HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-08, Page 9FARM UPDATF
Timwt-Advocate, ►uly.8, 19'48
Cleaning up in Granton
Cleaning up. At let+. Clifford 0: --!Shea helped shine Granton:
rest. clean ud fallentreesand branches in the village
site?uesdav morning s stout. Curtis- Shearme looks
or a:- : '`Snei, cur: u: a'' 'evergreen .tree tha• lel, in •h,s
Denfield Livestock Sales
-UCnhe :,tv1 t1):) vlarxe! Repot- 11,1 1uesuat June 3(
Thr msr.: '..t. trent l..:, traueti steaa . waft: (ancv well tete cattle bonging
prcnlrunt Were .-- rtighe: •
tinar, lith 1:u.t:' Suu;namniut.:utd " steer.,. average weight' 1305, average'
pr .t• ttt_o, . .al: it .t(. .
j' koc. Dints C. rutuu. suit) 4 steer.. average.wetght 147(i. average once 9tv 4 •
Nturra ; N :rg _ 11tt,nel;-stittf !. steer... average wetgnt ; I t averagclprtet
NOM' Hudrni, herl.nlf solo; steer. average weight. ; 3 .. average prier
i4� sate , tr, b; '
-kaIi'l Kw, Wvamint-50111-4 ileiter....Iverage we;lgnt ;: .. average poet. -
o4.1) - .
C^rt> hitt.. v1•;alining sold 4 steer,. average. weight ;29o. averagc prier -
J'fnn }shall,. S: N1i* \, soul h noistcm steeF.. !..'n4(1 Ili.,.. averagt' puce 8=.
Cnute:' steer 'i-IUIO. sates a'• I(''• (rood steer 9(i-05, Common- 80-91.,
Ciuti.r !teller t+.4 911, (ruuchnelter< 96-94. C:ummun. (h -9t) (;uu(S env:. 6(t.
(: at 7, )Tedium envy 5(i Snell•.. ,t7)-4.". Cometh vea: -80-91.1. Cork-
• ,t,. • .. - boar +u Hui."calvi:... I(IJ ' - . .•
Send in your entries
for field crop competition
•EX: TEt: _ Wit iii:• ►V teat ua
vest nninillen:. registration 1. trot'
tieing: •a::cepte(i IT. the F.ieltI Criu:
C onineUaion. 1 ,' etre L sere-
' lair ' . • .
E ►u:u'. art. :tvairlhlr ttir hat. (second cin • fir:'. uavmg: slipped ht .
us!); ►venter re( wr1C:(.. v intci white -
wheat. Whitt' I)C tIt :; ;Aim;
anti en ll:lge- url:. Extlit111ur,
.participate_ (n field fudging t 1(J(1.
Points) •a., weri u:, pfaeing a chi• .
_Sample at lite Lair i5(4.points1'01
Prida5. Septt:mt et 25. Ptue rang.
Ing; Irtnt b24 Ili' 1lr;t li` 5� ter
leillh alt' twiny: .spuns(ned 'hi
.HcnsalI Cir -ug %t'.0 Itlompsuti.
Ct» i.s and Exetet Agricultural
Sut:tets. •
-- (iralns and forage seeds score:.•
• are based on freedom from Impuri-
ties 1 weed seed , seed ,-err utile;
crops, stray., dirt:. et:: :. Ireedunt
Iron) damage (ttiechanteal, iItseCi
disease. weathering). site.. nialurIt
:and •plumpness. and untiarmt(v of
. hiss shape and colour -
In addition to matunt.. colour
and OOut. the .grant content o1 curie
silage is an -minimum Iactur •1h1e
.marc grain a sample t:ontain'. tht.
'_higher It should ~yore. Kernels
.should be Might. full and -well
dented. It tea► aisu ht imssible to
Grand Bend
council ignores
Bosanquet invoice
GRAND BEND - An in- -
voice for $317: t 0 from )lie •
Town of Busangiiet' was "noted
and filed" by Grand Band coun-
cil on July 6
In tile invoice. Busanquet re-
quested the money from Grand .
Bend for amalgamation costs re-
sulting from the etnpliiyment of
a consultant. However, Grand
Bend cuuiicit doesn't think it,
should pay . ' ,
Cuun. Bob Matin said the bill
is for a consultant that Grand '
Bend council never used.
The invoice went unpaid.
squeeic moisture out tit the sane sic
h►' eland -
Judging .cot, rani. is at( exercist
r ( t f1 ..•.. u trn r! :
good l gr(
t - U
(toil;. and ttic quality tit kernels for
:the prtic:es'ong industry Malurit‘
and tniristttic - freedom.. 1roni.
nict:itanic.tl damage. diseases -anti..
nupuritt.,unitortttlly of 'sta. shape.
piutnpnes . •-olout til cot's and kc1
nets are lartirrs u' consider as welt
u- dcvciupnlent of •the lull ear._
witch shows that tike crop_ had the
:following growth conditions, ade
dusts tertifi(' . suuahlt• moisture
suppit. absence til Insects and des
eases: which-tinerleres with the total
development :
1. -tit arils: tariners Who ulaN can
sides lust _entering samples at the
lar.. rattler thaw the lull field .cum -
- -petition. there is :t separate (train -
and Seeds class-. individual section
are •awarded cast! prizes with the '
person Wlnfllfgtinost-pinnas in the'
clas.reeeiving one unit- ot Pioneer -
sued corn from Sereda l arms. and
runnel -up receiving $25 donatedby
Clinton Community Credit Union
Cu heckler 'call Clift Hicks 228-
631 2.•
6 t12.• Lan Marlene 234-6752, pun
Petit lug 235-0437 or Be% l'rout
Ausable River drainage petition
needs more valid signatures
Trees, debris and beaver dams have? blocked the channel in several areas in Hay 'Swamp -:
By Kate Monk • • .
T -A Reverter
.HA1' TWi' -•A petition to clear blockages
in the Ausahlc Rivet m Hay and Stephen
Townships did not receive enough signatures
to comply with the Drainage Act ' -
- A petition with signatures .representing 60
per cent .ni the "area requiring drainage'. is:.
needeet to get the protect: going undet the
Drainage Act bngtneei Paul Htsum- of l.0
1-tinta(nc -(:owie. Buratli, and Associates Ltm-
ued reports the lout valid signatures do utit
represent a'largc enough percentage
A tew''tandnwners along and near the Aus-
able. River 'would' like the rivet: designated as a •
municipal draw so the costs of reouivtng hea-
vet dams and fallen trees can_ he spread among.'
all ►be landowners ailing the stretch ul.the riv•
er designated as the -"area requiring drainage
Phi! McNeer) also of 1.aFontlinc Cowie.
Elyratto and Associates said it is a conlptcx sit •
cation and would be difficult for the work. to
be completed wahine the • petulMhecause of :
the. potential impiact> tits adlazet . • down
streatn-landowner- - One particular nen, til t -lawn
of Exeter landfill site 'which -is within the arca •-
' requiring- drainage The. operation of the site
requires the status quo in drainage. _at'eorthng.
to McNeely .•
- Elston completed a field review of 33: kilo-
metres of the Ausable River from Concession
273. tri the South Boundary Concession in Hai
Township downstream ,through ,:Stephen
Township w Sideroad I b • in McGiltrvra)
Township • - . - " . . • -
-- The most serious problems were troni-Loi 3:
Concession 4 in Hay T-wp. - to -its_('Influence
with the Black Creek Drain on Lot 23. Conc. 6
in -Stephen Twp The problems ranged from
trees. debris and heaver dams which have.pur- .
)tatty or wholly ohstrueted the flows in the r(v-
er.. to u braided'channel.(a channel without a
singte defined course t that ,cant conduct the
-water utter.a minor runoff event
Downstream troin. where .Black Creek • and
the. Ausuhlc-ktvcr: min. • Elston observed 50
spots 1t/ Stephen Twp "which have hecornt . tt•
iermiiteuth. obstructed or dummied troy. t -t
(troths. wood - t. in lir near the- rive: "i ...
tarns grossing it. Stephen 1 wt.. also affect the
flows: according 01 Elston'
The held reviev.. alsr included tarnuatt.
utong Counts Rnad #83 and Con4..4-6 1n Ste •
{then 1 wp that ,have been Hooded and eroded -
during -the cropping season • •-•
• The urea designate° ae, requiring drainage is.
pun of the current Hat 'Swamp and Ian:) that
was once swamp land but :wits Acari' .and •
.drained toragrwulturc . • -
To provide a sufficjcni outlet.' it is Elston's •
npimiin'°the• 'scope of the: work should be e*.-
- tended to the southern hounder) of Stephen
'Twp His suggestions include --clearing. brush
: ing. removing debris mince: area-. of excava-.
non to realign the• channel and to create a mnrc •
defined channel • The -drainage...work. could directh or in•
drrecdy affect an upstrean) watershed arca ,,t =
-85.000 n 90:000 acres .The work conic .in-
in-• volve lands: and -roads within in Huror: Petit; :
and Middlesex Counties. Ha Steptlen 1tr;k-
crsinitti. Usha: H1tnert amt.. Bid,
Oath!. T wpr. welt a.;Exeter awl liensai;
tic proponents at Itis- prige.'i have hii .lays
.onl_June 23 -to . ge t. the required. signal ures ,1f
succes:tua. the next stet' is '0,:iu(n. a :n: ht
drotcigt at the are:: t: deterrnirr('- ;n: nes! ..
means at Undcrtakinc tnc pr;r(ect -
Brussels Livestock Sales
Inc sore:. or lirusseu. a.ivestucl for Into wee). ending Jut•,
Fed Latta•:• 60: (:owe 171
Veal autd-Bnf Calves 3i,.: - Lambs am (mar. Int
Stn.:kers' 762, - ' --
Fed steels and Hellen sotd on a sacatts trade wrlb thre rows selling 5. merle: (ill Thundas
hie veal traded on a Sleade n14ri(t::ane also tit: iambs muted stead'. 1, fait week.. .
inert' were 254 steerr, un oiler selfitir.tron. 2 ((1 O, 960bto tin high ,>t 10`:01. •
Tunny -give steers consigned to &lid:, 17arnt. !liar:vai , averaging tabu 10, sold tar art ave,_
age til 05.110 wen Tates It•% 1114.04-••
Sevin steers eonslgr(etr0 B,11 M .0
ionlui Armor averaging1?S9 in, sold tot aft average of
' 0.)9 With sates it. 07 tic '...•• -
Nineteen steer.. consigned n. loin Imbue:. ) xeie: averaging 1347 10, said to: an :iveragr
or tt 1-: , web sales to 177 qi - -
Four sireneonsigned•hr Meitur Hacxwet: V. alwn averaging 1427) In, sold for an averggc
or 7ft,.t_' web sales u' 96.5(. - • - -
1 wens -seven steer.. consigned m kase and Murrar't•egy.:. 1 hopervihe avergtng'i ' In -
sold (tit an average 01 92 6-. 411!4 Sates 10 0' (it • • .
Seventeen steer.. consigned n, lila\ litacxte: I:1rntonaverigtng 1?32 In, sold tut above:•
:age 01 i,L?.t.w'nr. sales u,tr.; (+ .
.1wen(v-six steer.. eonslglnn nv, 101,1r1 -01.d. i.urUnua averaging !25t. -hi. soid•tor an avea'
air- of 90.0o with sales to 93.01 •
Tnret sieersconsigned rn Wuuditai., Farm_.:' ia,dhainaveraging ;2.1(111),•lake nit ansa-
crag*: or 91:111 with sok...ro, • •
1‘..A. steer:. cunsgntarhy•Jsci r; Nunke, rsuuurn averaging i49b lbs sold fur an aventg
-of 911.211 with sales -to -92.75 -- -.
1 nett. wen 15! !tetters die Otft i selling tam. i•: (t, ur96.Oh (gain high til 100.52.
Three• netters consigned m Gordbirli4c: aunuru..averagmg Il1?5lu., sad tar at averdgt
til 94 :'.with sal s rCl00.51, - - -
Onc goad hear consigned by Davy Eadie How rout, weiglung .1475. ins sold for u? 51..
Founeen heifers consigned by, Vlux Lea Farm 'Woodstock averaging -1303 Ib: said tot az: .
average of 89.91 with sales'tb 95.75-.
Six heifers consigned by kin M_C.:ulluch Al)enturd averaging 1156 lbs. sold fru an aver
age of 88.39 with sate.. Iti 95.75. • - -
Thirteen heifers cansigued n. Wayne l:uig. (lame averaging. 10691bs sold lot alt aver4gr•
01 88.15 with sides w'i-1 ' .
Note heifers cunsignetl hr Epnnam Huovei. W roxerei averaging 1 134 lb,. sued inr an avet-
age of 90.)7 5 with sales -to 94.51_
Eight bitten consigned by Hugf. Lovr..Atwoou averaging t 13 3.1bi sold'tur an average_it
8))'111 with sales to 93.5C - - -
Six betters e -unsigned by'Schub? tiro:.. Myth averaging 1.127"lbs. sold tea in average of
88 45- Witt: sale:. to 93.144 .
111Rr Order.; consiglletl by Keith JackItn. liirlevatt• averaging 1215 lb,. sold tot an averagc
~l iter ; will: sales to 90.0(- . .
ureicwrr•:•17osuwsun°hetselling. 1)1arid.:)'55.0(1-6pU(,u high of ! 5?, !!-•'522.01,•
5f,Afri, t,; 42,(x! f;:,(.:4',.:.
;101C4 -11t11 euws wuslKnt t,c.
Muyrniart Farm: Limited. 1ltlldlluly averaging 1 1. las
suit: lot an :averagc tit 66:2., with saks to "1 51 • .
1 no it ,i tows consigned 1. 7).J (rteenwoud Pau,ue, i n averaging 1390 tb:• sold fur >u-
average of -6 i 4: with saki; to "! .01.
Sevrt, 1101 rows cuislgaed.hv 1erp5tra> t`ar,ln Brussel: averaging 110._10,, sold jut an as
4'4g. it 62.22 with sales to 70.52• . - - • •
1 nen: Writ '.t hulls un ofici selling. Inial (µ..1M, to 71,50 to tin. tin. nl $3.1M ^ -,
lone gold bull, consigned by Mike Henry:tiraiiptui averaging 1,303 lb.. l'ul
auld Joe MI
age of 70.45 With sales to 1Wst-
tali a ,.ir bull consigned by JGu
ason Kase. nn WelgInig 110 7516s sold for ^ 1.(112
.there were 381 veal as, oflei.aell,ng lied - 1ltOi, to 1?3.00, hii • 75.071 u. SS.W: pialn 60.
• - 60.01, to 70.00 '
A red veal eunsiglle(1 by 'Snail •W,elsnta. myth weighing 6><5 In:, *:old lug • 125.Oh
-A lura veal consigned by lien .vlacLean LUCk11Ow, weighing 065 lbs. sold for 124.0(: -
A alae btegiuni veal ctmsig,lcd by John ver4u,g Lundesiwnl. weighing 740 17),, sold kr
2."'.0)' •.
La nib.,- wink' 50 !6>. 130.01, to 155.(x, •
50 -Sit lb.. i 17.501b 149.00 •
80-9510. • - tilt.txrl0-1;:7.51.
95 11017) • - 'tfi.lM,40322.07
Siker 25.0(i to 65.(X
boats- 3.011 to 11(5-7Rt each
Linde! 40011' - Ll''.0710 154.00
400 - 499 it i .iM) to 1`.'.1.51,
500.599 109.00 to 124.(x, -
600-699 -- I(r.t.011tu,121.1.01, " •- -
700.799•. - 124.111,4, 1(15.50
'800.899 .. 1111.0Iltoft2.0l
90U and uvei . ' : -9'175 ill 7 t) 5?
iletiers .
Jlxt : 39910 . -
4011-.499 -
500. 591)
60u - 690 .
7txt - 799
liOU - 899' • .
906 aud'uve,
Plate stockers 45.01) to 60.00
$?.elllu 111'.01
l8.lilt to (00.0
1(7.01) to 111.01.
91).(1(lto f 11..(11
87.1)0 to )R7,17t
• 95.00 to 104.0)
91.00 to 98 'i
Acceptable bacteria
levels at area. beaches
fc,llctwtttg.recent." tests -tor-
bacteria to area beaches-. no
beaches - 'reyutreti . posted
.warnings . - •
Beaches sampled were:
' Canatara Park (Lake Hu-
ron i ,
• Grand Bend (Lake Huron,
•- Centennial Park (Sarnia
• 1pperwastt . Main .'Beach
-)Lake Huron
• Piner Provtnctal -Park'
(Lake Huron t •
Pori Franks Conservation
Area )Lake Huron'-
According to the Lambtot:
Health lin[: swimmen
should note " that following a
heav► rainfali. water at area
beaches may be temporarih pollul- - -
ed for "up to AS, hciurs If water be-
comes clouds due to wave activity .
bacteria from the bottom mat be-
come suspended and increase:. the :.
'possibilht) of illness ::
Signs advising of possible high -
bacterial levels. following heal•►
rainfall • have been permanenth
placed al the following St Ciai
River sates .
•'Centennial:Part; !Sarnia Bat'
•' Lamhtort-Cundick Part.. t S:
Clair Rivet
The Lambton Health Droit has e'-
tabltshed a Bathing Beach Water
Oman) . information Line. - Which
can be reached bs calIing I -51 y -
3i53.6231. ext. b_'5. 24 hours a day
seven days a .wee).
Plan Altsead Nov!
We will apply Calcium Chloride for
excellent compaction and dust control
Calpine gust Control
482-7404 • 263-2322
1i111: M,nsr 4/1.glM d timing euuldu t Ix'letter. so dike: ativan tag;:
of i1 at your 1W'hit4 dealer... lutlil5. Fur n limited tittle utih you wit
choose from tiro "085y tu•own" finance plans. •
lint non *and pay t 71"1. u.u.e. Or. lvith nu money down.:. not even
the taxes. pay nu interest and twilit' Hi. payments 'tit ( iitob r 199h.