HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-08, Page 22 fomes -Advocate, July 8, 1998 ThLTRF4NRWS Regional wrap up Goderich man victim of hit and run GODERICH — Police contin- ue to investigate the hit and run collision that killed a Goderich man early Friday morning. re- ports the Goderich Signal -Star. The accident occurred just south -Of town nn Highway 21 at - approximately. 2:30 a.m. Friday 'June 26. , Investigators - believe Shane Worselh 30, was. struck _by a ve. •hicle in the .northbound lane while jogging -home southbound along the highway `toward his home at Bfuewater Beach. 'Based on their investigation and the. results of an: autopsy. performed. at .London Health Sciences Centre. police believe a vehicle struck Worsell prior to tw,o other vehicles coming in contact with the body as it lay on the ,roadway. Investigators are searching for a vehicle with damage .to the front end. PUC restricts lawn watering Downtown parkette site preparation continues E?(JER - By the end of July, the Exeter parkette should be ready for the Landscapers. Exeter building official Dave Moyer said site preparation work will continue- through July. A con• • erose slab for a covered shelter has 'been poured dnd more gravel will be brought onus the site. Plans call for the removal of the -existing trees at the west side of the • property and the elimination of the 'parking space'; on Main Street. • New trees will be planted in stra- tegic locations. The park will also ST. MARYS - PUC Manager Terry Martin restricted lawn wa- - . tering after he noticed that town residents had used almost. two million gallons in • one day. re= ports . the St,:• Marys Journal - Argus: . Martin explained that normal daily pumpage this time of year • is 832,000 gallons. •He says ex- cessive use of water is exacer- bated because residential homes in St. Marys do not have water meters. The manager says that water levels in town -wells arc about 20 ft:' below normal, due to a combination of incredibly dryweather in recent weeks and the overuse of water. Committee fights against gambling CLINTON — The Clinton and Area Social- Action .Committee will continue its fight against government sponsored gambling when its members address Clin- ton council on July 20, tenons the Clinton News -Record. , The comthittee was formed in response to the announcement that the town was considering erecting a building for Video Lottery. Terminals (VLTs) ano simulcast horse racing: While the committee contin- ues its fight against gambling in town, the group will also he tackling other social issues. Dog days come to Blyth BLYTH — The • Bluewatcr Kennel Club All Breeds Dog Show and Obedience Trials will run from July 7-9 in Blyth, re- ports the North Huron Citizen. There ate 1.390 canine en- trants in numerous categories in- cluding specific breed exhibi- tions and a' booster show sponsored by the Australian Cat- tle Dog Club of Canada to en- courage ownership of the breed. All gate proceeds from the event will be donated tothe Hu- ronia Humane Society. Ailsa Craig, McGillivray to tie the knot NORTH MIDDLESEX — Councils from both Ailsa Craig and McGillivray Township -have passed a resolution declaring they are willing to ,negotiate, amalgamation with each other, reports the Gazette. They have invited seven neighboring councils to give in- . put or suggestions about the im- pending marriage. include a walkway, benches and -,shrubs. The Exeter Lions Club is heading up the park development with the Exeter Business Association and • the Town also involved. Moyer is also working on a plan to revamp parking behind the busi- nesses frojn the Bank of Montreal to ,John Street. He has,met with the landowners and they have indicated an interest in4he concept. "They like it in principle." Moyer ' said, adding details will need tq be worked out over the next year. A concrete base has been poured for a covered shelter the Exeter parkette. • GB council enters agreement with Legion GRAND BEND — Council here decided to enter into an agreement with the local Legion to make the Legion an emergency shelter during power outages. The agreement was made -at the request ofthe Legion. whose Members voiced concerns over -recent rimer outages in Grand Bend that have fasted for-signiticant lengths of time. - . - - According to the agreement, the Legion will_.raise the money needed for . the emergency hydro and give it -to council, which will then use the money" - to buy hydro.forthc Legion. - , - - - - The request was supported unanimously:al Grand Bend's July 6 council meeting.. - - . "I think it's a great idea," said Coun. Brian Knights. - High school smoking area on the move EXETER - The smoking arca at the South Huron District High School -will he moved further away from the 'building. Exeter Council gave its approval at Monday night's,mecting. Tfie Town is involved. because smoking is not allowed on. school` property. To get around this policy. a year ago -the Tirwn of Exeter leased a parcel on high.schiail prop- erty Jura smoking arca beside the .. high schcwrl huihling.- However, smoke entered - the„' school and travelled thrtrughuut the lower level resulting in concerns about second hand smoke. The smoke also entered the_secondfloor windows during the.wann weather, according to principal Deb Ho- muth: • "Therefore, the school chtrse an al- ternate 16c -untie' on the east side of the school near the soccer field •• where smoke would nut 'enter the school and ;staff could _supervise - without being in the actual smoking. arca. - Council denies) the request earlier in the spring. because -it was con- cerned of the impact -on neighbor: on Hardy street. On Monday night„ they discussed -'a let3er from Ho- muth that stated -if council did not .approve Of the new location, the smokers would he returned to. the sidewalks in September. - - Administrator. Rick- Huntley_ told coiuncil-Hontuth contacted the neighbors on Hardy Street. and did noi receive any concerns about. the proximity of the- spooking area 'to their homes.. . - ' - . • Councillor - Joe Hogan said the new ..location ' may even he a de- - to smoking since' it is:a Tess - visible area and further away front the school building. . Council directed Huntley to pre- pare a new -lease agreement - and . property description for a new smoking arca in the area east of the • student parking lot and -north of the - - eastern end of Hardy Street. Boys admiring toys The Kipp family of R.R: 2 Denfield admire one of the cars at the Kirkton car show Thurs- day. From left: Chad, Taylor and dad Mark. Request for beach business denied GRAND BEND =IA request by a London resident to open amental ., - facility for various beach accessu-. ries was.denied by Grand Bend council at the July 6 meeting: Jaison Gibson, who along with - his girlfriend Tanja Waite runs a . company called Makin' yaws on Port Stanley's main beach. resiuest- ed permission.to expand his bust- ; - ness to the beach at Grand Bend. His request.was,turned down be- cause of a bylaw prohibiting retail sales from non -permanent struc- tures.. - ` - Gihson'sbusiness, which has been in -operation in Port Stanle for niore than a year, renis beach - - loungechairs and umbrellas. It also sells a variety -of intlatahles-which the buyer can sell hack to Makin' Waves-attheend en' the day. Sell- ing the inflatables eliminates the risk of liability. - The business. is run out of an alu- minum container, causing Gibson to argue that it's not a structure and not subject to. the village's bylaw Most of council didn't like the idea of having such a business on the beach. Coun. Phil Maguire said, "I have a real problem with it." Maguire added that if council granted permission to Gipson , - "we'd be sending out the wrong message" because the village is in the process Of trying tot mproVcthe- appearance of the beach and have a - permanent structure built noxi -year... "1 don't think it would be a :step in the right direction:' Maguire said - of granting pernissionto-Gibson:: - Mayor Cam Ivey added that the proposed (cation for Makin' Waves — west of the beach house — is where several volleyball tour-' "naments will be hell the, sumnrrr Coun.•Bob Mann was the only. tfiemtier of.council to oppose the motion to deny permission,stanng he had hoped it pian could,he worked out. - - Ivey urged Gibson to seek per- - mission again next smiliner, sug- - • Besting he appear before council • some time in March or April - More fake $20s in the `.Bend' . GRAND BEND - The North Lambton OPP have discovered several more counterfeit $20 bills in -the Grand Bend area over -the weekend. The hills hare serial numbers EST8836279 and ASZ09223631 . The OPP reminds money handlers to double check all money you receive. • ' - - If you have any information on these take bills, call the North Lambt rr OPP at (519) 786-2349 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-265- • 75(X) • Chainsaw lifted in Zurich ZURICH - A Jonsered power saw o clued *about SUM was -shoplifted from C.G. Farm Supply On Main St. in Zurich sutneutne within the last two or three weeks. - London OPP Const. Donna Shulist said the saw.has model number - 20g3 - .. - Break-in investigation continues EXETER - `The London OPP continues --its invests •auun of a break- . in to a home on Witham St. in Exeter that happened on June 27-28.- Shulist said stolen items inciude wo bikes, alcohol, a diamond ring and a bank card. Bikes stolen in - uth Huron area SOUTH HURON - A nuinhe of bicycles were stolen from - Centralia. Hurop Park and E- ter over the past'week. The OPP'reminds-bik 'tiers to keep their.bikelocked when not in use. even if it's in your yard or shed. . • •- - Shulist-also advises bike, owners to record its serial number in case' the hike is stolen so the OPP can -add it to their computer system and help hecto it.- ' ' A number of hikes were found in Exeter last week. Shu -list said hike. owners can claim their missing bikes hy-calling the Exeter OPP at 235-1300 and provide a description. - Graffiti at Lucan School -LUL AN - ‘ andats sprayed orange' paint on the.outstde brick y all at Lucan Public.School overnight Friday Shulistsard damage is estimated at $200, • • In' other Lucan crime news. thiei•es strtastied a window. at Lucan ' , library utr'night Saturday -and made off with a small quantity of cash Attempted ' B&E's in -Huron Park HURON PARK-- Thieves tried to break into three homes on Algonquin Drain Huron Park overnight Saturday ,without succiss, Shulist-said. • The screens were removed froni-a window at each h. use hut entry wasn't gained. - • passes Council Committee of the Whole recommendations Council directed staff to examinea new management position to oversee several- departments By Kate Monk T -A -Reporter EXETER - -Exeter council approved all the recommenda; tions from the Committee of the' Whole meetings of .June 22 and 29. - - • . • Personnel, property and legal matters from in -camera sessions On April 20, Council adopted a study plan for internal re - .structuring whereby the water supply function would be as- sumed hy_ the Council and fine-tuning would be done to the Town -side internal restructuring undertaken in 1997. The PUC said it would not take' part in the discussions to place the water supply Function with the'Town resulting in the -issue being dropped for the time being.. With Town -side restructuring, Exeter administrator Rick Hundey is toprepare a more ,specific strategy with an op- tion of establishing a manager's position to oversee Public Works, Parks, Recreation and Cemetary. At Monday's council meeting Hundey said the new posi- tion is needed because Town staff are assuming a larger number of functions with fewer staff and it would,be'inore productive if the departments were under one manager.. Hundey promised the wage component of the budget would not be increased and a new person would not be hired but -that job descriptions would be adjusted. He cited savings from staff retirements as -the source of funding for the new position. The July rent for -the former .police station on Sanders Street will be deferredand added in equal parts to the Au- " gust, Sejttember, October and November rents because of the delays and extent of improvements needed 10 the police station to make it ready for a new business. the Dove's' tem. Alternatively, the committee also considered its task Nest. - - may be to find ways to make the river water 'option afford - "The Town: will not complete a -fill permit application for able and acceptable to all ratepayers. - . ' filling activities at the cemetery in an arca the Ausahle- Hundcy will_prepare.a-draft.stategy for reducing the net Bayfield Conservation Authority identified as a restricted cost to re -instate the rivet water system- through new and zone. The staff is to advise the ABCA that these filling ac- other revenue sources (than those currently in. place). He is tivities have stopped and will not recommence. . - • to obtain input from B.M. Ross cosh• Associates and report - • • Landfill site - - - .hack to the committee which will then make.further 'de- - The. annual report for the landfill site was accepted. - The •cisions regarding the process ,including consultation with citizens who had expressed concern about the site will be the PUC and large users. ' sent a summary report reviewed with B.M."Ross. A con- Sewage services pletc. copy of the report will be at. the Exeter Library. The Town will tell the Minsitry of the Environment that A plan for'the disposal of tires at the landfill site will he' B.M. Ross -and Associates has been retained to undertake developed. Town staff" will attempt to determine whether the final design stage of .the sewage 'plant.expansion and • the increase in commercial- and industrial waste is due to will be authorized-tocomplete the task.' ' tipping fees that are lower than other municipalities. Under the MOE's rules that go with -the grant Exeter re- Water supply • cently received, the firm to complete the engineering de - The decision for council is wh.:ther to re -instate the river sign, work was to be chosen by competition but B.M. Ross water system (a project that cannot be deterred) or to aban- asked council 10 give them the job since they had already don that system and to defer water system ex$nsion to a completed most of the work. Council agreed. - . later date, according to a report from Hundey, - As well, staff will inform the Ontario Clean Water Agen- The report indicates there are important benefits to re- cy its services will not be required for project management . Instating the rive. water system (if feasible) in terms of the for the balance of the sewage treatment project. overall domestic and industrial water supply andlong term The policy of connecting sewage services to Stephen planning goals. ,F.rom a financial perspective, the re- Township residents will be reconsidered and a nepssr- instatement option is .significantly greater in annual costs to permit connections in some circumstances will be draft - ,than the deferral option. ed for council's consideration. The committee of the whole agreed with Hundey's find- For further details of the• issues and discussions of the Ings and recognized its task is to judge whether the extra June 22 and 29 Co/nnmittee of the Whole meetings,' please refer to rho Jane 24 and July b editions of the Times- Advochte. • annual cost of the re -instatement of industrial river water is superseded by the advantages it brings to the overall sys-