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Times Advocate, 1998-07-01, Page 23
COMM UNiT'. Time to smell the roses They're blooming. The Children o' the Ausabie create./ tiower • te- Luca*, cbtrrrc ! to cone merrorate the' village stric1e: to become more' beautitc.• a-. oar • 1.7} .tit. Comnurnitre-. •1'l Bloom orogian The children oresenred the'r flower.; r, coyr.cilror- at Os' wee •,.: meetrn. Frontier!: Laure'i LeBran, Rachel e:eBlan, . Care'; Eleaun; :bac'. ret Cour,::rI1t r (;tpn : Siiv( Depute Reev:• Harr.:Wraitr. Reeve Rober Benne. Councillor • "1 -'err ;:astanett• ari:' Crawtorc Hwy, 4/Clandeboye Dr. closure. under fire. ,1:,• nli, : plc; . 1 His Lratg btaidtord' 7:1 kep6nr• 13IDUCL.PI' Tit' Mian • rt - iuent • 'win n4.; - lir Ctaiidenn\. curt . ica' --nrantic Nirnls'n - t ransnonatis>' 'NTT( cmnrnt •- ment•: tc•r -uic cur •• wt>n F n: mor ' ul all (mnroyenlcl. • . ' 1 Its.: nroposc : imnrnvcrhicnt , a: • supr)osc;1 i ,-ea: trail:: congcstln" 'aiont_'.UtC wit!, s.• mete; ex'tttnz I -iv - 111:\ Ctanu- • no\ L'; - an; . on L cnliel k:: J011:d cnanitt. I:it luuc,: 1-; 1110 SC • cr.. attcrnallt-• mat.- I:ictuc - cit• •tri ." a::ce' poli Hy. • trt)t- Ctancler o f1.:-•1Gisutenni u1.: tiv<-4,.nrthtnan,t nortlnound pas- In: tan .:• 20hn:. aduml,' aln�lc '1•ttt suuihnotti: rtghtuan tn. •t Kit . urn. L,en lei.. k•.. an- niuvin. 2(i x45. tint., bentlel:i k:. tarltier norm an Ali r 1 lap-, ' , *but soutc.arca resiucn:.. UUost1c,. *tlelll.' an Ittlnruveiiten:: :lion Ctandenut ' curt at- 11..• • cssar Lucarrlildduip •-ill' tire' Cnic t Juno Rutile,', w'rott^ brute:: ruanaftr tot -'r• Wait ictict iiulitntic ht, concern. ween curtte.:-c' I!!: tiro ecuu'1 to (.ituiu• hu\: Rtddc -want acre, t Clandenu,\•: 1''- liar-, 1•rw --i Minn Mien iur tilt?e reast'it •C lusut acce� t • •Ct:utdetm\ 1• fun:i h & wuul ad 1 eau • mol (12 UV. der` !e\soil) 1 cant-, 1'1 Ctandenu, al: I; --cur: alta fated t r WC: • t V\C(2C�- 1(10 Claltdenul ' Ito; (aandenu' i' ct.usc.t Ott WOU1 r pica', .t tial l 1 - ucgiec turn pin LA:Intel3 K k1.. (Jett said tills is rsprrclalt e a tuncet when uuekJn'_ wah•r'tutu Luca'( • Inc !VeIUCIC:. a[.; tllte't pa'AC 1 actin lit. Skit'. (t lit-: etittan.': t , L,4.:• • iici.l It... hllk:ian tri • vet::,.. '111 11: dei . • aft:: ❑:1 V1.t (1 - k,.. 2 ' :: IIIJt' I'021'2 (1111. ' i)I(KkC : h ' L'Ii1Ca 1.u! in. •kidticti sat.! :dtnuui:; 1%1TO nrop0sc • chanIt :t: Cianticnn\ • carr\ . not: . ' t::. 1.'1(14111: 1" It:. art t:- .11.,-. :ittetntic -SIA. - 11 ' SIi!11l-•. U- 'tett L': -.. partlllci 1` !4.i- flat IYL.• cant.. ti: C(anilen(it .• 1rt - .ciao: : klddt :aduc 5 nit::: - ncitc: fitl1111n _ .moi ' 1!' 2(r. mtCrSt'Cht>tl atm a rnlntnaI.7 pa ,,!•,.11. laid ' 14 norttioottn ! tr:l1. 1: aruuh-1-eiliclt, lttrnir•: fl\t. i7111H:. Intt'rntatlnll• Intal • 111414 tn- t' n•. - nrun(S4• :U:t(Itl,r11 ,. Ctandcn;,t - can •ts•t mel • ,.! 1.t: lSldliUln f invnsnt. (tilt: u f nutsua '1 nu• ..• aucnuln.: u: ' Sr 51011 I:e we I ktddc'('..: utlt Cit. , int. cuntdfaute tit., ctusltl Ctanu note 1' :.t lyw -+ tv0ui.! t' a t t• •4cmv4tltuttt: ;h' (._1.a l0allut it:- - went., c- -(vent, an.1 coui,l t--.:,..ialct natal u tucat trait: , .-\L ar.t :nt ! it:..51a' . we! - c, ' man (3' 1 intiSU:'' t :111,.w-• UMI:Muir• •ilia : ;e'Cptar; it. \ever:.:'UIICI'11au•. plat. \: al -1 (o! (1, - - : ilrlt'r,N. IIIc 11[-. 1 , Litt (I:Ifldt]nl'\ 1::1 -.: 2((l lir" llllt'(.': ll ll:(. •' tl'Ct• t' 1! Helmt.. 5;11. ' • illi-il 11110•4'' emu.. t tit .. I,:rvCl4lef•- .:u ala t;ttt: 1st•,° at (iecuc't . R• -t Cult:• 411211 (t . !„tic t• (1.. .1.'IL7lL' SI t:flll:�:ltlt 1141412 1 1'CA: - . Cr1UCI I,. 11'' 1,11UI1ICt!j M!t . luitttkt,ir t'Cl w'1.' 41.1.111., true' 1111 iaci: title 4' Jut 'wttn UP; t'>n ,cctcdulcu 1.• P -c uu. tllr(Cil uv•.•' 11.: Nti(lllttt•' •1 t1U> •wit: flat-- 1..'11.2711'. 4'.1 10aUw(II •. : ! (11: Llalldt',ot tut, Cl 4111: VVa! 0-3 )-•7' 6 • Dom-, Ai!po 1.,l, Ii It• , 199- Pape ?3 *lir View t.etters to liseiralliir - • ;,;, i Hypocrisy in the church citrring, the week they have 1.r -deal with their personal and corn mercial misbehavior... • naq t„ u:faan 1.h. that !4141-t?entternat -,i;. 1 ii..e:cni 1.h • 4� los.• h•• didn(: 1141 .c l du(:. k. tun • ).i ".t Point 10 I'nn(tc- \o', h +� in klu(tvn thg pentlel wr11. reterrc.I 1 cannot a5u1m • 1 tj•t,1 ., ,,tt(i riu•s< In his heat: n, , ., • Ill,:, 1, • .1.:i , " hcirttcne(' ono h(-:•2( .d:tt, ; .h,.. (a' man , n(•unt-.--44.11 , (1-, 114.1 attril, hu:, at, t 1 %Huls! personals, rnanl. tru:r c, tors - noon: t , ,t, In rtpt:r thin1' whe . cam.• t (h rt4'hl. anti 114141(1.. t whet 1 h• .1 ' n, ' hat • ,1 hole• nes _ tic:r--art•) hardened In ft:,' , heat: .1 , t',• :run- •1 .-, .t t'al'lprom-- and n„I 1 , t'•' t Ilii rit'l !h,• sant, n: Ont. ' 1): doe test:• f , v., I -,:1111r:/11.1 orals` l,o. n. nt•.1:' . 2 114.• .1 1,! (tIs ht•\f hr Can, tf'r 1450 - ,t• • .t ,n:, : ' t' , 1 , chur::rt an,: rninet.• %VI 4th; t..-.mt.. ,•ui4 ! It 3 MCI: • • l t: • a: rt:. • r:rn , !h:,1. h.• 441!1 ever he opent<, tht • -ren(terne- . . , nils! - hem :'-an•1 that he n1lpl:f nevi- r., ! )4.! tri • apncaranc_ c and hfhavior (.1 - 1:.•rel. nal..'hlllfl1.', w'Ilhll:-Whli:: 11()1:t \could ins•., sugcest th:,t ..... ;r..• MI . sant- • t•isantl i(, -C.• 1.h:• ref- .- N:.- Ilex , an..! Irt't. e.•1.. thus:• w'h„ ar:• n(;: ' ',J'' nt 1 It• 1•. all':::i 414141811., the. ' UI(':: alit 1 n:1%•2 seen in: nypu;:rt.., 1 he n r , ' tnl; nvnucrit,. •an.:tar :ural -1 1.1 (1. 1; , . :,•..'n • l(lta!r: te'cl :onttnrtahi - wltn iht " tiunita_. mecum! nt•onit ' whin (1)Inn.' Ih, weri: Ibe • haqc fist.:,' w•Itt*Jhelt ro•r.nnal and'cnmmer(•la mishehawnr - 1' apnea(. tha' when most people have .. r(•vetantn• ,;t the *'n,►itnrs•- '.1(;1x1 the% take unnr Ihemsrtvr•, :. Ioai 1,•"'•pn(xtnrs and uxc• their exrlenent- �, hi.- mi• Jutlpr, ,.c in,: others' Even thLxe ether whr :lt'ten4 ,-41(1, 1. • • - " 1 • ! w2(, tatkln: t . someone the'othrr da and atte• ... . lad. friend .i,1 hl walked by he'saii1 to m1. "Sfi2 cam • 1, • the 1-"or.1 .. Jew veal. av, ,1 have heel wai(•hlil-' her 811,1 <h:• I. (torn: ver-. WerCie: m (4(lln:•- . 1 h . hurt h t: the neon'. Wit have ce(;n through 011 the cnmmunU•. and Co4lntry:the actions of.tht monk and thee- leader,_ Prnn* hlalant hnmllsexua • act. apains: v(lun:! nennl:• {n their commundt sexua exploitation 111 the women.of-their congregation', ' plus• conductor deai:nn-•and Sunda' .school tcacn - er - - - - 1 nes:- are sctinn. tha;.are hard'.• deal' within tit: char :, .omntunit; other that! to ca. Ma- 'th'e'% an, not hcrtc;... • 1:.. n) undress:on that 1' those• writ ( call then... serve hnsuan and attend churcr uuul(1 he not: • e watt ihenlsetcle: any; not Pretend that 1n; . 2(r:• n4.• Icr than other, toiler within other Chnsllan con• 1Unittec a. We111 toed thus.` Who d,. enol Catl tnei:• '.4114.4, Christian do not attl'ntl cnurcr-wool, -t'reUt(. (Itmintst.- - 1 -leas: reinemnc` tea' w:• tore you and tinders -taut v(i4r numan 1ra411; c-ar' \'ilii no( ut.in:• sam_ - 1'- Not:, dot, t get me wronn..-( l:nnt'.. and resnet man-. man-: nem- n: to:•.Christian•commun:v. • • "5' our %'4.r tier, \Vaso! thomnso: : \'ol • just a fish tale TM one this; UchJ! r', fhi , ort" .,1.t}• ,o;saLa Foist' • 02Ot14-' l rdVI. flirt" set': Cf1.t:• Lift": pit 1 JL)i - 11 rt VI I .• dr" rill• ' diatn;� ge? awa). /lei( ' (rive'. . regi ,(•>n ; 'hdrrtv(n. ;tor' r' !VWIIS!I,i- O'' Ne R(: 4( . 1 . 'E'►' 1Nr' vuy' : ratllr Ai!or IJSt. ' b1.,;. L•ctigt• r , 111411 'st'retc'r S!•re!(". "1.8: OW". t1lu , 111- vow?,Wr,-.. Entertainment at the Vile Seniors Me(tth. "Northern City Limits" helped Exeter Villa celebrate Seniors Month by per- forming on lune .28: The'theme for the .month was Come Jorn the Spent. During the per-- forma(lce on Sunday, . the Villa 'welcomed members of the public to an open house. Pic- Cured left to right are, Norm Tellier, Paul Hutclle. Tom Nunn and Bill Carson. Biuewater cleans uj; at - hocaster pulls Man cut • with knife in the `Bend G1::111 > AL•NI • Norio ..arnh11m OPl' ivun.:.l mar u n Knit o;) Urcnari R. 1:1 (iran.l bin.: u:. Soma !tout: .:.f: • 1 r,.' 0Pt' resnonuc.: 1 ..:a:, anut::.1 tigte, and Suu':':uUt:... rC:,• -tll.i Al:.nener (1111 174:11 \'e.1 reshonS)t>l:'.11 111 assau.. an.'-:, inf'1int„custeo 1n:-;:;;111;1 W'a+.nr1nur!.seriouc." - 1ti- OP'':As- • iearne.l tnut ttire•_ other- men'•: received iiti1. 111 tr>rcatcnln_2 (nlurlc. - - - - - •111: SU5pCCi. Was rei:US41•.! Ir(nl Custtu•• ane win apeea- 112 Sarni,. - cuur( 011 ]u{', 211 on.nurncrouo cnarge.. ICc1UWng untawiulis causmr Dodo nim:- - - Mian _-seen with gun in the `Beni _�1<,1it1> t3i:i\t• :,',24,-yea;-ul:c roan trot! Lur(•1 , :uar�r. :::rivi112. a cu114141ai410 weanut1 a1(41' tr.. wassee:, Wit!. -1 tlilllu 1.1 hl-. p,l>n; 2(2. 3141a121 S. o2(: In Gland bend n'• rnintuv4141- • - _ ' N!1 e111n1UYC_ cun'tlOnte'l til. Suspect Anil tn. nano gu:: lir-!, U,, int , - Hoc', iNnntll '2.010.! C)Corg•_•sal. •,111: Su$'CC tva ori -t 0v 018 •ralpulvcc an, r 'sat later turnru over a' UP' (It heel. - ' lit: SUSP41.t Wilt apI 1.!2 r'. Sunu.rcuurt u: ,cul 2: .Fake, S2Q found. at aunt Gussies ' Cil:\N1) 811N1. - ,s counlrrlcl: $2l) led' 44-4 , luau!: i . AuntLussle kest,tur.u:( 1.1 Criand bcti (122 Saturua\ 'l'il•: e)1., •.'at His\ til•:1se1&. I,llull4('r l:.11\1t)t)'•� '.'•t . }Butt' a 1...antntun UPI.' 041.!04:5*-• allt'011t Witt 1114011111444014. 0:: tr(iitt•'1 '.apt 111Ci11 :it („14, 'IlS( .'..tab 01- .Mill.- stuppct- Lueat OPP raaki golf, course:. ours thieve: h1161)LkSEX- L.w:ati; L.-undon UP' alliin , cau1.21 SUSi,CCI. Win, alt' oci(41v(2d t.) (1aVC stul41n Wit !s ..f'O<-; I1,,>.1U(li,aa • ountNi lna•etl C,ulrCuulSt we" -1 t>( *-annuli earl I hlua lilulmu, CsI1.ug'C(i Wllal (rl-alb Chief anti met., u' -r' y-;,1000 alto pU>ae5S1U1, swirls h)141144111'4 ate: trlchuaas ILenncut. , , ('1 lvirddtetvt ! enol , llAlllCt r;4. AlA'Uli( t:: amu '�.l ll Wllfpllr' .q• IVUU4. - (10(11 U LVIIUU, t\{5.• UI1asgeti 4141 1.N. 1 o-ycai-Ultl 1411112(141 , 4)11e Niddlcic\ Leon C 4(111 hoc o1*C'- llt)111,L-a:c,W11144111' luwIIs1upI1\(a44 wo.' 4.41141(•1 t'4. 114111(2(4 U1100 nt.: 4citing t)1leIIuel . ,x. .Uclulciti., will UI' meld u,"t:ui.xa" W. .1 ..Unuurl UIl:uca(tu' whir. - (lli Uhler IVU! SUSpcct' WCL 41'1414145410 011 ,4 (t' 41,I,ed` (12 .out ( lie UPI'. ohm 4(211 a suaplt-wy. 4.41 iota 11(21.4 liver lo'' 1tita111.4.c4 Al\' \`,11.4. 131UCwal�' 1U:_t' , 'r 1N o. Ino• - stn Ic111a, alhietc 1.,ull Ciu(2 01 Lgtelount Rd. el (1l'144WCI. I 32) 4Wi.n M,IC,ddl*t1UUS1.el Jti 4.t 1'( IUi i 1 11 UIl 1'11(18\ I)lilii ll 1 It..11 -111 • 1�.C.114,,..•1;.44:'`..-.t'.� .� (1,.114,,..•1;.44:'!41181 - - i 11fg11141i,i v,dltt'. v1 - -1114 CIUh iltcr IscsuN lit(' ots n►vesuguted tltc•cluband found 5011(41011•: lieu Iut.4.t • Lat1:h4eikht Division (i1lalti - 4111114 1111.. w'_ pi.. Shill b'. smashing a Wlnduw: iV taigt yuanN&• u' ICi+u, 1� 1 Pts. 1'44. - clothing had twill ta1.en and Over SIAMal d4ulagt Wa-, uuuc it, (112 SUUHI L4slia,i••. -1' .1 1 • huli(i i, • 'ilk. UPI' said theauspcets managed to flee hoc ,s..cii: u, 4 lama...1r 14•411.:444144.- • 4.411.:444144' • (.atchweight Uivisiuu (Female, t CAW ". I Pis. POS. B11141.44.4144 2 ( 1 - LA,i1,- - - •- 1414I1i14i0 ! - 1 • 724) kg. Division (Alale) I mien , • N 1 Pu. -Pus. Kfuewaa" calla • 68U kg Division (1M1alet 'team N , 1. , Pts. Pus. 1, 1 4 filtiewatel Nissuuli Ellice -t (i' •( t (I 4 (2 3 • 6gl0 kg. Division (Male) Team W 1, . Pis. Pus. filuewatct , 2 (1 1 Ethce (1 2 (1 2 • 560 kg. Division (female) Lewn W 1- Pb. Pox. 2 0 a I (i 2 0 2 Iilucwatcr Uran(ltxd and allude:: Lhe111 hit se %cad hums ' At atruut -':310 (1.)tt , mute officers involved in the lin41si(Bat,Ur . found tlic t 41 .un a 14011 di ise,wa' neat a twine at'h Nine kc: ant' lfenlield .1<d.s►x kiluule1i s 110111 the btcal.-11.' .1 i,; 3,uSM4Ctgmltt nit , t.4t wire-nt4 associated with file it:skit:11,c and tile ilumleowmet. wc1t uuuware the thieves were' lading lit ilii wed, the OPP said The live tJta upants Tillie vehicle lied un lout when utti4ei appruaclled. Unc was arrested 411er a spurt tuutdlase while the OPi' calmle amt was called-tn to assist. All the slolcn clothing was fount! it .1141110nk - UPP canine Ikuidler Court. Wayne,Wood and his dug Kik , . , apprehended the•twu kittalc youths minutes alter backing began wink. a second canine unit limn London Police stood by ' ' Kilo and officers apprehended the -last two suspects, withuut difficulty shortly before !ia.m. where they were hiding an a bush lot 41 - Middlesex Rd. 28 ncar•Hyde Park Rd - equipment stolten from Usborne USBURN . "I•W P. - •L'ueves blv1 •' osis • the I ►n11u.'tyuu 11(1,41 tra4le4 at Usburne Central Schou! and walked oil with culici4te saws.and other equipment Iasi week. ' • Lunduh OPP Cutts!. Donna S1lulst said theincident was ieported .on June 24. 1� -