HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-08, Page 12Nage 1 1 frit+," A11(104111, 11111/ ,. 1 1t, Thoinpson to lace up for the Battalion The-Iandeboye. hockey player jumps from being London Knights property to the OHL expansion Brampton Battalion. 4#4.*0• By Craig Bradford , T -A Repine , CLANDEfOY1• : — .Scop Thompson hopes.to stick wfth`a Jr A hockey club atter winnint' his second crack in the OHI. . Thompson. 1 1st. was the Brampton Battalion's third pick m . last 'mann: s,01-1 1. expansion drat t. Last Jun. Thompson was the London Knights second pier: to the blit :.fund in the OHL entry drat, . - "It's kind of sad teavinc tondo', wucn they're going to have a echo' club again but i will get :11w of ic: ume- III - Brampton..... .Inompsot. said . The torward-•oniV saw action 10, five- Knight, game, • fast season - none et• then/ .n the ptavoIi.. though .he did liracttc wits men, all seam... He did sec ice with !lest. blare •J:. 13 Lincoln... in $O nets wilt.. the Lincs. Thompson racked un .5(., - polnt. — 24 goats and 2o assist.• He was int teams Leading rookie _scorer and third over:!: Toe, Batialioe; wind -pia 1.1 u: Central Division against ute,Uue i1 • Storm._ the Kitcnene, -kangei . u:. Owen noun i Platters an:.' tn.; bit: Utter:. . Inouh he'll arc playing a tot Itothen man hone.. 1 nompson ,s gia.- t, c: anoint•' , chane -t shos • scouts what he s got to oiler.- • ''It -. Secon, chant. .,' til: OHL.:'; he said curing an tnterviett Irvin the iamll"- tarot '-h McGit- ilvral 'township • norte t•f Ctandt- acv .. •Hr said t: • nervousness 11 the Knight " trainrnt'.. cart• tai • fa!' may nave kept him ruI [oaken ' - the teal:. lhompson s confident nib can impress with his sound OHI training camp. - • 'I Know. what you_ have to do to mare an OHL team:and hopeful/' 1' it show u1_ rlrarnptoit.cuacttcs ! have Wrlat 11 taKCS to pea•. ,' tee Sal '. and 1y01n .. 1 nompson exact/v. where "Brampton 5 ceiacne • say he should tic, out. he hopes add another ins of ,o'1. a_ -in. even bigger presents Ott hie ie.:: without. krving up any of his Spec.. • beside°- Beene, tai, un til IC.- Tnonlpsuu. ,, als , 't(nuwn t; h• good near the oppirncnrs nc: ret. . utllcr skill 1601111osuu'Says he; 11 0• • cui•Dn tins setispti is a bil_In0ie. li• tangit,r. "1 iii guiiig to try to ve a icauet 11 training camp -. flet sae;, itis goat. t . be teal captale "t n, going to to ro help first year players arty Way 1 • • cam: 1 also wail to produce. Hope hilly well snake the playoffs '. .Thompsot,...'sao tie battalion : •.euaches have told players they will .make the _ptayot1 . The itis/ year - team will pit at,• elnphasi ur youth, speed and tuughne.•, Having finished (ir. 1L at huk hills North Mrddlcse>. District High.Scitoul. Thompson will attend . Brampton's Tunic- hentun be. Tnompson s moral. Debbie. said g, • tnt' iron' Norio/ Middlesex • 401 students 1, `lurner 1 -rennin : 2.201 strong enrolment will he ' a big -cu, lute shuck," for her lain tar,. bit' she 5 surf: -ncr son wiii der his nes: to take lu'1-advantal•e of Int op poriunnv tit: battalion nave give; hot' "It s what ht.- always wanted, to,. do ever since he put jus-ltoeke� Skates on at 5 -years -ole. she sats'. H "e eats, sieeps and talks hocxe•, . Thompson ulutnat_ go:; - 11 (lackey? its a no-oralne; - "I'd 11Kc-t.. make it t.+.NHi- and play -pre " he salt: - White on me rc.. Thunrpsutl enc. to•einulatc hes hockey net,,,'Mao' Lenueu, "I know what you • have to do to make an OHL•teani and , hopefully, l'!! shot.' the Brampton coaches 1 have,tvhai it takes w play:" • • ve always idolized hem.' he said . "People' say he was a fait piayet and not as good as Wayne Gruen • but 1 lecl he was the, bet, piayet t❑ his Unre Ttiotupsun's dream .NHL teals 14 pl;t 101 would be we MummaCanadiei,:,, a direct turnabout stun, tine rest 01 Ilse tinnily who routs lot the Toronto Maple Leal, But Thompson . is teahsuk anti Call Sports Reporter Craig Bradford with your sports tips '(519),235-'1331 • Fax (519) 235-0766 L akestim Bosses caps awful week for Express LAKESiDE.. -- It was a woeful week tc 1 rhe Exet . cr.-Express senior menti hardball team with two Ince. al -the - Lakeside_tournament on the `weekend fond .+ druhbin:' b. the visitor. Sirathrov early fast week • hxelcl: lost l0-4 to ,the. London Juvenile Dodger, to a seesaw.• game and -1 i -i. tel Nnn1,.,Wnodstee• 0: the, 1:akesidi tournes,. • Scot Komit pitched welt in gamt•.nne ai'l.akestd. and gave dei only five earned run. Kick Boon was Exeter c hitting star with tour hit. white Dave kus- - sell and MOO Merner each hit two Dail Masse pitched a goad game two,.. versus. Woodstee also -giving up tint five earned pins. Boon again led Faieter hats with two hit.. "Our detence Wasn't gncxl in either game " E> press assistant coach inc Futop said "We hope to see improvements — dramatis: ones — as soon as this wee!. • Exeter ted Strathroy going into the tounh 111• rang during last week:. Southern Counties league game at Alvin Witten.: Field betpre giving un six runs to the Visitor. (including the winning runt dui mg the ton halt (1 tn: inning Exeter scnre,t three nen,. Int thee' own t1: the telt loin half of the 'florin,. hue Strifthroy-ctosed the diner _with a run In the fifth and three in the: ficlakimmn} - while keeping Exeter e,,t-f th:- scoreboard "Strathmy hmught to tttee ace pilcher who --shut dniyti the rest-ofthe way Fulop said' "ot ht. team'-s.cnllaps4 •'.'Stratlfroy.tool. advantage of their walks anti ether chance: to defeat u. again `We. cat, heat them if we play our hest ' s Scott Kemp gave up five hits and eight nen. white .striking out..two .nn. the mound .tor Exeter . McCabe e- McCahe gave up tour hits and' four runs while -.Mike Agnew gave up a single hit and a run • , The three pitchers walked *total of 1 1 Strathrow toffee . Exeter hit,, came tmm Dave Russell (three. in- cluding a dol}hler. J.J Anderson. Fred Gregu-.ttwi, singles each).., Boon. Scot kussell la double each; . Merrier and Dave Hawke t singtes 1 Exeter: league record stands at -4-6 The Express next hit the 'read with stop...at Strattord tnmorrov. Strathrov on July 15 and Lakeside on -Juts 1 : They don't,ptav ai home again till they host Strattord on July 21 at 6:15 or; Ailsa Craig teen . off to U.K. 'on : football tour Medway student Tom Appleton will visit England. Wales and. Sc dtland as a, Team -Canada Football Euro -Tour member AILS:, CRAI(, — -for. Apo!, -oftct ovc• We: gams_ on: eacl to be ,one o'•- to leading Canadiat ion wilt embark on the -isle et to vers!. the Scotus'; Natrona' lean umversn' coaches McNalt' vaunt-' lileitnle this wee/. l: Giasgov, 1R•. - Brum. Nauona' sistant -. are ars, resnectec- Onlan, . -- Appleto;. ft r tin: 1 - tore, Collegial.- 1e `Leiceste: Engtanc uni ersns' and high school coacne. uuanerhack*.oil «l: "iearrt Lanau. and me Chester koman,'ot the Brit Appletorwilt. enter Ci: 1: a 1Football Eur- 'ion- tha' wil vi'. iso. Amencar, rootoal Leagu: 11; Area Meslwa' Hlgt SCnoo. ocx bngtante Wale; and acottanef Iron Crtestc:. Engian.: scoot vea: Hr;'. mon.. lemphe: Jui•, 1 - 1" 1 nr lour marl :.1 firs Thr Canadian team, will ahs,, ge a said ner-son plans to attend the lin. ..r • ,Canadlan iobtbai t, stghtse. u- Londo:. ton and verset•-' o: Westen Untani. atte• w tai a tn: Knocki; - on his door ne'ri_setur 11 .lets , ages 16-2.*front acros... Un Mancheste- universe, Sport C. el. hope,- to 'Mae for c - sena-pro lir Luroo, . -tanWitt' Appleton as toe vuunges• -ire. me same accommodation; tna: tangs tootball Lean: ' "Hopclulty someone u+'ili •see uf:; memner The team t.. made un el• will be used dunng the 2001) Com Jenlphe,- said he bo' - 1• .: f' wet. - rounueo ke' win achieve, at, ti: per cent average in sentO and rt ' cents' performed his G: t• 'plan, practical exam ondary Scnool tier ht5. UA( yea: sal l 1 1' NH down 1 con team Canaoa t. man un e t au Nlancnt tel ane it s graduating iron high schoo: ant' 1 th LIW(, Mus ,+ in;. yerhr and thing • wit/ go iron what •tuute+ .a.• the bes• vuuns theft.' football Latent from 0ntant A definite goal:ct hos ls'iJ gci 1 - Tne team 4111 otr up against tn: universe% where. ne'd like 1,' pit: best tootbath players the li.K. pas t, sue soinettung 111 sports ntedicut: ' Thompson cretlits•alt his coacher iii the Lucan Minor Hockey system. dee Eigin-Midtliescx •'AAA' Chret_ and Jason Bukala.and Bill Bourne of use Lucan J 1-) Irish as welt a: los parents ttnsiudtng dad Hiram • for inking It tins lar. Thompson' faintly 15 rounucteont ;Iv sister ;let . to lc In the oft=seas()' .'i:hulnpsun (like Cve;y older IIOCKcy onlyet• Itscent , likes to lilt the goll imni ...HI: ahs, train, witti• Spero) Matittavrakos o Next i.evc! '1raining' Corp in - :Ft tttt ta n•Chulna ' ` et mnecuur. ky..Initlt, tiuuugn ttec.hoign. - - `UIle sotaO irurdi•2 •Ioornpsine ,a,! has °vetCUine-neiu1:= calm, in lute: August I, evident oy cast un in -.. ,ice He • brok_ .. small truce in his toot white rums, - reg • 1111„ a pilot on :Ante 2t • Skit' /recd tom about a Binet;;. hhulnpsum said hes trainer told 111111 the uelur' . rs nothing.tu worry about 'feline hast scam'', wit Knights and the Lrncuti o. sun played '116IY-. with inc •t is where he scored 2.i goat'. asst 2 aS51St. aS it CC, lltle. .fit i..Wa'• 11 _Trish" r totting scorer Oat seas, was (hulled team rookie til the ye. and was honored with Ute League •overall loWoe of the year award The extra effort monwealtn Game. _ 1tk team • neacl coact i' .Dar - McNair, Universtn o: Guelph head iootbalt"coacti and consideree/ •.Low profile r• Qustom&ed fit P•QQuick installation ,••,fie mounted design • Colour keyed to your truck • Locks tailgate in closed position • Multi layered fiberglass construction Alasest kept -in: Exeter Strikeforce U-18 girls soccer player Fallon Giles tries to keep the ball from going out of bounds during Thursday's game against the Strathroy Aces at South Hu- ron District High School Field. Exeter won 5-1. See Soccer Roundup elsewhere in sports for more game details. 111111.11111.1111