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Timis-Adtincutr, .1 My 8, 1998
Dane Sterling's Lamplight Affair
By Koshering Herding •
T' A Rep rue
• GRAND BEND — "It's like James Taylor
meets Frank Sinatra — but more modern Od-
in', says Dane 'Richardson describing -his
unique musical stvk • • '
•The 24-vear-old Grand Bend area•native is
getting ready •to launch his first CD The Lamp-
light Oita- this month.
. Richardson. who uses -the stage name Dane'
Sterling (Sterling is his middle name). re-
corded the album in Texas where he went to
Sam Houston State University an a.basetiall
He only got really serious about pursuing a .•
musical earlier atter sustaining a torn rotator
cull -during his third year which dashed the
rigid -handed pitcher's chances of becoming a
professional baseball player
• Sterling'? lost musical e>rperience Maori•
,then was in a silver hand while attending got -
est High School, lntcresungfy enough, fwd Of
hts tellow hand members. Emm Gruner and •
• Darr Speck. have gone on to pursue successful
music earecrx • . -
Atter the unary. Sterling stayed at school -
three more years: finishing an honors degree •
.in English with ntinors'inFrench and cont-
ntunications and then completing.requirements
fish a teacher's certificate •
During that tune he receiv_edvocal,traming •
from Patty Dave tit 1-lousion who was a tonncr
performer on the European opera circuit Before leaving Texas to return home. he
He JON() began playing with a band around • produced and recorded 10 tracks with a three -
the Houston area and dahhltng in musical , person string sectidn, keyboard. lead and bass -
theatre. players -tor his first CD.
Sterling wrote moist of the songs' on the. CD
while living and performing ,in Nashville last
He admits that most of thc.songs don't take
long to write. -they just come to me like a
stream of consciousness ".He even wrote one
tit the songs_ while in the studio recording the
CD. .
Sterling entitled the CD. The1e'ampttghtAf-
fair- because he feels some of the songs deaf •
with '-the shedding of light O a'subject where •
__people finally see. the truth-", -
."Every song has their.i►wn story .. they tell -
stories about people and how they unite to en-
Itghtcnment-about themselves and the people
around them." he explained •
- The Litu,pltght Afjurr volI be released on .
his own record label. Tame Leo. •
He plans. to travel across southwestern On=
tariu distributing his Cf) to music stores.
The Singer and guitarist would also like to
. siert performing again. While he can perform
all the pieces un his CD solo, he is looking
forward tuforming a new band.
- "Eventually 1'dlike to end.up in Toronto or
York." fiesaid.Dane Sterling- •
. •
For more details about Dane Sterling's CD •
• . But -most importantly during that period. ` .The Lamplight Affair or hooking information
Sterling whoa[ over 7t) songs call. 238-2174 of 243242(, -
Perth -Huron VON nurses strike
By.Scott Nixon
T -A Reportir
STRATFORD — Over f►fX) members of the Practical Nurses Federation •
of Ontario (PNFO) — including those at the VON Penh -Huron Branch
began striking Monday morning after bargaining talks fell through.
According to.Perth•Huron Local PNFO president Cathy Thomson the is-
sue concerns benefits and employee allowances
Thomson said VON was offering the registered practical nurse: ;RPNsi.
a 40 per cern slash to benefits -and tbe'reducuun Of the' employee mileage
allowance. which. goes to )staff 'Who have to use their own.-vehik les. She
said the PNFO was willing to take a reduction in mileage from 28 cents/
km to 25 Cent /km but .VON rejected the offer. instead offenng different
allowances for difterent'branches. The Perth -Huron Branch was offered' i7
tents/km. Some branches. :Morrison said. are facrng'complete ehminaUon'
of their mileage allowances...• , .•
She said the -union•had to stick* together and look out for all employees
Thomson. Who Said she,drives I(X) km each day at work. estimates benefit.
cuthicks will cost -em )annually
• The mileage issue is the sticking point for the PNFO. Thomson •Sajid.
• -adding that nurses "can't drivc.tor no mileage . 1 don't see, the price of gas
corning down in the near future "
As .a result ol: the breakdown -in bargaining talks.. nurses -at the Penh -
Huron Branch of VON Canada in Stratford set up.picket signs at the Rail-
way.Station on .July 6. The Penh -Huron Branch includes five visiting:
nurses and 25 shift nurses. Visiting nurses travel from client -to client.
while shift nurses stay with clients for eighi-hour shifts. Thomson said.
In total. 12 branches'across Ontario are affected by. the strike. .
Thomson said the-RPNs are united in the decision -to strike .and will re-
main on'strike until VON "wants to take us back to the t_ahle.'= and make a
reasonable offer..
Despite the stnke Thomson said members of PNFO are concerned about.
their patients and said "Were .not doing thi: to make it hard .for our cli-
ents. • -
"We really are aboutour patients.'" '• .
VON of Perth -Huron. whose executive director;Lvnrie McDonald is on
vacation and unable for comment.:stated in a press release that VON "wi11
continue: to offer clients the. same high quality of nursing care:..VON is- .
confident in its ei)ibty to maintain existing levels. of service through its
registered nurses. management staff and those RPN. who choose to con-
tinue to wot;k:during the strike." -
ln die press release. VON: a non-profit organization. claims that a 1997
• "managed -competition model" designed by the Ontario government,
forced VON'to compete 'with new for-profit home care providers- {luting
VON "ai'a considerable economi, disadvantage " The VOi. cutbacks are
an effort to remain competitive -
Thomson said the PNFO has been making 'concessions to VON for the ..
past two years. including a one -per cern roll -hak in. .alar Iasi- year and
the etimipation of uniform a1Iowanee- a -Is ice -daily paid coffee breaks.
-V4'hile PNFO realizes that •concessions have, to be made. Thomson_ seid
VON inanagetnent should look at themselves when attempting tee, make
cutbacks. adding management tia..considerahle overhead.'
Congregation welcomes new minister ' Garden tour set
for .this weekend
Rhoda Rohde -
Thames Road correspondent
THAMES ROAD - Judith Parket
welcomed minister Rey: Marrlv'n.
CarleT ttr the cotntiunii\ at a
. churcti service on Sunday morning
at Elinivilte church. Ret Carter
told the children" s. story entitled-
-'Everyone Has a Part to Play "
Thy choir sang -"O •God Valu
- made- the Rainbow " .accompanied
by pianist Marilyn-Vandcnbussche.•
Grace Pvtn read -a 'Minute for
- tvtission " • .
Larry -Lynn. -- and Sharon
-Passmore received the Offering and
were the greeters. Barry Miller took
a carnal • of. groceries to' the front
. for the Food Grains Bank
The. congregation enjoyed a hes -
erage after the service and ever ---
one eeccn'ed their church di-rc
• p.rn. at Elunvilk
.Any women v. h.r haven t _hooked
their Blyth•iheatrt••ticket t;' see.
"Jobs. Joh. Jobs' on. August 11
should ca11 Sharon: '.s�nn -at. 229- .
5"6 .no lata, tj)ar:. Jul 9..
Arrangements hay beemade to -
hack supper at. Londesboroughnt
• Church bctore the perkirance.
Call Sharon -Lynn for more inion:
illation and to reserve your stat
Your -church director\ can be _.
:picked up next -.Sanctus at.Thames
Road Churchor phone Sharon
• Pavkc;e. 229-6894 to get sour hook
as soon as possible . - .
Tharnes • Rpad- Elnny,ike
Christian Education Committee arc
sponsoring_a one day- V seeders.
Bible School on July 2_6 ,
The day will begun at 11:30 a.tn,
. at.Thaines Road Church with the
cru_ children bringing a box lunch to,..
eat The: centers of Bible study
games. t -shirt;- songs and a. snarl:
On . Jul t the Standing . w Ill revolve around the theme Stewart' Committee will -meet •at 7.p.nt. fol- "Beteg a Blessing in God - s- -
lowed by the Council meeting at 8 World --
ries -
Cumin events
All- children aces. tour and up err
welcome. Adults -arc !roiledt-
wicncr.roast and campfire. al
pin_ Adrnrssion is a - `utas vi .i
dessert • -
There is regislratuir, tee ,pest
strict. h can be .placed on the offer
inc plata atom .with a. regtstratkr
lora, -ht Jul. 12. •organs t.
Margaret Ste wart _2_3i' i 550. lane'
Coward. 2_4-'-'4 Sitar.
Pavkete. „4-6t;4! kart:
Ethcrmguon 235.- 16„2!•
Noonan and Ln:Li•nn Lotion.
Katrina an.ci Carrington .. of
1iuiuntnu-. Bilin and Chert
Sullivan:.I-.isa. Buenos:. Ahsot:
Pautc1. and -'tulip of Oscoodc•.
Murray and Chert i Stewar,.
-Matthew and . Mered,tfi of
ticwmarket. Pete and Ltnint Kos:.
Justtii. Jasmine. Nicole and Tiffany
Of Coldstream. visited during the
past -week. with Jock and Ferne
HENSALL The Hensall and
District Horticultural'Society i,
i pleased to announce The
., Country Home -and Garden Tbur .
Will take place.on. Saturday . July
I ; and Sunda;. July 12 with
more -thin 20 rural and ►,ltage
gardens rri thc':Hensull. Zurich.
' .51. Joseph. Yarna.and Brucefield
,arca par.Uctpattrig The, tour
includes demcinstra[ions' at- sev-
errtl.stops along the Way . '
A advance ticket is avail-
. able, Irani several locations and.,
gives you access to' all sites n
es o
Saturday and "Sunday ' Tickets
on-site .w t.11 be $t+- For mere
tntonttauon cull 262 311"
A site map: descriptions and
rnditrdual n-J1I? operiing
,unius!day, are available upon
registration 'Registration on
Saturdas wtl'l he at Village
4"rocs. 11.7 King St.. t•fensall.
and 'on- Sunday at :Sybille
-Schauflct Accounting. Highway
4. Hensall. south oft the water'
1. T
ici:ets'. arc' available
Countrt Flpers.-1 xeter. •Ai
Home. Exeter•. Huron Ridge -
Acres. Zurich. Jenny Rader.
Zurtt;h. Hess cntand.,,f-jwy .21'.
I• Village Vines. Hensall:
Vk illmuns Hairsty ling. Hensall
Magnolia Manor..' arna:.
1' Gingerbread Porch. Meda.
Garden tour will take participants through
Hensall, Varna and St. Joseph areas ,
By Liz Sangster
Hensall 'cdrrespondent
HENSALL.--At Hensall Cannel
Presbn terian :Church. -,"brace
Annette Whitsoin•-Bahro was the
t_ue:st speaker,; Hensall United
Church •is closed for the 'month of-
• July. Members are invited to attend
- the' scrytces at Cannel-. Taking' part
• to thu service were Dorothy -Taylor,
- Bob ',1 avlur and Harry,Sntith.
The' Henstill and. District
Horticultural Society will hutd their
Ho ane and Country Garden •l uur.on
July I I and 12 Many gardens and
homes to Hcnsalf: Varna and St -
Joseph will- be viewed 'tickets arc
available at ' Vintrg.c V toes tr
Hensall and at each 'euur garden
CaIl.26:-2715•int more details The
annual flower show will he held AM •
August 19 11- you don't have a
prize list. call Lir at.262-27•1s
•Registratlons.are ,till being.
accepted tor the'Hensall Sumner
Art show in Grand Bend
Just one of the dolls. Ankie van Haastert is seen along
with many'of her handmade teddy bears she displayed at
the art show held in Grand Bend on July 1'. The show was
held outside the Colonial Hotel.
Playground Parenis'tnt lcsted
tegrstcnng'thetr.lour'w 12 year old
children. Can contact the Hensall
Municipal Office at 2(+2- 812.
Spaces arc also still available fit
the swimming.proeratn. which runs
July 13 to 24. "
The Hensel) Playground program
will 011 et Aqual0s recreattpn from
Juty 1 t to August 21. Children will
enjoy a variety of activate!: includ-
ing sports. day trips. songs. crafts.
geodes anti drama
Wi meeting talks
about drug usage
USBORNE 'CMP -.Members
a1 the Hurondule W.1 met at .
Morrison Darn for tliei, lune
meeting.at 1-:1:5_ p.m. Dessert,
was •served .and meinberu' were
introduced to Leo Kadin from
Shoppers -149g Mart. His ties-,
sage Was un drugs. their use,
and how they should lie. used.
Lorraine Alexander- and Marian
Porter 'gave readings and -
Bernice Jeffrey had two con-
tests. ' , .
President Fern -Dougall
Opened the business meeting and •
14 Members answered the roll
call "An old fashioned health.
remedy.". -•
The president' held an- 'In
Mefnuriam' fur Margaret Dover.
a new member who was recently
kilted in a car accident.- A spe-
pecial-collection was taken for the
number of siblings each member
Gladys' Richardson reported
that tickets on the quilt are sell-
ing' well. The quilt -show will be
held at the county museum from
July 25 to August 30. • -
A Tweedsmuir workshop will
'be held at Dashwood on April 6
at 9:30 a.m. Rosetta Clanty will
be the speaker. Fern Dougall
stet her at the A.(;,.W.W. in
July busy time
at Exeter Villa
• EXETER- - From everyone at the
Excter,Villa-,Happy,BirthdziV Can:
• ads". Ttie Villa -was tastefully deco
-rated for Happy Birthday Canada
with flags, inside and out. A Canada
Day party made it all complete
July is anther busy month at Ex-
eter Villa: a tea party on tate patio,
the monthly birthday tea. lunch by
the- lake at •Baylield., picnic and
fishing at /Morrison 'Dam: walks
outside and lots of ice cream cones.
Faith Tabernacle 'sing along, and
tea. atr evening, with Gospel music
and-tnuch more.
July 19 a family pot lunch picnic
�+ilt"be held with Bob Heywood .
July' I8 is the yard safe from 8
a.m. to i -p.m. with proceeds going
to the residence activity fund.
The . Villa staff' welcomes 'Tina
Fisher BSCRD as Director of Nu-
tritional Services also Janet Dear-
ing BSCN as assistant administra-
tor. DDC. June Zwait will be
replacing Linda Haweley as- secre-
tary and receptionist..
,at /tensity
'Potato Salad
.\iiv. potato salad ha'. to be an all time. favourite: itt ttin.
-surnmer' IA-eryonc• ,,cern' to make at a little bit different 1
redly cil•los a -shunt hs salad w-iih a bit of a flavour twist
Handy love"'.,a-t=re'arm tone.' tip• I'tc• put together out lik!-s
4nd coni:' up with the,following one - it is aw,esonic• - at
:,east I' think -so' J nilly' •.. • '
6-1s m*'d to- large new potat w.
;t hard bc,ikedeggs
•1. cup celery - ,
onion finely' che►p•pi d .
or 4. dill pjckle s fine fy_ehoippod (may bi'•ornitted but ,
tensa bly':good ! i.
.1 tbsp prepared mustard
2 he'apin'g tbsp-rf;tt'.fi '
:3/4 cup of rnayoni►aise or salad dressing (more if to disd+
. salt and pepper to taste 'i
Lou-: po.tatoe-s iii Salted. water Cool and i:ubi• Slice eggs and
• =nix all ifigredie lits together ,add enough. rnayortnatsa• until
your salad "is tyre arny'.TTtis is a "Moss' - - '
.L , • , . !Je•hby Hagler,
(Stylist Sylvia Hetlinkl
is reopening_Tilesday, July 14
Call 263-2553' for an appointment
I look forward to searing ctients again.
We also tliank clients; family and friendsfor.their
best wishes with the birth of Mitchell.
Hairstyling,, Esiherres tf? Tanning
For an appointment call
50 Thames Road E. - mita-mart Plaza
Walk-ins welcome
Your stylists:
Laurie Vermunt, Rhonda Lightfoot
Jen Devjardine , Lianne Wray
Patty Shipway
' illi 1
Mon. -Wed. 9-6 '
t` Thurs.&Fri. 9-8 Sat. 9-4
Enjoy the
elegance of
fine quality
Rattan for
every room
in your
- "dor
Hours: Frt, Sat., Mon. 10 - 5 or y appointment
WWII•. /
ss u..
(519) 799-5793
416 Mill Street,
(4 miles
south of Hanover)