HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-08, Page 1Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Exeter auctioneer Bob • Heywood, pecked up - as a town crier,' • { treated the { -Canada { Day crowd at the Red Centre - ,with a per- formance 'called ''1873'. The. - • I perfor-, I mance" I recounted f Exeter's i first ' : ; three i bylaws.' Serving Exeter and area since 1873 SEIP'S valu-mart .4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262 Y4. It's the Best rh Perfection Emergency room six-day shutdown averted By Katherina Harding • 1'-A I{eporrcr - • iiX1 1:1i1t Thy: crisis •h,t been :4.y erred h. came. down. to the wire but ,: heduled std -day' shutdown of 11ur4on Huspuaf , etnergency fount services did nut. happen allci all Hutpdat administrator • 1)on ('Ur. - ell (tittered the shutdown last Mon ,L,t atter Ixing informed by chiel t staff I )t David Ht ddet that there v silt t t•nuugli ditetors. to work . mer elK•\ 'shift. from July 2 to D.(rmr hitt lune pease} 'onli tic %(tilts were covered ton uta tttltt.tll- I S- . Instead tit_ Sporadically closing the •I:R during that time, - Cuirrclt ();sled (0 ICtll: porarilh sus- pend 'el: uspen l'el: •,,•I• vice aftogethct. ."How can 1 inform the public tip check then watzh tit •know when the too imm:ri „ Or isi l Well lie said " - p)n trn:dli m , Jul, only • three Ek shill, o4)' - • r' i ik,.+lhle (> vert; filled h� local doctor The minority of • the other shift, were covered by outside donor, Doctors pull together Lucas Uis t'etcc Englctt. •Min,, l ante lilll Nlcctuk .and Jean Laid ,come Iorward lir help till the July 2 ho Jul' 7.• shifts find the .FR was kept Open •• • DI- filer-'l:nglert., wltu t. tent poranl acting a. chid 01 41t whitti Hodder is on.Vacati'n. said It (urtunate that the emergent') room was .was kept Open - • "I • estimate that the ER un the WCCkend'sayy twice the volume tit patient, than normal:' stud 1:uglert "It was very busy ' - South Huron •Huspiial nnrniall serves abtu1 20.1 XX) people, hu! that number can swell when tourist packed (;rand Bend is iaciorcd 4)i Future shutdowns'' • (ht Tucsd;n hospital' . ;ltl mmistrators released a press release that said', "The lit cud of Souttl Hu 'nor Hospital`has been ',donned by the medical' stall' that the cnlei --genev rutin+ is fully covered tor the next couple of week: and it would • appear the erlsis is two •-• . -We gut int' :1 crisis- and up - fortunately thcri• vias poor cum, munleanon •hctween all panicnt volved.... sant Engiert-. •`1•ortunatcl thiwgtl we are ovcr_Ihe bre hum!: and •ixople• oii Mott( sides are :tier OA the tact there -1,-., lag-pn,hlcii Outside help • Sill retie hely ty on outside doctor, joint area • like London (t . Sirattord - 'called forums -- to hclp.kecp the fil< running . There ha; hccn some concent l). the comnIunit\ that loan dot:turs aren't aetcomnx►daune some to • cunts nu0 til. 1 1< ,, hedulc In respo e • hath 1-ngler aid• Ste cliff.- said flit\ were .out aware• of any ornce<lratL•tt e11011- It) 9118? w't•f route 1114.U61s• ,• iiolll autl.the) .yvuuld 1 I,tdI give up Mei: 1:k shift, it locum, it 11 1_1ieartl gutting -more hells• Engle(( iamfthal the recent., st_hed tiling problem ntav- have been coin' ptruntjcd by the lata. hospttll ad mmnistralurs and nledicalv(al1 were both making the EK'schcdule, "Rule; came up 'in the fat sched- ule•and the hospital -.went out um laterally and •,.tis Igne.t shills." were already taken without Cou- .uhnIg the du.uirs. said Engler "i'enunally my name ,fust (11' appeared Iron, the stbedult• •and I wasn't told'. . While enicrgen:y room •_abed ulmg ,s .the •chief .tit staff', re- sponsibility Currel1 • said that .the hospital was approached by tht niedn. i1-siall.tu help fill (hest hed ule • • - - • • - Seeking new doctors Stcciul. helieves that thc• mai, , power probfcn still hurl, down ti - tlie pomlt•thair the -Exeter arca needs more doctor, "It 1-, •t-Jnanptovvel problem. we snnpl\ dol, ! halt• the wand Noche- for. a .wide odhe-tor.:.wide variety to, reasons.' h: . said - '.None 01- u, are getting •any younger and the ooh a getting Inure. demandul - . "Ny• . can: keep doing it week., end. '-atter w eekent;:. atter wecient it. , lug's impossible.' he said Community at•tiun t•ommiflec • Alter the 1tr,1 lil< .huttl0w'll m -May•an:sitl but ctnnrnuntl\ action i unity nee was• lurmc(1 11 thldre,,. Ihr d�rcuor shurtae` Exetei Mast,' lien Hougcnh(1on1 _. ,:Iv, Thal. the committee t\ In. ! , i!Ir- atsts ell lte;t! rt•prescntatl,tl, I, is putt, adlnrnnstr:IJ;ur, and nit•(lI: a• ,tall. ,s 10nkme Int s.4. -r l It, :;((rale 1 mt'yy rfi,.,t i s "1 w4.... subcommittees. Ilia\ °.h, 1ornied one ,loth•.: h\ 'leant, filo tesstnn:d.., v�'tl,• .riot(1 re, tut' (icy,: ducui, ;raft the sceun;l t i&i1. n. ,,. group- (tial will rats,. lural- Ili:,. L4.0,1 131. Use.'. 4. p1inllnh the ,b Illllnll\'•li, tllll,ldt• (filen 1, - - Huuecnbuunl al,,, ,al.: the .,,n• milieu may pctittot'- til. pro\ goyerrinle'll: to reed\'( ,.111.1x. lir. • .. tlerscrelced design:tour, "The number one priority 1- flit -wc have It,. wort l0ceme: • ,.u.: Hoogcnhoon, .•'\1\ philosoptl'. 1 • t,. blame anyone --.hue, til, ft,r ((intim,: is we need nwre doctor, At • !Mundt\ Exete: Loun.1. niceui41:. softie c111.114.1)141• concern, about the Situ:Mtn. a' Stun)! Huron Hospital - IId 1ttc tow'. tough' htest t• kedi the lltspiG4. 4)11,1.-r4) \Ji(1- age. wethe. ars.. n.- in\-c11\tea tiovv ` (our. Rot", 1)rumrm,ri.: ,.u... 1)rumm d tits, . remmde.; :tun- :t •Iola' 111.' tlu1pila. scree• .. .\Ide . .::aehntenl are. :111.: 1. 1: t4),: tic•' • 1_%flet resident- \yi1, are nem. tested , South Huron alone in emergency room closures By Scott Nixon 7 -:1 Rertorter lr.XE .ER -' Despite recent probidtn•• Suint Hitrit Hospt.l•. Eta, -(mad i• keeping us enierger.,: y room opera. similar commuting trospital, have been able to argot en)crgency 80080 ClOarres. • Kerry 13lagraVe. chairman 4)t the• Huron Perth .Hosprtaf, Partnership Joint L:xecutive Cumnuttec 7-0I which Souter Huron is a pan -- said -the .(thee seven hospitals In the partnership have not had similar problems ami ensuring cmergcnCy room shi1t4 have -been covered tray dee«'r, . -' As reported In last week , T -A. Svu1lt Huron had threatened to close m\ eiilergenc.\ room sot sty days between Jul.2-K. Closure, \vele avtiided w11eII local. Dr, - Peter Engtert. I -ling Lam, Bill Steeling and Jerry% lady' coveted the 1ac;ttu shifts _ •Bittgra\..... who said he behoved doctors were well pard 101 winkin> in_ the enieIgenc'y 100111. admitted there was a prubienl in doctul •av:ulablltt\ 111 time EXetci arca, but.headded that doctors are pm.) $.7‘441 tell .; 12-iwu: . sh.01 in the emergency room. a figure he -said most membei...i,l the pubhn wouldhe happy. to receive - Blagrave_sard ni local ducttns "Mete seems to be thediiflLUU} !hill tile..,. want l I hayeevciytlum! their own way. : liiagtay1 described an emergency' 100111 closurea..>unlethine_• ."dtflm:uh. -_ IOU the tn,.ptai and torah: peOpic wbo use'the hospital; he sanl.sueli til....` .isles lead-Itt patentw, havnrr, t0 go to out-of-tttwu docun-. lice ;urn -1 f.! nnlrlr`..wnfi- 11-:di11> to :U1 increased workload tui ducun.:e other hu, ptosis • • Also :1 nlep►ber of the Listowel Manorial Huspt;l-iuint e.xecutr\e 1.11111 - - Millet:, 13fagrtve said LAMA/Wei has 114) shortage itt doctor, .and 101(1 11101 • wiille doctor. in Lishiwef tit• busy,, they:inert•! uverwoiked . St Marv. Memoulsal Hospital CL•O• 1erlc I•addle said St Maty. -Iia'. asoided the threat til closing its emelgeitcs ruum because the hospital has 0 -contrail W11)1 local Birettas to ('11110(4 enlergenc'y shifts ale coves ed • "Coverage has been. excellent and will continue to ix• estcllcnt.--f-a delle said 4)l en►eigency service in St Mary., - _Despite the coverage in 51. Marys 1•adeile said.sime ateas.either du►► 1 have cnough'duelo1. •or the. doctors available wre11:1 willing ltt put in the Local furniture company designs for Disney See page 10 Summer school starts for students - See Crossroads • Second front - Thompson gets second crack at OHL See page 12 , Exeter Council ends talks with Grand Bend 1:X1 'fElt 1 he 1 own tit L1C1e1 will lotus 11..amalgaIIIation elkotls in South Huron County ('ouncil . - 'made the' motion Monday night to pull out el (tike w tth ( stand Bend (;rami Bend Mayou Cala Ivey told F. -coo Reeve Roy Ineintei eatIteI in the day a leiter would be k,rtliconlIrse lion) the• MOr,slel (81 ivlunlcipal A71au. and -Housing AI Leach by I•nday to' help • the re .4(4(11:14.1110>1 pr(sces Based 1011 .t tonve14a11o111 with 11t ion MPI' Helen Johns. Exeter Dep. uty Reeve Dave Urlin doubt, .the tenet will be in (timid (3Cnt1 s L. vol. Ile (hulks the letter will advise. Grand Bend to stay. 4)1.. Landow] County and I:ACI(•r to Jdalain in 1Iu rem( County • At the June 25 restructuring ineetIng,-Exeter told Grand Bend tit had until July 6 to break up the log jail over county boundaries. Trtcbncr said waiting until Grand Bend recurved its letter was not be ing - t0 jeopardise amalgamation with other Huron municipalities be- cause nothing is scheduled to hap - pe) In Volum County until Sep- tember_ .Ile also rccugmtt d Exeter is on it trtudntill waitiiib from. one- week to the next helorc it can make- C•uuneilli11 Robert - Uttui►ulond made the emotion to pull out of the ie.trucIUIing talks with Grund Bent(. and (.Uu11C11l(1 .George Itotrerts'on seconded the emotion stating that sister 1;x111811 I, the largest I:0111• niulill . nl the discussion, It should, take 0 leadership tale Councillor ,Peter Armstrong wanted to wail until next week's council meeting ti, make the de- ', cl.ron Mayor Ben Htogenboom said he -would vote against Ate 1140- :100 because ••we owe it to out neighbors. ' Councillor Joe Hogan said it county -boundaries arc not going 10 Change there is no point' in waiting to make the decision. The Township of Stephen dealt with the issue at its meeting Tues- day night after the T -A went to press. hour, 1,1 e, lte0 dlnerO_'cil ' - .I Il l i 1 : . He noted mai (til tuatunt, ;.� etut•rg11: nt„r .' .. , hent_• toycred-by-doctors iron, outsidt tin are.. ars ,.u.. ,: - sonabr well remunerated- ter then "'Orkin the emergene' 1001- He dcscrlheei etnergency- 800141 closures a, tt1,•htel:ut;• or: a:. e.UlT1 c: : `and frustrating for the hospital board . - •badche added that 'South Huron InuSt'ntake 0 stmt dee►siotl-0r. wnetil:• . not to keep Its emergency room opera, rather .than repeated threat, tit • 1:4)11: it - . _ . - -You can -i be- in sometime, anti out sometimes.- 1•adeltt .tit: South Huron s recent pruhicni, keeping emergency shilt.eovered , Cltntor. pupil: HUSpltal s, st. .Icin,.nlstrat(, Janice Cosgr0ye said flier. have been no closure, aI that 110a•u ,ttidln�...w'. -ve been yer\ fortunah that all 111111, her.•: oxen covered -- - She described the -two closures til •S "irh Huron , cnlergen.y ronin• 110- undergou. -• .one 111- May- and one m : ane ,Is -un!Ctrttnlat; and It :llihuugf8 emergdlicy 100118 ,hitt, have hccn cuycrcd In -C untor. tilt :014, 1tIUlllh .hill". .8 1)1tim•t Sht)rldL4 C-U.grtr\ *Mild. aft.! Iia, r 1.1:1111 :Ipipue i 1, Ole provincial gocemmment lot official undersetyIced status .' : -11 (Amigo 1, grained undetscr\ICetrsililus.-IR 'viii Iect'i4i loud:. I,, -hi abr. 1., gt8 t,r leetuttllletlt n1Ur, throughout ilii -pi u\ too... t..- e►1t1:c ole\\ 111e01.a graduate, to•work In the' ale.,- - wild(' Clinton now ha' .78\ lanml\ p1 .'skiiii) - l vsg1u1. salt. 11l- rnunt\ Shuutd hay'. eight tit,chn. Tip; .i\ existing' a„c,; :, {1. 4-. i,..... • bus. she\ 11.1\. ;closed new .1)0118108: ,. and iestdenl, ale heli;• lois: , out 0l town Iu1 -medical set yl,.:' ' ` A. the Huti,rm Perth 1tu>ptals. Partnenhy+ ha, onh Itee11'IL rlli.'. '111. 11Ln. .18 t. still looking to' .1 CEO iiiiiv:oc saki i1n:c ".i (J.(} 1, coo.lr. pudoabij 111re 111114. 111 Seplelllbel -.-- the paltnel.h1p \,t11 6.1%v -11101k: ,r,,,,,, e • l4) deal w'1(11 the -1.1•e. of ini,bielll Suu111 Huron til:is 11a0,tseep1114' It, 11,11.-: geniy toolshifts coycied. •- - , Other howl I, toxin: partnership include Ale1andr., i\l.t Iii and (1enel •, Hospital odercll. Seatorth Comuuunty - Husp11u1. Siatfoul (,ene1.1 HO,ptal and \Vtllghauu itnt Drsl1lct.Hosptal See letters page 5 SHDHS top students Terri Hamather O.A.C. Honour Roll Students f' iEJt Theresa Wilhelm - t. ..I Jacob Weber Jennifer VanBakel Julie Semple Grade 9 Honour Roll Students Lindsey Green Samantha Haddon Michael Dunbar Jill Ramer Pamela Munn - Jenn Mercer Nicole Masse Krista Gass Danielle Knox Jilleana Knip Alicia Klkkert Lindsay Holdsworth SEIP'S valu-mart 4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262 i Chickens. • •; , . Ribs, Potatoes, ince. "'G Hot Foods To Go _ Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Exeter auctioneer Bob • Heywood, pecked up - as a town crier,' • { treated the { -Canada { Day crowd at the Red Centre - ,with a per- formance 'called ''1873'. The. - • I perfor-, I mance" I recounted f Exeter's i first ' : ; three i bylaws.' Serving Exeter and area since 1873 SEIP'S valu-mart .4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262 Y4. It's the Best rh Perfection Emergency room six-day shutdown averted By Katherina Harding • 1'-A I{eporrcr - • iiX1 1:1i1t Thy: crisis •h,t been :4.y erred h. came. down. to the wire but ,: heduled std -day' shutdown of 11ur4on Huspuaf , etnergency fount services did nut. happen allci all Hutpdat administrator • 1)on ('Ur. - ell (tittered the shutdown last Mon ,L,t atter Ixing informed by chiel t staff I )t David Ht ddet that there v silt t t•nuugli ditetors. to work . mer elK•\ 'shift. from July 2 to D.(rmr hitt lune pease} 'onli tic %(tilts were covered ton uta tttltt.tll- I S- . Instead tit_ Sporadically closing the •I:R during that time, - Cuirrclt ();sled (0 ICtll: porarilh sus- pend 'el: uspen l'el: •,,•I• vice aftogethct. ."How can 1 inform the public tip check then watzh tit •know when the too imm:ri „ Or isi l Well lie said " - p)n trn:dli m , Jul, only • three Ek shill, o4)' - • r' i ik,.+lhle (> vert; filled h� local doctor The minority of • the other shift, were covered by outside donor, Doctors pull together Lucas Uis t'etcc Englctt. •Min,, l ante lilll Nlcctuk .and Jean Laid ,come Iorward lir help till the July 2 ho Jul' 7.• shifts find the .FR was kept Open •• • DI- filer-'l:nglert., wltu t. tent poranl acting a. chid 01 41t whitti Hodder is on.Vacati'n. said It (urtunate that the emergent') room was .was kept Open - • "I • estimate that the ER un the WCCkend'sayy twice the volume tit patient, than normal:' stud 1:uglert "It was very busy ' - South Huron •Huspiial nnrniall serves abtu1 20.1 XX) people, hu! that number can swell when tourist packed (;rand Bend is iaciorcd 4)i Future shutdowns'' • (ht Tucsd;n hospital' . ;ltl mmistrators released a press release that said', "The lit cud of Souttl Hu 'nor Hospital`has been ',donned by the medical' stall' that the cnlei --genev rutin+ is fully covered tor the next couple of week: and it would • appear the erlsis is two •-• . -We gut int' :1 crisis- and up - fortunately thcri• vias poor cum, munleanon •hctween all panicnt volved.... sant Engiert-. •`1•ortunatcl thiwgtl we are ovcr_Ihe bre hum!: and •ixople• oii Mott( sides are :tier OA the tact there -1,-., lag-pn,hlcii Outside help • Sill retie hely ty on outside doctor, joint area • like London (t . Sirattord - 'called forums -- to hclp.kecp the fil< running . There ha; hccn some concent l). the comnIunit\ that loan dot:turs aren't aetcomnx►daune some to • cunts nu0 til. 1 1< ,, hedulc In respo e • hath 1-ngler aid• Ste cliff.- said flit\ were .out aware• of any ornce<lratL•tt e11011- It) 9118? w't•f route 1114.U61s• ,• iiolll autl.the) .yvuuld 1 I,tdI give up Mei: 1:k shift, it locum, it 11 1_1ieartl gutting -more hells• Engle(( iamfthal the recent., st_hed tiling problem ntav- have been coin' ptruntjcd by the lata. hospttll ad mmnistralurs and nledicalv(al1 were both making the EK'schcdule, "Rule; came up 'in the fat sched- ule•and the hospital -.went out um laterally and •,.tis Igne.t shills." were already taken without Cou- .uhnIg the du.uirs. said Engler "i'enunally my name ,fust (11' appeared Iron, the stbedult• •and I wasn't told'. . While enicrgen:y room •_abed ulmg ,s .the •chief .tit staff', re- sponsibility Currel1 • said that .the hospital was approached by tht niedn. i1-siall.tu help fill (hest hed ule • • - - • • - Seeking new doctors Stcciul. helieves that thc• mai, , power probfcn still hurl, down ti - tlie pomlt•thair the -Exeter arca needs more doctor, "It 1-, •t-Jnanptovvel problem. we snnpl\ dol, ! halt• the wand Noche- for. a .wide odhe-tor.:.wide variety to, reasons.' h: . said - '.None 01- u, are getting •any younger and the ooh a getting Inure. demandul - . "Ny• . can: keep doing it week., end. '-atter w eekent;:. atter wecient it. , lug's impossible.' he said Community at•tiun t•ommiflec • Alter the 1tr,1 lil< .huttl0w'll m -May•an:sitl but ctnnrnuntl\ action i unity nee was• lurmc(1 11 thldre,,. Ihr d�rcuor shurtae` Exetei Mast,' lien Hougcnh(1on1 _. ,:Iv, Thal. the committee t\ In. ! , i!Ir- atsts ell lte;t! rt•prescntatl,tl, I, is putt, adlnrnnstr:IJ;ur, and nit•(lI: a• ,tall. ,s 10nkme Int s.4. -r l It, :;((rale 1 mt'yy rfi,.,t i s "1 w4.... subcommittees. Ilia\ °.h, 1ornied one ,loth•.: h\ 'leant, filo tesstnn:d.., v�'tl,• .riot(1 re, tut' (icy,: ducui, ;raft the sceun;l t i&i1. n. ,,. group- (tial will rats,. lural- Ili:,. L4.0,1 131. Use.'. 4. p1inllnh the ,b Illllnll\'•li, tllll,ldt• (filen 1, - - Huuecnbuunl al,,, ,al.: the .,,n• milieu may pctittot'- til. pro\ goyerrinle'll: to reed\'( ,.111.1x. lir. • .. tlerscrelced design:tour, "The number one priority 1- flit -wc have It,. wort l0ceme: • ,.u.: Hoogcnhoon, .•'\1\ philosoptl'. 1 • t,. blame anyone --.hue, til, ft,r ((intim,: is we need nwre doctor, At • !Mundt\ Exete: Loun.1. niceui41:. softie c111.114.1)141• concern, about the Situ:Mtn. a' Stun)! Huron Hospital - IId 1ttc tow'. tough' htest t• kedi the lltspiG4. 4)11,1.-r4) \Ji(1- age. wethe. ars.. n.- in\-c11\tea tiovv ` (our. Rot", 1)rumrm,ri.: ,.u... 1)rumm d tits, . remmde.; :tun- :t •Iola' 111.' tlu1pila. scree• .. .\Ide . .::aehntenl are. :111.: 1. 1: t4),: tic•' • 1_%flet resident- \yi1, are nem. tested , South Huron alone in emergency room closures By Scott Nixon 7 -:1 Rertorter lr.XE .ER -' Despite recent probidtn•• Suint Hitrit Hospt.l•. Eta, -(mad i• keeping us enierger.,: y room opera. similar commuting trospital, have been able to argot en)crgency 80080 ClOarres. • Kerry 13lagraVe. chairman 4)t the• Huron Perth .Hosprtaf, Partnership Joint L:xecutive Cumnuttec 7-0I which Souter Huron is a pan -- said -the .(thee seven hospitals In the partnership have not had similar problems ami ensuring cmergcnCy room shi1t4 have -been covered tray dee«'r, . -' As reported In last week , T -A. Svu1lt Huron had threatened to close m\ eiilergenc.\ room sot sty days between Jul.2-K. Closure, \vele avtiided w11eII local. Dr, - Peter Engtert. I -ling Lam, Bill Steeling and Jerry% lady' coveted the 1ac;ttu shifts _ •Bittgra\..... who said he behoved doctors were well pard 101 winkin> in_ the enieIgenc'y 100111. admitted there was a prubienl in doctul •av:ulablltt\ 111 time EXetci arca, but.headded that doctors are pm.) $.7‘441 tell .; 12-iwu: . sh.01 in the emergency room. a figure he -said most membei...i,l the pubhn wouldhe happy. to receive - Blagrave_sard ni local ducttns "Mete seems to be thediiflLUU} !hill tile..,. want l I hayeevciytlum! their own way. : liiagtay1 described an emergency' 100111 closurea..>unlethine_• ."dtflm:uh. -_ IOU the tn,.ptai and torah: peOpic wbo use'the hospital; he sanl.sueli til....` .isles lead-Itt patentw, havnrr, t0 go to out-of-tttwu docun-. lice ;urn -1 f.! nnlrlr`..wnfi- 11-:di11> to :U1 increased workload tui ducun.:e other hu, ptosis • • Also :1 nlep►ber of the Listowel Manorial Huspt;l-iuint e.xecutr\e 1.11111 - - Millet:, 13fagrtve said LAMA/Wei has 114) shortage itt doctor, .and 101(1 11101 • wiille doctor. in Lishiwef tit• busy,, they:inert•! uverwoiked . St Marv. Memoulsal Hospital CL•O• 1erlc I•addle said St Maty. -Iia'. asoided the threat til closing its emelgeitcs ruum because the hospital has 0 -contrail W11)1 local Birettas to ('11110(4 enlergenc'y shifts ale coves ed • "Coverage has been. excellent and will continue to ix• estcllcnt.--f-a delle said 4)l en►eigency service in St Mary., - _Despite the coverage in 51. Marys 1•adeile said.sime ateas.either du►► 1 have cnough'duelo1. •or the. doctors available wre11:1 willing ltt put in the Local furniture company designs for Disney See page 10 Summer school starts for students - See Crossroads • Second front - Thompson gets second crack at OHL See page 12 , Exeter Council ends talks with Grand Bend 1:X1 'fElt 1 he 1 own tit L1C1e1 will lotus 11..amalgaIIIation elkotls in South Huron County ('ouncil . - 'made the' motion Monday night to pull out el (tike w tth ( stand Bend (;rami Bend Mayou Cala Ivey told F. -coo Reeve Roy Ineintei eatIteI in the day a leiter would be k,rtliconlIrse lion) the• MOr,slel (81 ivlunlcipal A71au. and -Housing AI Leach by I•nday to' help • the re .4(4(11:14.1110>1 pr(sces Based 1011 .t tonve14a11o111 with 11t ion MPI' Helen Johns. Exeter Dep. uty Reeve Dave Urlin doubt, .the tenet will be in (timid (3Cnt1 s L. vol. Ile (hulks the letter will advise. Grand Bend to stay. 4)1.. Landow] County and I:ACI(•r to Jdalain in 1Iu rem( County • At the June 25 restructuring ineetIng,-Exeter told Grand Bend tit had until July 6 to break up the log jail over county boundaries. Trtcbncr said waiting until Grand Bend recurved its letter was not be ing - t0 jeopardise amalgamation with other Huron municipalities be- cause nothing is scheduled to hap - pe) In Volum County until Sep- tember_ .Ile also rccugmtt d Exeter is on it trtudntill waitiiib from. one- week to the next helorc it can make- C•uuneilli11 Robert - Uttui►ulond made the emotion to pull out of the ie.trucIUIing talks with Grund Bent(. and (.Uu11C11l(1 .George Itotrerts'on seconded the emotion stating that sister 1;x111811 I, the largest I:0111• niulill . nl the discussion, It should, take 0 leadership tale Councillor ,Peter Armstrong wanted to wail until next week's council meeting ti, make the de- ', cl.ron Mayor Ben Htogenboom said he -would vote against Ate 1140- :100 because ••we owe it to out neighbors. ' Councillor Joe Hogan said it county -boundaries arc not going 10 Change there is no point' in waiting to make the decision. The Township of Stephen dealt with the issue at its meeting Tues- day night after the T -A went to press. hour, 1,1 e, lte0 dlnerO_'cil ' - .I Il l i 1 : . He noted mai (til tuatunt, ;.� etut•rg11: nt„r .' .. , hent_• toycred-by-doctors iron, outsidt tin are.. ars ,.u.. ,: - sonabr well remunerated- ter then "'Orkin the emergene' 1001- He dcscrlheei etnergency- 800141 closures a, tt1,•htel:ut;• or: a:. e.UlT1 c: : `and frustrating for the hospital board . - •badche added that 'South Huron InuSt'ntake 0 stmt dee►siotl-0r. wnetil:• . not to keep Its emergency room opera, rather .than repeated threat, tit • 1:4)11: it - . _ . - -You can -i be- in sometime, anti out sometimes.- 1•adeltt .tit: South Huron s recent pruhicni, keeping emergency shilt.eovered , Cltntor. pupil: HUSpltal s, st. .Icin,.nlstrat(, Janice Cosgr0ye said flier. have been no closure, aI that 110a•u ,ttidln�...w'. -ve been yer\ fortunah that all 111111, her.•: oxen covered -- - She described the -two closures til •S "irh Huron , cnlergen.y ronin• 110- undergou. -• .one 111- May- and one m : ane ,Is -un!Ctrttnlat; and It :llihuugf8 emergdlicy 100118 ,hitt, have hccn cuycrcd In -C untor. tilt :014, 1tIUlllh .hill". .8 1)1tim•t Sht)rldL4 C-U.grtr\ *Mild. aft.! Iia, r 1.1:1111 :Ipipue i 1, Ole provincial gocemmment lot official undersetyIced status .' : -11 (Amigo 1, grained undetscr\ICetrsililus.-IR 'viii Iect'i4i loud:. I,, -hi abr. 1., gt8 t,r leetuttllletlt n1Ur, throughout ilii -pi u\ too... t..- e►1t1:c ole\\ 111e01.a graduate, to•work In the' ale.,- - wild(' Clinton now ha' .78\ lanml\ p1 .'skiiii) - l vsg1u1. salt. 11l- rnunt\ Shuutd hay'. eight tit,chn. Tip; .i\ existing' a„c,; :, {1. 4-. i,..... • bus. she\ 11.1\. ;closed new .1)0118108: ,. and iestdenl, ale heli;• lois: , out 0l town Iu1 -medical set yl,.:' ' ` A. the Huti,rm Perth 1tu>ptals. Partnenhy+ ha, onh Itee11'IL rlli.'. '111. 11Ln. .18 t. still looking to' .1 CEO iiiiiv:oc saki i1n:c ".i (J.(} 1, coo.lr. pudoabij 111re 111114. 111 Seplelllbel -.-- the paltnel.h1p \,t11 6.1%v -11101k: ,r,,,,,, e • l4) deal w'1(11 the -1.1•e. of ini,bielll Suu111 Huron til:is 11a0,tseep1114' It, 11,11.-: geniy toolshifts coycied. •- - , Other howl I, toxin: partnership include Ale1andr., i\l.t Iii and (1enel •, Hospital odercll. Seatorth Comuuunty - Husp11u1. Siatfoul (,ene1.1 HO,ptal and \Vtllghauu itnt Drsl1lct.Hosptal See letters page 5 SHDHS top students Terri Hamather O.A.C. Honour Roll Students f' iEJt Theresa Wilhelm - t. ..I Jacob Weber Jennifer VanBakel Julie Semple Grade 9 Honour Roll Students Lindsey Green Samantha Haddon Michael Dunbar Jill Ramer Pamela Munn - Jenn Mercer Nicole Masse Krista Gass Danielle Knox Jilleana Knip Alicia Klkkert Lindsay Holdsworth