life " Exete•• OPP
Cons:..Liani Brennan witnessed tnfr fire ane saki
Cit j -was incredible to oeholc "Jt wa:; iust a wa of flame
f coming. this wa • n."
1 said. 6rancl Elena Area fire hie Jerry VanBruaenf_ Saw int fret' was -
i unger control withrr7 1,; minute.- et hi:- crew getting to the scene
Zurich welcomes
new councillor
ZURICH- - July ' utat nt
1 (rte hest ofitciat LUIich u,uut
faecal)): ler Shelicy kc►dger•
'hedarI. who 'enlaces. Nick Lit
• liel:hil, ..
/codgers -Bedard was tic of .-•
three a , >I
1 f icants ler the jwsUitin
Following an interview with
cuuncll June 25, Widgets
Bedard: Was cIWSCII
Littlechild left cuunc,l Ix•
CBUSt;.hc i, mu.ving (o -Exeter
Jell LaPorte and Gleg Willerr •
were the other two candidates
ler the council position
Lucan and Biddulph -pass merger resolution
ge - -
Both rnunicipalities passed motions last week
i officially pave the wal'.for them to merge or Ja . 1. -
1. 1999
By Craig Bradford amalgatuatttin tabs:•. with thee niunrctpalmy Parr.
• 7-4 keporre• - and the township. ot bast- ant! Wes` Wlliratti
1 INA 1..Pi1 TW! - Now 1 'int' Norttt M,ddlesrt arnaigam
mation' seiotic
• list• . oe uuie ' ha, set a Juiy I:;.
wet il;: iur' 131tttlulplt euunct) • separate: passed noon deadline h' rCl'CIVC r&slit,
leucin i t
ion` iron municipalities • Interested in anal
1 lilt UUIIC, Il leeting< last wee • ti la' t'U' galltdll0 •
111c1 ( ', 11 l
i. • , aulalgxnuti_
i; tiled .,e1>itrate (motions real
Or' WIWI- fief' IC,prelly^
. •1Itt: nluuOtl Icitu• . -
•'�� hrtea , Ii • 'C.uunc h
tlulph/COt).airuto' l,l fir V
(-� advi3abur to pulsus ., ,iurlg � a dWph s nrergrt
telt:: auvanta ee rIr t On the Unlalue fvinu,tr: 01 (vlinma pal At1au -anti
f Ole economies of seals Im n 1 ousIn :
pussiblhur o: eContai It ruwlft and urea -wade
.puulrun S Ude suit' s
on. ii: iectirll olltutal►:, itergei resolution willl Saint: ltiePecos cMtddiese\Count\l
1 exactly' the saute excep• council lot apprt,vat
naule• an; plugged in Lucan and biddulpli wili ,eau Uteri regret, sets,
they Rave made melt ntelger decision
t tut 1ownshtl, of Bid I!. county seined' appiove- Lucan . alt diel
'iHaKc of Lucan deem
motlii:., the test)iuisun-utel, iiioveti '
rr nluuicgrli suuctur r
and whereas the Council .01 the 'township of Bid
dulph' tepuratiur o! the ViIiige of Lucan res
ugnr,-•-I,r•- advisablhi•. and cosi of having expert
star and consultant.. available 0. meet clic sail
lenge. .!,_t present and - lulurt•• downluadutl• - tn.
new (herefore 1,-_ ri Iesolved that the Council if
• Ihe•'luwnstup ot. 131ddulph/Corporation of the VII
lake of Luci/n agree to proceed with Ili e drafting of
:1 (emit/taming proposal- to provide ler the atrial
gamation 01 the Village of -Lucan and the 'Iuwnship
of 13rddufplr un lair 1. 1999
• liuth motions Well: t ar4ed unauulluusly by both
.1Ite nlotion; will be in bunt of Middlesex County
council ler apptuval at cls regular meeting on Jul
•I.1 •
In refuted news. Ailsa Craig sent a letter to Lut.an
and 13idduiph, along with theit/wnsh,ps of Meteallc
and Adeldnit . inviting them to the North lt1lddtes,.s
put with tot: ilerger'prupusal. 0 can
tanned 'rn a letter titi village received , hien Lucan
Hydro blaaaric Comnmss,eu 1 chaiipersun Andy Van-
• In the '97. atualgalilation plan Uie -current one a:•
based upon. hydro Wininlss,unrr• would- be'aft.
pointed unto a merged. Luead-Grantun hydro t;oin
nussrun rather than telt: l urreni elected status
Another of VanGeel's Weevil's was tate stet est
cuitmtsc,un would serve only the residents of Gra I -
ton and Lucan while l3►ddulph lural residents would
continue to get their efecn,c,ty :runt Unlario Hydra,,
• He said the ttew aeric of ;t cuutm,sstun
should rellect that fact .merged
' He also pointed out lJtddulph resident, -will bet
eft (runt the •$2S,30ti wood chipper bought by • the .
Lucan -and the Lucan- Hydro Electric Cu,,mi,i tun -
last year il.a Berger happens. Biddulph rejected. Lu -
tan's of le,_ to share 111 the chipper's cost -and 'usv
when Itugo(iaing to buy.lt. VanUeel yard in his let-
ter that the township should threw to its share of the
chipper it a merger takes place.
Exeter budget passed,
tax Ievy remains stable
13y Scott Nixon .
X TEls — hxete: taxnavcr
can nreathe a sign of relic:.- --
1 h; 1991: hxeie: nudge: require •
at, increast o: $89.06: ovc• las
year , tot(a: iron: the residential tis-:
sects.: nu int overal to leve is
unchanged -
Th: • municipa budge: nays
unanimously a: Monde'.
council meeting. come,, ut`oalancec
witf revenues -ant: - expense- a .
$2.164.39 The buugeteti expense
are down iron' int 199- actual op
ure of $,: 230.30: -
' Clerk -treasure. Li. bel _outimet
trtre( reason to- int ,ncreas; it
money required Jrorn the restuentra
sector in her report u, councr..'
I. iuc)
• In yveie'htcc; axessawn ;, tr.
re,tucniia-.•cetto if 'trtt7 wa ,1r1,
mihlln. whit:_ is !tit): n>: tit'ur
Admu.. loci Hunte .-exniaine,
It. noon -tntcrvit•v wit: ilia-
ltla' int to loci to -'111; Jowl 1. 0:
Inf Paris[nntact.. and t►It incrcas. i;
iitt mom- requrrcc. to: to. re•
.Jenna secto• does''- meal - tea
taxes n oral; art: used - •
A. at. -czarina:: Hunde• sate:. iii;
owns- U. at-Exete' nom: wont
$.l 00.(01 Wuult nas'. nal..' -$..52`.
i . !axe las -yea: wind - till - ye -O•
In: deur ,w•il • n: a•:.G2: Vy'ran
tea amount to Opt DC' CCn 11•
creast ii tilt' resiuentta ta.. f tut -
ue- Sill:` til; taxes. cbincctei 'n•
town arta in: sant - '
Ommerctalhnoustna. A.. ',Ot=oral. i: nc totikm wf
Oat! ' n sale, -
tittle' norm o- triers - n tn:
W Continued on vagi :
sessment m iota!
1 ' m►fuo,l tes
_ than iii199:`. -
• cher:• 1 , no 0ustnes .. assessmer
Council makes complaints
about parking violations
EXETEI` — Counla---want tore •
OP!` ti, act 1 Deur luta entureaq
parks n)• •violation..-
Council,or• discusset.-.
dunng their Monday-night'r►reeugg
11 which-Cour..CJeorgt kooertcur.
complained. tit nae .recent'•., seei
OPf'„officer; tattoo. two..iliegaltt
parked trucks on i lard Sires, H_•-
Sa►u dr( truck - parxec in -to
harking Zones In iron. c, Snopt.>rr
lieu) filar and -Darion,- tial
bloated thy VICw .of ' otrtr' • tin•
(orlsts , •.-
} keeve_ • kot •1 tiebrlt-' suggeslet.
there be serious talk.; with int' OP!
aoout what krnu of st-rvie - ul•• luwr _
-is receIviIq and'now toy Ui'I .le.:
parking vialatiuu
-eoun Kober; Drummond sae' -
mos' muOICIOI lie .•ar, no nem:!
tougu un suer cu,tauun - -
%Villi; einrle.l ata. til COSSlrl: ills
tsSuc..t” lwilcuii.,. `_out; Petr: ,iIn. -
strum said n: -ria seer lean, nu..
• litei i , derv, ttirouta- til; crosswal,
or Milli. Streeoelcir. 1'eut,trtat
..'11aV: culnptetei•. closed 111::5U -e
H LaltC(l int practrtt-'tniixcrptant.
anct sattltll. t'locitiui--sttouil q• et.
COUllla S Ili wiUll tai, tit: matte! .
1, '111: hex Puutt Set trcr - ',clan .
ilretiJi- I•tt ;in..,,tut 1/1.•o1/1•
SIIIiulo ea!, ill•. pollee -1' tier• se•' ..
Loud music causes anger
tom .`Bend residents
.. •
GRAND BEND --• Recce: Oct_ tit lintc 0 Iota MUNI.. it !ago:. hit,.
caused.Grand Bend restdents'tt, edam.-tunq?ldul, , i, - ,outlet -
- At its Jul•.(, nseetrn: cuunct! di-.ussel , woe' rey-eivet.. 10 Jtii',.
Il rm .Ontaru'. Street teSldent Johi (,tiw.t. osis gees /1au1Ct•
li am .l Cutmn .. f i lit tau -rota
Coming:Irons the Grapevine A.t.urdutp•tie 11i• hale•. tilt )hee wa
so loud Ctuwe could nig hear tot nus,; pi.lvu,;: UI. to - owl Indo ,uh
wfaptamts to the -bar s UJ and owner Cfuwe satu`tie must... timelier. del. •
wrote ..Inc only way •wt were able ll, tart &sleet:aid.- uuuiugn wit ' n'
clusinge all Our window,., lu►nulg 011 all a,rt.tind►httue due kits runt
Mayor' Cans 11/C,.Sald IIICIC havt' dirge"iu; rcutcuucu,c . t,' 'Oulu lues,
Itunl the Giapevtit :mice the uttideiir Jr .Jun..- l�• .uu:.ast Int tuver` -
noise bylaw will In; enlurced,ti, the lutuit
Also al Gland Bend's July 6 cuuiicil nlcctit,, Uoltitut.,C.totul tau.
plauied'oI loud HIUSII. cunung 110111 IIIOnleiang.s-o1-:Malf'`Suet: ictus
hum a ruining iiOUSC she own -
Linton told council she -was anioyeti al clic iumtkt of.iouil spcanet ..utt.
amplified ntusic in town Mc added that. while ocltiets..tii giYetiIt.OII:ut: .
is it thc•nut.,- 0 1.11 -1.. blUAct:..tiuMM business owi►cl• suupit IICN ire
ticket as"'U►t wst of dotal; busiucss'' and tuntinut y uii.uti,t the It). law
Cuun. 1301) Mann suggesfed.the village tarmac! tin- I_Nuu' I,I.t.cnst
Board and threaten blwuIUSSC, their liquor'Iit e, 5 s will lir.16oi,clf at tGt:,
don't follow. the noise bylaw - • ' . -
Coun. Shirley Andrata agreed that loud music Is :l lni►blcill 111 ti►c beiti
and said the MUSIC was su loud uuc night -when .sbt w.is dirt elf duos i
Main Street. '1 just could nut peters. it " '