HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-08, Page 11Summersdioo
underway for Huron County students
sires so the program doesn't became too large ' . cteternlme• ate the fi"r-s' leu dav Glasse. Ira! are 'Indtvldit,:
()I thtr titudents who take tumnier school Mchwan said he .ha:• needs more attention than others.- . . --
noticed two groups` those in..Graide 11 and up. who arc .at than And heciause then' an: on average- nnh 1 ` student, per etas, n
point m [herr fives where- the tare •making: mans' of thea:. owl, • summer schno: Mchwan is afforded montem; ti. <nenc' with cart:
decision: and those in' Grades 9' and 10 who are prohahl' n, student
summer school .hecauve of. some. parental•pressurc. It is the latter The dudent:•h teaches in summer' school. Chair; 1 matt. are nt,
-group 01 students. Mchwan raid '.whc• • are Initials\ . •mon• the whole ,pretty gond student Mchwan saidand wilt tilt- extr
uncomtnrtablc with summer school but tend tri adapt tit u. atter :t - acme he• can give then. the\ can Imprrive their skills '
" "However. -there art: weal. student • a, welt "• be. saw. ane' those .
couple of day,
Summer- ;school .in Huron County which. started,,.Monda\
are the students that receive the extra• -attention . -
finishes nn )u1' 2t:. meaning students will receive ; 172 hour: of . Because teacher> _sir not • reuutrec it (cad .•. summer scram.
schoo1in daily over :: "..1/2-,_ weell penoti Thi: ?shortness o!. tht s• Mc}•.Wan . decision`., .r •nil his .sols In. the -classroom insteado• a:
nrp, ran: is* Si' mpi\ because' the course'- home win. ht- :tame' 0r- or. vacattot
-offered are ons'. designed. ti he. an_. • mai strike sem:' as curious
upgrade -on knowledge students already Mchwat initial!' starter teachtit
h,+v: 1the. were • to twa :t neve �11 :summer sehiic} sesei:.?near .arc. n:
-credr.: McI-wan said. students: w0ai1d sato becaus 0' itnaticia
f f reasorr> '?vrn.1 trinut t.
n•: required to receive 110 hours of •
-class •ttmc. ac opposed to me 65.- hour Mchwat sant: n: see • i a- .
thee\ receive. it . the . Huror •-Count[ nleasan: war tt spenc m morning -
summer school program ---�=i -anmt..said i. t2:; was..''. gettm.- in, carp
-Int6~• hour,- .ot , schooling"; •to•, summer • schoo. ne - wouk-
t r t
Mchwan sate ..i, an- eftectivtr v
:wa• nrobabh rust ne•. steenine le tate- anwas••
to upgradt student, skill,- ranch '[earning' summe• s-choo ennance ..
necuus' they are on i v peer ratted to take;
ane clasp --.math or english ---they eat
trieds.thetr attentioni ori One thing
Ir. additmt.: Mchwan saill..sammt
George McEwen spencs part o - nts sumrrrer nOlrna►' °teacrnrtl school students usuallyhave
summer song°.
by Scott NIXOii
T -A Repor-rc• •
less social- and acuter.: pressure char..
• ' 'they 'Jo -during the,norrpat school yea:.'--'.
"The _concentrate more, thee 'focus, More and a: &result thee..
.mark • are us,ualh stgnificanft_' better ante• "summer schoo tl; -
-EXEITN Spendtng halt the summer in school may not -b:
everybody s idea of tune bruit is something-hxetele teacher Georgi -
• ' Mchwan en}ovs
Mebwat.. a 'teache a' Spurr:. Hurirt Dtstnc : Hirt
Schorfi.'this weel: began something tnat nas-bemitne a yearly.even
tot hint non—=-'spendidg'pan cit.'hu* summer- holiday teachin.
summer,scnuoi'at Central Huron Seconder Scnooi in Genion, to:_
location -tor the county's slimmer school- program •
Tn: reasons tor; stuaeru.•gibing- inuu'summer,_schuoi art sph
between' those wflo have tailed a routst ante need- a cretin ani.'
__those whin simply- want u, imtnruvet ii grade, tin !a,. credit they vt
aireauv earned. Students tri this Huron County •sumruet sclloo!
artrn t able to take .t new credit and have -only the di -owes -0i inati
• orenf;lisit •
Mchwan said he- believe, the program choices Ore` runner
tirade; earn also ' >.mprbvt , bermes._` since •' coniinet scnoo 11
Clinton holds ciasses for studeltts - frow all over .the count}
students:see, many new lacus at summet_sctiooi and- ion ! .sociailze
-a:: fatten as they Cio cidnitp the scttoot yea' '
'.t: oilier to take matte et-englisti Ir, sun -true.. genua. .,v1c-17.war
Sae;:. it stuuenr must have recelveu 1 Mari. 01 -at ieast4t, pt./ e nt n..'-
trt<t'-sti6recr in telt normal-sctuUoi, vea:.. •anytimir tower mail rola;,
ant) tin student attest repeat .trite• entire c'ourst: donne' tin- senor
yea' -Students also -roast hays cornptetcd the: entire' edurse, 111' 0
t rlgtbie. tot summer: sonic -11. Uroppun+ out et a course• •with• tures
weeK`. tc gt• ti tete 'school - vert preclude' arty -student iron.
parut<epatink m summer school, Mchwan salt:
i -roti, <:' teacher s .perspective. Mcbww sat& mawell!
stuuent• ' participator!: nt sumute:: school. ma! tic, -slave grea-
grades. ht approactne . each student lite sarue wad unless tt:
Lucan and Biddulph on side for '99 merger
by Graig Bradford
-7-A Kr pone
}3113DULP} 1 1« �. i.ut an And-.
Bidduiph 'l uwnship are workuig un
[heli vox•` Ire n lat. • .. l9tIt, wed-
eine.; date •
te- two tut. municipal- cuunerls
tti�t week at litdduiph . Own:- -
tiert•> utscuss their premised atn:rl-
gautimei. • 'd tit consensus around -
thc table was the two' should coos-
unuc•'wurkunr towards .tile- Jan. 1..
199t) merger. date 'despite suriic-
watlling from trrst, term councillors
ur+-butt councils- who would like
same' more experience before div -
reg heart -first into- nierger 'sego-
mtratruu,; % - ' ••
- But must tit the work has already
beat done as . part - of the "re- -
strut;tunni; 'impose( presented. to
tkc Untano Ministry of, Municipal -
Alfans•.and Huu'stng the two :MP-
nrapaltues subuukted fur approval
ori Septa 1i;,. 1990. Thai_ proposal
sat un the minister's desk tor abbui
a year. before- Lucan walked away
from merger talks due` to fallout
from [fie province cutting out the
Farm Tax Rebate that made it look
like: village taxpayers had to absorb
Ute downloading. Regent down-
• totaling numbers received train the
province shows must of •the neg-
ative impact from the end of the
Farm Tax Rebate has been allevi-
Now the two councils and their
staff will work on rewording the:
wasting proposal and insert '98 fr-
aanciai'figures once they snake out
the impacts 6f the province's ;final
• assessment numbers.
Lucan administrator kin Reymer the two eouncilswill lora a trans. - tuwnrg._thc:}utast ciruricri ureeuu; t_
tl � beet Cl1aI1gC
Said Muustry.of Municipal Ashur , nun leant to negouatt, enatiges tt• dist.us.�. lienlie. s - fV
advisor: 1•un• Ryan will likely lie staff. prppen}. equipment mu. iu`tire watet,anu ae*ei rate.
called to •to do a financial analysis. ntt:rpal structure and other issue. hue to a glitch in Bennet s uun1-
amalgamauun elect A utstd net's 'lilt prumisee.Ira nwnthrt
un the merge! ' - n u t
"1t:s:basically.the iesurrCcuun 0' :taetlitawtrwtil be hired to InelpOwn• sewei ran! goes trust `S1 ,.5` tt
lie: old pian."•Reynier said - transition teaneur the; prices $10.25 with utr moposeo pit cute..
BidduBiddulphadtimustratur ' Lar•' ' A ' chief adnnpistratrvt o11ux .. MetreMetreof wate. user, .tatr• a 4i,
•Hutton said'lin. tune. 0.1 the. juin: cuuid.,be hired either mternab' oT. 'Int current •11.17 sewe• rata .tr
rounds enamorenamorwas -very _ant fruit outside Lucan .and 13mddutpt• S l 1.3.1, - .
icablc'- and councillors were nolle at that time as_wtwell. Hutsun.sard t''' Inc prupused.niuntht' Rett walet
rntetested ut;doing what. is best lei is .likely several ditterenr -cue. tate [alis to SI 0.6t, (roue behitet
• the -.wale; ctuninuntt\ than. pro- melees. will be sunned to look a hist Iigurc of ,S1-.1.10 watt the pr:
uecung then awn turf , m•„
- , udepartment each (such as re. Cubit .IIICUe 01 ware) „online Ann• !
Reeve Robert Benner was teauon. public wurks. etc.. au:. ironies at 3-9e. 'Inc current uwntl-rh
- thrilled with the progress Made lit • --work out its restruclururg.. , _ . : - • water rite is $6.30 ` . _
the nieeting; - - The fall '9(r merger prupusal Cali: ' . Helmet proposed -the cliauges w
• "It was. wonderful to see every tar all monk:mid entpluyues to hold how Lucan bills water, and sewer
OM seeing lite beneut
gamatron) ;and . ready to• fate 'the• for six months following -the • met lar trendies: gardeners and pool
challenge,” Benner said. "t'haven't ger. Any employee let go bei:ause owners who he 'said. are being..un-
seen-,so many people un side in all • of the restructuring would'receive -jastiy. penalized .rot, water usage
my life." •- "'buyout package, ' that doesn't rand up in Lut:an's sew
• He said there is sutne concern on . Hutson was. quick to point out '- er system. He also said upping reit'
exactly' how •the absence: of•.'Ute . There are several.variatiuns un haw -monthly flat fees Will bring shy at
Farm Tax. Rebate will play out: die nrerger process could play out. - erage homeowner's combined wet
Bidduiph Reeve Earl French felt . (Fot - details un- the '96- Lucan- ter and sewer. bill ,down and eve❑
the meeting "went ionic well" and Blsiduiph merger proposal and,. the playing field between Lucan
was pleased all at the table were un amendments so far, see'sidebar.) . - and aurruunding centres who
the genic page. . •- . •' The two councils also .discussed , charge less for those services.
Though it would be cheaper to - tete• agreement .for Biddulph home- Deputy .Reeve Harry Wraith was
hold a by-election sometime m the uwners to hook into Luesn's-hewer the only nay vote explaihing the
s sof areal unto their- jobs with tete sante pad usageto Make the system titre fan
to • changes to the, water .and . sewer
rates hold no incentive' for ,water
conservation. '
"We've taken two important
steps in • the future of the com-
munity." Benner said of the strides
in merger talk:: ed -the changes to
water and sower rates. -
Council held the special meeting
to make a decision on Benner's wa-
ter and sewer rates proposal since
-he and his family left this week for
a month-long Gurupean vacation.
spring of '98 for a five member syste t and or ran on. w
joint council, Hotson . said the pro- - transported along 'the line to Lu-
. posed- joint•interim.ctluncil o[ all 10 - 'can's plant,
• existing councillors will make fur•a •• Lucan and Bidduiph agreed to
smoother transition till the regular, create a six• member ad hex/ cum-.
municipal election on Nov. 8, 2000 mittee made up of • two councillors
The concern is there are three first and one. staff member from each
terns councillors • on each council municipality to hammer out the de -
who weren't around for the merger . tails after going over the existing
talks i11-'96 and aren't fully aware draft agreement with a fine-tooth
' " of all the issues. -- comb. •
Hotson said ogre the mirtwtry in •• Lucan council, held a special
dicates it will approve the proposal, iuwaling in their oWn-cbatnbers fo!-
Mery/an sutnme insteac - o'
impeding_ hi...ataivttte.. n:, sale ,
fturoi aunt'- - summe-
scrims - vsten. = t idea to- nus.
said Mel',;\w'ac. because t' uoesn tato: di mucr ism • tit:-oituot
tivsten:. n• whirr: Mc1 wart, taugn• :1 brotoz cours- live. year age ,
cool.'dr tot much of lir-, urrie beeaust sleets. ora • a nen crefl ate
not -lust an upgrade. It required !Linger trays and st weeK.::11, scntio.,.
Sumrne sewer can alai ti ieamini•. experlencr tee tearer.:
Nichwan sate •
• " AIbu•get to know the students much more personalis The' get ti. -
knov <<.c•,: and tee' acranie ruotr~,rr;om;orlabtc; with you quzo:.' '-
tt tea sense: MIt:En:at: compare _suntrite= -scrim). u coacher'
•itigt ::.ettw _ sure - l.i -tin `pas tic- Ira- c-oacnet uastcetoal ant
continue•' d ctnacit socee: - --
nt niee city SLUUeflt> front al etve Hurw %.utrtn , teacinul
sumntrr acnuo gives McEw.an tttc~mance to teats: wen scrruar- al
avti tN ,Counts - - - -
A- ..tart...••tit entity tee 'summer sChu0. expeireltc: (sic di
_ rtia\'.no' tx ai•atiabie•:tc= react Mchwan aurnnir- sclera [rex`. 'vt.
ecause ie. 1 attempting, n ge his quaiihcu
.btion alit'
wtl,i fleet, to take lrmintk 0' -require[. course- hici.wai -ban L•
1►iuuld stave hls,quahhcatiuirs-in -two year` .
are&.iibe '96 lamer*
mi SO amendments
*Us UoSe000.larneigeination wee Ao be .effective
ria Jen.'1,.1990 nseriterl
AVIde4P4PfAill current .l rRan,and bh
fromrtheoffilorAtto.tottlawreguier,municipal E;
met for Nov. 8; 2000. The serve
ArrierrsOrelociiiors will •hst dM v.,e, •w
491161tYlim"" wlltbe aileaftellAittAlafgelaed,w111else'aseMbers of
treiMlm':.At ncil. (Nollefyiletkireoption.000 of county
":0111''Tiopee tLApri1.30, *088 report, Lo -?3
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Ube; ward three ,,.� i9
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•Te L, u%ant �` ytthe>4rentat 1Mm
Electric •
!canw coq
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vMtvlald be. . stormed.. e .
-tat ,the
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