HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-08, Page 3IN THE NEWS
times -Advocate, lull/ 8, 1998 • Page .3
Big bike ride 'Bend council seeks clarification
on government casino decision
Charge! The Big• Bike Ride for Heart and Stroke came to Exeter last week and raised $7,462,73. The South Huron
Hospital team -takes off from -the high. school on their lapp-around town. The event included teams. from McDonald's,
Dashwood industries, MacLeans and South Huron Hospital and riders rfrom the Bank of Montreal, Royal Bank and the
Town of Exeter.
The 'Bend
prepares for
Jesse's Journey
GRANT: BEND — Jesse'.
Journey willsoon be making a
return to Grand Bend: • '
in•order to welconi4 the jour•
ney to Grand Bend on Aug. 10.
council decided at—US—July 6
meeting to allow resident Barka- .
ra Wheeldon m he the. chairper-
son fix ai cclehration at the2pa-
Wheeldon:-who spoke at
Monday; s,mecting, said.lohn
Davidson. who has been travcl-
ling across'Canada since April -
to,raise funds for Duchenne
Muscular Dystraphy to disease
which his son, Jesse. suffers •
from) will be back in the area on.
Aug, 10 and wants to visit.
Grand Bend.
In order togo ahead. with the
Celebration, Wheeldon needed'.'
and received council's pernris.
ion to use the pavilion,. r.
According to Davidson's. itin-
eraryy, he -will arrive in Grand. .'
Bend at approximately 6 p.m. -
on Aug. 10, where he will whlk '
down Maid Street and to the pa-
vilion wherespecches arid
rheques,wifl be presented._
Following She Frescntations.,a, -
barbecue will be, held. tVith pro-
ceeds going towards Jesse's.
Journey. The program will fin-
ishshortly after 8 p:m.
In atlditign. tax-re(:eipts will
Abe given to those who donate
,more than $15 towards the
, cause:
Davidson's gdal in hip trek
across Canada is to raise $10
giillion for genetic research.
Once raised. the funds will
create an endowment fund
which will direct $1 million an-
nually to fid cures for Du-
chenne Muscular Dystrophy and
other genetic hiseases.
Three years ago. Grand pend
raised over S20.000 for Jesse's
Beach Water Quality
Hotline '
Huron County Health Unit
Opening the ,trail. The Rotary Club, of Grand Bend and the Town of Bosanquet recently com- -
pleted the' 7.1 km Rotary Nature Trail from the entrance of the Pinery Provincial 'Park along
Highway 21 to Pinedale Road in Grand Bend..- Pictured from left are chairman of the Nature
Trail Committee,Hank Krech, Bosanquet Coun, Johh Walsh (who _received the Rotarians', high-
est award), president of Grand Bend Rotaiy Club Gord Britton and Rotary member Don Prowse.
Grand Bend Rotary
.Nature Trail completed
GRAND BEND,- The completion of Thu Rotary Nature Trail
in Grand Bend was celebrated June 30, with an official ribbon-
- cutting ceremony attended hy Rotarians, pctlilicitins and meni-
.bers of the community. "
The new section, which runs from Pinedale ".RttiaJ in Cnand
Bend -to the Pinedale Motel, cost $34.483.
_ The cost' will be split hetwc n the Rotary CIuh of Grand Bond
and Grand Bend council. In order to'raise. funds for the project.
1 the. Rotary Club is selling draw tickets for a Sea Raydcf Jet Boat
and trailer. r -
The, new section was added un at. the request of the Village of
Grapd Bend because of concern aboursafety. -
Thte_ new section of the trail. said Grand Bend Mayor Cram
Ivey at the ribbon -Cutting, 'Oyes people safe "walking and hiking
access to the Bend from the Pinery.
- Ivey went on tt thank the Rotary Club. Grand Bend council
and B9sanquct Coun. John Walsh (or working on the project.
in order to recognize Walsh for his. efforts. Rotary member
Dein Prowse presented •Walsh with a Paul Harris Fellow." the
highest honor Rotarians award.
Walsh. who said working on the trail:was the highlight o6 his
political life said. "I am so proud,to he a part of that Trail
The oritinal "section of the trail. running from the entrance of
the Pinery along Highway 21 to Pinedale'Ruad, cost $188.2158.
half of which was donated in services by BosanquerCuuncil.
Peter Bedard
• Iloltzmann's IGA
We are proud to announce that Mr. Peter
Bedard hastassurned the responsibilities bf
Manager in our, Meat Department. Peter
brings with him 18 years of experience in all
facets of Meat operations arad a reputation
as an excellent, customer oriented Manager.
He' looks forward to meeting all of our old
and new customers, to serving everyone
with excellent everyday quality and value,
and to handle any special orders you may
Welcome to the team, Pete!
Holtzmann's Vann
Pr Old t n
227 Main St. Exeter 235-0212
GRAND BEND - - In reaction
to the provincial.govcrnntent's de-
cision to scrap plans litr its charity
_casino -expansion. Grand . Bend
council decided at its July 6 meet-
ing• to draft a, letter asking for clar-
ification. - •
In a March -referendum. Grand -
Bend voted 58.3 "per cent in lavor
of a Grand Bend casino: • .
Mayor Cam Ivey said of the
'province's decision to,. halt casino
expansion,- "Ontarians :spoke and
the govcrnmcnt listened: Grand
Bend .spoke (in the 'referendum)
and the govcrnmcnt didn't listen."
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